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Esper', English, Esperanto.

Esper' English Esperanto
alfar' do with the goal of (alfar')
〔 "alfa" -head / to_or_toward- "fa" -head / "alf" -collection / to_or_toward- "far" / to_or_toward- "fa" -head 〕
ar' collection (colection')
〔 "a" -head 〕
art' art (art')
cud' ar' should group
〔 cud' /+/ "a" -head 〕
cud' bar' should bar
〔 cud' /+/ "ba" -head 〕
cud' cardj' should load
cud' cpar' should save
〔 cud' /+/ "cpa" -head 〕
cud' deklar' should declare
〔 cud' /+/ ten- "lar" / ten- "la" -head 〕 〔 "dekla" -head / of- "kla" -head / "dekl" -collection / of- "klar" / of- "kla" -head 〕
cud' prepar' should prepare
〔 cud' /+/ "prepa" -head / "prep" -collection 〕
cud' rigard' should look
cud' rigard' should regard
cud' rimark' should note
cud' ripar' should fix
〔 cud' /+/ "ripa" -head / "rip" -collection 〕
cud' ripar' should repair
cud' star' should stand
〔 cud' /+/ "sta" -head 〕
cud' start' should start
cud' varb' should recruit
cud' varb' should solicit
cud' vart' should babysit
cud' vart' should nurse
dev' bar' must bar
〔 dev' /+/ "ba" -head 〕
dev' cardj' must load
dev' cpar' must save
〔 dev' /+/ "cpa" -head 〕
dev' deklar' must declare
〔 dev' /+/ ten- "lar" / ten- "la" -head 〕 〔 "dekla" -head / of- "kla" -head / "dekl" -collection / of- "klar" / of- "kla" -head 〕
dev' prepar' must prepare
〔 dev' /+/ "prepa" -head / "prep" -collection 〕
dev' rigard' must look
dev' rigard' must regard
dev' rimark' must note
dev' ripar' must fix
〔 dev' /+/ "ripa" -head / "rip" -collection 〕
dev' ripar' must repair
dev' star' must stand
〔 dev' /+/ "sta" -head 〕
dev' start' must start
dev' varb' must recruit
dev' varb' must solicit
dev' vart' must babysit
dev' vart' must nurse
far' do (far')
〔 "fa" -head 〕
fari (far')
far' make (far') (far')
kud' bombard' could bombard
kud' garn' could adorn
kud' vart' could nurse
kvar' four (kvar')
〔 "kva" -head 〕
par' pair (par')
〔 "pa" -head 〕
star' stand (star')
〔 "sta" -head 〕
tcar' because (becaus')
〔 "tca" -head 〕
ĉar (tcar')
wil' bombard' will bombard
wil' garn' will adorn
wil' vart' will nurse
wud' bombard' would bombard
wud' garn' would adorn
wud' vart' would nurse
yar' year (yar')
〔 "ya" -head 〕
agrar'a agrarian (agrar'a)
〔 "agrar" -adjective / "agra" -adjective -head / "agr" -adjective -collection / "ag" -adjective -collection -head 〕
agrara (agrar'a)
agrar'a agricultural (agricultur'a) agrara (agrar'a)
alarm'a alarming (alarm'a)
〔 "alarm" -adjective / to_or_toward- "arm" -adjective 〕
alarma (alarm'a)
alveolar'a alveolar (alveolar'a)
〔 "alveolar" -adjective / "alveola" -adjective -head / to_or_toward- "veola" -adjective -head / "alveol" -adjective -collection / "alve" -adjective -collection -compared_to / to_or_toward- "ve" -adjective -collection -compared_to / to_or_toward- "veol" -adjective -collection / to_or_toward- "ve" -adjective -collection -compared_to / to_or_toward- "veolar" -adjective / to_or_toward- "veola" -adjective -head / to_or_toward- "veol" -adjective -collection / to_or_toward- "ve" -adjective -collection -compared_to 〕
alveolara (alveolar'a)
amar'a bitter (biter'a)
〔 "amar" -adjective / "ama" -adjective -head / "am" -adjective -collection 〕
amara (amar'a)
amar'a sour (sur'a) amara (amar'a)
antarkt'a antartic (antart'a)
〔 "antarkt" -adjective 〕
antarkta (antarkt'a)
antawgard'a precautionary (precautionary'a)
〔 "antawgard" -adjective / before- "gard" -adjective 〕
antaŭgarda (antawgard'a)
apart'a characteristic (tcaracterist'a)
〔 "apart" -adjective / "ap" -adjective -art 〕
aparta (apart'a)
apart'a distinctive (distinct'a) aparta (apart'a)
apart'a particular (part'a) aparta (apart'a)
apart'a separate (separat'a) aparta (apart'a)
apudmar'a maritime (apudmar'a)
〔 "apudmar" -adjective / "apudma" -adjective -head / beside- "ma" -adjective -head / "apudm" -adjective -collection / beside- "mar" -adjective / beside- "ma" -adjective -head 〕
apudmara (apudmar'a)
ar'a grouped (grup'a)
〔 "ar" -adjective / "a" -adjective -head 〕
ara (ar'a)
ar'a set (set'a)
ard'a ardent (ard'a)
〔 "ard" -adjective 〕
ard'a passionate (pasionat'a) arda (ard'a)
arkt'a arctic (arct'a)
〔 "arkt" -adjective 〕
arkta (arkt'a)
arkt'a artic (art'a) arkta (arkt'a)
arm'a charming (arm'a)
〔 "arm" -adjective 〕
art'a artistic (art'a)
〔 "art" -adjective 〕
arta (art'a)
avangard'a avant-garde (avant-gard'a)
〔 "avangard" -adjective 〕
avar'a avaricious (avar'a)
〔 "avar" -adjective / "ava" -adjective -head / "av" -adjective -collection 〕
avara (avar'a)
avar'a greedy (gred'a)
avar'a mean (mean'a) avara (avar'a)
avar'a miserly (miser'a) avara (avar'a)
avar'a skimpy (skimpy'a)
avar'a sparing (spar'a)
avar'a stingy (stingy'a) avara (avar'a)
balotantar'a electoral (elector'a)
〔 "balotantar" -adjective / "balotanta" -adjective -head / "balotant" -adjective -collection 〕
balotantara (balotantar'a)
barb'a bearded (beard'a)
〔 "barb" -adjective 〕
barba (barb'a)
barbar'a barbarian (barbar'a)
〔 "barbar" -adjective / "barba" -adjective -head / "barb" -adjective -collection 〕
binar'a binary (binar'a)
〔 "binar" -adjective / "bina" -adjective -head / "bin" -adjective -collection 〕
binara (binar'a)
bizar'a bizarre (bizar'a)
〔 "bizar" -adjective / "biza" -adjective -head / "biz" -adjective -collection 〕
bizara (bizar'a)
bizar'a incongruous (incongr'a) bizara (bizar'a)
bizar'a outlandish (utlandic'a) bizara (bizar'a)
blondhar'a blond (blond'a)
〔 "blondhar" -adjective / "blondha" -adjective -head / "blondh" -adjective -collection 〕
blondhara (blondhar'a)
bonfar'a charitable (bonfar'a)
〔 "bonfar" -adjective / "bonfa" -adjective -head / good- "fa" -adjective -head / "bonf" -adjective -collection / good- "far" -adjective / good- "fa" -adjective -head 〕
bonfara (bonfar'a)
bonfar'a humanitarian (bonfar'a) bonfara (bonfar'a)
bonfart'a safe (saf'a)
〔 "bonfart" -adjective / "bonf" -adjective -art / good- "fart" -adjective 〕
bonfarta (bonfart'a)
brulfar'a incendiary (incendiar'a)
〔 "brulfar" -adjective / "brulfa" -adjective -head / "brulf" -adjective -collection 〕
brulfara (brulfar'a)
cardj'a oppressive (opresiv'a)
〔 "cardj" -adjective 〕
ŝarĝa (cardj'a)
dekkvar'a forteenth (dekkvar'a)
〔 ten- "kvar" -adjective / ten- "kva" -adjective -head 〕 〔 "dekkvar" -adjective / "dekkva" -adjective -head / of- "kkva" -adjective -head / "dekkv" -adjective -collection / of- "kkvar" -adjective / of- "kkva" -adjective -head 〕
dekkvara (dekkvar'a)
detsidofar'a decision-making (decision-making'a)
〔 "detsidofar" -adjective / "detsidofa" -adjective -head / of- "tsidofa" -adjective -head / "detsidof" -adjective -collection / "detsid" -adjective -collection -change_from / "dets" -adjective -collection -change_from -next_generation / of- "tsid" -adjective -collection -change_from / of- "tsidof" -adjective -collection / of- "tsid" -adjective -collection -change_from / of- "tsidofar" -adjective / of- "tsidofa" -adjective -head / of- "tsidof" -adjective -collection / of- "tsid" -adjective -collection -change_from 〕
decidofara (decidofar'a)
dikkarn'a fleshy (flecy'a)
〔 "dikkarn" -adjective 〕
dikkarna (dikarn'a)
djendarm'a paramilitary (param'a)
〔 "djendarm" -adjective 〕
ĝendarma (djendarm'a)
duonyar'a biannual (bianual'a)
〔 two- "onyar" -adjective / two- "onya" -adjective -head / two- "ony" -adjective -collection 〕 〔 "duonyar" -adjective / "duonya" -adjective -head / "duony" -adjective -collection 〕
duonjara (duonjar'a)
duyar'a biennial (duyar'a)
〔 two- "yar" -adjective / two- "ya" -adjective -head 〕 〔 "duyar" -adjective / "duya" -adjective -head / "duy" -adjective -collection 〕
dujara (duyar'a)
eksterordinar'a epic (eksterordinar'a)
〔 "eksterordinar" -adjective / "eksterordina" -adjective -head / outside- "terordina" -adjective -head / relational_outside- "ordina" -adjective -head / "eksterordin" -adjective -collection / "eksterord" -adjective -collection -grammatical_feminine / outside- "terord" -adjective -collection -grammatical_feminine / relational_outside- "ord" -adjective -collection -grammatical_feminine / outside- "terordin" -adjective -collection / outside- "terord" -adjective -collection -grammatical_feminine / relational_outside- "ordin" -adjective -collection / relational_outside- "ord" -adjective -collection -grammatical_feminine / outside- "terordinar" -adjective / outside- "terordina" -adjective -head / outside- "terordin" -adjective -collection / outside- "terord" -adjective -collection -grammatical_feminine / relational_outside- "ordinar" -adjective / relational_outside- "ordina" -adjective -head / relational_outside- "ordin" -adjective -collection / relational_outside- "ord" -adjective -collection -grammatical_feminine 〕
eksterordinara (eksterordinar'a)
eksterordinar'a extraordinary (eksterordinar'a) eksterordinara (eksterordinar'a)
eksterordinar'a offbeat (eksterordinar'a) eksterordinara (eksterordinar'a)
eksterordinar'a singular (eksterordinar'a) eksterordinara (eksterordinar'a)
elektantar'a electoral (elector'a)
〔 "elektantar" -adjective / "elektanta" -adjective -head / out_of- "ektanta" -adjective -head / "elektant" -adjective -collection / out_of- "ektant" -adjective -collection / out_of- "ektantar" -adjective / out_of- "ektanta" -adjective -head / out_of- "ektant" -adjective -collection 〕
elektantara (elektantar'a)
elstar'a brilliant (elstar'a)
〔 "elstar" -adjective / "elsta" -adjective -head / out_of- "sta" -adjective -head / "elst" -adjective -collection / out_of- "star" -adjective / out_of- "sta" -adjective -head 〕
elstara (elstar'a)
elstar'a conspicuous (elstar'a) elstara (elstar'a)
elstar'a outstanding (elstar'a) elstara (elstar'a)
erar'a erroneous (er'a)
〔 "erar" -adjective / "era" -adjective -head / "er" -adjective -collection / "e" -adjective -collection -head 〕
erara (erar'a)
erar'a inaccurate (inacur'a) erara (erar'a)
erar'a off (of'a) erara (erar'a)
familiar'a colloquial (coloquial'a)
〔 "familiar" -adjective / "familia" -adjective -head / "famili" -adjective -collection 〕
familiara (familiar'a)
familiar'a family (family'a) familiara (familiar'a)
fidutsiar'a fiduciary (fiduciar'a)
〔 "fidutsiar" -adjective / "fidutsia" -adjective -head / "fidutsi" -adjective -collection 〕
fiduciara (fiduciar'a)
finofar'a final (final'a)
〔 "finofar" -adjective / "finofa" -adjective -head / "finof" -adjective -collection / "fin" -adjective -collection -change_from 〕
finofara (finofar'a)
fitosanitar'a phytosanitary (fytosanitar'a)
〔 "fitosanitar" -adjective / "fitosanita" -adjective -head / "fitosanit" -adjective -collection / "fitosan" -adjective -collection -done / "fitos" -adjective -collection -done -member / "fit" -adjective -collection -done -member -apprentice 〕
fitosanitara (fitosanitar'a)
flar'a olfactory (olfactor'a)
〔 "flar" -adjective / "fla" -adjective -head 〕
flara (flar'a)
gard'a protective (protectiv'a)
〔 "gard" -adjective 〕
garda (gard'a)
hazard'a adventitious (ad'a)
〔 "hazard" -adjective 〕
hazarda (hazard'a)
hazard'a casual (casual'a) hazarda (hazard'a)
hazard'a haphazard (hafazard'a) hazarda (hazard'a)
hazard'a random (rand'a) hazarda (hazard'a)
hektar'a hectare (hectar'a)
〔 "hektar" -adjective / "hekta" -adjective -head / "hekt" -adjective -collection 〕
horar'a scheduled (cedul'a)
〔 "horar" -adjective / "hora" -adjective -head / "hor" -adjective -collection / "ho" -adjective -collection -head 〕
horara (horar'a)
humanitar'a humanitarian (humanitar'a)
〔 "humanitar" -adjective / "humanita" -adjective -head / "humanit" -adjective -collection / "human" -adjective -collection -done / "hum" -adjective -collection -done -member 〕
humanitara (humanitar'a)
interregistar'a intergovernmental (intergover'a)
〔 some- "nterregistar" -adjective / some- "nterregista" -adjective -head / some- "nterregist" -adjective -collection 〕 〔 "interregistar" -adjective / "interregista" -adjective -head / not_on_the_outside- "terregista" -adjective -head / between- "regista" -adjective -head / "interregist" -adjective -collection / not_on_the_outside- "terregist" -adjective -collection / between- "regist" -adjective -collection / not_on_the_outside- "terregistar" -adjective / not_on_the_outside- "terregista" -adjective -head / not_on_the_outside- "terregist" -adjective -collection / between- "registar" -adjective / between- "regista" -adjective -head / between- "regist" -adjective -collection 〕
interregistara (interegistar'a)
kampar'a rural (rur'a)
〔 "kampar" -adjective / "kampa" -adjective -head / "kamp" -adjective -collection 〕
kampara (kampar'a)
kapilar'a narrow (nar'a)
〔 "kapilar" -adjective / "kapila" -adjective -head / "kapil" -adjective -collection / "kap" -adjective -collection -tool 〕
kapilara (kapilar'a)
kar'a dear (kar'a)
〔 "kar" -adjective / "ka" -adjective -head 〕
kara (kar'a)
kar'a expensive (kar'a) kara (kar'a)
katars'a cathartic (caxartic'a)
〔 "katars" -adjective 〕
katarsa (katars'a)
klar'a clear (clear'a)
〔 "klar" -adjective / "kla" -adjective -head 〕
klara (klar'a)
klar'a distinct (distinct'a) klara (klar'a)
klar'a limpid (limpid'a) klara (klar'a)
klar'a lucid (lucid'a) klara (klar'a)
klar'a plain (plain'a) klara (klar'a)
kompar'a comparative (compar'a)
〔 "kompar" -adjective / "kompa" -adjective -head / "komp" -adjective -collection 〕
kompara (kompar'a)
konsilantar'a advisory (advisor'a)
〔 "konsilantar" -adjective / "konsilanta" -adjective -head / "konsilant" -adjective -collection 〕
konsilantara (konsilantar'a)
kuntar'a gross (kuntar'a)
〔 "kuntar" -adjective / "kunta" -adjective -head / with- "ta" -adjective -head / "kunt" -adjective -collection / with- "tar" -adjective / with- "ta" -adjective -head 〕
kuntara (kuntar'a)
kvar'a fourth (kvar'a)
〔 four--adjective 〕 〔 "kvar" -adjective / "kva" -adjective -head 〕
kvara (kvar'a)
kvaronyar'a quarterly (quarter'a)
〔 four- "onyar" -adjective / four- "onya" -adjective -head / four- "ony" -adjective -collection 〕 〔 "kvaronyar" -adjective / "kvaronya" -adjective -head / "kvarony" -adjective -collection 〕
kvaronjara (kvaronjar'a)
laboristar'a industrial (industr'a)
〔 "laboristar" -adjective / "laborista" -adjective -head / "laborist" -adjective -collection 〕
laboristara (laboristar'a)
lapidar'a lapidary (lapidar'a)
〔 "lapidar" -adjective / "lapida" -adjective -head / "lapid" -adjective -collection / "lap" -adjective -collection -next_generation 〕
lapidara (lapidar'a)
lardj'a broad (broad'a)
〔 "lardj" -adjective 〕
larĝa (lardj'a)
lardj'a large (larg'a) larĝa (lardj'a)
lardj'a wide (wid'a) larĝa (lardj'a)
lawlardj'a cross (cros'a)
〔 "lawlardj" -adjective / according_to- "lardj" -adjective 〕
laŭlarĝa (lawlardj'a)
ledjfar'a legislative (legislat'a)
〔 "ledjfar" -adjective / "ledjfa" -adjective -head / "ledjf" -adjective -collection 〕
leĝfara (ledjfar'a)
linear'a linear (linear'a)
〔 "linear" -adjective / "linea" -adjective -head / third_person- "nea" -adjective -head / third_person- no,_not- "a" -adjective -head / "line" -adjective -collection / third_person- "ne" -adjective -collection / third_person- "near" -adjective / third_person- "nea" -adjective -head / third_person- no,_not- "a" -adjective -head / third_person- "ne" -adjective -collection / third_person- no,_not- "ar" -adjective / third_person- no,_not- "a" -adjective -head 〕
lineara (linear'a)
malavar'a generous (malavar'a)
〔 "malavar" -adjective / "malava" -adjective -head / opposite_of- "ava" -adjective -head / adjectival_opposite_of- "va" -adjective -head / "malav" -adjective -collection / "mal" -adjective -collection -capable / opposite_of- "av" -adjective -collection / opposite_of- "avar" -adjective / opposite_of- "ava" -adjective -head / opposite_of- "av" -adjective -collection / adjectival_opposite_of- "var" -adjective / adjectival_opposite_of- "va" -adjective -head 〕
