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Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Ron Weasley

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Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter - Character
Ronald "Ron" Bilius Weasley
Gender Male
Hair color Red
Eye color Blue
Related Family Arthur Weasley (father)
Molly Weasley (mother)
Bill Weasley (oldest brother)
Charlie Weasley (older brother)
Percy Weasley (older brother)
Fred Weasley (older brother)
George Weasley (older brother)
Ginny Weasley (younger sister)
Loyalty Albus Dumbledore, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter,


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Ronald "Ron" Bilius Weasley is the youngest among six brothers and has one younger sister, Ginny. Ron comes from a poor but well-respected Wizarding family. The large, close-knit clan is known mostly for their red hair and odd activities. Ron's father, Arthur Weasley, works for the Ministry of Magic and has a rather unusual interest in Muggles and Muggle possessions. Ron is looked down upon by some students (mostly Slytherins) for his family's meager finances and their friendliness towards Muggles. In times of need, Ron can count on his two best friends Harry Potter and Hermione Granger his future wife.

Ron's birthday is March 1, 1980, according to the author. He turned eleven the year before he started at Hogwarts, making him five months older than Harry and six months younger than Hermione.

Ron has two wands during the series. The first, his brother Charlie's hand-me-down, is ash and Unicorn hair. His second wand, the one that presumably "chose" him, is willow and Unicorn hair. Willow is associated with gaining knowledge, personal growth, healing, and repulsing evil. It can also represent death and mourning. Unicorns symbolize purity, virtue, and strength of mind and body. Though wands typically perform less efficiently for a wizard who was neither "chosen" nor captured it, a wand given to close blood kin, in this case, Ron, will apparently offer its loyalty to its new owner. It is never known if the wand performed better for Charlie.

Ron's two wands correspond to the Celtic Tree Calendar, which is divided into thirteen lunar-based periods, each one represented by a different wood. Ron's March 1 birthday falls within the February 18 - March 17 ash cycle. His new willow wand does not reflect his birth date.

Role in the Books

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Beginner warning: Details follow which you may not wish to read at your current level.

Note: Ron Weasley, while not the viewpoint character in this series, is one of the Trio, and thus is in nearly every part of the story. A summary of his role in the books would, perforce, recap the books. For Ron's full role in the series, it is best to begin here, then proceed onwards. The sections below briefly outline his role.

Ron and the Weasley family first appear at King's Cross Station when Harry, unable to find Platform Nine and Three Quarters, approaches them for help. The boys share a compartment on the Hogwarts Express, but Ron cannot believe this is the famous Harry Potter until Harry shows him his scar. Harry, fascinated with the Wizarding world, and Ron, intrigued by Muggle life, immediately bond over their differing backgrounds.

During the train ride to Hogwarts, visitors continually drop by Harry and Ron's compartment, including Neville Longbottom, who is searching for his toad, Trevor and, later, Hermione Granger, a Muggle-born witch. She acts disdainful after Ron's attempted spell fails, then comments that she has already read all the textbooks.

Another first-year student, Draco Malfoy, and his two sidekicks, Crabbe and Goyle arrive next. Draco suggests that Harry might be well advised to be their friend, implying the Weasleys are inferior, even though they are pure-blooded wizards like the Malfoys. Draco and his cohorts depart, but Hermione returns and bossily suggests that Harry and Ron should change into school robes. Ron later comments that he hopes she is sorted into a House other than Gryffindor.

At Hogwarts, Ron, Harry, and also Hermione are sorted into Gryffindor. Harry and Ron are by now close friends, though they avoid Hermione. Ron helps Harry adjust to the Wizarding world and always takes his side. Draco Malfoy, who was sorted into Slytherin House, Gryffindor's main rival, is a constant annoyance to both boys. During an altercation between Harry and Draco during their first flying lesson, Ron cheers Harry on. When Malfoy challenges Harry to a Wizard's duel, Ron volunteers to be Harry's second.

During the Hallowe'en feast, a Troll has broken into the school. Hermione, who earlier overheard Ron's comment that she is overbearing and has no friends, is still sulking in the lavatory. Ron and Harry rush to warn Hermione, only to find that the Troll has trapped her; Harry and Ron together defeat it. Professor McGonagall arrives and wants to punish Ron and Harry, but Hermione lies to protect them, claiming that she went looking for the Troll. The three become best friends, though Ron quickly settles into a "second fiddle" role to Harry and Hermione, following their leads and often relying on them for guidance; Ron, in turn, helps Harry and Hermione, both raised as Muggles, learn about and adjust to the Wizarding world. Ron also feels overshadowed by his five accomplished older brothers, and later, by his talented younger sister, Ginny.

When Rubeus Hagrid mentions someone named Nicolas Flamel, Harry, Ron, and Hermione connect it to a "mysterious package" that is evidently being guarded by a three-headed dog (named "Fluffy") on the forbidden third-floor corridor. Hermione finds a reference to Flamel and identifies the "mysterious package" as the Philosopher's Stone. They are convinced that Quirrell must be protecting it from Professor Snape.

