A downloadable game for Windows

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1st Place winner of the "Finally Finish Something Game Jam" of 2022!

Based on real world personal experiences...

Have you ever cried so hard that it physically hurt? Have you ever had that experience day after day, night after night until you eventually went numb and simply couldn't feel anything anymore? Have you ever wanted to die so badly that you'd fantasize about it over and over again?

Sometimes, it's not death that scares us the most. Sometimes, what truly frightens us is the threat of having to continue to live our lives with all the pain we've buried deep down inside of ourselves.

Diary of Broken Dreams is a deeply personal psychological horror game about suicidal depression, childhood trauma, emotional abuse, and the fear of one's own emotions. It's about my very own mind. It's about my story.

Diary of Broken Dreams is also a game about hope and healing though and a desire to cast off the chains of the past that keep us from moving forward with our lives.

This game builds its atmosphere through depictions of my mental illnesses and memories, portraying how they affect me in a nightmare-dreamlike aesthetic.

- Immersive gameplay.
- Puzzles that are contextual and relevant to the story being told.
- Sound design and original music made by me.
- A unique nightmare-dreamlike visual style.
- An autobiographical take on psychological horror told through artistic expression.



Click here for a Youtube playlist of let's players playing the game!


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

DoBD_Alpha_1.2.zip 1.7 GB

Development log


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Amazing and sad story! Visuals make it seem like a dream/Nightmare. Thanks for making this one

I Like this game very much, when does the Fullgame is to be acpected? :)

ty for this nice Demo

hello there, thank you for playing through it again. I don't have a final release date yet and progress has been slow for a bit since I'm solo developing this title as my very first project. It's been a hell of a learning experience for sure. I'm back on track with development though and if you'd like, I can make sure you're one of the first to know once I have more done. Since you've played through the first part of it twice now though, I and others have played through it at least once as well I'll be looking into a way to let you and others skip straight to what comes next once I get it put together.

I'm really sorry you've been waiting so long for more but thank you for the support and interest you've shown. It really does mean a lot to me. Thank you. 


Hi  :)I´m glad to hear from you, i´m sure you have a lot to do and probaply learn and of course it is not easy as i suggest ;)
But i love the game so far really much and would love to play more if you have something new :)I would really preciate that if you would let me know as soon as you got something new :)
Hope to hear from you soon again  :)may god bless you!!
take care! ;)

love it thank you 

I'd like to first apologize to the developer for laughing at the mothers note. I wasn't laughing at the situation I was reading, but more the fact that we have the same name. Although I did find it funny for me to read "Michael I think you might be gay" out loud. That being said, the game is very well done on all aspects. The ambiance gives off a very uneasy feeling, as if something is going to pop out at any moment, and the few jump scares that were in it were extremely well done. I'd also like to give praise to the graphic art done on the project. For an indie horror game, it was developed very professionally. If I had one complain about the game it'd be the unclear objectives, but that can also be the alcohols fault. in any case that can always be an easy fix. I've always said true art comes from true pain, and I believe this is a perfect example. Following up to hopefully see a full release of the game !

This is a really good demo, well made, sound design was great, the puzzle was really good and it really struck a chord as I played it. I can't wait to see the final product. 



Thank you for playing, I'm really glad that you liked it! :D

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For some reason neither the reddit post shows up nor the video you made on youtube. That said I'm really happy that you enjoyed the experience so far and I'm glad that your wife has someone like you in her life to be her anchor. I'm very grateful that you decided to include the suicide hotline numbers in your video. Thank you for doing that and being thoughtful.

That said, this game is definitely still in production. The rules of the ' Finally Finish Something Game Jam' allowed for game demos to be submitted and not just finished games so as someone who has always wanted to make games I used it to get me to actually finish at least just a demo of something which is what this project currently is, an alpha demo. By the time I finish this game I intend for it to be at least an hour long experience and I have so much still planned for it. My current plan is to create roughly 10-15 minutes of more gameplay and story narrative every 2 months or less until I reach that goal of making it an hour long experience. While I do have intentions to add at least one monster; I want to continue as I have with it to keep the game's focus on the subject matter. I also want to keep players as immersed as possible within the game's atmosphere. So even the planned monster is going to be contextualized within the game's narrative and subject matter. I actually have a stand in for him in the game that no one's noticed yet while I wait for the 3D artist I'm working with to finish the character model. He's intended as a monster that doesn't actively seek to scare you though so it works that no one's really found him yet.