malavara (malavar'a)
malavar'a lavish (malavar'a) malavara (malavar'a)
malavar'a unstinting (malavar'a) malavara (malavar'a)
malkar'a cheap (malkar'a)
〔 "malkar" -adjective / "malka" -adjective -head / opposite_of- "ka" -adjective -head / "malk" -adjective -collection / opposite_of- "kar" -adjective / opposite_of- "ka" -adjective -head 〕
malkara (malkar'a)
malkar'a low-cost (malkar'a) malkara (malkar'a)
malklar'a blurry (blur'a)
〔 "malklar" -adjective / "malkla" -adjective -head / opposite_of- "kla" -adjective -head / "malkl" -adjective -collection / opposite_of- "klar" -adjective / opposite_of- "kla" -adjective -head 〕
malklara (malklar'a)
malklar'a clouded (cluded'a) malklara (malklar'a)
malklar'a muddy (mudy'a) malklara (malklar'a)
malklar'a obscure (obscur'a) malklara (malklar'a)
mallardj'a narrow (narow'a)
〔 "mallardj" -adjective / opposite_of- "lardj" -adjective 〕
mallarĝa (malardj'a)
malvarm'a cold (cold'a)
〔 "malvarm" -adjective / opposite_of- "varm" -adjective 〕
malvarma (malvarm'a)
mar'a marine (mar'a)
〔 "mar" -adjective / "ma" -adjective -head 〕
mara (mar'a)
mar'a maritime (mar'a) mara (mar'a)
martc'a soggy (sogy'a)
〔 "martc" -adjective 〕
marĉa (martc'a)
memstar'a autonomous (autonomus'a)
〔 "memstar" -adjective / "memsta" -adjective -head / "memst" -adjective -collection 〕
memstara (memstar'a)
memstar'a stand alone memstara (memstar'a)
miliard'a billionth (bilion'a)
〔 "miliard" -adjective / first_person- "liard" -adjective / first_person- third_person- "ard" -adjective / 1/1000- "ard" -adjective 〕
miliarda (miliard'a)
militistar'a military (militistar'a)
〔 "militistar" -adjective / "militista" -adjective -head / first_person- "litista" -adjective -head / first_person- third_person- "tista" -adjective -head / first_person- third_person- that- "sta" -adjective -head / 1/1000- "tista" -adjective -head / 1/1000- that- "sta" -adjective -head / "militist" -adjective -collection / first_person- "litist" -adjective -collection / first_person- third_person- "tist" -adjective -collection / 1/1000- "tist" -adjective -collection / first_person- "litistar" -adjective / first_person- "litista" -adjective -head / first_person- third_person- "tista" -adjective -head / first_person- third_person- that- "sta" -adjective -head / first_person- "litist" -adjective -collection / first_person- third_person- "tist" -adjective -collection / first_person- third_person- "tistar" -adjective / first_person- third_person- "tista" -adjective -head / first_person- third_person- that- "sta" -adjective -head / first_person- third_person- "tist" -adjective -collection / first_person- third_person- that- "star" -adjective / first_person- third_person- that- "sta" -adjective -head / 1/1000- "tistar" -adjective / 1/1000- "tista" -adjective -head / 1/1000- that- "sta" -adjective -head / 1/1000- "tist" -adjective -collection / 1/1000- that- "star" -adjective / 1/1000- that- "sta" -adjective -head 〕
militistara (militistar'a)
naybar'a neighboring (neiqbor'a)
〔 "naybar" -adjective / "nayba" -adjective -head / "nayb" -adjective -collection 〕
naybar'a neighbouring (neiqbur'a) najbara (najbar'a)
neklar'a murky (neklar'a)
〔 "neklar" -adjective / "nekla" -adjective -head / no,_not- "kla" -adjective -head / neither- "la" -adjective -head / "nekl" -adjective -collection / no,_not- "klar" -adjective / no,_not- "kla" -adjective -head / neither- "lar" -adjective / neither- "la" -adjective -head 〕
neklara (neklar'a)
neklar'a obscure (neklar'a) neklara (neklar'a)
neklar'a unclear (neklar'a) neklara (neklar'a)
neklar'a vague (neklar'a) neklara (neklar'a)
nenifar'a lazy (nenifar'a)
〔 none- "ifar" -adjective / none- "ifa" -adjective -head / none- "if" -adjective -collection 〕 〔 pronominal_none- "far" -adjective / pronominal_none- "fa" -adjective -head 〕 〔 "nenifar" -adjective / "nenifa" -adjective -head / no,_not- "nifa" -adjective -head / "nenif" -adjective -collection / "nen" -adjective -collection -change_into / no,_not- "nif" -adjective -collection / no,_not- "nifar" -adjective / no,_not- "nifa" -adjective -head / no,_not- "nif" -adjective -collection 〕
nenifara (nenifar'a)
nepar'a uneven (nepar'a)
〔 "nepar" -adjective / "nepa" -adjective -head / no,_not- "pa" -adjective -head / "nep" -adjective -collection / no,_not- "par" -adjective / no,_not- "pa" -adjective -head 〕
nepara (nepar'a)
nepopular'a unpopular (unpopular'a)
〔 "nepopular" -adjective / "nepopula" -adjective -head / no,_not- "popula" -adjective -head / no,_not- at_the_rate_of- "pula" -adjective -head / "nepopul" -adjective -collection / "nepop" -adjective -collection -person / "nep" -adjective -collection -person -in_a_group / no,_not- "pop" -adjective -collection -person / no,_not- "popul" -adjective -collection / no,_not- "pop" -adjective -collection -person / no,_not- at_the_rate_of- "pul" -adjective -collection / no,_not- "popular" -adjective / no,_not- "popula" -adjective -head / no,_not- at_the_rate_of- "pula" -adjective -head / no,_not- "popul" -adjective -collection / no,_not- "pop" -adjective -collection -person / no,_not- at_the_rate_of- "pul" -adjective -collection / no,_not- at_the_rate_of- "pular" -adjective / no,_not- at_the_rate_of- "pula" -adjective -head / no,_not- at_the_rate_of- "pul" -adjective -collection 〕
nepopulara (nepopular'a)
ordinar'a average (ordinar'a)
〔 "ordinar" -adjective / "ordina" -adjective -head / "ordin" -adjective -collection / "ord" -adjective -collection -grammatical_feminine 〕
ordinara (ordinar'a)
ordinar'a ordinary (ordinar'a) ordinara (ordinar'a)
par'a even (par'a)
〔 "par" -adjective / "pa" -adjective -head 〕
para (par'a)
part'a partial (part'a)
〔 "part" -adjective 〕
parta (part'a)
patriark'a patriarchal (patriartc'a)
〔 "patriark" -adjective 〕
patriarka (patriark'a)
perpendikular'a perpendicular (perpendikular'a)
〔 "perpendikular" -adjective / "perpendikula" -adjective -head / with- "pendikula" -adjective -head / "perpendikul" -adjective -collection / "perpendik" -adjective -collection -person / "perpend" -adjective -collection -person -reminiscent_of / "perp" -adjective -collection -person -reminiscent_of -important / with- "pend" -adjective -collection -person -reminiscent_of / with- "pendik" -adjective -collection -person / with- "pend" -adjective -collection -person -reminiscent_of / with- "pendikul" -adjective -collection / with- "pendik" -adjective -collection -person / with- "pend" -adjective -collection -person -reminiscent_of / with- "pendikular" -adjective / with- "pendikula" -adjective -head / with- "pendikul" -adjective -collection / with- "pendik" -adjective -collection -person / with- "pend" -adjective -collection -person -reminiscent_of 〕
perpendikulara (perpendikular'a)
pluryar'a perennial (per'a)
〔 "pluryar" -adjective / "plurya" -adjective -head / additional- "rya" -adjective -head / "plury" -adjective -collection / additional- "ryar" -adjective / additional- "rya" -adjective -head 〕
plurjara (plurjar'a)
poemart'a poetic (poet'a)
〔 "poemart" -adjective / "poem" -adjective -art / "po" -adjective -art -tendency / at_the_rate_of- "em" -adjective -art / at_the_rate_of- "emart" -adjective / at_the_rate_of- "em" -adjective -art 〕
politikofar'a policy-making (policy-making'a)
〔 "politikofar" -adjective / "politikofa" -adjective -head / at_the_rate_of- "litikofa" -adjective -head / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tikofa" -adjective -head / at_the_rate_of- third_person- that- "kofa" -adjective -head / "politikof" -adjective -collection / "politik" -adjective -collection -change_from / "polit" -adjective -collection -change_from -reminiscent_of / "pol" -adjective -collection -change_from -reminiscent_of -done / at_the_rate_of- "lit" -adjective -collection -change_from -reminiscent_of / at_the_rate_of- "litik" -adjective -collection -change_from / at_the_rate_of- "lit" -adjective -collection -change_from -reminiscent_of / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tik" -adjective -collection -change_from / at_the_rate_of- "litikof" -adjective -collection / at_the_rate_of- "litik" -adjective -collection -change_from / at_the_rate_of- "lit" -adjective -collection -change_from -reminiscent_of / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tik" -adjective -collection -change_from / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tikof" -adjective -collection / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tik" -adjective -collection -change_from / at_the_rate_of- third_person- that- "kof" -adjective -collection / at_the_rate_of- "litikofar" -adjective / at_the_rate_of- "litikofa" -adjective -head / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tikofa" -adjective -head / at_the_rate_of- third_person- that- "kofa" -adjective -head / at_the_rate_of- "litikof" -adjective -collection / at_the_rate_of- "litik" -adjective -collection -change_from / at_the_rate_of- "lit" -adjective -collection -change_from -reminiscent_of / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tik" -adjective -collection -change_from / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tikof" -adjective -collection / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tik" -adjective -collection -change_from / at_the_rate_of- third_person- that- "kof" -adjective -collection / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tikofar" -adjective / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tikofa" -adjective -head / at_the_rate_of- third_person- that- "kofa" -adjective -head / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tikof" -adjective -collection / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tik" -adjective -collection -change_from / at_the_rate_of- third_person- that- "kof" -adjective -collection / at_the_rate_of- third_person- that- "kofar" -adjective / at_the_rate_of- third_person- that- "kofa" -adjective -head / at_the_rate_of- third_person- that- "kof" -adjective -collection 〕
politikofara (politikofar'a)
popular'a popular (popular'a)
〔 "popular" -adjective / "popula" -adjective -head / at_the_rate_of- "pula" -adjective -head / "popul" -adjective -collection / "pop" -adjective -collection -person / at_the_rate_of- "pul" -adjective -collection / at_the_rate_of- "pular" -adjective / at_the_rate_of- "pula" -adjective -head / at_the_rate_of- "pul" -adjective -collection 〕
populara (popular'a)
prepar'a advance (advanc'a)
〔 "prepar" -adjective / "prepa" -adjective -head / "prep" -adjective -collection 〕
prepara (prepar'a)
prepar'a preliminary (preliminar'a) prepara (prepar'a)
prepar'a preparatory (prep'a) prepara (prepar'a)
primar'a basic (primar'a)
〔 "primar" -adjective / "prima" -adjective -head / about- "ma" -adjective -head / "prim" -adjective -collection / about- "mar" -adjective / about- "ma" -adjective -head 〕
primara (primar'a)
primar'a primary (primar'a) primara (primar'a)
rar'a rare (rar'a)
〔 "rar" -adjective / "ra" -adjective -head 〕
rara (rar'a)
registar'a governmental (gover'a)
〔 "registar" -adjective / "regista" -adjective -head / "regist" -adjective -collection 〕
registara (registar'a)
sanitar'a sanitary (sanitar'a)
〔 "sanitar" -adjective / "sanita" -adjective -head / "sanit" -adjective -collection / "san" -adjective -collection -done 〕
sanitara (sanitar'a)
sekular'a mundane (mundan'a)
〔 "sekular" -adjective / "sekula" -adjective -head / "sekul" -adjective -collection / "sek" -adjective -collection -person 〕
sekulara (sekular'a)
sekundar'a secondary (secondar'a)
〔 "sekundar" -adjective / "sekunda" -adjective -head / "sekund" -adjective -collection / "sek" -adjective -collection -extensive 〕
sekundara (sekundar'a)
senarb'a treeless (treles'a)
〔 "senarb" -adjective / without- "arb" -adjective 〕
senarba (senarb'a)
senart'a tacky (taky'a)
〔 "senart" -adjective / "sen" -adjective -art / without- "art" -adjective 〕
senarta (senart'a)
senbar'a open (senbar'a)
〔 "senbar" -adjective / "senba" -adjective -head / without- "ba" -adjective -head / "senb" -adjective -collection / without- "bar" -adjective / without- "ba" -adjective -head 〕
senbara (senbar'a)
senbar'a unfettered (senbar'a) senbara (senbar'a)
senerar'a correct (cor'a)
〔 "senerar" -adjective / "senera" -adjective -head / without- "era" -adjective -head / "sener" -adjective -collection / "sene" -adjective -collection -head / without- "e" -adjective -collection -head / "sen" -adjective -collection -element / without- "er" -adjective -collection / without- "e" -adjective -collection -head / without- "erar" -adjective / without- "era" -adjective -head / without- "er" -adjective -collection / without- "e" -adjective -collection -head 〕
senerara (senerar'a)
senkompar'a incomparable (incompar'a)
〔 "senkompar" -adjective / "senkompa" -adjective -head / without- "kompa" -adjective -head / "senkomp" -adjective -collection / without- "komp" -adjective -collection / without- "kompar" -adjective / without- "kompa" -adjective -head / without- "komp" -adjective -collection 〕
senkompara (senkompar'a)
senkompar'a unique (uniqu'a) senkompara (senkompar'a)
sentar'a net (sentar'a)
〔 "sentar" -adjective / "senta" -adjective -head / without- "ta" -adjective -head / "sent" -adjective -collection / without- "tar" -adjective / without- "ta" -adjective -head 〕
sentara (sentar'a)
sentcarm'a nerdy (nerdy'a)
〔 "sentcarm" -adjective / without- "tcarm" -adjective 〕
senĉarma (sentcarm'a)
singard'a careful (careful'a)
〔 "singard" -adjective / reflexive- "ngard" -adjective 〕
singarda (singard'a)
singard'a cautious (cautius'a) singarda (singard'a)
singard'a wary (wary'a) singarda (singard'a)
singular'a singular (singular'a)
〔 "singular" -adjective / "singula" -adjective -head / reflexive- "ngula" -adjective -head / "singul" -adjective -collection / "sing" -adjective -collection -person / reflexive- "ngul" -adjective -collection / reflexive- "ngular" -adjective / reflexive- "ngula" -adjective -head / reflexive- "ngul" -adjective -collection 〕
singulara (singular'a)
solidar'a many as one
〔 "solidar" -adjective / "solida" -adjective -head / "solid" -adjective -collection / "sol" -adjective -collection -next_generation 〕
solidara (solidar'a)
solidar'a solidarity (solidar'a)
spart'a spartan (spart'a)
〔 "spart" -adjective 〕
sparta (spart'a)
standard'a standard (standard'a)
〔 "standard" -adjective 〕
submar'a submarine (submar'a)
〔 "submar" -adjective / "subma" -adjective -head / beneath- "ma" -adjective -head / "subm" -adjective -collection / beneath- "mar" -adjective / beneath- "ma" -adjective -head 〕
submara (submar'a)
submar'a underwater (submar'a) submara (submar'a)
tcarm'a charming (tcarm'a)
〔 "tcarm" -adjective 〕
ĉarma (tcarm'a)
tcarm'a nice (nic'a) ĉarma (tcarm'a)
tciukvaryar'a quadrennial (quadr'a)
〔 "tciukvaryar" -adjective / "tciukvarya" -adjective -head / "tciukvary" -adjective -collection 〕
ĉiukvarjara (tciukvarjar'a)
tciuyar'a annual (anual'a)
〔 "tciuyar" -adjective / "tciuya" -adjective -head / "tciuy" -adjective -collection / "tci" -adjective -collection -container 〕
ĉiujara (tciujar'a)
tciuyar'a yearly (year'a) ĉiujara (tciujar'a)
temerar'a reckless (rekles'a)
〔 "temerar" -adjective / "temera" -adjective -head / "temer" -adjective -collection / "teme" -adjective -collection -head / "tem" -adjective -collection -element 〕
temerara (temerar'a)
tertsiar'a tertiary (tertiar'a)