Harry resolves to slip past Fluffy and retrieve the Stone before Snape can steal it. As will become typical, Ron and Hermione insist on accompanying him. When the Devil's Snare plant traps them, Ron reminds a panicked Hermione that she can conjure fire to release them. He directs the giant wizard chess set to win through the fourth obstacle, though he is injured. Revived by Hermione, he goes to fetch Professor Dumbledore, while Harry continues on to find the Stone. At the Leaving Feast, Dumbledore awards Ron fifty House points for, "the best game of chess that Hogwarts has seen in many years". As they reach King's Cross Station, Ron and Hermione both promise to write to Harry during the summer holiday; Ron also promises he will invite Harry for a visit.

Ron re-enters the story when he and his twin brothers, Fred and George, arrive in a flying Ford Anglia to rescue Harry from the cruel Dursleys, who have forbidden him to return to Hogwarts and locked him into his room. At The Burrow, Mrs. Weasley warmly welcomes Harry, while her sons are soundly chastised for taking the car without permission. Harry stays in Ron's room which is decorated with Chudley Cannons posters, Ron's favorite Quidditch team.

At King's Cross Station in London to catch the Hogwarts Express, Ron and Harry are unable to pass through the barrier to Platform Nine and Three Quarters. Having missed the train, Ron decides to fly them to Hogwarts in his father's car, where it slams into the Whomping Willow, breaking Ron's wand. After ejecting the two boys and their trunks, the car wildly drives off into the Forbidden Forest. Professor McGonagall gives both boys detention, while Hermione chastises them for their flamboyant arrival, though other Gryffindors are delighted. Mrs. Weasley, however, is outraged and sends Ron a Howler, severely scolding Ron while amusing the other students, particularly Slytherin House.

Ron's damaged wand is unable to cast spells properly, even after mending it with Spellotape. When Malfoy calls Hermione a "Mudblood", a derogatory term, Ron casts a jinx at Draco; but the spell backfires and hits Ron instead, causing him to continually vomit slugs. Hermione and Harry take him to Hagrid for help, but Ron is still heaving slugs while doing detention.

Harry hears a disembodied voice inside the castle, and Hermione and Ron tag along as Harry follows it. They find Mrs. Norris, Filch's cat, petrified, but still alive. A bloody message scrawled on the wall warns that the Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Ron suspects Malfoy could be the Heir of Slytherin, or knows who is. Hermione suggests using Polyjuice Potion to find out, and spends the next month brewing it in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Harry and Ron then disguise themselves as Crabbe and Goyle. They find Draco Malfoy, who, among other things, says the Chamber was opened fifty years before, resulting in a girl's death, though it is unknown who opened it.

Harry and Ron also find an old diary that had belonged to one T. M. Riddle 50 years before, though its pages are blank; Ron remembers seeing that same name on a school trophy dated 50 years ago, the same time the Chamber was allegedly last opened. Harry discovers he can communicate with the diary, and it shows how Riddle implicated Hagrid in opening the Chamber and releasing the monster, resulting in Hagrid being expelled.

Harry hears the disembodied voice again, causing Hermione to dash to the library to research something, but she is found petrified before sharing what she learned. Harry and Ron rush to Hagrid's hut to discuss the Chamber of Secrets, but he is arrested by Cornelius Fudge, while Dumbledore is removed as Headmaster. While being led away, Hagrid cryptically says aloud, "follow the spiders," as Harry and Ron huddle under Harry's Invisibility Cloak. Ron, suffering from arachnophobia, bravely follows Harry as he trails spiders into the Forbidden Forest. There they find Aragog, a giant arachnid who claims he is not the monster in the Chamber and that Hagrid is innocent. Also, a torn-out page found clutched in Hermione's Petrified hand indicates the monster is a Basilisk and uses the plumbing to move around the castle. Harry is certain that Moaning Myrtle's bathroom contains the Chamber of Secrets' entrance, and she is the girl who died.

When Ginny Weasley has been taken into the Chamber, Harry and Ron force Professor Gilderoy Lockhart to Myrtle's bathroom after finding him about to flee the school—the legendary Lockhart is a cowardly fraud. Harry opens the Chamber's entrance by speaking Parseltongue (snake language). Once below, Lockhart grabs Ron's wand and casts a spell, but it backfires and hits Lockhart, obliterating his memory. Ron, trapped with Lockhart on one side of the resulting rock fall, clears debris while Harry finds the Chamber, battles the Basilisk, and destroys Tom Riddle's diary. Harry returns with Ginny. Hermione and the other Petrified victims are revived.

On the train back to London, Hermione and Ron promise to telephone Harry during the summer.

During the summer, Ron attempts to phone Harry at the Dursleys, but he and Uncle Vernon get into a shouting match. Ron later sends Harry a birthday gift, a pocket Sneakoscope, a magical device that detects nearby foes. Ron claims it is only a cheap one, but it actually will prove to be quite reliable. After Mr. Weasley wins a contest, the Weasleys spend their holiday in Egypt; Ron sends Harry the Daily Prophet article and photo of the entire family, including Ron's pet rat, Scabbers.

