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Permanently protected template
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This '

{{Tlx}}' template documentation is transcluded for all Tlx family templates (Tlx, Tlxc, Tlxm, Tlxw) [edit].Masterpage  

{{Tlx|Template|first parameter|second|third|fourth|...|eight|ninth|tenth|eleventh}}

{{Template|first parameter|second|third|fourth|fifth|sixth|seventh|eight|ninth|tenth|}}

Purpose and naming

Mnemonically 'Template link expanded'. After

{{Tl}} Template link'.

  • This template takes another template-name and some associated pipe-tricked (numbered) parameters (or 'pass parameters'), and displays them as an 'example demonstration' of how the template-name template could be coded, literally. Its primary use is in instruction and documentation.
  • Specifics: Up to five pass parameters (numbered or nowiki-keywords) for the specified template are displayed as 'placeholders', and over 5 parameters can be displayed using a coded vertical-bar (as in "&#124;..."). A keyword parameter can be used, when tagged as a nowiki-keyword: "<nowiki>size=10<\nowiki>" with each keyword parameter surrounded by "<nowiki>" tags; see Examples at bottom. For more details, see this talk page.
  • Exceptions: If the intended template lists numerous/keyword parameters, then perhaps this template should really not be used, and just hardcode the usage with <code><nowiki>, for example: <code><nowiki>{{Anytemplate|arg1=23|size=250px|other parameters...}}</nowiki></code>. If a vertical display, with parameters on their own lines, is desired, this can also be laid out manually in this manner, or more rapidly done with <pre>...</pre>.

  • If given no additional parameters except  'template name' ({{{1}}}),  it presents the same as the similar

{{Tl}} macro template -- a blue link nested in curly-braces-- the same as a user would apply the template without parameters, but with a noticably clearer font and spacing on most modern browsers.

{{Tl|Tl}} display compared to
{{Tlx|Tl}}: (Tl:
{{Tl}} versus Tlx:


  • Comparatively,

{{Tl}} will not take or display additional parameters, and for minor technical reasons, may be preferred for mere listing and referencing in long pages involving a lot of template expansions.

{{Tlx}} has a named parameter subst. Setting this parameter to any string of length 1 or greater will place the string "subst:" before the template name, linked to Help:Substitution. This is useful to indicate when a template should be substituted. For example
{{Tlx|Welcome|subst=Y}} will display


  • Additionally, Tlx will take a 'named' parameter 'SISTER' to link interwiki to other sister projects such as one of these examples: '|SISTER=W:', 'Tlx|SISTER=M:', 'Tlx|SISTER=Q:', 'Tlx|SISTER=S:', allowing documentation or discourse about a template across interwiki boundaries. Small 'front end' Shell or convience templates
{{Tlxw}} and

{{Tlxm}} are typing-aid templates available at Meta for automatic substitution in discussions about templates on Wikipedia or Meta.

This usage also applies to interwiki capable template variations

{{Tlxc}} -- which links to templates on Wikimedia Commons (The Commons).

{{Tlxm}} -- which links to templates on Meta

{{Tlxw}} -- which links to templates on Wikipedia



is a generalization of

{{Tlp}}, etcetera with arguably better readable output. This depends on the browser, but too narrow uses of "{", "|", "}" in conjunction with links can be hard to read.


{{Tlx|template name}}
{{Tlx|template name|param}}
{{Tlx|template name|1|2|3}}
{{Tlx|template name|1|2|3&#124;more}}
{{Tlx|template name|param&#61;value}}

Up to three placeholders for parameters of the specified template


On the source sister projects, en.wikipedia and Meta, X0, X1, X2,..., X9 are sandbox templates for experimentation on involved templates that need be in template space. An auto-cleansing software facility exists that might be used to duplicate the facility on other Sister projects.
Code Result Remark
























up to 5 parameters, then ...



&#124; for more



= won't work



&#61; is okay



{{=}} is okay



sticky nowiki is okay

{{Tlx|x2| |two}}


empty won't work


{{x2| |two}}

&#32; is okay


{{x2| |two}}

&nbsp; is okay

{{Tlx|x2| &#124; two}}

{{x2| | two}}

&#124; is okay

{{Tlx|x2| {{!}} two}}

{{x2| | two}}

{{!}} is dubious



empty really doesn't work



two clobbers 2=one



right to left okay

See also

  • Template:Para – for giving examples of template parameters and values only, instead of entire templates with parameters.