〔 "tertsiar" -adjective / "tertsia" -adjective -head / "tertsi" -adjective -collection 〕
terciara (terciar'a)
transmar'a overseas (transmar'a)
〔 "transmar" -adjective / "transma" -adjective -head / through- "nsma" -adjective -head / across- "ma" -adjective -head / "transm" -adjective -collection / through- "nsmar" -adjective / through- "nsma" -adjective -head / across- "mar" -adjective / across- "ma" -adjective -head 〕
transmara (transmar'a)
tutyar'a yearlong (year'a)
〔 "tutyar" -adjective / "tutya" -adjective -head / "tuty" -adjective -collection 〕
tutjara (tutjar'a)
varb'a promotional (promotion'a)
〔 "varb" -adjective 〕
varba (varb'a)
varm'a hot (hot'a)
〔 "varm" -adjective 〕
varma (varm'a)
varm'a warm (warm'a) varma (varm'a)
vegetar'a vegetarian (vegetar'a)
〔 "vegetar" -adjective / "vegeta" -adjective -head / "veget" -adjective -collection / "veg" -adjective -collection -diminutive 〕
vegetara (vegetar'a)
veterinar'a veterinary (veterinar'a)
〔 "veterinar" -adjective / "veterina" -adjective -head / "veterin" -adjective -collection / "veter" -adjective -collection -grammatical_feminine / "vete" -adjective -collection -grammatical_feminine -head / "ve" -adjective -collection -grammatical_feminine -relational / "vet" -adjective -collection -grammatical_feminine -element 〕
veterinara (veterinar'a)
votcdonantar'a electoral (elector'a)
〔 "votcdonantar" -adjective / "votcdonanta" -adjective -head / "votcdonant" -adjective -collection 〕
voĉdonantara (votcdonantar'a)
vulgar'a popular (popular'a)
〔 "vulgar" -adjective / "vulga" -adjective -head / "vulg" -adjective -collection 〕
vulgara (vulgar'a)
vulgar'a tasteless (tasteles'a) vulgara (vulgar'a)
vulgar'a vernacular (vernacular'a) vulgara (vulgar'a)
vulgar'a vulgar (vulgar'a) vulgara (vulgar'a)
yar'a annual (yar'a)
〔 "yar" -adjective / "ya" -adjective -head 〕
yunular'a juvenile (juvenil'a)
〔 "yunular" -adjective / "yunula" -adjective -head / "yunul" -adjective -collection / "yun" -adjective -collection -person 〕
junulara (junular'a)
alarm'e alarming (alarm'e)
〔 "alarm" -adverb / to_or_toward- "arm" -adverb 〕
alarme (alarm'e)
alarm'e alarmingly (alarm'e)
alipart'e on the other hand (alipart'e)
〔 "alipart" -adverb / "alip" -adverb -art / "al" -adverb -art -structure / to_or_toward- "ip" -adverb -art / to_or_toward- "ipart" -adverb / to_or_toward- "ip" -adverb -art 〕
aliparte (alipart'e)
amar'e bitterly (biter'e)
〔 "amar" -adverb / "ama" -adverb -head / "am" -adverb -collection 〕
amare (amar'e)
antawgard'e as a precaution
〔 "antawgard" -adverb / before- "gard" -adverb 〕
antaŭgarde (antawgard'e)
apart'e apart (part'e)
〔 "apart" -adverb / "ap" -adverb -art 〕
aparte (apart'e)
apart'e distinctly (distinct'e) aparte (apart'e)
apart'e especially (especialy'e) aparte (apart'e)
apart'e particularly (part'e)
apart'e separately (separat'e) aparte (apart'e)
ar'e grouply (grup'e)
〔 "ar" -adverb / "a" -adverb -head 〕
are (ar'e)
art'e artisticly (art'e)
〔 "art" -adverb 〕
avar'e miserly (miser'e)
〔 "avar" -adverb / "ava" -adverb -head / "av" -adverb -collection 〕
barbar'e barbarously (barbar'e)
〔 "barbar" -adverb / "barba" -adverb -head / "barb" -adverb -collection 〕
bonfart'e well (wel'e)
〔 "bonfart" -adverb / "bonf" -adverb -art / good- "fart" -adverb 〕
bonfarte (bonfart'e)
dekkvar'e forteenth (dekkvar'e)
〔 ten- "kvar" -adverb / ten- "kva" -adverb -head 〕 〔 "dekkvar" -adverb / "dekkva" -adverb -head / of- "kkva" -adverb -head / "dekkv" -adverb -collection / of- "kkvar" -adverb / of- "kkva" -adverb -head 〕
dekkvare (dekkvar'e)
eksterordinar'e extraordinarily (eksterordinar'e)
〔 "eksterordinar" -adverb / "eksterordina" -adverb -head / outside- "terordina" -adverb -head / relational_outside- "ordina" -adverb -head / "eksterordin" -adverb -collection / "eksterord" -adverb -collection -grammatical_feminine / outside- "terord" -adverb -collection -grammatical_feminine / relational_outside- "ord" -adverb -collection -grammatical_feminine / outside- "terordin" -adverb -collection / outside- "terord" -adverb -collection -grammatical_feminine / relational_outside- "ordin" -adverb -collection / relational_outside- "ord" -adverb -collection -grammatical_feminine / outside- "terordinar" -adverb / outside- "terordina" -adverb -head / outside- "terordin" -adverb -collection / outside- "terord" -adverb -collection -grammatical_feminine / relational_outside- "ordinar" -adverb / relational_outside- "ordina" -adverb -head / relational_outside- "ordin" -adverb -collection / relational_outside- "ord" -adverb -collection -grammatical_feminine 〕
eksterordinare (eksterordinar'e)
elstar'e enormously (elstar'e)
〔 "elstar" -adverb / "elsta" -adverb -head / out_of- "sta" -adverb -head / "elst" -adverb -collection / out_of- "star" -adverb / out_of- "sta" -adverb -head 〕
elstare (elstar'e)
erar'e erroneously (er'e)
〔 "erar" -adverb / "era" -adverb -head / "er" -adverb -collection / "e" -adverb -collection -head 〕
erare (erar'e)
erar'e mistakenly (mistak'e) erare (erar'e)
erar'e wrong (wrong'e) erare (erar'e)
familiar'e colloquial (coloquial'e)
〔 "familiar" -adverb / "familia" -adverb -head / "famili" -adverb -collection 〕
familiare (familiar'e)
finofar'e decisively (decisively'e)
〔 "finofar" -adverb / "finofa" -adverb -head / "finof" -adverb -collection / "fin" -adverb -collection -change_from 〕
finofare (finofar'e)
fruyar'e early (ear'e)
〔 "fruyar" -adverb / "fruya" -adverb -head / "fruy" -adverb -collection 〕
frujare (frujar'e)
grandpart'e largely (largely'e)
〔 "grandpart" -adverb / "grandp" -adverb -art / canceled- "ndpart" -adverb 〕
grandparte (grandpart'e)
hazard'e accidentally (acid'e)
〔 "hazard" -adverb 〕
hazarde (hazard'e)
hazard'e randomly (rand'e) hazarde (hazard'e)
kar'e at a price (kar'e)
〔 "kar" -adverb / "ka" -adverb -head 〕
kare (kar'e)
kar'e dearly (kar'e) (kar'e)
klar'e clearly (clear'e)
〔 "klar" -adverb / "kla" -adverb -head 〕
klare (klar'e)
klar'e distinctly (distinct'e) klare (klar'e)
klar'e plainly (plain'e) klare (klar'e)
kompar'e comparatively (compar'e)
〔 "kompar" -adverb / "kompa" -adverb -head / "komp" -adverb -collection 〕
kompare (kompar'e)
kvar'e fourth (kvar'e)
〔 four--adverb 〕 〔 "kvar" -adverb / "kva" -adverb -head 〕
kvare (kvar'e)
kvar'e fourthly (kvar'e) (kvar'e)
kvaronyar'e quarterly (quarter'e)
〔 four- "onyar" -adverb / four- "onya" -adverb -head / four- "ony" -adverb -collection 〕 〔 "kvaronyar" -adverb / "kvaronya" -adverb -head / "kvarony" -adverb -collection 〕
kvaronjare (kvaronjar'e)
lardj'e broadly (broad'e)
〔 "lardj" -adverb 〕
larĝe (lardj'e)
lardj'e widely (wid'e) larĝe (lardj'e)
lawlardj'e lengthways (lengxways'e)
〔 "lawlardj" -adverb / according_to- "lardj" -adverb 〕
laŭlarĝe (lawlardj'e)
lawlardj'e widthways (widxways'e) laŭlarĝe (lawlardj'e)
malavar'e generously (malavar'e)
〔 "malavar" -adverb / "malava" -adverb -head / opposite_of- "ava" -adverb -head / adjectival_opposite_of- "va" -adverb -head / "malav" -adverb -collection / "mal" -adverb -collection -capable / opposite_of- "av" -adverb -collection / opposite_of- "avar" -adverb / opposite_of- "ava" -adverb -head / opposite_of- "av" -adverb -collection / adjectival_opposite_of- "var" -adverb / adjectival_opposite_of- "va" -adverb -head 〕
malavare (malavar'e)
malkar'e moderately (malkar'e)
〔 "malkar" -adverb / "malka" -adverb -head / opposite_of- "ka" -adverb -head / "malk" -adverb -collection / opposite_of- "kar" -adverb / opposite_of- "ka" -adverb -head 〕
malkare (malkar'e)
mallardj'e closely (closely'e)
〔 "mallardj" -adverb / opposite_of- "lardj" -adverb 〕
mallarĝe (malardj'e)
mallardj'e narrowly (narow'e) mallarĝe (malardj'e)
multayar'e perennially (per'e)
〔 "multayar" -adverb / "multaya" -adverb -head / "multay" -adverb -collection 〕
multajare (multajar'e)
neordinar'e unusually (neordinar'e)
〔 "neordinar" -adverb / "neordina" -adverb -head / no,_not- "ordina" -adverb -head / "neordin" -adverb -collection / "neord" -adverb -collection -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- "ord" -adverb -collection -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- "ordin" -adverb -collection / no,_not- "ord" -adverb -collection -grammatical_feminine / no,_not- "ordinar" -adverb / no,_not- "ordina" -adverb -head / no,_not- "ordin" -adverb -collection / no,_not- "ord" -adverb -collection -grammatical_feminine 〕
neordinare (neordinar'e)
ordinar'e normally (ordinar'e)
〔 "ordinar" -adverb / "ordina" -adverb -head / "ordin" -adverb -collection / "ord" -adverb -collection -grammatical_feminine 〕
ordinar'e usually (ordinar'e) ordinare (ordinar'e)
part'e partially (part'e)
〔 "part" -adverb 〕
parte (part'e)
part'e partly (part'e) parte (part'e)
pleypart'e largely (largely'e)
〔 "pleypart" -adverb / "pleyp" -adverb -art / most- "part" -adverb 〕
plejparte (plejpart'e)
pleypart'e largely (largely'e) pleyparte (pleypart'e)
pleypart'e mainly (mainly'e) plejparte (plejpart'e)
pleypart'e mostly (most'e) plejparte (plejpart'e)
pleypart'e predominantly (predominant'e) plejparte (plejpart'e)
poemart'e poetically (poet'e)
〔 "poemart" -adverb / "poem" -adverb -art / "po" -adverb -art -tendency / at_the_rate_of- "em" -adverb -art / at_the_rate_of- "emart" -adverb / at_the_rate_of- "em" -adverb -art 〕
popular'e popularly (popular'e)
〔 "popular" -adverb / "popula" -adverb -head / at_the_rate_of- "pula" -adverb -head / "popul" -adverb -collection / "pop" -adverb -collection -person / at_the_rate_of- "pul" -adverb -collection / at_the_rate_of- "pular" -adverb / at_the_rate_of- "pula" -adverb -head / at_the_rate_of- "pul" -adverb -collection 〕
prepar'e in preparation
〔 "prepar" -adverb / "prepa" -adverb -head / "prep" -adverb -collection 〕
prepar'e preparedly (prep'e)
senbar'e freely (senbar'e)
〔 "senbar" -adverb / "senba" -adverb -head / without- "ba" -adverb -head / "senb" -adverb -collection / without- "bar" -adverb / without- "ba" -adverb -head 〕
senbare (senbar'e)
senerar'e correctly (cor'e)
〔 "senerar" -adverb / "senera" -adverb -head / without- "era" -adverb -head / "sener" -adverb -collection / "sene" -adverb -collection -head / without- "e" -adverb -collection -head / "sen" -adverb -collection -element / without- "er" -adverb -collection / without- "e" -adverb -collection -head / without- "erar" -adverb / without- "era" -adverb -head / without- "er" -adverb -collection / without- "e" -adverb -collection -head 〕
senerare (senerar'e)
senkompar'e ever (ever'e)
〔 "senkompar" -adverb / "senkompa" -adverb -head / without- "kompa" -adverb -head / "senkomp" -adverb -collection / without- "komp" -adverb -collection / without- "kompar" -adverb / without- "kompa" -adverb -head / without- "komp" -adverb -collection 〕
senkompare (senkompar'e)
singard'e as a precaution
〔 "singard" -adverb / reflexive- "ngard" -adverb 〕
singarde (singard'e)
singard'e carefully (careful'e) singarde (singard'e)
singard'e cautiously (cautius'e) singarde (singard'e)
singard'e warily (warily'e) singarde (singard'e)
solidar'e in solidarity
〔 "solidar" -adverb / "solida" -adverb -head / "solid" -adverb -collection / "sol" -adverb -collection -next_generation 〕
tcar'e because (becaus'e)
〔 "tcar" -adverb / "tca" -adverb -head 〕
ĉar (tcar'e)
tcarm'e disarmingly (disarm'e)
〔 "tcarm" -adverb 〕
ĉarme (tcarm'e)
tcarm'e gracefully (gracefuly'e)
transmar'e overseas (transmar'e)
〔 "transmar" -adverb / "transma" -adverb -head / through- "nsma" -adverb -head / across- "ma" -adverb -head / "transm" -adverb -collection / through- "nsmar" -adverb / through- "nsma" -adverb -head / across- "mar" -adverb / across- "ma" -adverb -head 〕
transmare (transmar'e)
unupart'e on the one hand
〔 "unupart" -adverb / "unup" -adverb -art / "un" -adverb -art -kit / as one- "part" -adverb 〕
unuparte (unupart'e)
vulgar'e widely (widely'e)
〔 "vulgar" -adverb / "vulga" -adverb -head / "vulg" -adverb -collection 〕
vulgare (vulgar'e)
yar'e annual (yar'e)
〔 "yar" -adverb / "ya" -adverb -head 〕
yar'e by year (yar'e) (yar'e)
yar'e yearly (yar'e) jare (yar'e)
ziyar'e annually (ziyar'e)
〔 every- "yar" -adverb / every- "ya" -adverb -head 〕 〔 "ziyar" -adverb / "ziya" -adverb -head / "ziy" -adverb -collection 〕
ĉiujare (ziyar'e)
ziyar'e yearly (ziyar'e) ĉiujare (ziyar'e)
akapar'i corner (corner'i)
〔 "akapar" -infinitive / "akapa" -infinitive -head / "akap" -infinitive -collection / "ak" -infinitive -collection -apparatus 〕
akapari (akapar'i)
akapar'i hoard (hoar'i) akapari (akapar'i)
alarm'i alarm (alarm'i)
〔 "alarm" -infinitive / to_or_toward- "arm" -infinitive 〕
alarmi (alarm'i)
alarm'i to alert (alert'i)
alfar'i accommodate (alfar'i)
〔 "alfar" -infinitive / "alfa" -infinitive -head / to_or_toward- "fa" -infinitive -head / "alf" -infinitive -collection / to_or_toward- "far" -infinitive / to_or_toward- "fa" -infinitive -head 〕
alfari (alfar'i)
alrigard'i look (luk'i)
〔 "alrigard" -infinitive / to_or_toward- "rigard" -infinitive 〕
alrigardi (alrigard'i)
am'ux bombard'i would love to bombard
〔 "am" -conditional /+/ "bombard" -infinitive 〕
am'ux garn'i would love to adorn
〔 "am" -conditional /+/ "garn" -infinitive 〕
am'ux vart'i would love to nurse
〔 "am" -conditional /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
antawflar'i smell (smel'i)
〔 "antawflar" -infinitive / "antawfla" -infinitive -head / before- "fla" -infinitive -head / "antawfl" -infinitive -collection / before- "flar" -infinitive / before- "fla" -infinitive -head 〕
antaŭflari (antawflar'i)
antawgard'i protect (protect'i)
〔 "antawgard" -infinitive / before- "gard" -infinitive 〕
antaŭgardi (antawgard'i)
ar'i to group (grup'i)
〔 "ar" -infinitive / "a" -infinitive -head 〕
ari (ar'i)
ard'i glow (glow'i)
〔 "ard" -infinitive 〕
ardi (ard'i)
ark'i to arch (artc'i)
〔 "ark" -infinitive 〕
arm'i arm (arm'i)
〔 "arm" -infinitive 〕
armi (arm'i)
avar'i spare (spar'i)
〔 "avar" -infinitive / "ava" -infinitive -head / "av" -infinitive -collection 〕
avari (avar'i)
avar'i to covet (covet'i)
bar'i bar (bar'i)
〔 "bar" -infinitive / "ba" -infinitive -head 〕
bari (bar'i)
bar'i block (bar'i) bari (bar'i)
bar'i to bar (bar'i) bari (bar'i)
bierofar'i brew (brew'i)
〔 "bierofar" -infinitive / "bierofa" -infinitive -head / "bierof" -infinitive -collection / "bier" -infinitive -collection -change_from / "bie" -infinitive -collection -change_from -head / "bi" -infinitive -collection -change_from -element 〕
bierofari (bierofar'i)
bombard'i bomb (bomb'i)
〔 "bombard" -infinitive 〕
bombardi (bombard'i)
bombard'i to bombard (bomb'i) bombardi (bombard'i)
brulmark'i brand (brand'i)
〔 "brulmark" -infinitive 〕
brulmarki (brulmark'i)
cardj'i burden (burden'i)
〔 "cardj" -infinitive 〕
ŝarĝi (cardj'i)
cardj'i load (load'i) ŝarĝi (cardj'i)
cardj'i to charge (tcarg'i) ŝarĝi (cardj'i)
cardj'i to load (load'i)
carg'i charge (tcarg'i)
〔 "carg" -infinitive 〕
ŝargi (carg'i)
cat'ux bombard'i would like to bombard
〔 "cat" -conditional /+/ "bombard" -infinitive 〕
cat'ux garn'i would like to adorn
〔 "cat" -conditional /+/ "garn" -infinitive 〕
cat'ux vart'i would like to nurse
〔 "cat" -conditional /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
cpar'i economize (economiz'i)
〔 "cpar" -infinitive / "cpa" -infinitive -head 〕
ŝpari (cpar'i)
cpar'i spare (spar'i) ŝpari (cpar'i)
cpar'i to save (sav'i) ŝpari (cpar'i)
cud'ax ar'i should group
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "ar" -infinitive / "a" -infinitive -head 〕
cud'ax bar'i should bar
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "bar" -infinitive / "ba" -infinitive -head 〕
cud'ax cardj'i should load