With regards to the flashlight, I have made some adjustments to it to make it less frustrating. I'm not going so far as making it infinite because the flashlight is meant to be a gameplay mechanic that simulates the way depression can feel dark and hopeless at times, however, I also don't want the flashlight to be so frustrating that it takes people out of the experience. For now I've made it so that the flashlight lasts slightly longer and the batteries now will fully restore the flashlight's duration instead of just a fraction of it. That change will be part of an update planned for the end of next month that will also feature at least 2 new puzzles and more story elements to progress through.

Sorry for the wall of text reply but thank you for playing the game and also thank you again for being there for your wife and also thoughtful enough to add the suicide hotline information to your content.

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Ah, my bad. I appreciate the thoughtfulness of that!

There's more to what I want to do in terms of giving the flashlight symbolism but ultimately my goal is to create gameplay mechanics with it that can help convey how narrow and fleeting hope can feel like and the anxiety of losing that hope. Right now though, it's far from doing any of that and is only there as a function to help the game visually. I don't want it to frustrate players out of being immersed in the game though so feedback around it is vital at the moment.

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Thank you for playing! I'm really glad you enjoyed what I have here so far! Thank you for sharing a gameplay video too! :D


Hello, I played this game and I really liked it, pretty dark story, and the sound, gameplay and puzzles were really neat, great job! Looking forward to the full game :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for playing and thank you for the wonderful compliments! I'm delighted that you enjoyed the experience so far! I'm planning on having more out by the end of next month including some new puzzles, story elements, and more should you decide to periodically check back! :D


Excellent work Michael! I really love the atmosphere of the game! Maybe the game can be even better if you add some enemies so that there is some action in it, which would bring in more interested gamers out there :) Please keep it up! I am rooting for you!

Please subscribe and help my channel grow, thanx!

Hey, thanks so much for playing! I really enjoyed your video and thank you for the feedback! I'll look into what I can do to add some form of excitement to the game but I'm really glad you still enjoyed what I have here so far.

(1 edit) (+1)

looking forward to more update

I'll be sure to post updates as regularly as possible! :


"Have you ever cried so hard that it physically hurt? Have you ever had that experience day after day, night after night until you eventually went numb and simply couldn't feel anything anymore? "

Yes, I have.


WOW! Thia game got me in my feelings. Suicide is NO joke! You never know how powerful your words are to some people.  Good game. Game here: 

Please subscribe to my YT channel.

Thank you so much for playing and thank you so much for the message at the end of your video and including the national helpline in your description!

I'm hoping this game can help bring a greater awareness to these issues because I agree with you that words are powerful. They can be powerful enough to send people into a plunge... but, they are also powerful enough to lift people up!


this game took a very interesting and depressing turn dang ! but nonetheless i enjoyed it and have a lot of thoughts about it ... you can skip until the end of the vid to hear them otherwise i hope you enjoy the vid in total :) 


Thank you very much for playing my game and giving me your input! I'll look into how my flashlight works a bit because you're not the first person to comment about it and honestly I wasn't all that happy with it's current implementation either. I don't know if I want to go so far as making it infinite though either but I'm going to keep a note to myself to consider it because I agree with you about dark not necessarily meaning scary. My intent with it was to simulate a sense of anxiety without necessarily having to throw a monster at the player. It's a tough balance to strike between anxiety and just plain old frustration though.

I also appreciate your input on the subject matter of my game. I'm attempting to be personal about how I tell the story instead of just telling it for the sake of telling it so hopefully you don't need to worry too much about where I take it. That said, as an artist and writer I am well aware that I can sometimes get carried away and even go a little overboard so getting critique on my story elements like you did is likely to be extremely vital in helping me keep things as tasteful as possible for the subject material.