Ron is reunited with Harry and Hermione in Diagon Alley, and the Trio, and the other Weasleys, head off to buy school supplies. In addition to massive quantities of books, Hermione also purchases an unusual ginger-colored cat she names Crookshanks, who promptly attacks Ron's rat, Scabbers. Harry, meanwhile, overhears Mr. and Mrs. Weasley discussing Sirius Black, a fugitive wizard who escaped Azkaban and apparently is intent on killing Harry. The Trio soon learn that Dementors, Azkaban's eerie guards, are hunting Black and will also be guarding Harry and Hogwarts.

At Hogwarts, Ron observes that Hermione is taking many classes, including ones taught simultaneously; she also seems to instantaneously appear and disappear throughout the day, though she changes the subject whenever Ron queries her. In Divination class, Ron sees a dog shape in Harry's tea leaves that Professor Trelawney identifies as a Grim, a death omen. Curiously, Harry has continually seen a black dog lurking in nearby shadows.

Tension grows between Ron and Hermione after Crookshanks attacks Scabbers, but they patch things up. After Sirius Black breaks into the castle, Hermione wants Harry to turn in his Marauder's Map, a magical document showing every person's location inside Hogwarts and secret passageways into the castle. Harry refuses, weakly arguing that Black cannot be using the tunnels. Ron naturally sides with Harry. Soon after, Harry learns that Black betrayed Harry's parents to Voldemort, then killed their friend, Peter Pettigrew and twelve Muggle bystanders. Incredulously, Black is also Harry's godfather. Meanwhile, Professor Lupin resumes teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts after a brief absence and cancels a Werewolf essay Professor Snape assigned.

When Harry receives an expensive Firebolt broom as an anonymous Christmas gift, Hermione reports it to McGonagall, suspecting it may be cursed and was sent by Black. The broom is confiscated for testing, and Ron and Harry, ignoring the real dangers, are furious with Hermione. They shun her until the broom is returned in the spring, but no sooner have the three made-up, however, than Scabbers goes missing, apparently eaten by Crookshanks. Ron is offended by Hermione's seeming insensitivity. She, however, is massively overburdened by her heavy class load and from helping Hagrid defend Buckbeak, a Hippogriff that Draco Malfoy maliciously claims attacked him. The stress has apparently left her unable to express empathy to Ron, though it hardly excuses her behavior, while Ron and Harry have lapsed on their promise to help with Buckbeak's defense, adding to her burden.

One night, Ron is jolted awake by Sirius Black slashing his bed-curtains with a knife. Ron's screams rouses Gryffindor House, but Black escapes. Though terrified, Ron, who has increasingly felt overshadowed by Harry's celebrity, enjoys the resulting notoriety. He wonders, however, why Black never harmed him or Harry, despite having the opportunity.

Hermione finally apologizes to Ron about Crookshanks, and Ron and Harry promise to help with Buckbeak's defense, though the Hippogriff is later sentenced to death. Despite Hagrid's warning to stay away, the Trio visit him shortly before Buckbeak's execution at sundown. While there, Scabbers, long thought dead, is found, though he frantically tries to escape. The Trio head back to the castle, but Scabbers breaks free. Ron catches him, but a large black dog appears and drags Ron and Scabbers into a secret tunnel under the Whomping Willow, breaking Ron's leg. Harry and Hermione follow the tunnel to the Shrieking Shack where they encounter Sirius Black, an Animagus.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron subdue the physically weak and wandless Black. As Harry is about to avenge his parents, Lupin bursts in and disarms them. Lupin saw Black and another person on Harry's confiscated Marauder's Map. Lupin is one of the "Marauders," and he, James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew created the map durng their school years. Believing he is Black's accomplice, Hermione reveals that Lupin is actually a Werewolf. Lupin says Dumbledore knows, and that as a student, Lupin was confined to the Shrieking Shack during his Werewolf transformations. The Whomping Willow guarded the entrance. Lupin's three best friends, Sirius Black, James Potter, and Peter Pettigrew, learning he was a Werewolf, secretly became Animagi to support him. Lupin claims Scabbers is actually Pettigrew, and he betrayed the Potters to Voldemort and framed Sirius. Black recognized Pettigrew as Scabbers in the Daily Prophet photo, and vowed to kill him, escaping Azkaban in his dog form.

Lupin, caught in the full moon and, having forgotten his potion, transforms into a Werewolf and runs off. Sirius is captured by Dementors who intend to suck out his soul. Hermione shows Harry a Time Turner she has been using all year to attend her many classes. Leaving Ron behind in the Hospital Wing, they return three hours into the past, freeing both Buckbeak and Black. With Pettigrew's escape, however, Sirius remains a hunted fugitive.