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "cardj" -infinitive 〕
cud'ax cpar'i should save
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "cpar" -infinitive / "cpa" -infinitive -head 〕
cud'ax deklar'i should declare
〔 "cud" -present /+/ ten- "lar" -infinitive / ten- "la" -infinitive -head 〕 〔 "deklar" -infinitive / "dekla" -infinitive -head / of- "kla" -infinitive -head / "dekl" -infinitive -collection / of- "klar" -infinitive / of- "kla" -infinitive -head 〕
cud'ax prepar'i should prepare
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "prepar" -infinitive / "prepa" -infinitive -head / "prep" -infinitive -collection 〕
cud'ax rigard'i should look
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "rigard" -infinitive 〕
cud'ax rigard'i should regard
cud'ax rimark'i should note
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "rimark" -infinitive 〕
cud'ax ripar'i should fix
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "ripar" -infinitive / "ripa" -infinitive -head / "rip" -infinitive -collection 〕
cud'ax ripar'i should repair
cud'ax star'i should stand
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "star" -infinitive / "sta" -infinitive -head 〕
cud'ax start'i should start
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "start" -infinitive 〕
cud'ax varb'i should recruit
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "varb" -infinitive 〕
cud'ax varb'i should solicit
cud'ax vart'i should babysit
〔 "cud" -present /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
cud'ax vart'i should nurse
deklar'i declare (deklar'i)
〔 ten- "lar" -infinitive / ten- "la" -infinitive -head 〕 〔 "deklar" -infinitive / "dekla" -infinitive -head / of- "kla" -infinitive -head / "dekl" -infinitive -collection / of- "klar" -infinitive / of- "kla" -infinitive -head 〕
deklari (deklar'i)
deklar'i state (deklar'i) deklari (deklar'i)
deklar'i to declare (deklar'i) deklari (deklar'i)
destar'i detach (destar'i)
〔 "destar" -infinitive / "desta" -infinitive -head / of- "sta" -infinitive -head / "dest" -infinitive -collection / of- "star" -infinitive / of- "sta" -infinitive -head 〕
destari (destar'i)
dev'ax bar'i must bar
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "bar" -infinitive / "ba" -infinitive -head 〕
dev'ax cardj'i must load
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "cardj" -infinitive 〕
dev'ax cpar'i must save
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "cpar" -infinitive / "cpa" -infinitive -head 〕
dev'ax deklar'i must declare
〔 "dev" -present /+/ ten- "lar" -infinitive / ten- "la" -infinitive -head 〕 〔 "deklar" -infinitive / "dekla" -infinitive -head / of- "kla" -infinitive -head / "dekl" -infinitive -collection / of- "klar" -infinitive / of- "kla" -infinitive -head 〕
dev'ax prepar'i must prepare
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "prepar" -infinitive / "prepa" -infinitive -head / "prep" -infinitive -collection 〕
dev'ax rigard'i must look
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "rigard" -infinitive 〕
dev'ax rigard'i must regard
dev'ax rimark'i must note
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "rimark" -infinitive 〕
dev'ax ripar'i must fix
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "ripar" -infinitive / "ripa" -infinitive -head / "rip" -infinitive -collection 〕
dev'ax ripar'i must repair
dev'ax star'i must stand
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "star" -infinitive / "sta" -infinitive -head 〕
dev'ax start'i must start
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "start" -infinitive 〕
dev'ax varb'i must recruit
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "varb" -infinitive 〕
dev'ax varb'i must solicit
dev'ax vart'i must babysit
〔 "dev" -present /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
dev'ax vart'i must nurse
dev'ix bar'i needed to bar
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "bar" -infinitive / "ba" -infinitive -head 〕
dev'ix cardj'i needed to load
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "cardj" -infinitive 〕
dev'ix cpar'i needed to save
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "cpar" -infinitive / "cpa" -infinitive -head 〕
dev'ix deklar'i needed to declare
〔 "dev" -past /+/ ten- "lar" -infinitive / ten- "la" -infinitive -head 〕 〔 "deklar" -infinitive / "dekla" -infinitive -head / of- "kla" -infinitive -head / "dekl" -infinitive -collection / of- "klar" -infinitive / of- "kla" -infinitive -head 〕
dev'ix prepar'i needed to prepare
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "prepar" -infinitive / "prepa" -infinitive -head / "prep" -infinitive -collection 〕
dev'ix rigard'i needed to look
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "rigard" -infinitive 〕
dev'ix rigard'i needed to regard
dev'ix rimark'i needed to note
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "rimark" -infinitive 〕
dev'ix ripar'i needed to fix
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "ripar" -infinitive / "ripa" -infinitive -head / "rip" -infinitive -collection 〕
dev'ix ripar'i needed to repair
dev'ix star'i needed to stand
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "star" -infinitive / "sta" -infinitive -head 〕
dev'ix start'i needed to start
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "start" -infinitive 〕
dev'ix varb'i needed to recruit
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "varb" -infinitive 〕
dev'ix varb'i needed to solicit
dev'ix vart'i needed to babysit
〔 "dev" -past /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
dev'ix vart'i needed to nurse
dev'ox bar'i will need to bar
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "bar" -infinitive / "ba" -infinitive -head 〕
dev'ox cardj'i will need to load
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "cardj" -infinitive 〕
dev'ox cpar'i will need to save
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "cpar" -infinitive / "cpa" -infinitive -head 〕
dev'ox deklar'i will need to declare
〔 "dev" -future /+/ ten- "lar" -infinitive / ten- "la" -infinitive -head 〕 〔 "deklar" -infinitive / "dekla" -infinitive -head / of- "kla" -infinitive -head / "dekl" -infinitive -collection / of- "klar" -infinitive / of- "kla" -infinitive -head 〕
dev'ox prepar'i will need to prepare
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "prepar" -infinitive / "prepa" -infinitive -head / "prep" -infinitive -collection 〕
dev'ox rigard'i will need to look
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "rigard" -infinitive 〕
dev'ox rigard'i will need to regard
dev'ox rimark'i will need to note
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "rimark" -infinitive 〕
dev'ox ripar'i will need to fix
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "ripar" -infinitive / "ripa" -infinitive -head / "rip" -infinitive -collection 〕
dev'ox ripar'i will need to repair
dev'ox star'i will need to stand
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "star" -infinitive / "sta" -infinitive -head 〕
dev'ox start'i will need to start
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "start" -infinitive 〕
dev'ox varb'i will need to recruit
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "varb" -infinitive 〕
dev'ox varb'i will need to solicit
dev'ox vart'i will need to babysit
〔 "dev" -future /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
dev'ox vart'i will need to nurse
ekfar'i move (mov'i)
〔 "ekfar" -infinitive / "ekfa" -infinitive -head / "ekf" -infinitive -collection 〕
ekfari (ekfar'i)
ekflar'i sniff (snif'i)
〔 "ekflar" -infinitive / "ekfla" -infinitive -head / "ekfl" -infinitive -collection 〕
ekflari (ekflar'i)
ekgard'i secure (secur'i)
〔 "ekgard" -infinitive 〕
ekgardi (ekgard'i)
ekrigard'i glance (glanc'i)
〔 "ekrigard" -infinitive 〕
ekrigardi (ekrigard'i)
ekrigard'i peep (pep'i) ekrigardi (ekrigard'i)
ekrimark'i spot (spot'i)
〔 "ekrimark" -infinitive 〕
ekrimarki (ekrimark'i)
ekstar'i rise (ekstar'i)
〔 "ekstar" -infinitive / "eksta" -infinitive -head / outside- "ta" -infinitive -head / "ekst" -infinitive -collection / outside- "tar" -infinitive / outside- "ta" -infinitive -head 〕
ekstari (ekstar'i)
elfar'i perform (elfar'i)
〔 "elfar" -infinitive / "elfa" -infinitive -head / out_of- "fa" -infinitive -head / "elf" -infinitive -collection / out_of- "far" -infinitive / out_of- "fa" -infinitive -head 〕
elfari (elfar'i)
elfar'i perpetrate (elfar'i) elfari (elfar'i)
elsark'i exterminate (exterminat'i)
〔 "elsark" -infinitive / out_of- "sark" -infinitive 〕
elsarki (elsark'i)
elstar'i jut (elstar'i)
〔 "elstar" -infinitive / "elsta" -infinitive -head / out_of- "sta" -infinitive -head / "elst" -infinitive -collection / out_of- "star" -infinitive / out_of- "sta" -infinitive -head 〕
elstari (elstar'i)
elstar'i project (elstar'i) elstari (elstar'i)
em'ax bombard'i tends to bombard
〔 "em" -present /+/ "bombard" -infinitive 〕
em'ax garn'i tends to adorn
〔 "em" -present /+/ "garn" -infinitive 〕
em'ax vart'i tends to nurse
〔 "em" -present /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
em'ix bombard'i tended to bombard
〔 "em" -past /+/ "bombard" -infinitive 〕
em'ix garn'i tended to adorn
〔 "em" -past /+/ "garn" -infinitive 〕
em'ix vart'i tended to nurse
〔 "em" -past /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
em'ox bombard'i will tend to bombard
〔 "em" -future /+/ "bombard" -infinitive 〕
em'ox garn'i will tend to adorn
〔 "em" -future /+/ "garn" -infinitive 〕
em'ox vart'i will tend to nurse
〔 "em" -future /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
em'ux bombard'i would tend to bombard
〔 "em" -conditional /+/ "bombard" -infinitive 〕
em'ux garn'i would tend to adorn
〔 "em" -conditional /+/ "garn" -infinitive 〕
em'ux vart'i would tend to nurse
〔 "em" -conditional /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
embarg'i embargo (embarg'i)
〔 "embarg" -infinitive 〕
embargi (embarg'i)
enflar'i snort (snor'i)
〔 "enflar" -infinitive / "enfla" -infinitive -head / in- "fla" -infinitive -head / "enfl" -infinitive -collection / in- "flar" -infinitive / in- "fla" -infinitive -head 〕
enflari (enflar'i)
erar'i err (er'i)
〔 "erar" -infinitive / "era" -infinitive -head / "er" -infinitive -collection / "e" -infinitive -collection -head 〕
erari (erar'i)
erar'i to err (er'i) erari (erar'i)
erar'i to wrong (wrong'i)
esplorrigard'i scan (scan'i)
〔 "esplorrigard" -infinitive 〕
esplorrigardi (esplorigard'i)
far'i commit (far'i)
〔 "far" -infinitive / "fa" -infinitive -head 〕
fari (far'i)
far'i conduct (far'i) fari (far'i)
far'i do (far'i) fari (far'i)
far'i make (far'i) fari (far'i)
far'i render (far'i) fari (far'i)
far'i to do (far'i) fari (far'i)
far'i to fare (far'i) fari (far'i)
far'i to make (far'i) fari (far'i)
farb'i paint (paint'i)
〔 "farb" -infinitive 〕
farbi (farb'i)
farm'i farm (farm'i)
〔 "farm" -infinitive 〕
farmi (farm'i)
fart'i fare (far'i)
〔 "fart" -infinitive 〕
farti (fart'i)
fart'i to fare (far'i) farti (fart'i)
fartc'i stuff (stuf'i)
〔 "fartc" -infinitive 〕
farĉi (fartc'i)
fifar'i commit (comit'i)
〔 "fifar" -infinitive / "fifa" -infinitive -head / "fif" -infinitive -collection 〕
fifari (fifar'i)
fiksrigard'i peer (per'i)
〔 "fiksrigard" -infinitive 〕
fiksrigardi (fiksrigard'i)
fiksrigard'i stare (star'i) fiksrigardi (fiksrigard'i)
fiksrigard'i stare at fiksrigardi (fiksrigard'i)
finofar'i finalize (final'i)
〔 "finofar" -infinitive / "finofa" -infinitive -head / "finof" -infinitive -collection / "fin" -infinitive -collection -change_from 〕
finofari (finofar'i)
finofar'i finish (finic'i) finofari (finofar'i)
flar'i smell (smel'i)
〔 "flar" -infinitive / "fla" -infinitive -head 〕
flari (flar'i)
flar'i to smell (smel'i) flari (flar'i)
gard'i guard (guard'i)
〔 "gard" -infinitive 〕
gardi (gard'i)
gard'i preserve (preserv'i) gardi (gard'i)
gard'i to guard (guard'i) gardi (gard'i)
gardostar'i man (man'i)
〔 "gardostar" -infinitive / "gardosta" -infinitive -head / "gardost" -infinitive -collection 〕
gardostari (gardostar'i)
garn'i deck (dek'i)
〔 "garn" -infinitive 〕
garni (garn'i)
garn'i furnish (furn'i) garni (garn'i)
garn'i garnish (garn'i) garni (garn'i)
garn'i to adorn (adorn'i)
garn'i to garnish (garn'i) garni (garn'i)
hard'i steel (stel'i)
〔 "hard" -infinitive 〕
hardi (hard'i)
hard'i temper (temper'i) hardi (hard'i)
hard'i to harden (hard'i) hardi (hard'i)
inventar'i to inventory (inventar'i)
〔 some- "nventar" -infinitive / some- "nventa" -infinitive -head / some- "nvent" -infinitive -collection 〕 〔 "inventar" -infinitive / "inventa" -infinitive -head / not_on_the_outside- "venta" -infinitive -head / not_on_the_outside- come- "ta" -infinitive -head / "invent" -infinitive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "vent" -infinitive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "ventar" -infinitive / not_on_the_outside- "venta" -infinitive -head / not_on_the_outside- come- "ta" -infinitive -head / not_on_the_outside- "vent" -infinitive -collection / not_on_the_outside- come- "tar" -infinitive / not_on_the_outside- come- "ta" -infinitive -head 〕
kacrigard'i to peep (pep'i)
〔 "kacrigard" -infinitive 〕
kaŝrigardi (kacrigard'i)
knar'i to call (cal'i)
〔 "knar" -infinitive / "kna" -infinitive -head 〕
knari (knar'i)
kompar'i to compare (compar'i)
〔 "kompar" -infinitive / "kompa" -infinitive -head / "komp" -infinitive -collection 〕
kompari (kompar'i)
kompar'i to liken (liken'i) kompari (kompar'i)
kontrawstar'i to resist (resist'i)
〔 "kontrawstar" -infinitive / "kontrawsta" -infinitive -head / "kontrawst" -infinitive -collection 〕
kontraŭstari (kontrawstar'i)
kud'ax bombard'i could bombard
〔 "kud" -present /+/ "bombard" -infinitive 〕
kud'ax garn'i could adorn
〔 "kud" -present /+/ "garn" -infinitive 〕
kud'ax vart'i could nurse
〔 "kud" -present /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
ledjfar'i to legislate (legislat'i)
〔 "ledjfar" -infinitive / "ledjfa" -infinitive -head / "ledjf" -infinitive -collection 〕
leĝfari (ledjfar'i)
lombard'i to pawn (pawn'i)
〔 "lombard" -infinitive 〕
lombardi (lombard'i)
malarm'i to defuse (defus'i)
〔 "malarm" -infinitive / opposite_of- "arm" -infinitive 〕
malarmi (malarm'i)
malbar'i to clear (malbar'i)
〔 "malbar" -infinitive / "malba" -infinitive -head / opposite_of- "ba" -infinitive -head / "malb" -infinitive -collection / opposite_of- "bar" -infinitive / opposite_of- "ba" -infinitive -head 〕
malbari (malbar'i)
malcardj'i to unload (unload'i)
〔 "malcardj" -infinitive / opposite_of- "cardj" -infinitive 〕
malŝarĝi (malcardj'i)
malcpar'i to dissipate (disipat'i)
〔 "malcpar" -infinitive / "malcpa" -infinitive -head / opposite_of- "cpa" -infinitive -head / "malcp" -infinitive -collection / opposite_of- "cpar" -infinitive / opposite_of- "cpa" -infinitive -head 〕
malŝpari (malcpar'i)
malcpar'i to lavish (lavic'i) malŝpari (malcpar'i)
malcpar'i to waste (wast'i) malŝpari (malcpar'i)
malfar'i to destroy (malfar'i)
〔 "malfar" -infinitive / "malfa" -infinitive -head / opposite_of- "fa" -infinitive -head / "malf" -infinitive -collection / opposite_of- "far" -infinitive / opposite_of- "fa" -infinitive -head 〕
malfari (malfar'i)
malfar'i to undo (malfar'i) malfari (malfar'i)
marc'i to march (martc'i)
〔 "marc" -infinitive 〕
marŝi (marc'i)
marc'i to walk (walk'i) marŝi (marc'i)
mark'i to mark (mark'i)
〔 "mark" -infinitive 〕
marki (mark'i)
misfar'i to trespass (misfar'i)
