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Volume 167, Issue CMar 2024
  • Butterworth-Heinemann
  • 313 Washington Street Newton, MA
  • United States
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Review articles
Towards the definition of a research agenda on mobile application testing based on a tertiary study
Abstract Context:

Mobile application testing has gained considerable attention in recent years since mobile devices have become increasingly present in our lives. Unlike traditional software, mobile application testing has to deal with peculiarities, such ...

Technical debt management automation: State of the art and future perspectives
Abstract Context:

Technical debt (TD) refers to non-optimal decisions made in software projects that may lead to short-term benefits, but potentially harm the system’s maintenance in the long-term. Technical debt management (TDM) refers to a set of ...

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Research papers
Vulnerability detection based on federated learning
Abstract Context:

Detecting potential vulnerabilities is a key step in defending against network attacks. However, manual detection is time-consuming and requires expertise. Therefore, vulnerability detection must require automated techniques.

Objective: ...

Relating team atmosphere and group dynamics to student software development teams’ performance
Abstract Context

While the software engineering community (i.e., those involved with engineering software) is constantly in search of insights into team atmosphere and group dynamics and the way these issues impact team performance, little opportunities ...

BIGOWL4DQ: Ontology-driven approach for Big Data quality meta-modelling, selection and reasoning
Abstract Context:

Data quality should be at the core of many Artificial Intelligence initiatives from the very first moment in which data is required for a successful analysis. Measurement and evaluation of the level of quality are crucial to determining ...


  • BIGOL4DQ semantic approach is proposed to formally conceptualise Data Quality measurement, management, and Data Quality Assessment.
  • Seven rules have been created to check the validity of several business rules for data quality ...

Flakiness goes live: Insights from an In Vivo testing simulation study
Abstract Context:

Test flakiness is a topmost concern in software test automation. While conducting pre-deployment testing, those tests that are flagged as flaky are put aside for being either repaired or discarded.


We hypothesise that some ...

Experiences from conducting rapid reviews in collaboration with practitioners — Two industrial cases
Abstract Context:

Evidence-based software engineering (EBSE) aims to improve research utilization in practice. It relies on systematic methods to identify, appraise, and synthesize existing research findings to answer questions of interest for practice. ...

Privacy-Compliant Software Reuse in Early Development Phases: A Systematic Literature Review
Abstract Context

Privacy-compliant software development has received substantial attention in recent years, especially with the growth of digital services and the emergence of privacy regulations and standards. The increasing popularity of open-source ...

License recommendation for open source projects in the power industry
Abstract Context:

Establishing secure and appropriate licensing procedures for open-source software is essential in the development of a decentralized renewable energy system within the smart grid industry. Nonetheless, software developers in the power ...

Making ethics practical: User stories as a way of implementing ethical consideration in Software Engineering
Abstract Context:

Shortcomings of AI systems have recently brought ethics into the spotlight in Software Engineering (SE) in the form of AI ethics. However, actually implementing ethics into practice remains a challenge in both AI ethics and SE at large. ...


  • Paper introduces Ethical User Stories (EUSs) for implementing ethics in SE.
  • Validated EUS concept with 689 stories from industry projects and other contexts.
  • EUS makes ethics practical for developers, integrating it into standard ...

Towards automating self-admitted technical debt repayment
Abstract Context:

Self-Admitted Technical Debt (SATD) refers to the technical debt in software that is explicitly flagged, typically by the source code comment. The SATD literature has mainly focused on comprehending, describing, detecting, and ...

Multi-grained contextual code representation learning for commit message generation

Commit messages, precisely describing the code changes for each commit in natural language, makes it possible for developers and succeeding reviewers to understand the code changes without digging into implementation details. However, the ...

Diversity-aware fairness testing of machine learning classifiers through hashing-based sampling
Abstract Context:

There are growing concerns about algorithmic fairness, as some machine learning (ML)-based algorithms have been found to exhibit biases against protected attributes such as gender, race, age and so on. Individual fairness requires an ML ...


  • Machine-learning algorithms can exhibit biases, raising concerns about fairness.
  • Verification Based Testing (VBT) is a state-of-the-art technique for fairness testing.
  • We propose VBT-X, an enhancement to VBT that uses hashing-based ...

Special Issue on Software Architecture for Quantum Computing Systems
Unraveling quantum computing system architectures: An extensive survey of cutting-edge paradigms
Abstract Context:

The convergence of physics and computer science in the realm of quantum computing systems has sparked a profound revolution within the computer industry. However, despite such promise, the existing focus on quantum software systems ...


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