The final term passes quickly; Lupin resigns his post while Gryffindor wins the House Cup again, and a relieved Ron passes all his subjects, though he remains revolted by his close association with "Scabbers." Aboard the Hogwarts Express back to London, a tiny owl delivers a message from Sirius Black saying he is safe; the owl is Ron's to keep (to replace his lost "pet"). Ginny names him Pigwidgeon. As they part company at King's Cross Station, Ron promises that Harry will soon be hearing from him.

The Weasleys invite Harry, and also Hermione, to attend the Quidditch World Cup. While there, Death Eaters rampage through the campground at night, terrorizing Muggle-borns. Voldemort's sign, a skull and snake, is left hovering in the dark sky. A Ministry official believes a Trio member conjured it, but they are quickly exonerated.

Both Ron and Harry begin experiencing budding sexuality, becoming more seriously attracted to girls; Ron, more immature and socially inexperienced, as usual, relies on Harry to take the lead, though Harry is having his own difficulties after developing a crush on Cho Chang, a pretty Ravenclaw student. She, however, is already dating Cedric Diggory, a Hufflepuff, who is not only Harry's romantic rival, but is the Hogwarts' Champion in the dangerous Triwizard Tournament, a recently revived inter-school competition.

Ron and Harry's friendship becomes strained after Harry is mysteriously chosen as the fourth Triwizard Champion, even though he never entered his name into the Goblet of Fire and is under-aged. As Ron struggles to find his own identity, he believes Harry cheated to enter the contest solely for more attention, though Ron seems less concerned about Harry hoodwinking the Goblet than his belief that Harry never told him. Ron fails to realize that Harry actually shuns his celebrity. As the two become estranged, Hermione is Harry's sole supporter among students. It is only after Harry barely survives the deadly first challenge that Ron realizes he would never have cheated to enter, and they reconcile. It soon becomes apparent that there may be a sinister plot to murder Harry.

Ron struggles with other difficulties as he grows romantically interested in Hermione, though he hardly understands his feelings. Their friendship is strained when Ron belittles her efforts to champion House-elves' rights and he become jealous when she is courted by Viktor Krum, another Triwizard Champion from Durmstrang Institute.

When Ron is appointed a Gryffindor Prefect, friction develops between him and Harry, who feels slighted by Dumbledore; it may have been the Headmaster's intent to help Ron develop his own identity apart from Harry's celebrity. Late one night shortly after the start of the school year, Ron receives a letter from Percy congratulating Ron on becoming a prefect, and encouraging him to break up with Harry since Dumbledore's time in power at Hogwarts may be limited, and it might be a good idea to start getting in touch with the new power structure. If he has any questions, he can always ask Dolores Umbridge, a "thoroughly delightful person". He also suggests that Ron should check the Daily Prophet the next morning, because he might see someone there he knows. This leaves Ron absolutely livid at his brother to the point where he rips up the letter and throws it into the Gryffindor Common Room fire.

Ron is arbitrary with his Prefect duties, however, whereas Hermione, also a Prefect, is exact, causing tension between them as well. Ron is also too intimidated to curtail Fred and George's illegal activities or support Hermione, distressing her even further.

Armed with a new broom from his parents, Ron tries out for Gryffindor Quidditch Keeper, barely making the team. Much to team captain Angelina Johnson's dismay, Ron's playing skills are a near disaster; only Harry's, and later Ginny's, amazingly good Seeking keeps their losses to a reasonable level. In the final game, however, Ron gains his confidence and plays brilliantly, and Gryffindor wins with a sufficiently large margin to keep the Quidditch Cup.

Ron is also instrumental in urging Harry to secretly teach real Defence Against the Dark Arts to students, rather than the deliberate drivel taught by Professor Umbridge, a Ministry spy who is bent on ousting Dumbledore and taking over Hogwarts. Ron attends the first meeting in the Hog's Head, and every meeting thereafter until the organization, by now called Dumbledore's Army, is betrayed and disbanded.

Harry recruits Ron, along with Hermione, Ginny, and Luna Lovegood when he breaks into Professor Umbridge's office to try and contact Sirius Black using the Floo Network. Caught by Umbridge, Ron escapes when Ginny jinxes Draco. The group, including Neville Longbottom, find Harry and Hermione, who led Umbridge on a wild-goose chase into the Forbidden Forest where she was carried away by angry Centaurs. The students fly on Thestrals to the Ministry of Magic in London, where Harry believes Voldemort is torturing Sirius. Once there, the students are ambushed by Death Eaters, though Order of the Phoenix members arrive in time. In the ensuing battle, Ron is hit by what appears to be a drunkeness jinx, putting him out of action. We see him recovering later in the Hospital Wing, where Umbridge, traumatized by her ordeal with the Centaurs, is also a patient. Ron torments her by making soft "clip clop" hoof sounds.

When Harry joins Professor Slughorn's advanced potions class as a prerequisite to becoming an Auror, Ron tags along, though he has little interest in the subject and apparently still has few, if any, career aspirations.

