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Nigel Benn

From Wikiquote

Nigel Benn (born January 22, 1964) is an English former boxer who held world titles at both Middleweight and Super Middleweight. Benn was known as The Dark Destroyer, a nickname that would, ironically, later come back to haunt him.


  • This is so personal it makes Chris Eubank look like an old friend of mine by comparison.
    • On Steve Collins.[1]
  • I do detest him, I really do. It's no joke. I can't stand him
    • On Chris Eubank.[2]
  • I was always fighting from a young age… I wouldn’t back down, I knew Andy wouldn’t have backed down.
    • Describing the motivation behind him, Andy his older brother who passed away when he was young [3]
  • I don’t know if I wanted to top myself or if I just wanted someone to hug me.
    • Reflecting on the troubling times in the past[4]
  • He has unbelievable body punching power and is exciting to watch.

About Nigel Benn

  • In accordance to the way that Benn speaks, he is not educated. Sure, he's educated to a certain extent, but under different circumstances he would be a bouncer on some door in the West End and he'd have three kids from three different women … I am a superior person to that. I have finer points. So, superior in mentality, yes. As a fighter in accordance to the trade, yes.
  • It would give me a terrific sense of satisfaction to be the man who sent both Eubank and Benn into retirement. Benn doesn't need me to tell him that he's over the hill because, deep down, he knows it.
    • Steve Collins [7]
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