〔 "misfar" -infinitive / "misfa" -infinitive -head / first_person- "sfa" -infinitive -head / incorrect- "fa" -infinitive -head / "misf" -infinitive -collection / first_person- "sfar" -infinitive / first_person- "sfa" -infinitive -head / incorrect- "far" -infinitive / incorrect- "fa" -infinitive -head 〕
misfari (misfar'i)
nenionfar'i to idle (idl'i)
〔 none- "ionfar" -infinitive / none- "ionfa" -infinitive -head / none- "ionf" -infinitive -collection 〕 〔 pronominal_none- "onfar" -infinitive / pronominal_none- "onfa" -infinitive -head / pronominal_none- "onf" -infinitive -collection 〕 〔 "nenionfar" -infinitive / "nenionfa" -infinitive -head / no,_not- "nionfa" -infinitive -head / "nenionf" -infinitive -collection / no,_not- "nionf" -infinitive -collection / no,_not- "nionfar" -infinitive / no,_not- "nionfa" -infinitive -head / no,_not- "nionf" -infinitive -collection 〕
nenionfari (nenionfar'i)
ordofar'i to make (ordofar'i)
〔 "ordofar" -infinitive / "ordofa" -infinitive -head / "ordof" -infinitive -collection / "ord" -infinitive -collection -change_from 〕
ordofari (ordofar'i)
park'i to park (park'i)
〔 "park" -infinitive 〕
parki (park'i)
pentofar'i to atone (aton'i)
〔 "pentofar" -infinitive / "pentofa" -infinitive -head / "pentof" -infinitive -collection / "pent" -infinitive -collection -change_from 〕
pentofari (pentofar'i)
plumknar'i to scratch (scratc'i)
〔 "plumknar" -infinitive / "plumkna" -infinitive -head / additional- "mkna" -infinitive -head / "plumkn" -infinitive -collection / additional- "mknar" -infinitive / additional- "mkna" -infinitive -head 〕
plumknari (plumknar'i)
ponard'i to stab (stab'i)
〔 "ponard" -infinitive / at_the_rate_of- "nard" -infinitive 〕
ponardi (ponard'i)
pov'ax bombard'i can bombard
〔 "pov" -present /+/ "bombard" -infinitive 〕
pov'ax garn'i can adorn
〔 "pov" -present /+/ "garn" -infinitive 〕
pov'ax vart'i can nurse
〔 "pov" -present /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
pov'ix bombard'i was able to bombard
〔 "pov" -past /+/ "bombard" -infinitive 〕
pov'ix garn'i was able to adorn
〔 "pov" -past /+/ "garn" -infinitive 〕
pov'ix vart'i was able to nurse
〔 "pov" -past /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
pov'ox bombard'i will be able to bombard
〔 "pov" -future /+/ "bombard" -infinitive 〕
pov'ox garn'i will be able to adorn
〔 "pov" -future /+/ "garn" -infinitive 〕
pov'ox vart'i will be able to nurse
〔 "pov" -future /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
prepar'i to condition (condition'i)
〔 "prepar" -infinitive / "prepa" -infinitive -head / "prep" -infinitive -collection 〕
prepari (prepar'i)
prepar'i to groom (grum'i) prepari (prepar'i)
prepar'i to prep (prep'i) prepari (prepar'i)
prepar'i to prepare (prep'i) prepari (prepar'i)
prepar'i to prepare a prepari (prepar'i)
prigard'i to watch (watc'i)
〔 "prigard" -infinitive / about- "gard" -infinitive 〕
prigardi (prigard'i)
pririgard'i to inspect (inspect'i)
〔 "pririgard" -infinitive / about- "rigard" -infinitive 〕
pririgardi (pririgard'i)
re-elfar'i to reformulate (refor'i)
〔 "re-elfar" -infinitive / "re-elfa" -infinitive -head / "re-elf" -infinitive -collection 〕
re-elfari (re-elfar'i)
rearm'i to rearm (rearm'i)
〔 "rearm" -infinitive 〕
rearmi (rearm'i)
recarg'i to recharge (retcarg'i)
〔 "recarg" -infinitive 〕
reŝargi (recarg'i)
recarg'i to reset (reset'i) reŝargi (recarg'i)
redeklar'i to restate (restat'i)
〔 "redeklar" -infinitive / "redekla" -infinitive -head / "redekl" -infinitive -collection 〕
redeklari (redeklar'i)
refar'i to remade (remad'i)
〔 "refar" -infinitive / "refa" -infinitive -head / "ref" -infinitive -collection 〕
refari (refar'i)
refar'i to remake (remak'i) refari (refar'i)
refar'i to repeat (repeat'i) refari (refar'i)
rigard'i to consider (consid'i)
〔 "rigard" -infinitive 〕
rigardi (rigard'i)
rigard'i to deem (dem'i) rigardi (rigard'i)
rigard'i to gaze (gaz'i) rigardi (rigard'i)
rigard'i to look (luk'i) rigardi (rigard'i)
rigard'i to look at rigardi (rigard'i)
rigard'i to regard (regard'i) rigardi (rigard'i)
rigard'i to watch (watc'i) rigardi (rigard'i)
rigard'i view (view'i)
rimark'i to comment (coment'i)
〔 "rimark" -infinitive 〕
rimarki (rimark'i)
rimark'i to note (not'i)
rimark'i to notice (not'i) rimarki (rimark'i)
rimark'i to remark (remark'i) rimarki (rimark'i)
ripar'i to fix (fix'i)
〔 "ripar" -infinitive / "ripa" -infinitive -head / "rip" -infinitive -collection 〕
ripari (ripar'i)
ripar'i to mend (mend'i) ripari (ripar'i)
ripar'i to repair (repair'i) ripari (ripar'i)
sark'i to weed (wed'i)
〔 "sark" -infinitive 〕
sarki (sark'i)
sark'i to weed out sarki (sark'i)
separ'i to separate (separ'i)
〔 seven- "ar" -infinitive / seven- "a" -infinitive -head 〕 〔 "separ" -infinitive / "sepa" -infinitive -head / "sep" -infinitive -collection 〕
separi (separ'i)
spark'i to spark (spark'i)
〔 "spark" -infinitive 〕
sparki (spark'i)
star'i to stand (star'i)
〔 "star" -infinitive / "sta" -infinitive -head 〕
stari (star'i)
star'i to stand (star'i) (star'i)
start'i to start (start'i)
〔 "start" -infinitive 〕
start'i to start (start'i) starti (start'i)
svarm'i to swarm (swarm'i)
〔 "svarm" -infinitive 〕
svarmi (svarm'i)
tar'i to weigh (tar'i)
〔 "tar" -infinitive / "ta" -infinitive -head 〕
tari (tar'i)
tcarm'i to disarm (disarm'i)
〔 "tcarm" -infinitive 〕
ĉarmi (tcarm'i)
tcefastar'i to star (star'i)
〔 "tcefastar" -infinitive / "tcefasta" -infinitive -head / at- "fasta" -infinitive -head / "tcefast" -infinitive -collection / at- "fast" -infinitive -collection / at- "fastar" -infinitive / at- "fasta" -infinitive -head / at- "fast" -infinitive -collection 〕
ĉefastari (tcefastar'i)
tcirkawbar'i to cut (cut'i)
〔 "tcirkawbar" -infinitive / "tcirkawba" -infinitive -head / around- "awba" -infinitive -head / "tcirkawb" -infinitive -collection / around- "awb" -infinitive -collection / around- "awbar" -infinitive / around- "awba" -infinitive -head / around- "awb" -infinitive -collection 〕
ĉirkaŭbari (tcirkawbar'i)
tcirkawbar'i to fence (fenc'i) ĉirkaŭbari (tcirkawbar'i)
tcirkawrigard'i to survey (survey'i)
〔 "tcirkawrigard" -infinitive / around- "awrigard" -infinitive 〕
ĉirkaŭrigardi (tcirkawrigard'i)
tiel far'i to do so
〔 "ti" -method / that- "el" 〕 〔 "tie" -contemplative / that- "e" -contemplative 〕 〔 "ti" -contemplative -location 〕 〔 "ti" -style 〕 〔 "ti" -contemplative adverb /+/ "far" -infinitive / "fa" -infinitive -head 〕
tiel fari
trancardj'i to transfer (transfer'i)
〔 "trancardj" -infinitive / through- "ncardj" -infinitive 〕
tranŝarĝi (trancardj'i)
transcardj'i to shift (cift'i)
〔 "transcardj" -infinitive / through- "nscardj" -infinitive / across- "cardj" -infinitive 〕
transŝarĝi (transcardj'i)
trarigard'i to inventory (inventory'i)
〔 "trarigard" -infinitive / through- "rigard" -infinitive 〕
trarigardi (trarigard'i)
trarigard'i to tour (tur'i) trarigardi (trarigard'i)
trocardj'i to overload (overload'i)
〔 "trocardj" -infinitive / excessive- "cardj" -infinitive 〕
troŝarĝi (trocardj'i)
trofar'i to overdo (trofar'i)
〔 "trofar" -infinitive / "trofa" -infinitive -head / excessive- "fa" -infinitive -head / "trof" -infinitive -collection / excessive- "far" -infinitive / excessive- "fa" -infinitive -head 〕
trofari (trofar'i)
varb'i to rally (raly'i)
〔 "varb" -infinitive 〕
varbi (varb'i)
varb'i to recruit (recruit'i) varbi (varb'i)
varb'i to recruit (recruit'i)
varb'i to solicit (solicit'i) varbi (varb'i)
varb'i to woo (wu'i) varbi (varb'i)
vart'i to babysit (babysit'i)
〔 "vart" -infinitive 〕
vart'i to care (car'i) varti (vart'i)
vart'i to nurse (nurs'i)
vol'ax bombard'i want to bombard
〔 "vol" -present /+/ "bombard" -infinitive 〕
vol'ax garn'i want to adorn
〔 "vol" -present /+/ "garn" -infinitive 〕
vol'ax vart'i want to nurse
〔 "vol" -present /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
vol'int bombard'i had been wanting to bombard
〔 "vol" -active_past /+/ "bombard" -infinitive 〕
vol'int garn'i had been wanting to adorn
〔 "vol" -active_past /+/ "garn" -infinitive 〕
vol'int vart'i had been wanting to nurse
〔 "vol" -active_past /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
vol'ix bombard'i wanted to bombard
〔 "vol" -past /+/ "bombard" -infinitive 〕
vol'ix garn'i wanted to adorn
〔 "vol" -past /+/ "garn" -infinitive 〕
vol'ix vart'i wanted to nurse
〔 "vol" -past /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
vol'ont bombard'i will be wanting to bombard
〔 "vol" -active_future /+/ "bombard" -infinitive 〕
vol'ont garn'i will be wanting to adorn
〔 "vol" -active_future /+/ "garn" -infinitive 〕
vol'ont vart'i will be wanting to nurse
〔 "vol" -active_future /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
vol'ox bombard'i will want to bombard
〔 "vol" -future /+/ "bombard" -infinitive 〕
vol'ox garn'i will want to adorn
〔 "vol" -future /+/ "garn" -infinitive 〕
vol'ox vart'i will want to nurse
〔 "vol" -future /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
vol'unt bombard'i would be wanting to bombard
〔 "vol" -active_conditional /+/ "bombard" -infinitive 〕
vol'unt garn'i would be wanting to adorn
〔 "vol" -active_conditional /+/ "garn" -infinitive 〕
vol'unt vart'i would be wanting to nurse
〔 "vol" -active_conditional /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
wil'ax bombard'i will bombard
〔 "wil" -present /+/ "bombard" -infinitive 〕
wil'ax garn'i will adorn
〔 "wil" -present /+/ "garn" -infinitive 〕
wil'ax vart'i will nurse
〔 "wil" -present /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
wud'ax bombard'i would bombard
〔 "wud" -present /+/ "bombard" -infinitive 〕
wud'ax garn'i would adorn
〔 "wud" -present /+/ "garn" -infinitive 〕
wud'ax vart'i would nurse
〔 "wud" -present /+/ "vart" -infinitive 〕
abiarbar'o forest (for'o)
〔 "abiarbar" -substantive / "abiarba" -substantive -head / "abiarb" -substantive -collection 〕
abiarbaro (abiarbar'o)
administrantar'o management (management'o)
〔 "administrantar" -substantive / "administranta" -substantive -head / "administrant" -substantive -collection 〕
administrantaro (administrantar'o)
admirantar'o fan (fan'o)
〔 "admirantar" -substantive / "admiranta" -substantive -head / "admirant" -substantive -collection 〕
admirantaro (admirantar'o)
adresar'o directory (director'o)
〔 "adresar" -substantive / "adresa" -substantive -head / "adres" -substantive -collection / "adr" -substantive -collection -owner / "ad" -substantive -collection -owner -head 〕
adresaro (adresar'o)
akapar'o hoarding (hoar'o)
〔 "akapar" -substantive / "akapa" -substantive -head / "akap" -substantive -collection / "ak" -substantive -collection -apparatus 〕
akaparo (akapar'o)
akapar'o monopoly (monopoly'o) akaparo (akapar'o)
akar'o mite (mit'o)
〔 "akar" -substantive / "aka" -substantive -head / "ak" -substantive -collection 〕
akaro (akar'o)
akompanantar'o entourage (entur'o)
〔 "akompanantar" -substantive / "akompananta" -substantive -head / "akompanant" -substantive -collection 〕
akompanantaro (akompanantar'o)
aktar'o file (fil'o)
〔 "aktar" -substantive / "akta" -substantive -head / "akt" -substantive -collection 〕
aktaro (aktar'o)
aktorar'o cast (cast'o)
〔 "aktorar" -substantive / "aktora" -substantive -head / "aktor" -substantive -collection / "akto" -substantive -collection -head / "akt" -substantive -collection -value 〕
aktoraro (aktorar'o)
aktsiar'o holding (holding'o)
〔 "aktsiar" -substantive / "aktsia" -substantive -head / "aktsi" -substantive -collection 〕
akciaro (akciar'o)
alarm'o alarm (alarm'o)
〔 "alarm" -substantive / to_or_toward- "arm" -substantive 〕
alarmo (alarm'o)
alfar'o adaptation (alfar'o)
〔 "alfar" -substantive / "alfa" -substantive -head / to_or_toward- "fa" -substantive -head / "alf" -substantive -collection / to_or_toward- "far" -substantive / to_or_toward- "fa" -substantive -head 〕
alfaro (alfar'o)
alidjforumular'o application (aplication'o)
〔 "alidjforumular" -substantive / "alidjforumula" -substantive -head / to_or_toward- "idjforumula" -substantive -head / "alidjforumul" -substantive -collection / "alidjforum" -substantive -collection -person / "alidjfor" -substantive -collection -person -derivation / "alidjfo" -substantive -collection -person -derivation -head / to_or_toward- "idjfo" -substantive -collection -person -derivation -head / "alidjf" -substantive -collection -person -derivation -value / to_or_toward- "idjf" -substantive -collection -person -derivation -value / to_or_toward- "idjfor" -substantive -collection -person -derivation / to_or_toward- "idjfo" -substantive -collection -person -derivation -head / to_or_toward- "idjf" -substantive -collection -person -derivation -value / to_or_toward- "idjforum" -substantive -collection -person / to_or_toward- "idjfor" -substantive -collection -person -derivation / to_or_toward- "idjfo" -substantive -collection -person -derivation -head / to_or_toward- "idjf" -substantive -collection -person -derivation -value / to_or_toward- "idjforumul" -substantive -collection / to_or_toward- "idjforum" -substantive -collection -person / to_or_toward- "idjfor" -substantive -collection -person -derivation / to_or_toward- "idjfo" -substantive -collection -person -derivation -head / to_or_toward- "idjf" -substantive -collection -person -derivation -value / to_or_toward- "idjforumular" -substantive / to_or_toward- "idjforumula" -substantive -head / to_or_toward- "idjforumul" -substantive -collection / to_or_toward- "idjforum" -substantive -collection -person / to_or_toward- "idjfor" -substantive -collection -person -derivation / to_or_toward- "idjfo" -substantive -collection -person -derivation -head / to_or_toward- "idjf" -substantive -collection -person -derivation -value 〕
aliĝforumularo (alidjforumular'o)
alpar'o parity (alpar'o)
〔 "alpar" -substantive / "alpa" -substantive -head / to_or_toward- "pa" -substantive -head / "alp" -substantive -collection / to_or_toward- "par" -substantive / to_or_toward- "pa" -substantive -head 〕
alparo (alpar'o)
altar'o altar (altar'o)
〔 "altar" -substantive / "alta" -substantive -head / to_or_toward- "ta" -substantive -head / "alt" -substantive -collection / to_or_toward- "tar" -substantive / to_or_toward- "ta" -substantive -head 〕
altaro (altar'o)
amar'o bitterness (biter'o)
〔 "amar" -substantive / "ama" -substantive -head / "am" -substantive -collection 〕
amaro (amar'o)
amaskomunikilar'o media (medi'o)
〔 "amaskomunikilar" -substantive / "amaskomunikila" -substantive -head / "amaskomunikil" -substantive -collection / "amaskomunik" -substantive -collection -tool / "amaskomun" -substantive -collection -tool -reminiscent_of / "amaskom" -substantive -collection -tool -reminiscent_of -solidarity / "amask" -substantive -collection -tool -reminiscent_of -solidarity -degree 〕
amaskomunikilaro (amaskomunikilar'o)
anar'o bunch (buntc'o)
〔 "anar" -substantive / "ana" -substantive -head / "an" -substantive -collection 〕
anaro (anar'o)
antawgard'o protection (protect'o)
〔 "antawgard" -substantive / before- "gard" -substantive 〕
antaŭgardo (antawgard'o)
antawpart'o front (front'o)
〔 "antawpart" -substantive / "antawp" -substantive -art / before- "part" -substantive 〕
antaŭparto (antawpart'o)
antawular'o lineage (antawular'o)
〔 "antawular" -substantive / "antawula" -substantive -head / before- "ula" -substantive -head / "antawul" -substantive -collection / "antaw" -substantive -collection -person / "ant" -substantive -collection -person -in_any_sense / before- "ul" -substantive -collection / before- "ular" -substantive / before- "ula" -substantive -head / before- "ul" -substantive -collection 〕
antaŭularo (antawular'o)
antiarb'o a thing which is the opposite of a tree.