Harry becomes convinced that Draco Malfoy has become a Death Eater and may be involved in some dark task for Voldemort, though Ron, like Hermione, discounts this, believing Draco is just too young and inexperienced. Throughout much of the book, Ron and Hermione are at daggers drawn over Ron's infatuation with Lavender Brown. Despite their strained relations, Hermione, unknown to Ron, helps him win a place on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, though Ron's athletic potential is still affected by his insecurities. But when Harry fools Ron into believing he slipped a good luck potion into his juice just before a game, Ron performs exceptionally well.

After Ron nearly dies drinking poisoned mead that was apparently intended for Professor Dumbledore, Hermione becomes so distraught that they end their feud for good. Ron quickly loses interest in Lavender, and Hermione only considers Viktor a friend. However, whatever romantic feelings each may have for the other remains subdued, both apparently too timid to openly express their real emotions.

Death Eaters invade Hogwarts while Harry and Professor Dumbledore are away; Ron and Hermione, along with D.A. members Ginny, Luna, and Neville, help Ministry Aurors and the Order of the Phoenix battle them. When Harry decides to leave Hogwarts before his final year to search for Lord Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes (soul fragments), Ron, and also Hermione, pledge to accompany him.

Ron is among the Order of the Phoenix members who secretly move Harry from Privet Drive a few days before Harry's protective charms expire on his 17th birthday. When Ron fails to arrive at The Burrow after Voldemort's attack, the worst is feared. He soon safely arrives, detained by Auntie Muriel at one of the safe houses.

Ron gives Harry a book titled, Twelve Foolproof Ways to Charm Witches for his birthday. The Twins gave him a copy, and Ron requests Harry say nothing to Hermione about it. Harry notices Ron applying the book's techniques to Hermione and his mother, who both seem to respond favourably.

Ron, along with Hermione, has joined Harry's mission to hunt and destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes. After escaping a Death Eater attack at The Burrow, the Trio flee to Number 12, Grimmauld Place, believing Severus Snape is the only Death Eater who can enter the former Order of the Phoenix headquarters. The next morning, Harry notices the sleeping Ron's hand close to Hermione's, and wonders if they fell asleep holding hands.

Discovering that Dolores Umbridge has Salazar Slytherin's locket, which is also a Horcrux, the Trio infiltrate the Ministry of Magic to retrieve it. They barely escape with the locket, though Ron's shoulder is badly splinched as Hermione Disapparates them away; he recovers a few days later. The Trio takes turns wearing the locket as they search for the other Horcruxes, but the locket's evil nature seems to exert a greater emotional affect on Ron. As the Trio roam the wintry English countryside, Ron, tired, cold, and used to hot meals and a warm bed, grows increasingly miserable. That Harry has no real plan for locating and destroying the Horcruxes, further irritates Ron. Frustrated with their slow progress and dismayed by the hardships, Ron storms off.

Ron's behavior is deplorable, but he heroically returns. When a mysterious Patronus leads Harry to the Sword of Gryffindor hidden in a freezing pond, he dives in to retrieve it. The Horcrux, sensing danger, chokes him, but Ron arrives and rescues him. At Harry's bidding, Ron destroys the Horcrux with the Sword, though not before it cruelly taunts him. Hermione, still furious over Ron's abandonment, lashes out at him. Ron, unable to desert his friends, had immediately attempted to return, but he was captured by Snatchers (bounty hunters). By the time he escaped, Harry and Hermione had already moved on. Ron stayed at Shell Cottage with Bill and Fleur, and used Dumbledore's Deluminator to find them. Ron shares valuable information about the ongoing war and warns that anyone speaking Voldemort's name immediately alerts Snatchers to their whereabouts. He also provides Harry with a wand he captured from a Snatcher, replacing Harry's broken one.

Ron's return heralds a significant change: he is more confident, self-reliant, and assumes responsibility, often taking the lead in the search. It is Ron who suggests visiting Xenophilius Lovegood, whose newspaper, The Quibbler publishes truthful stories about Harry. Xeno tells them about the Hallows, three unique magical artifacts. The Hallows emblem was used by the Dark wizard, Grindelwald, who Dumbledore defeated in a duel long ago. Each object seems plausible: the Invisibility Cloak could be Harry's, and the Elder Wand has a credible history and may be Dumbledore's. Only the Resurrection Stone seems dubious to Hermione.

Harry accidentally speaks Voldemort's name, alerting Snatchers, led by the vicious werewolf, Fenrir Greyback, who takes them to Voldemort's headquarters at Malfoy Manor. Bellatrix Lestrange spies the Sword of Gryffindor and tortures Hermione to determine its authenticity, then offers her to Greyback, as a reward. Ron is tormented by Hermione's screams, and with Dobby's help, he and Harry escape the cellar and rescue her, safely Apparating to Shell Cottage.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Griphook break into Gringotts Bank and successfully steal a Cup Horcrux secured in the Lestranges' vault. The one remaining Horcrux is somewhere inside Hogwarts. The Trio immediately head to the school, where a flourishing guerrilla army has been camping out in the Room of Requirement; Harry, dismayed, never expected to captain a battle against Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Ron suggests having everyone search for the Horcrux, now believed to be Rowena Ravenclaw's lost Diadem.

