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Volume 38, Issue 3May 2024Current Issue
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Somtimes: self organizing maps for time series clustering and its application to serious illness conversations

There is demand for scalable algorithms capable of clustering and analyzing large time series data. The Kohonen self-organizing map (SOM) is an unsupervised artificial neural network for clustering, visualizing, and reducing the dimensionality of ...

Enhancing cluster analysis via topological manifold learning

We discuss topological aspects of cluster analysis and show that inferring the topological structure of a dataset before clustering it can considerably enhance cluster detection: we show that clustering embedding vectors representing the inherent ...

Design and evaluation of highly accurate smart contract code vulnerability detection framework

Smart contracts are self-executing programs stored and executed on a blockchain platform. However, previous studies demonstrated that developing secure smart contracts is not easy. Unfortunately, the use of insecure smart contracts results in a ...

Traffic forecasting on new roads using spatial contrastive pre-training (SCPT)

New roads are being constructed all the time. However, the capabilities of previous deep forecasting models to generalize to new roads not seen in the training data (unseen roads) are rarely explored. In this paper, we introduce a novel setup ...

Federated singular value decomposition for high-dimensional data

Federated learning (FL) is emerging as a privacy-aware alternative to classical cloud-based machine learning. In FL, the sensitive data remains in data silos and only aggregated parameters are exchanged. Hospitals and research institutions which ...

Anomaly detection in sleep: detecting mouth breathing in children

Identifying mouth breathing during sleep in a reliable, non-invasive way is challenging and currently not included in sleep studies. However, it has a high clinical relevance in pediatrics, as it can negatively impact the physical and mental ...

Structure-aware decoupled imputation network for multivariate time series

Handling incomplete multivariate time series is an important and fundamental concern for a variety of domains. Existing time-series imputation approaches rely on basic assumptions regarding relationship information between sensors, posing ...

Navigating the metric maze: a taxonomy of evaluation metrics for anomaly detection in time series

The field of time series anomaly detection is constantly advancing, with several methods available, making it a challenge to determine the most appropriate method for a specific domain. The evaluation of these methods is facilitated by the use of ...

Predicting consumer choice from raw eye-movement data using the RETINA deep learning architecture

We propose the use of a deep learning architecture, called RETINA, to predict multi-alternative, multi-attribute consumer choice from eye movement data. RETINA directly uses the complete time series of raw eye-tracking data from both eyes as input ...

OEC: an online ensemble classifier for mining data streams with noisy labels

Distilling actionable patterns from large-scale streaming data in the presence of concept drift is a challenging problem, especially when data is polluted with noisy labels. To date, various data stream mining algorithms have been proposed and ...

Effective signal reconstruction from multiple ranked lists via convex optimization

The ranking of objects is widely used to rate their relative quality or relevance across multiple assessments. Beyond classical rank aggregation, it is of interest to estimate the usually unobservable latent signals that inform a consensus ...

When graph convolution meets double attention: online privacy disclosure detection with multi-label text classification

With the rise of Web 2.0 platforms such as online social media, people’s private information, such as their location, occupation and even family information, is often inadvertently disclosed through online discussions. Therefore, it is important ...

Session-based recommendation by exploiting substitutable and complementary relationships from multi-behavior data

Session-based recommendation (SR) aims to dynamically recommend items to a user based on a sequence of the most recent user-item interactions. Most existing studies on SR adopt advanced deep learning methods. However, the majority only consider a ...

Random walk with restart on hypergraphs: fast computation and an application to anomaly detection

Random walk with restart (RWR) is a widely-used measure of node similarity in graphs, and it has proved useful for ranking, community detection, link prediction, anomaly detection, etc. Since RWR is typically required to be computed separately for ...

CompTrails: comparing hypotheses across behavioral networks

The term Behavioral Networks describes networks that contain relational information on human behavior. This ranges from social networks that contain friendships or cooperations between individuals, to navigational networks that contain ...

Improving hyper-parameter self-tuning for data streams by adapting an evolutionary approach

Hyper-parameter tuning of machine learning models has become a crucial task in achieving optimal results in terms of performance. Several researchers have explored the optimisation task during the last decades to reach a state-of-the-art method. ...

Fusing structural information with knowledge enhanced text representation for knowledge graph completion

Although knowledge graphs store a large number of facts in the form of triplets, they are still limited by incompleteness. Hence, Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC), defined as inferring missing entities or relations based on observed facts, has ...

Adaptive Bernstein change detector for high-dimensional data streams

Change detection is of fundamental importance when analyzing data streams. Detecting changes both quickly and accurately enables monitoring and prediction systems to react, e.g., by issuing an alarm or by updating a learning algorithm. However, ...

Better trees: an empirical study on hyperparameter tuning of classification decision tree induction algorithms

Machine learning algorithms often contain many hyperparameters whose values affect the predictive performance of the induced models in intricate ways. Due to the high number of possibilities for these hyperparameter configurations and their ...

Central node identification via weighted kernel density estimation

The detection of central nodes in a network is a fundamental task in network science and graph data analysis. During the past decades, numerous centrality measures have been presented to characterize what is a central node. However, few studies ...

Revealing the structural behaviour of Brunelleschi’s Dome with machine learning techniques

The Brunelleschi’s Dome is one of the most iconic symbols of the Renaissance and is among the largest masonry domes ever constructed. Since the late 17th century, first masonry cracks appeared on the Dome, giving the start to a monitoring ...

MASS: distance profile of a query over a time series

Given a long time series, the distance profile of a query time series computes distances between the query and every possible subsequence of a long time series. MASS (Mueen’s Algorithm for Similarity Search) is an algorithm to efficiently compute ...

Universal representation learning for multivariate time series using the instance-level and cluster-level supervised contrastive learning

The multivariate time series classification (MTSC) task aims to predict a class label for a given time series. Recently, modern deep learning-based approaches have achieved promising performance over traditional methods for MTSC tasks. The success ...

Structural learning of simple staged trees

Bayesian networks faithfully represent the symmetric conditional independences existing between the components of a random vector. Staged trees are an extension of Bayesian networks for categorical random vectors whose graph represents non-...


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