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POPL '04: Proceedings of the 31st ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages
ACM2004 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
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POPL04: The 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages Venice Italy January 14 - 16, 2004
14 January 2004
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This volume contains the papers presented at POPL'04, the Thirty-First Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages. The POPL conference is a forum for presentation of research on the design, foundations, analysis, transformation, implementation and verification of programming languages, programming systems and programming abstractions. This year's conference is in Venice, Italy.A total of 176 full papers were received in response to a call for papers. SIGPLAN policy forbids submission from members of the program committee. Each submission was read and reviewed by at least three members of the program committee, and often supplementary evaluations were solicited from outside experts. During a one day and a half meeting held in Paris, the submissions were discussed by the program committee as a whole, leading to the selection of 29 papers. Each paper was judged according to the originality, clarity, innovation, perceived importance, and appropriateness to the expected audience. Due to the format of the conference and the high number of submissions received, many good papers were not selected.In addition to the contributed papers, the POPL'04 program features two invited talks by Javier Esparza and Davide Sangiorgi, and one award lecture by John C. Reynolds, recipient of the 2004 SIGPLAN Programming Language Achievement Award. The invited speakers were selected by the committee to complement and enhance the program of contributed papers.Although submissions were read and evaluated, the papers that appear in this volume may differ in form and content from the submitted papers. The conference selection process does not constitute full review of the work. It is expected that many of the papers printed here will be revised and submitted to refereed archival journals for publication.

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Symbolic transfer function-based approaches to certified compilation

We present a framework for the certification of compilation and of compiled programs. Our approach uses a symbolic transfer functions-based representation of programs, so as to check that source and compiled programs present similar behaviors. This ...

Simple relational correctness proofs for static analyses and program transformations

We show how some classical static analyses for imperative programs, and the optimizing transformations which they enable, may be expressed and proved correct using elementary logical and denotationaltechniques. The key ingredients are an interpretation ...

Incremental execution of transformation specifications

We aim to specify program transformations in a declarative style, and then to generate executable program transformers from such specifications. Many transformations require non-trivial program analysis to check their applicability, and it is ...

Formalization of generics for the .NET common language runtime

We present a formalization of the implementation of generics in the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR), focusing on two novel aspectsof the implementation: mixed specialization and sharing, and efficient support for run-time types. Some crucial ...

Semantic types: a fresh look at the ideal model for types

We present a generalization of the ideal model for recursive polymorphic types. Types are defined as sets of terms instead of sets of elements of a semantic domain. Our proof of the existence of types (computed by fixpoint of a typing operator) does not ...

Extensional normalisation and type-directed partial evaluation for typed lambda calculus with sums

We present a notion of η-long β-normal term for the typed lambda calculus with sums and prove, using Grothendieck logical relations, that every term is equivalent to one in normal form. Based on this development we give the first type-directed partial ...

Isomorphisms of generic recursive polynomial types

This paper gives the first decidability results on type isomorphism for recursive types, establishing the explicit decidability of type isomorphism for the type theory of sums and products over an inhabited generic recursive polynomial type. The ...

Polymorphic typed defunctionalization

Defunctionalization is a program transformation that aims to turn a higher-order functional program into a first-order one, that is, to eliminate the use of functions as first-class values. Its purpose is thus identical to that of closure conversion. It ...

Free theorems in the presence of seq

Parametric polymorphism constrains the behavior of pure functional programs in a way that allows the derivation of interesting theorems about them solely from their types, i.e., virtually for free. Unfortunately, the standard parametricity theorem fails ...

Parsing expression grammars: a recognition-based syntactic foundation

For decades we have been using Chomsky's generative system of grammars, particularly context-free grammars (CFGs) and regular expressions (REs), to express the syntax of programming languages and protocols. The power of generative grammars to express ...

Asynchronous and deterministic objects

This paper aims at providing confluence and determinism properties in concurrent processes, more specifically within the paradigm of object-oriented systems. Such results should allow one to program parallel and distributed applications that behave in a ...

A logic you can count on

We prove the decidability of the quantifier-free, static fragment of ambient logic, with composition adjunct and iteration, which corresponds to a kind of regular expression language for semistructured data. The essence of this result is a surprising ...

Channel dependent types for higher-order mobile processes

This paper introduces a new expressive theory of types for the higher-order π-calculus and demonstrates its applicability via two security analyses for higher-order code mobility. The new theory significantly improves our previous one presented in [55] ...