As Voldemort and his army head to Hogwarts, Ron remembers that Basilisk fangs can destroy Horcruxes. He opens the Chamber of Secrets by repeating the Parseltongue words he remembers Harry speaking; Hermione truly admires Ron's cleverness and initiative in this. Ron has Hermione destroy the Cup Horcrux. As the battle is about to start, Ron wants to warn Hogwarts' House-elves. Hermione, overcome by Ron's compassion, sweeps him into a passionate embrace, their love for each other finally declared.

Later, Ron helps Harry search for the Ravenclaw Diadem in the Room of Requirement. Ron also accompanies Harry and Hermione to the Shrieking Shack, where Voldemort and Snape are discussing the Elder Wand. They witnesses Snape's death just after he relinquishes his memories to Harry.

Ron, who has never experienced real sorrow, suffers a tragic family loss during the fighting. After the victorious battle, Harry gathers Ron and Hermione as he heads to the Headmaster's office to speak with Dumbledore's portrait.

In the epilogue, Ron is shown happily married to Hermione, with two children, Rose and Hugo.


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Ron is generally cheerful, easy-going, and slow to anger. He is often able to give calm, reasonable advice to Harry and Hermione, who can both react emotionally under duress. Ron has the potential to become a powerful wizard, but his insecurities and lack of confidence often cause him to act more as a passive bystander rather than an active participant. This often allows him to observe events from a more objective viewpoint, however, and his keen observations can be astute and helpful to the Trio's activities. When he does comment about something, it is often in a joking manner, perhaps fearing his opinions will be disregarded. Being the only Trio member with an early magical upbringing, Ron has the most extensive knowledge about the general Wizarding realm, often educating Harry and Hermione. This will prove especially helpful when the three undertake Dumbledore's mission to hunt and destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes in book 7.

In contrast to Harry's magical talent and intuition and Hermione's intellectualism and magical attitude, Ron possesses knowledge of the Wizarding world and often provides insight on the background and culture. Although he rarely seeks out adventure or adversity on his own, preferring a regular routine and creature comforts, he always overcomes his doubts and fears to faithfully accompany Harry on his quests. However, he does not partake in these undertakings as readily as Hermione, once abandoning both her and Harry during the quest for Horcruxes. Ron is a true Gryffindor; he can be quite brave when his friends are in danger, and does his best to protect Harry or Hermione should the need arise. He also shows great loyalty to his friends and family and appears more logistically-minded than Harry or Hermione, particularly excelling in Wizard's Chess. During the final battle at Hogwarts (in book 7), Ron devises a clever scheme to destroy a Horcrux that neither Harry or Hermione had considered. Ron also becomes a skilled Quidditch Keeper, though he is extremely susceptible to nerves, causing him to initially be a weak player. Of the Trio, Ron's personality undergoes the most significant change as he matures.

While Ron may often feel overshadowed by his talented friends and siblings, he was intelligent and capable enough to receive passing grades in seven O.W.L.s, which we believe were six E (Exceeds Expectations) Grade O.W.Ls and an A (Acceptable) Grade O.W.L in Astronomy, and so was able to advance into N.E.W.T classes. He is also able to produce the notoriously difficult Patronus charm and has shown skilled magical proficiency in dueling against older and far more experienced Death Eaters. According to an interview given by the author after publication, Ron eventually becomes an Auror, a profession that requires considerable magical talent and extensive training.


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Being the youngest among six brothers, Ron often lacks self-confidence in his abilities. He feels that his accomplishments are not noteworthy because his older brothers have done so much. Even his younger sister, Ginny, seems to surpass him magically. His friendship with Harry, who receives constant attention and accolades, also affects his self-esteem, causing occasional jealous bouts over it. Hermione's extraordinary intellect also affects him, usually deferring to her judgment regarding most matters, though Ron does appear to have above-average intelligence and magical ability. Ron occasionally craves attention, partly as he does not receive much in such a large family.

When Ron was very young, his brothers Fred and George, as a prank, turned his teddy bear into a spider. As a result, Ron is now deathly afraid of spiders; despite this, he somehow mustered the courage to follow Harry into the giant spider Aragog's lair, showing he is a true Gryffindor. Ron also displays particular susceptibility and weakness to the Imperius Curse when practicing the unforgivable curses in the defence against the dark arts class of Barty Crouch Jr. (disguised as Alastor Moody).

Hermione characterizes Ron as having "the emotional range of a teaspoon" in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and he does seem to fit this characterization; he repeatedly appears to show little sensitivity to the emotional environment surrounding him. He is slower to mature than either Harry or Hermione, and is usually content to follow their footsteps, seldom taking any initiative for himself. Although intelligent, he, like Harry, is a rather lazy student, and unlike his older brothers, seems uninterested in experimenting with magic. Though he periodically shows the potential to become a powerful wizard, he rarely expands his knowledge or skills beyond what he is currently required to learn.