Thank you again so much for playing though and I'm very happy that despite your criticisms you were still able to get into and enjoy what I have here so far!


no problem :) and trust me i did enjoy it ... otherwise you would hear me shout all the time :D it happens and sometimes i upload the vids and private them but im sure you can find some vids of me hating some games :D ... im excited to see the full game and ill follow you just in case you tricked me and uploaded it behind my back :D


Nope, the only thing I've uploaded since you played was a patched version of the game that also included a couple redesigns of things. I'm really happy with how positively people have been receiving this project though. Pretty much from the day I started making it I was preparing myself for either no one to play it at all or for anyone who did play it to absolutely hate it and eviscerate me in their reviews and comments. lol

I failed to prepare myself for the opposite of those things though. XD


well in my opinion its always good to consider the bad route in life but you should enjoy the good one when you end up there :)


I Love the Sounds,the Envirement and i hope this Game will continue!!!

Thank you for playing and sharing your video!

I have every intention of seeing this game through to its completion. My end goal is to create an experience with at least an hours worth of gameplay or more. By the game's completion there will be more locations and environments, more and also improved music, several more puzzles, and other things that I don't want to spoil at the moment.

I´m glad to hear this and very excited to see AND PLAY your Game in Future again ;)
Thank you so much for your HARD Work!!!


Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. If you like my videos, please leave a like and subscribe at my channel.

This was a really cool horror game that really surprised me with the effects of the prison bars. When I went through the mirror and experienced that prison bar scene, I instantly felt that I have entered another dimension of horror games XD. The horrifying worms on the walls were also really horrifying as well as the sound effects used throughout the game. The game explored the mind of someone who is suffering and suffocating from life through the use of various possible real life events and exploring the mind of the main character. I noticed that the creator used a few free assets here and there but since the creator of the game is aiming to create an amazing horror game, I am going to give a few suggestions that may or may not help.

I liked the idea of the main character going through the mirror to an alternate dimension to face all his problems and fears. The main imagery used here to symbolise the main character's issues is the prison so prisons tend to involve the idea of being trapped, big bullies, suffering etc. I felt that more of that element could be incorporated into the game as currently the game is lacking gameplay like it could be action-based (fighting, chasing etc.) or more story-telling, horrifying events (flashback) or even more puzzles. Perhaps the creator can also consider expanding beyond the limits of just a prison and apartment home like involving more horrifying environments for the player to venture around in order to solve the mystery of what is exactly haunting the main character.

Some issues I faced with the game was how I died in my first playthrough of the game where I died from jumping onto the barrel. Because of that, I actually thought that I am not supposed to go over the debris XD. I had immense fear that I was gonna die during my second playthrough before realising that I was actually supposed to jump over the debris LEL. I believe that there was a bug there where the barrel killed me XD. Other than that, the last level of the game is a prison maze which looked really, really cool but it is actually quite glaring to look at while shining my touchlight around to navigate through the maze. It would be cool if the prison bars weren't as glaring as it was in the game currently. 

The main part about the game that has to be fixed is the main game mechanic of the game. Is it to constantly fight against monsters, run away from monsters, enjoy a story-rich horror experience, walking simulator or many, many more possibilities? Or maybe even a combination of everything? With this in mind, I think the creator can plan out the game even better in order to achieve the goal of spreading awareness of mental illness.

I hope the creator of the game finds my thoughts and ideas useful XD. Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavour.


Thank you so much for the feedback and video!

When watching your video I noticed a couple things that actually weren't supposed to happen and am working on fixing them right now. The barrel that killed you being one of them. That debri in that area is actually all physics assets like the glass bottles and are meant to be grabbed and moved. I failed to ever explain that to players though so that's high on my priority list to fix right now.

I definitely have intentions to expand the environments in the game though too. I want to add a School setting, a playground setting, and a few others still but just couldn't fit those in to my 30 day deadline for the FFS Game Jam. Gameplay-wise though I'm leaning more into making it an atmospheric horror game that focuses on puzzles and storytelling so I'll take your input into consideration toward emphasizing those elements.

Thank you again for playing though and thank you for the honest feedback! :D


Will be looking forward to the finished product! :)