〔 "antiarb" -substantive 〕
aparatar'o gear (gear'o)
〔 "aparatar" -substantive / "aparata" -substantive -head / "aparat" -substantive -collection / "apar" -substantive -collection -happening / "apa" -substantive -collection -happening -head / "ap" -substantive -collection -happening -collection 〕
aparataro (aparatar'o)
apartamentar'o complex (complex'o)
〔 "apartamentar" -substantive / "apartamenta" -substantive -head / "apartament" -substantive -collection 〕
apartamentaro (apartamentar'o)
ar'o a bunch (buntc'o)
〔 "ar" -substantive / "a" -substantive -head 〕
aro (ar'o)
ar'o array (ar'o) aro (ar'o)
ar'o assemblage (asemblag'o) aro (ar'o)
ar'o batch (batc'o) aro (ar'o)
ar'o bunch (buntc'o) aro (ar'o)
ar'o fleet (flet'o) aro (ar'o)
ar'o group (grup'o) aro (ar'o)
ar'o set (set'o) aro (ar'o)
ar'o suite (suit'o) aro (ar'o)
arb'o tree (tre'o)
〔 "arb" -substantive 〕
arbo (arb'o)
arbar'o forest (for'o)
〔 "arbar" -substantive / "arba" -substantive -head / "arb" -substantive -collection 〕
arbaro (arbar'o)
arbar'o woodland (wudland'o) arbaro (arbar'o)
arbetajar'o thicket (xiket'o)
〔 "arbetajar" -substantive / "arbetaja" -substantive -head / "arbetaj" -substantive -collection / "arbet" -substantive -collection -substance / "arb" -substantive -collection -substance -diminutive 〕
arbetaĵaro (arbetajar'o)
ard'o glow (glow'o)
〔 "ard" -substantive 〕
ardo (ard'o)
aristokratar'o aristocracy (aristocr'o)
〔 "aristokratar" -substantive / "aristokrata" -substantive -head / "aristokrat" -substantive -collection / "aristokr" -substantive -collection -happening / "aristok" -substantive -collection -happening -head / "arist" -substantive -collection -happening -head -false 〕
aristokrataro (aristokratar'o)
ark'o arc (arc'o)
〔 "ark" -substantive 〕
arko (ark'o)
ark'o arch (artc'o) arko (ark'o)
armilar'o arm stockpile
〔 "armilar" -substantive / "armila" -substantive -head / "armil" -substantive -collection / "arm" -substantive -collection -tool 〕
armilaro (armilar'o)
armilar'o armament (ar'o) armilaro (armilar'o)
armilar'o arms stockpile armilaro (armilar'o)
armilar'o weapon stockpile armilaro (armilar'o)
art'o art (art'o)
〔 "art" -substantive 〕
arto (art'o)
asotsiitar'o community (comunity'o)
〔 "asotsiitar" -substantive / "asotsiita" -substantive -head / "asotsiit" -substantive -collection / "asotsi" -substantive -collection -done 〕
asociitaro (asocitar'o)
atcarb'o a bad tree.
〔 "atcarb" -substantive 〕
atingar'o record (recor'o)
〔 "atingar" -substantive / "atinga" -substantive -head / 1/1000000000000000000- "nga" -substantive -head / "ating" -substantive -collection / "at" -substantive -collection -holder / 1/1000000000000000000- "ngar" -substantive / 1/1000000000000000000- "nga" -substantive -head 〕
atingaro (atingar'o)
avangard'o avant-garde (avant-gard'o)
〔 "avangard" -substantive 〕
avangardo (avangard'o)
avangard'o forefront (forefront'o) avangardo (avangard'o)
avangard'o spearhead (spearhead'o) avangardo (avangard'o)
avangard'o vanguard (vanguard'o) avangardo (avangard'o)
avar'o avarice (avar'o)
〔 "avar" -substantive / "ava" -substantive -head / "av" -substantive -collection 〕
avaro (avar'o)
avar'o greed (gred'o)
aviadilar'o fleet (flet'o)
〔 "aviadilar" -substantive / "aviadila" -substantive -head / "aviadil" -substantive -collection / "aviad" -substantive -collection -tool / "avi" -substantive -collection -tool -ongoing 〕
aviadilaro (aviadilar'o)
awskultantar'o audience (audienc'o)
〔 "awskultantar" -substantive / "awskultanta" -substantive -head / "awskultant" -substantive -collection 〕
aŭskultantaro (awskultantar'o)
awtotcar'o coach (coatc'o)
〔 "awtotcar" -substantive / "awtotca" -substantive -head / "awtotc" -substantive -collection / "awt" -substantive -collection -completion 〕
aŭtoĉaro (awtotcar'o)
balotantar'o electorate (elector'o)
〔 "balotantar" -substantive / "balotanta" -substantive -head / "balotant" -substantive -collection 〕
balotantaro (balotantar'o)
balotar'o vote (vot'o)
〔 "balotar" -substantive / "balota" -substantive -head / "balot" -substantive -collection / "bal" -substantive -collection -upcoming 〕
balotaro (balotar'o)
bar'o bar (bar'o)
〔 "bar" -substantive / "ba" -substantive -head 〕
baro (bar'o)
bar'o barrier (bar'o) baro (bar'o)
bar'o snag (bar'o) baro (bar'o)
barakar'o camp (barakar'o)
〔 "barakar" -substantive / "baraka" -substantive -head / "barak" -substantive -collection / "bar" -substantive -collection -derived_from / "ba" -substantive -collection -derived_from -head 〕
barakaro (barakar'o)
barb'o beard (beard'o)
〔 "barb" -substantive 〕
barbo (barb'o)
barbar'o barbarian (barbar'o)
〔 "barbar" -substantive / "barba" -substantive -head / "barb" -substantive -collection 〕
barbaro (barbar'o)
bardj'o barge (barg'o)
〔 "bardj" -substantive 〕
barĝo (bardj'o)
bardj'o lighter (liqter'o) barĝo (bardj'o)
bark'o boat (boat'o)
〔 "bark" -substantive 〕
barko (bark'o)
bart'o whale (hwal'o)
〔 "bart" -substantive 〕
barto (bart'o)
batalilar'o armament (batalilar'o)
〔 "batalilar" -substantive / "batalila" -substantive -head / "batalil" -substantive -collection / "batal" -substantive -collection -tool / "bat" -substantive -collection -tool -reason 〕
batalilaro (batalilar'o)
bazar'o bazaar (bazar'o)
〔 "bazar" -substantive / "baza" -substantive -head / "baz" -substantive -collection 〕
bazaro (bazar'o)
bazar'o market (mar'o) bazaro (bazar'o)
belart'o art (art'o)
〔 "belart" -substantive / "bel" -substantive -art 〕
belarto (belart'o)
bestar'o fauna (faun'o)
〔 "bestar" -substantive / "besta" -substantive -head / "best" -substantive -collection 〕
bestaro (bestar'o)
bienar'o domain (domain'o)
〔 "bienar" -substantive / "biena" -substantive -head / "bien" -substantive -collection / "bi" -substantive -collection -goal 〕
bienaro (bienar'o)
bilard'o billiard (biliard'o)
〔 "bilard" -substantive 〕
bilardo (bilard'o)
bilard'o quadrillion (quad'o) bilardo (bilard'o)
bildkart'o postcard (post'o)
〔 "bildkart" -substantive / "bildk" -substantive -art 〕
bildkarto (bildkart'o)
birdar'o flock (flok'o)
〔 "birdar" -substantive / "birda" -substantive -head / "bird" -substantive -collection 〕
birdaro (birdar'o)
bombard'o barrage (barag'o)
〔 "bombard" -substantive 〕
bombardo (bombard'o)
bombard'o bombardment (bomb'o) bombardo (bombard'o)
bonarb'o a good tree.