Luna Lovegood notes that while Ron can be funny, he is sometimes cruel. This seems particularly true in regards to her. Even though Luna risked her life to help him and Harry in the Department of Mysteries battle, Ron's gratitude seems totally lacking, and he treats her as indifferently as before, even chastising Harry for inviting "Loony" Luna to Professor Slughorn's Christmas party. Ron's insensitivity also extends to many non-human magical denizens, and, like many wizards, considers them second and third-class citizens worth little consideration. Though he never supports mistreating them, he often mocks Hermione for championing House-elves rights, firmly believing they are happy as they are. He later reverses his earlier apathy, much to Hermione's delight and likely due to her influence.

Relationships with Other Characters

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Harry Potter

Throughout the series, Ron's most important relationship, outside his immediate family, is with Harry Potter. Not only is he Harry's first real friend, but also his closest. The two boys immediately hit it off, and Ron, generally unimpressed by Harry's celebrity, helps him adjust to the wizard world. Harry is grateful for Ron's help, and also for being included as part of the Weasley family. The two boys are nearly inseparable, doing practically everything together, though Harry, more assertive, usually takes the lead in their adventures. Their friendship is not without its difficulties, however. While Ron is usually content to bask in Harry's reflected glory, he occasionally feels jealous over his fame and the constant attention it brings, eventually causing a short-lived falling out between the two boys, resulting in a better relationship, in book 4. In book 7, Ron, frustrated with Dumbledore's mission, Harry's seeming indecisiveness, and unable to cope with the harsh living conditions, briefly deserts him and Hermione, though he heroically returns in time to save Harry's life. These clashes sometimes seem related to Ron's own low self-esteem and that he has much to live up to with five accomplished older brothers, and an equally talented younger sister. Though the attention Harry garners often causes Ron to feel overshadowed and resentful, he fails to realize that Harry's fame is less about his abilities or anything that he deliberately sought. Instead, it was thrust upon Harry by circumstance at a young age. Nor does Harry desire or seek to be a celebrity, and wants only to be recognized for his own accomplishments. Harry does help Ron build confidence in himself, and later tutors him in advanced defensive magic, mostly during the Dumbledore's Army training sessions, to where Ron becomes quite proficient.

Harry's inherited wealth can also sometimes be an issue for Ron, who resents his own family's poverty, knowing Harry can afford anything he needs or wants, while he must make do with shabby goods. Even though Harry actually spends little on himself or rarely desires material goods, Ron constantly feels unequal. Ron's pride also refuses to allow Harry to give him anything too costly, while he is able to afford only inexpensive gifts in return. When Harry gives the Twins money to start their own joke shop, he secretly arranges for them to buy Ron new dress robes, insisting that Ron believe it comes from them.

Ron is somewhat upset when his sister, Ginny, and Harry start dating, though any boy taking an interest in Ginny bothers him. Ron generally prefers that she be with Harry, as long as they restrain their romance in his presence. Prior to leaving on Dumbledore's mission, Harry ends his relationship with Ginny to protect her from Voldemort. Concerned about his sister's well-being and long-term happiness, Ron sternly warns Harry to avoid giving her any false hopes. Despite these differences, Ron is staunchly loyal to Harry, and he would do practically anything to protect or support his friend. Harry eventually becomes Ron's brother-in-law, further bonding them, making them true family.

Hermione Granger

Ron's second important relationship, and later his most significant, is Hermione Granger. Ron, along with Harry, initially dislikes Hermione due to her bossy, erudite manner, but they become friends in the first book after she protects Harry and Ron from being unfairly punished. Their connection is subtle at first, the bond gradually strengthening, as each successive book reveals more about their budding relationship, though it is not without its obstacles or rancor. Neither is able to openly display their feelings during the first six books, leaving each confused and unsure. They often have large arguments, then reconcile their differences.

When Hermione becomes involved with Viktor Krum, a Durmstrang student staying at Hogwarts in book 4, Ron is jealous, but still confused about his true feelings. Mostly as retaliation against Hermione, he later has an ill-conceived romance with Lavender Brown, another Gryffindor student. He soon regrets this, mostly due to the silly Lavender's overly cloying personality. Hermione perpetuates this conflict, infuriating Ron by inviting Cormac McLaggen, an obnoxious older Gryffindor student, to Professor Slughorn's Christmas party in book 6. Ron eventually tires of the relationship and breaks up with Lavender, much to Hermione's delight. As both Ron and Hermione mature (Ron more slowly than either Hermione or Harry), their feelings intensify, and a likely permanent relationship is established in the later books. This finally comes to fruition near the sixth book's end, though the relationship is still somewhat tentative, and actually breaks down briefly near Christmas in the seventh book. Ron does make a significant effort to resolve their issues when he rejoins the group, and we see in the Deathly Hallows epilogue that Ron and Hermione are married with two children, Rose Granger-Weasley and Hugo Granger-Weasley. More detail on Ron's relationships can be found here.