A bisimulation for dynamic sealing

We define λseal, an untyped call-by-value λ-calculus with primitives for protecting abstract data by sealing, and develop a bisimulation proof method that is sound and complete with respect to contextual equivalence. This provides a formal basis for ...

An abstract interpretation-based framework for software watermarking

Software watermarking consists in the intentional embedding of indelible stegosignatures or watermarks into the subject software and extraction of the stegosignatures embedded in the stegoprograms for purposes such as intellectual property protection. ...

Abstract non-interference: parameterizing non-interference by abstract interpretation

In this paper we generalize the notion of non-interference making it parametric relatively to what an attacker can analyze about the input/output information flow. The idea is to consider attackers as data-flow analyzers, whose task is to reveal ...

A semantics for web services authentication

We consider the problem of specifying and verifying cryptographic security protocols for XML web services. The security specification WS-Security describes a range of XML security tokens, such as username tokens, public-key certificates, and digital ...

The space cost of lazy reference counting

Reference counting memory management is often advocated as a technique for reducing or avoiding the pauses associated with tracing garbage collection. We present some measurements to remind the reader that classic reference count implementations may in ...

Local reasoning about a copying garbage collector

We present a programming language, model, and logic appropriate for implementing and reasoning about a memory management system. We then state what is meant by correctness of a copying garbage collector, and employ a variant of the novel separation ...

Abstractions from proofs

The success of model checking for large programs depends crucially on the ability to efficiently construct parsimonious abstractions. A predicate abstraction is parsimonious if at each control location, it specifies only relationships between current ...

Summarizing procedures in concurrent programs

The ability to summarize procedures is fundamental to building scalable interprocedural analyses. For sequential programs, procedure summarization is well-understood and used routinely in a variety of compiler optimizations and software defect-detection ...

Atomizer: a dynamic atomicity checker for multithreaded programs

Ensuring the correctness of multithreaded programs is difficult, due to the potential for unexpected interactions between concurrent threads. Much previous work has focused on detecting race conditions, but the absence of race conditions does not by ...

Separation and information hiding

We investigate proof rules for information hiding, using the recent formalism of separation logic. In essence, we use the separating conjunction to partition the internal resources of a module from those accessed by the module's clients. The use of a ...

Tridirectional typechecking

In prior work we introduced a pure type assignment system that encompasses a rich set of property types, including intersections, unions, and universally and existentially quantified dependent types. This system was shown sound with respect to a call-by-...

A type system for well-founded recursion

In the interest of designing a recursive module extension to ML that is as simple and general as possible, we propose a novel type system for general recursion over effectful expressions. The presence of effects seems to necessitate a backpatching ...

Principal typings for Java-like languages

The contribution of the paper is twofold. First, we define a general notion of type system equipped with an entailment relation between type environments; this generalisation serves as a pattern for instantiating type systems able to support separate ...

Non-linear loop invariant generation using Gröbner bases

We present a new technique for the generation of non-linear (algebraic) invariants of a program. Our technique uses the theory of ideals over polynomial rings to reduce the non-linear invariant generation problem to a numerical constraint solving ...

Precise interprocedural analysis through linear algebra

We apply linear algebra techniques to precise interprocedural dataflow analysis. Specifically, we describe analyses that determine for each program point identities that are valid among the program variables whenever control reaches that program point. ...

Global value numbering using random interpretation

We present a polynomial time randomized algorithm for global value numbering. Our algorithm is complete when conditionals are treated as non-deterministic and all operators are treated as uninterpreted functions. We are not aware of any complete ...

Cited By

    • University of Copenhagen
    • PSL University
    1. Proceedings of the 31st ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages
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      Acceptance Rates

      POPL '04 Paper Acceptance Rate 29 of 176 submissions, 16%;
      Overall Acceptance Rate 824 of 4,130 submissions, 20%
      POPL '152275223%
      POPL '142205123%
      POPL '041762916%
      POPL '031262419%
      POPL '021282822%
      POPL '011262419%
      POPL '001513020%
      POPL '991362418%
      POPL '981753218%
      POPL '972253616%
      POPL '961483423%
      POPL '941733923%
      POPL '931993920%
      POPL '922043015%
      POPL '911523120%
      POPL '891913016%
      POPL '881772816%
      POPL '871082927%
      POPL '831702816%
      POPL '821213831%
      POPL '811212420%
      POPL '791462718%
      POPL '781352720%
      POPL '771052524%
      POPL '76902022%
      POPL '751002323%
      POPL '731002222%