〔 "bonarb" -substantive / good- "arb" -substantive 〕
bonfar'o boon (bonfar'o)
〔 "bonfar" -substantive / "bonfa" -substantive -head / good- "fa" -substantive -head / "bonf" -substantive -collection / good- "far" -substantive / good- "fa" -substantive -head 〕
bonfaro (bonfar'o)
bonfar'o welfare (bonfar'o) bonfaro (bonfar'o)
bonfart'o sake (sak'o)
〔 "bonfart" -substantive / "bonf" -substantive -art / good- "fart" -substantive 〕
bonfarto (bonfart'o)
bonfart'o welfare (wel'o) bonfarto (bonfart'o)
brankard'o stretcher (stretcer'o)
〔 "brankard" -substantive 〕
brankardo (brankard'o)
bretar'o shelving (celving'o)
〔 "bretar" -substantive / "breta" -substantive -head / "bret" -substantive -collection 〕
bretaro (bretar'o)
brulmark'o brand (brand'o)
〔 "brulmark" -substantive 〕
brulmarko (brulmark'o)
brutar'o cattle (catl'o)
〔 "brutar" -substantive / "bruta" -substantive -head / "brut" -substantive -collection 〕
brutaro (brutar'o)
brutar'o livestock (livestok'o) brutaro (brutar'o)
bubar'o gang (gang'o)
〔 "bubar" -substantive / "buba" -substantive -head / "bub" -substantive -collection 〕
bubaro (bubar'o)
buklar'o lock (lok'o)
〔 "buklar" -substantive / "bukla" -substantive -head / "bukl" -substantive -collection 〕
buklaro (buklar'o)
bulvard'o avenue (avenu'o)
〔 "bulvard" -substantive 〕
bulvardo (bulvard'o)
bulvard'o boulevard (bulevard'o) bulvardo (bulvard'o)
burdjar'o bourgeoisie (bur'o)
〔 "burdjar" -substantive / "burdja" -substantive -head / "burdj" -substantive -collection 〕
burĝaro (burdjar'o)
burokratar'o bureaucracy (bureaucr'o)
〔 "burokratar" -substantive / "burokrata" -substantive -head / "burokrat" -substantive -collection / "burokr" -substantive -collection -happening / "burok" -substantive -collection -happening -head / "bur" -substantive -collection -happening -head -false / "bu" -substantive -collection -happening -head -false -head 〕
burokrataro (burokratar'o)
cafar'o flock (flok'o)
〔 "cafar" -substantive / "cafa" -substantive -head / "caf" -substantive -collection 〕
ŝafaro (cafar'o)
cafar'o fold (fold'o) ŝafaro (cafar'o)
cardj'o boatload (load'o)
〔 "cardj" -substantive 〕
ŝarĝo (cardj'o)
cardj'o burden (burden'o) ŝarĝo (cardj'o)
cardj'o load (load'o) ŝarĝo (cardj'o)
carg'o round (rund'o)
〔 "carg" -substantive 〕
ŝargo (carg'o)
cark'o shark (cark'o)
〔 "cark" -substantive 〕
ŝarko (cark'o)
cipanar'o crew (crew'o)
〔 "cipanar" -substantive / "cipana" -substantive -head / "cipan" -substantive -collection / "cip" -substantive -collection -member 〕
ŝipanaro (cipanar'o)
cipar'o fleet (flet'o)
〔 "cipar" -substantive / "cipa" -substantive -head / "cip" -substantive -collection 〕
ŝiparo (cipar'o)
cpar'o economy (economy'o)
〔 "cpar" -substantive / "cpa" -substantive -head 〕
ŝparo (cpar'o)
ctatofitsistar'o bureaucracy (bureaucr'o)
〔 "ctatofitsistar" -substantive / "ctatofitsista" -substantive -head / "ctatofitsist" -substantive -collection 〕
ŝtatoficistaro (ctatoficistar'o)
ctonetar'o grit (grit'o)
〔 "ctonetar" -substantive / "ctoneta" -substantive -head / "ctonet" -substantive -collection / "cton" -substantive -collection -diminutive 〕
ŝtonetaro (ctonetar'o)
ctonkarb'o coal (coal'o)
〔 "ctonkarb" -substantive 〕
ŝtonkarbo (ctonkarb'o)
ctupar'o stair (stair'o)
〔 "ctupar" -substantive / "ctupa" -substantive -head / "ctup" -substantive -collection 〕
ŝtuparo (ctupar'o)
ctupar'o staircase (stair'o) ŝtuparo (ctupar'o)
ctupetar'o ladder (lader'o)
〔 "ctupetar" -substantive / "ctupeta" -substantive -head / "ctupet" -substantive -collection / "ctup" -substantive -collection -diminutive 〕
ŝtupetaro (ctupetar'o)
culdoŝardj'o indebtedness (indebtednes'o)
〔 "culdoŝardj" -substantive 〕
ŝuldoŝarĝo (culdocardj'o)
dart'o dart (dart'o)
〔 "dart" -substantive 〕
darto (dart'o)
datenar'o database (datenar'o)
〔 "datenar" -substantive / "datena" -substantive -head / quantity_of- "tena" -substantive -head / "daten" -substantive -collection / "dat" -substantive -collection -goal / quantity_of- "ten" -substantive -collection / quantity_of- "tenar" -substantive / quantity_of- "tena" -substantive -head / quantity_of- "ten" -substantive -collection 〕
datenaro (datenar'o)
datumar'o database (databas'o)
〔 "datumar" -substantive / "datuma" -substantive -head / quantity_of- "tuma" -substantive -head / "datum" -substantive -collection / "dat" -substantive -collection -derivation / quantity_of- "tum" -substantive -collection / quantity_of- "tumar" -substantive / quantity_of- "tuma" -substantive -head / quantity_of- "tum" -substantive -collection 〕
datumaro (datumar'o)
deklar'o declaration (deklar'o)
〔 ten- "lar" -substantive / ten- "la" -substantive -head 〕 〔 "deklar" -substantive / "dekla" -substantive -head / of- "kla" -substantive -head / "dekl" -substantive -collection / of- "klar" -substantive / of- "kla" -substantive -head 〕
deklaro (deklar'o)
deklar'o dictum (deklar'o) deklaro (deklar'o)
deklar'o pronouncement (deklar'o) deklaro (deklar'o)
deklar'o statement (deklar'o) deklaro (deklar'o)
delegitar'o delegation (delegitar'o)
〔 "delegitar" -substantive / "delegita" -substantive -head / of- "legita" -substantive -head / "delegit" -substantive -collection / "deleg" -substantive -collection -done / "del" -substantive -collection -done -extreme / of- "leg" -substantive -collection -done / of- "legit" -substantive -collection / of- "leg" -substantive -collection -done / of- "legitar" -substantive / of- "legita" -substantive -head / of- "legit" -substantive -collection / of- "leg" -substantive -collection -done 〕
delegitaro (delegitar'o)
demandar'o application (aplication'o)
〔 "demandar" -substantive / "demanda" -substantive -head / of- "manda" -substantive -head / "demand" -substantive -collection / "dem" -substantive -collection -valuable / of- "mand" -substantive -collection / of- "mandar" -substantive / of- "manda" -substantive -head / of- "mand" -substantive -collection 〕
demandaro (demandar'o)
demarc'o representation (representation'o)
〔 "demarc" -substantive / of- "marc" -substantive 〕
demarŝo (demarc'o)
dentokarn'o gum (gum'o)
〔 "dentokarn" -substantive / of- "ntokarn" -substantive 〕
dentokarno (dentokarn'o)
deputitar'o assembly (asembly'o)
〔 "deputitar" -substantive / "deputita" -substantive -head / of- "putita" -substantive -head / "deputit" -substantive -collection / "deput" -substantive -collection -done / "dep" -substantive -collection -done -likely / of- "put" -substantive -collection -done / of- "putit" -substantive -collection / of- "put" -substantive -collection -done / of- "putitar" -substantive / of- "putita" -substantive -head / of- "putit" -substantive -collection / of- "put" -substantive -collection -done 〕
deputitaro (deputitar'o)
dialogar'o script (script'o)
〔 "dialogar" -substantive / "dialoga" -substantive -head / "dialog" -substantive -collection / "dial" -substantive -collection -construct / "di" -substantive -collection -construct -reason 〕
dialogaro (dialogar'o)
diplomidjintar'o class (clas'o)
〔 "diplomidjintar" -substantive / "diplomidjinta" -substantive -head / "diplomidjint" -substantive -collection 〕
diplomiĝintaro (diplomidjintar'o)
direktorar'o board (boar'o)
〔 "direktorar" -substantive / "direktora" -substantive -head / "direktor" -substantive -collection / "direkto" -substantive -collection -head / "direkt" -substantive -collection -value 〕
direktoraro (direktorar'o)
diskomark'o label (label'o)
〔 "diskomark" -substantive / scatter- "komark" -substantive 〕
diskomarko (diskomark'o)
djendarm'o paramilitary (param'o)
〔 "djendarm" -substantive 〕
ĝendarmo (djendarm'o)
dokumentar'o documentation (documentation'o)
〔 "dokumentar" -substantive / "dokumenta" -substantive -head / "dokument" -substantive -collection 〕
dokumentaro (dokumentar'o)
dokumentar'o paperwork (paperwor'o) dokumentaro (dokumentar'o)
dolar'o buck (dolar'o)
〔 "dolar" -substantive / "dola" -substantive -head / "dol" -substantive -collection 〕
dolaro (dolar'o)
dolar'o dollar (dolar'o) dolaro (dolar'o)
domanar'o household (husehold'o)
〔 "domanar" -substantive / "domana" -substantive -head / "doman" -substantive -collection / "dom" -substantive -collection -member 〕
domanaro (domanar'o)
domar'o housing (husing'o)
〔 "domar" -substantive / "doma" -substantive -head / "dom" -substantive -collection 〕
domaro (domar'o)
domar'o quarter (quarter'o) domaro (domar'o)
domatcar'o shantytown (cantytown'o)
〔 "domatcar" -substantive / "domatca" -substantive -head / "domatc" -substantive -collection / "dom" -substantive -collection -bad 〕
domaĉaro (domatcar'o)
domatcar'o slum (slum'o) domaĉaro (domatcar'o)
dratar'o wire (wir'o)
〔 "dratar" -substantive / "drata" -substantive -head / "drat" -substantive -collection 〕
drataro (dratar'o)
dratar'o wiring (wir'o) drataro (dratar'o)
drenilar'o drainage (drainage'o)
〔 "drenilar" -substantive / "drenila" -substantive -head / "drenil" -substantive -collection / "dren" -substantive -collection -tool 〕
drenilaro (drenilar'o)
drinkantar'o drinker (drinker'o)
〔 "drinkantar" -substantive / "drinkanta" -substantive -head / "drinkant" -substantive -collection 〕
drinkantaro (drinkantar'o)
dromedar'o dromedary (dromedar'o)
〔 "dromedar" -substantive / "dromeda" -substantive -head / "dromed" -substantive -collection / "drom" -substantive -collection -repetition 〕
dromedaro (dromedar'o)
dungitar'o personnel (per'o)
〔 two- "ngitar" -substantive / two- "ngita" -substantive -head / two- "ngit" -substantive -collection 〕 〔 "dungitar" -substantive / "dungita" -substantive -head / "dungit" -substantive -collection / "dung" -substantive -collection -done 〕
dungitaro (dungitar'o)
ekfar'o introduction (intr'o)
〔 "ekfar" -substantive / "ekfa" -substantive -head / "ekf" -substantive -collection 〕
ekfaro (ekfar'o)
ekrigard'o glance (glanc'o)
〔 "ekrigard" -substantive 〕
ekrigardo (ekrigard'o)
ekrigard'o peep (pep'o) ekrigardo (ekrigard'o)
eksark'o exarch (exartc'o)
〔 "eksark" -substantive / outside- "ark" -substantive 〕
eksarko (eksark'o)
ekspertar'o panel (ekspertar'o)
〔 "ekspertar" -substantive / "eksperta" -substantive -head / outside- "perta" -substantive -head / outside- with- "ta" -substantive -head / "ekspert" -substantive -collection / outside- "pert" -substantive -collection / outside- "pertar" -substantive / outside- "perta" -substantive -head / outside- with- "ta" -substantive -head / outside- "pert" -substantive -collection / outside- with- "tar" -substantive / outside- with- "ta" -substantive -head 〕
ekspertaro (ekspertar'o)
ekzertsar'o exercise (exer'o)
〔 "ekzertsar" -substantive / "ekzertsa" -substantive -head / "ekzerts" -substantive -collection 〕
ekzercaro (ekzercar'o)
ekzilitar'o diaspora (diaspor'o)
〔 "ekzilitar" -substantive / "ekzilita" -substantive -head / "ekzilit" -substantive -collection / "ekzil" -substantive -collection -done / "ekz" -substantive -collection -done -tool 〕
ekzilitaro (ekzilitar'o)
elegantular'o glitterati (gliter'o)
〔 "elegantular" -substantive / "elegantula" -substantive -head / out_of- "egantula" -substantive -head / "elegantul" -substantive -collection / "elegant" -substantive -collection -person / out_of- "egant" -substantive -collection -person / out_of- "egantul" -substantive -collection / out_of- "egant" -substantive -collection -person / out_of- "egantular" -substantive / out_of- "egantula" -substantive -head / out_of- "egantul" -substantive -collection / out_of- "egant" -substantive -collection -person 〕
elegantularo (elegantular'o)
elektajar'o range (elektajar'o)
〔 "elektajar" -substantive / "elektaja" -substantive -head / out_of- "ektaja" -substantive -head / "elektaj" -substantive -collection / "elekt" -substantive -collection -substance / out_of- "ekt" -substantive -collection -substance / out_of- "ektaj" -substantive -collection / out_of- "ekt" -substantive -collection -substance / out_of- "ektajar" -substantive / out_of- "ektaja" -substantive -head / out_of- "ektaj" -substantive -collection / out_of- "ekt" -substantive -collection -substance 〕
elektaĵaro (elektajar'o)
elektantar'o electorate (elector'o)
〔 "elektantar" -substantive / "elektanta" -substantive -head / out_of- "ektanta" -substantive -head / "elektant" -substantive -collection / out_of- "ektant" -substantive -collection / out_of- "ektantar" -substantive / out_of- "ektanta" -substantive -head / out_of- "ektant" -substantive -collection 〕
elektantaro (elektantar'o)
elektitar'o selection (elektitar'o)
〔 "elektitar" -substantive / "elektita" -substantive -head / out_of- "ektita" -substantive -head / "elektit" -substantive -collection / "elekt" -substantive -collection -done / out_of- "ekt" -substantive -collection -done / out_of- "ektit" -substantive -collection / out_of- "ekt" -substantive -collection -done / out_of- "ektitar" -substantive / out_of- "ektita" -substantive -head / out_of- "ektit" -substantive -collection / out_of- "ekt" -substantive -collection -done 〕
elektitaro (elektitar'o)
elfar'o performance (elfar'o)
〔 "elfar" -substantive / "elfa" -substantive -head / out_of- "fa" -substantive -head / "elf" -substantive -collection / out_of- "far" -substantive / out_of- "fa" -substantive -head 〕
elfaro (elfar'o)
elfarajar'o work (elfarajar'o)
〔 "elfarajar" -substantive / "elfaraja" -substantive -head / out_of- "faraja" -substantive -head / "elfaraj" -substantive -collection / "elfar" -substantive -collection -substance / "elfa" -substantive -collection -substance -head / out_of- "fa" -substantive -collection -substance -head / "elf" -substantive -collection -substance -collection / out_of- "far" -substantive -collection -substance / out_of- "fa" -substantive -collection -substance -head / out_of- "faraj" -substantive -collection / out_of- "far" -substantive -collection -substance / out_of- "fa" -substantive -collection -substance -head / out_of- "farajar" -substantive / out_of- "faraja" -substantive -head / out_of- "faraj" -substantive -collection / out_of- "far" -substantive -collection -substance / out_of- "fa" -substantive -collection -substance -head 〕
elfaraĵaro (elfarajar'o)
embarg'o embargo (embarg'o)
〔 "embarg" -substantive 〕
embargo (embarg'o)
embarg'o sanction (sanction'o) embargo (embarg'o)
emigrintar'o emigration (emigr'o)
〔 "emigrintar" -substantive / "emigrinta" -substantive -head / "emigrint" -substantive -collection 〕
emigrintaro (emigrintar'o)
eminentular'o elite (elit'o)
〔 "eminentular" -substantive / "eminentula" -substantive -head / "eminentul" -substantive -collection / "eminent" -substantive -collection -person 〕
eminentularo (eminentular'o)
enrigard'o insight (insiqt'o)
〔 "enrigard" -substantive / in- "rigard" -substantive 〕
enrigardo (enrigard'o)
enspezar'o earnings (enspezar'o)
〔 "enspezar" -substantive / "enspeza" -substantive -head / in- "speza" -substantive -head / "enspez" -substantive -collection / "ensp" -substantive -collection -device / in- "spez" -substantive -collection / in- "spezar" -substantive / in- "speza" -substantive -head / in- "spez" -substantive -collection 〕
enspezaro (enspezar'o)
enspezar'o income (enspezar'o) enspezaro (enspezar'o)
episkar'o episcopate (episcopat'o)
〔 "episkar" -substantive / "episka" -substantive -head / "episk" -substantive -collection 〕
episkaro (episkar'o)
erar'o error (er'o)
〔 "erar" -substantive / "era" -substantive -head / "er" -substantive -collection / "e" -substantive -collection -head 〕
eraro (erar'o)
erar'o fallacy (falacy'o) eraro (erar'o)
erar'o inaccuracy (inacur'o) eraro (erar'o)
erar'o mistake (mistak'o) eraro (erar'o)
esplorrigard'o examination (examination'o)
〔 "esplorrigard" -substantive 〕
esplorrigardo (esplorigard'o)
estrar'o executive (estrar'o)
〔 "estrar" -substantive / "estra" -substantive -head / "estr" -substantive -collection / "est" -substantive -collection -head 〕
estraro (estrar'o)
estuar'o estuary (estuar'o)
〔 "estuar" -substantive / "estua" -substantive -head / "estu" -substantive -collection 〕
estuaro (estuar'o)
etikar'o ethic (exic'o)
〔 "etikar" -substantive / "etika" -substantive -head / "etik" -substantive -collection / "et" -substantive -collection -reminiscent_of 〕
etikaro (etikar'o)
eventar'o program (progr'o)
〔 "eventar" -substantive / "eventa" -substantive -head / "event" -substantive -collection 〕
eventaro (eventar'o)
fadenar'o hank (hank'o)
〔 "fadenar" -substantive / "fadena" -substantive -head / "faden" -substantive -collection / "fad" -substantive -collection -goal 〕
fadenaro (fadenar'o)
fakular'o panel (panel'o)
〔 "fakular" -substantive / "fakula" -substantive -head / "fakul" -substantive -collection / "fak" -substantive -collection -person 〕
fakularo (fakular'o)
fanfar'o fanfare (fanfar'o)
〔 "fanfar" -substantive / "fanfa" -substantive -head / "fanf" -substantive -collection 〕
fanfaro (fanfar'o)
far'o conclusion (far'o)
〔 "far" -substantive / "fa" -substantive -head 〕
faro (far'o)
far'o deed (far'o) faro (far'o)
far'o make (far'o) faro (far'o)
farb'o paint (paint'o)
〔 "farb" -substantive 〕
farbo (farb'o)
fars'o farce (farc'o)
〔 "fars" -substantive 〕
farso (fars'o)
fart'o health (healx'o)
〔 "fart" -substantive 〕
farto (fart'o)
fartc'o stuffing (stuf'o)
〔 "fartc" -substantive 〕
farĉo (fartc'o)
fervorular'o fan (fan'o)
〔 "fervorular" -substantive / "fervorula" -substantive -head / "fervorul" -substantive -collection / "fervor" -substantive -collection -person / "fervo" -substantive -collection -person -head / "ferv" -substantive -collection -person -value 〕
fervorularo (fervorular'o)
ficar'o fishery (ficer'o)
〔 "ficar" -substantive / "fica" -substantive -head / "fic" -substantive -collection 〕
fiŝaro (ficar'o)
fiksrigard'o stare (star'o)
〔 "fiksrigard" -substantive 〕
fiksrigardo (fiksrigard'o)
finofar'o finish (finic'o)
〔 "finofar" -substantive / "finofa" -substantive -head / "finof" -substantive -collection / "fin" -substantive -collection -change_from 〕
finofaro (finofar'o)
flikajar'o patchwork (patcwor'o)
〔 "flikajar" -substantive / "flikaja" -substantive -head / "flikaj" -substantive -collection / "flik" -substantive -collection -substance 〕
flikaĵaro (flikajar'o)