Weasley Family

For general guidance and support, Ron seems particularly dependent upon the loving and close-knit Weasley clan. Arthur and Molly Weasley are doting parents, though with so many children and he being the youngest son, Ron often feels somewhat neglected and the least accomplished among the large brood. As his parents are generally in financial straits, unable to afford more than their children's basic necessities, Ron must make do with his brothers' shabby hand-me-downs, used goods, or go without entirely, which leaves him feeling resentful. Molly, in particular, seems unaware how this affects Ron's self-esteem and social development during his early teen years. Ron greatly admires his rather Bohemian elder brothers, Charlie and Bill, though their being older and having already left home creates a gap in their relationship with the much-younger Ron, who they mostly view as the "little brother". Percy, closer to Ron in age, has developed an off-putting, authoritarian, and patrician manner that eventually estranges him from the entire family and further angers Ron. During the series, Ron is never close to Percy, but it is indicated that this will likely change after Percy reconciles with the family. Ron spends more time with Fred and George, though they, being identical twins, are particularly close only with one another and usually busy inventing new magic or devising some clever prank. Ron and the entire family are devastated by Fred's tragic death. This no doubt brings Ron closer to George, particularly after Ron starts working with him in the Twin's magic shop before becoming an Auror like Harry. Ginny is the baby in the family and the only girl, and Ron, like the other Weasleys, is protective. Ginny quickly develops a strong, independent personality and her magical abilities appear to be exceeding Ron's from an early age. Ron also becomes rather upset when boys start noticing Ginny, who soon blossoms into an attractive young lady.

Hogwarts Friends

Ron's congenial manner generally allows him to get on well with most other Gryffindors, though some may seek his friendship only because he is close to Harry, rather than any interest in Ron. Socially, Ron is somewhat inept, and he can be unintentionally rude, particularly, but not exclusively, to ghosts and other non-human magical creatures. As mentioned above, he can occasionally be ungrateful and somewhat cruel in how he treats others, such as Luna Lovegood, though he generally possesses a good heart.


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Ron's character can be considered the classic hero's "sidekick". This person is usually a companion to a stronger, braver, and more capable heroic figure, often assisting him in some task or quest, also brave, but always remaining in a supportive and subordinate role. Whenever the hero falls into mortal peril, it is the sidekick who comes to his rescue. In literature (and cinema), the sidekick is traditionally clever and able, but often less handsome, has a more humorous and lighthearted personality, and is somewhat unsophisticated. Ron assumes this role with Harry Potter, aiding him on his various adventures, but always following Harry's lead. This gradually changes as Ron matures and becomes more capable, independent, and decisive throughout the series. Though he never quite matches Harry or Hermione in ability, intellect, or emotional maturity, his character undergoes the most significant growth throughout the story, becoming far more assertive, self-reliant, responsible, and magically proficient by the series' end.

Due to his family's relative poverty and size, Ron usually makes do with used school supplies and hand-me-down goods. Even his first wand, a wizard's most important possession, previously belonged to his brother. His mother, Molly, unintentionally humiliates him when she buys him hideous, second-hand dress robes that he must wear to the Yule Ball in Goblet of Fire while she selects new presentable ones for Harry because he can afford them. This all affects his personality and confidence somewhat, often making him feel he has something to prove. His older brothers have all gone onto successful careers, and Ron, quite rightly, believes there is great pressure on him to perform well in school.

The family's finances do improve when Mr. Weasley receives a promotion and after the older boys have moved out, thus affording his parents to buy Ron a few luxuries (such as a racing broom and new wand) he might not otherwise have received. Harry always shows great consideration and understanding regarding Ron's poor self-esteem. Knowing that Ron's pride would never allow him to buy him an expensive gift, Harry secretly arranges for the Twins to buy Ron proper dress robes with the money he loans them for their joke shop.

Ron tends to be reckless and insensitive at times, though his heart is indisputably in the right place. Ron has developed tight bonds with his two best friends, Harry and Hermione, and is an important player within "The Trio."


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Study questions are meant to be left for each student to answer; please don't answer them here.

  1. What are Ron's greatest fears? Are those fears based in the past, present, or future?
  2. How does Ron differ in his actions when around Harry and Hermione in comparison to when he is with other students at Hogwarts?
  3. Does Ron sometimes resent Harry? If so, why, and is he at all justified to feel this way?
  4. When Ron fights with Harry and/or Hermione, how does he show his emotions? Does this say anything about Ron's character as a whole?
  5. How do Ron's feelings for Hermione change over time? What prompts these changes?
  6. Luna Lovegood comments that Ron can sometimes be cruel. Is this true? If so, give examples. Does he mean to be this way?
  7. In the deathly hallows, ron leaves and stays at different pubs/inns. What would happen if ron went home and swoped with the troll that is him with spatter groit?

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Intermediate warning: Details follow which you may not wish to read at your current level.