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From Georgio- +‎ -phobia.



Georgiophobia (uncountable)

  1. (rare) The hatred of or aversion to Georgia (country) or Georgian people.
    • 2008 February, Janina Sleivyte, “Russia’s Agenda in the post-Soviet Space”, in Russia’s European Agenda and the Baltic States (The Shrivenham Papers; 7), Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, →ISBN, page 31:
      Russo-Georgian relations [] hit the lowest point in September 2006 with Tbilisi’s brief detention of Russian officers on spying charges. Moscow’s response turned into an overall Georgiophobia: withdrawal of its diplomats, suspending transport and mail links, clamping down on ‘illegal’ Georgian businesses and forcing ordinary Georgians residing in Russia to leave the country.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Georgiophobia.