foliar'o foliage (foliag'o)
〔 "foliar" -substantive / "folia" -substantive -head / "foli" -substantive -collection 〕
foliaro (foliar'o)
fonfarb'o primer (primer'o)
〔 "fonfarb" -substantive 〕
fonfarbo (fonfarb'o)
formular'o application (aplication'o)
〔 "formular" -substantive / "formula" -substantive -head / away- "mula" -substantive -head / "formul" -substantive -collection / "form" -substantive -collection -person / away- "mul" -substantive -collection / away- "mular" -substantive / away- "mula" -substantive -head / away- "mul" -substantive -collection 〕
formularo (formular'o)
fratar'o fold (fold'o)
〔 "fratar" -substantive / "frata" -substantive -head / "frat" -substantive -collection 〕
frataro (fratar'o)
fratular'o brother (broxer'o)
〔 "fratular" -substantive / "fratula" -substantive -head / "fratul" -substantive -collection / "frat" -substantive -collection -person 〕
fratularo (fratular'o)
frekventsar'o frequency (frequency'o)
〔 "frekventsar" -substantive / "frekventsa" -substantive -head / "frekvents" -substantive -collection 〕
frekvencaro (frekvencar'o)
fulard'o scarf (scarf'o)
〔 "fulard" -substantive 〕
fulardo (fulard'o)
funktsiar'o functionality (functionality'o)
〔 "funktsiar" -substantive / "funktsia" -substantive -head / "funktsi" -substantive -collection 〕
funkciaro (funkciar'o)
garb'o sheaf (ceaf'o)
〔 "garb" -substantive 〕
garbo (garb'o)
gard'o custody (custod'o)
〔 "gard" -substantive 〕
gardo (gard'o)
gard'o protection (protection'o) gardo (gard'o)
gardantar'o guard (guar'o)
〔 "gardantar" -substantive / "gardanta" -substantive -head / "gardant" -substantive -collection 〕
gardantaro (gardantar'o)
gardistar'o guard (guar'o)
〔 "gardistar" -substantive / "gardista" -substantive -head / "gardist" -substantive -collection 〕
gardistaro (gardistar'o)
gazetar'o press (pres'o)
〔 "gazetar" -substantive / "gazeta" -substantive -head / "gazet" -substantive -collection / "gaz" -substantive -collection -diminutive 〕
gazetaro (gazetar'o)
genar'o genome (genom'o)
〔 "genar" -substantive / "gena" -substantive -head / "gen" -substantive -collection 〕
genaro (genar'o)
gepard'o cheetah (tcetah'o)
〔 "gepard" -substantive 〕
gepardo (gepard'o)
gerilanar'o guerrilla group (gerilanar'o)
〔 "gerilanar" -substantive / "gerilana" -substantive -head / "gerilan" -substantive -collection / "geril" -substantive -collection -member / "ger" -substantive -collection -member -tool / "ge" -substantive -collection -member -tool -head 〕
gerilanaro (gerilanar'o)
gitar'o guitar (guitar'o)
〔 "gitar" -substantive / "gita" -substantive -head / "git" -substantive -collection 〕
gitaro (gitar'o)
glosar'o vocabulary (vocabular'o)
〔 "glosar" -substantive / "glosa" -substantive -head / "glos" -substantive -collection 〕
glosaro (glosar'o)
glumark'o sticker (stik'o)
〔 "glumark" -substantive 〕
glumarko (glumark'o)
gradar'o degree (gradar'o)
〔 "gradar" -substantive / "grada" -substantive -head / canceled- "da" -substantive -head / "grad" -substantive -collection / canceled- "dar" -substantive / canceled- "da" -substantive -head 〕
gradaro (gradar'o)
gvidantar'o leadership (leader'o)
〔 "gvidantar" -substantive / "gvidanta" -substantive -head / "gvidant" -substantive -collection 〕
gvidantaro (gvidantar'o)
hangar'o hangar (hangar'o)
〔 "hangar" -substantive / "hanga" -substantive -head / "hang" -substantive -collection 〕
hangaro (hangar'o)
har'o hair (har'o)
〔 "har" -substantive / "ha" -substantive -head 〕
haro (har'o)
harar'o hair (harar'o)
〔 "harar" -substantive / "hara" -substantive -head / "har" -substantive -collection / "ha" -substantive -collection -head 〕
hararo (harar'o)
harar'o mane (harar'o) hararo (harar'o)
harp'o harp (harp'o)
〔 "harp" -substantive 〕
harpo (harp'o)
hazard'o accident (acid'o)
〔 "hazard" -substantive 〕
hazardo (hazard'o)
hektar'o hectare (hectar'o)
〔 "hektar" -substantive / "hekta" -substantive -head / "hekt" -substantive -collection 〕
hektaro (hektar'o)
herbar'o grass (gras'o)
〔 "herbar" -substantive / "herba" -substantive -head / "herb" -substantive -collection 〕
herbaro (herbar'o)
hidrarg'o mercury (mercury'o)
〔 "hidrarg" -substantive 〕
hidrargo (hidrarg'o)
homar'o humanity (homar'o)
〔 "homar" -substantive / "homa" -substantive -head / "hom" -substantive -collection 〕
homar'o mankind (homar'o) homaro (homar'o)
horar'o schedule (cedul'o)
〔 "horar" -substantive / "hora" -substantive -head / "hor" -substantive -collection / "ho" -substantive -collection -head 〕
horaro (horar'o)
husar'o hussar (husar'o)
〔 "husar" -substantive / "husa" -substantive -head / "hus" -substantive -collection 〕
husaro (husar'o)
idar'o brood (idar'o)
〔 some- "dar" -substantive / some- "da" -substantive -head 〕 〔 "idar" -substantive / "ida" -substantive -head / "id" -substantive -collection 〕
idaro (idar'o)
idar'o posterity (idar'o) idaro (idar'o)
ilar'o gear (ilar'o)
〔 some- "lar" -substantive / some- "la" -substantive -head 〕 〔 power_of- "ar" -substantive / power_of- "a" -substantive -head 〕 〔 "ilar" -substantive / "ila" -substantive -head / "il" -substantive -collection 〕
ilaro (ilar'o)
ilar'o kit (ilar'o) ilaro (ilar'o)
ilar'o paraphernalia (ilar'o) ilaro (ilar'o)
imagajar'o imagery (imagajar'o)
〔 some- "magajar" -substantive / some- "magaja" -substantive -head / some- "magaj" -substantive -collection / some- "mag" -substantive -collection -substance 〕 〔 "imagajar" -substantive / "imagaja" -substantive -head / "imagaj" -substantive -collection / "imag" -substantive -collection -substance / "im" -substantive -collection -substance -act 〕
imagaĵaro (imagajar'o)
infarkt'o infarct (infarct'o)
〔 some- "nfarkt" -substantive 〕 〔 "infarkt" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "farkt" -substantive 〕
infarkto (infarkt'o)
inspektistar'o watchdog (watcdog'o)
〔 some- "nspektistar" -substantive / some- "nspektista" -substantive -head / some- "nspektist" -substantive -collection 〕 〔 "inspektistar" -substantive / "inspektista" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- "spektista" -substantive -head / "inspektist" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "spektist" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "spektistar" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "spektista" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- "spektist" -substantive -collection 〕
inspektistaro (inspektistar'o)
inspektorar'o inspectorate (inspector'o)
〔 some- "nspektorar" -substantive / some- "nspektora" -substantive -head / some- "nspektor" -substantive -collection / some- "nspekto" -substantive -collection -head / some- "nspekt" -substantive -collection -value 〕 〔 "inspektorar" -substantive / "inspektora" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- "spektora" -substantive -head / "inspektor" -substantive -collection / "inspekto" -substantive -collection -head / not_on_the_outside- "spekto" -substantive -collection -head / "inspekt" -substantive -collection -value / not_on_the_outside- "spekt" -substantive -collection -value / not_on_the_outside- "spektor" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "spekto" -substantive -collection -head / not_on_the_outside- "spekt" -substantive -collection -value / not_on_the_outside- "spektorar" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "spektora" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- "spektor" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "spekto" -substantive -collection -head / not_on_the_outside- "spekt" -substantive -collection -value 〕
inspektoraro (inspektorar'o)
instalajar'o infrastructure (infrastructur'o)
〔 some- "nstalajar" -substantive / some- "nstalaja" -substantive -head / some- "nstalaj" -substantive -collection / some- "nstal" -substantive -collection -substance 〕 〔 "instalajar" -substantive / "instalaja" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- "stalaja" -substantive -head / "instalaj" -substantive -collection / "instal" -substantive -collection -substance / "inst" -substantive -collection -substance -reason / not_on_the_outside- "stal" -substantive -collection -substance / not_on_the_outside- "stalaj" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "stal" -substantive -collection -substance / not_on_the_outside- "stalajar" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "stalaja" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- "stalaj" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "stal" -substantive -collection -substance 〕
instalaĵaro (instalajar'o)
instrumentar'o gear (gear'o)
〔 some- "nstrumentar" -substantive / some- "nstrumenta" -substantive -head / some- "nstrument" -substantive -collection 〕 〔 "instrumentar" -substantive / "instrumenta" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- "strumenta" -substantive -head / "instrument" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "strument" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "strumentar" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "strumenta" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- "strument" -substantive -collection 〕
instrumentaro (instrumentar'o)
insular'o archipelago (ar'o)
〔 some- "nsular" -substantive / some- "nsula" -substantive -head / some- "nsul" -substantive -collection 〕 〔 "insular" -substantive / "insula" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- "sula" -substantive -head / "insul" -substantive -collection / "ins" -substantive -collection -person / not_on_the_outside- "sul" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "sular" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "sula" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- "sul" -substantive -collection 〕
insularo (insular'o)
intestar'o gut (gut'o)
〔 some- "ntestar" -substantive / some- "ntesta" -substantive -head / some- "ntest" -substantive -collection 〕 〔 "intestar" -substantive / "intesta" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- "testa" -substantive -head / "intest" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "test" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "testar" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "testa" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- "test" -substantive -collection 〕
intestaro (intestar'o)
intrigantar'o cabal (cabal'o)
〔 some- "ntrigantar" -substantive / some- "ntriganta" -substantive -head / some- "ntrigant" -substantive -collection 〕 〔 "intrigantar" -substantive / "intriganta" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- "triganta" -substantive -head / "intrigant" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "trigant" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "trigantar" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "triganta" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- "trigant" -substantive -collection 〕
intrigantaro (intrigantar'o)
inventar'o inventory (inventar'o)
〔 some- "nventar" -substantive / some- "nventa" -substantive -head / some- "nvent" -substantive -collection 〕 〔 "inventar" -substantive / "inventa" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- "venta" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- come- "ta" -substantive -head / "invent" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "vent" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "ventar" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "venta" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- come- "ta" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- "vent" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- come- "tar" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- come- "ta" -substantive -head 〕
inventaro (inventar'o)
invititar'o guest (invititar'o)
〔 some- "nvititar" -substantive / some- "nvitita" -substantive -head / some- "nvitit" -substantive -collection / some- "nvit" -substantive -collection -done 〕 〔 "invititar" -substantive / "invitita" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- "vitita" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- second_person- "tita" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- second_person- that- "ta" -substantive -head / "invitit" -substantive -collection / "invit" -substantive -collection -done / "inv" -substantive -collection -done -done / not_on_the_outside- "vit" -substantive -collection -done / not_on_the_outside- "vitit" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "vit" -substantive -collection -done / not_on_the_outside- second_person- "tit" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "vititar" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- "vitita" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- second_person- "tita" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- second_person- that- "ta" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- "vitit" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- "vit" -substantive -collection -done / not_on_the_outside- second_person- "tit" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- second_person- "titar" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- second_person- "tita" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- second_person- that- "ta" -substantive -head / not_on_the_outside- second_person- "tit" -substantive -collection / not_on_the_outside- second_person- that- "tar" -substantive / not_on_the_outside- second_person- that- "ta" -substantive -head 〕
invititaro (invititar'o)
ioma misfart'o unrest
〔 some- "oma" 〕 〔 "iom" -type_or_kind / "i" -type_or_kind -degree 〕 〔 some- "om" -adjective 〕 〔 "iom" -adjective / "i" -adjective -degree /+/ "misfart" -substantive / "misf" -substantive -art / first_person- "sfart" -substantive / incorrect- "fart" -substantive 〕
ioma misfarto
jurintar'o jury (jur'o)
〔 "jurintar" -substantive / "jurinta" -substantive -head / "jurint" -substantive -collection 〕
ĵurintaro (jurintar'o)
kacrigard'o peep (pep'o)
〔 "kacrigard" -substantive 〕
kaŝrigardo (kacrigard'o)
kactanarb'o chestnuttree (tcestnutr'o)
〔 "kactanarb" -substantive 〕
kaŝtanarbo (kactanarb'o)
kalendar'o calendar (calendar'o)
〔 "kalendar" -substantive / "kalenda" -substantive -head / "kalend" -substantive -collection / "kal" -substantive -collection -important 〕
kalendaro (kalendar'o)
kalendar'o timetable (timetabl'o) kalendaro (kalendar'o)
kalkulerar'o miscalculation (miscalculation'o)
〔 "kalkulerar" -substantive / "kalkulera" -substantive -head / "kalkuler" -substantive -collection / "kalkule" -substantive -collection -head / "kalkul" -substantive -collection -element / "kalk" -substantive -collection -element -person 〕
kalkuleraro (kalkulerar'o)
kalmar'o squid (squid'o)
〔 "kalmar" -substantive / "kalma" -substantive -head / "kalm" -substantive -collection 〕
kalmaro (kalmar'o)
kampar'o countryside (cuntr'o)
〔 "kampar" -substantive / "kampa" -substantive -head / "kamp" -substantive -collection 〕
kamparo (kampar'o)
kanaletar'o drain (drain'o)
〔 "kanaletar" -substantive / "kanaleta" -substantive -head / "kanalet" -substantive -collection / "kanal" -substantive -collection -diminutive / "kan" -substantive -collection -diminutive -reason 〕
kanaletaro (kanaletar'o)
kanaylar'o mob (mob'o)
〔 "kanaylar" -substantive / "kanayla" -substantive -head / "kanayl" -substantive -collection 〕
kanajlaro (kanajlar'o)
kandidatar'o lineup (lineup'o)
〔 "kandidatar" -substantive / "kandidata" -substantive -head / "kandidat" -substantive -collection / "kandid" -substantive -collection -happening / "kand" -substantive -collection -happening -next_generation 〕
kandidataro (kandidatar'o)
kandidatar'o ticket (tiket'o) kandidataro (kandidatar'o)
kantantar'o chorus (tcor'o)
〔 "kantantar" -substantive / "kantanta" -substantive -head / "kantant" -substantive -collection 〕
kantantaro (kantantar'o)
kantistar'o chorus (tcor'o)
〔 "kantistar" -substantive / "kantista" -substantive -head / "kantist" -substantive -collection 〕
kantistaro (kantistar'o)
kapfulard'o scarf (scarf'o)
〔 "kapfulard" -substantive 〕
kapfulardo (kapfulard'o)
kapilar'o capillary (capilar'o)
〔 "kapilar" -substantive / "kapila" -substantive -head / "kapil" -substantive -collection / "kap" -substantive -collection -tool 〕
kapilaro (kapilar'o)
kaprobarb'o goatee (goat'o)
〔 "kaprobarb" -substantive 〕
kaprobarbo (kaprobarb'o)
karb'o coal (coal'o)
〔 "karb" -substantive 〕
karbo (karb'o)
karg'o cargo (carg'o)
〔 "karg" -substantive 〕
kargo (karg'o)
karg'o good (gud'o) kargo (karg'o)
karn'o flesh (flec'o)
〔 "karn" -substantive 〕
karno (karn'o)
karp'o carp (carp'o)
〔 "karp" -substantive 〕
karpo (karp'o)
kart'o card (card'o)
〔 "kart" -substantive 〕
karto (kart'o)
kartar'o pack (pak'o)
〔 "kartar" -substantive / "karta" -substantive -head / "kart" -substantive -collection 〕
kartaro (kartar'o)
katar'o cold (cold'o)
〔 "katar" -substantive / "kata" -substantive -head / "kat" -substantive -collection 〕
kataro (katar'o)
katars'o catharsis (caxarsis'o)
〔 "katars" -substantive 〕
katarso (katars'o)
kelar'o cellar (celar'o)
〔 "kelar" -substantive / "kela" -substantive -head / "kel" -substantive -collection 〕
kelaro (kelar'o)
kineyar'o multiplex (kineyar'o)
〔 "kineyar" -substantive / "kineya" -substantive -head / what- "neya" -substantive -head / what- no,_not- "ya" -substantive -head / "kiney" -substantive -collection / "kin" -substantive -collection -place / what- "ney" -substantive -collection / what- "neyar" -substantive / what- "neya" -substantive -head / what- no,_not- "ya" -substantive -head / what- "ney" -substantive -collection / what- no,_not- "yar" -substantive / what- no,_not- "ya" -substantive -head 〕
kinejaro (kineyar'o)
klavar'o keyboard (keyboar'o)
〔 "klavar" -substantive / "klava" -substantive -head / "klav" -substantive -collection 〕
klavaro (klavar'o)
klientar'o clientele (clientel'o)
〔 "klientar" -substantive / "klienta" -substantive -head / "klient" -substantive -collection 〕
klientaro (klientar'o)
knar'o call (cal'o)
〔 "knar" -substantive / "kna" -substantive -head 〕
knaro (knar'o)
kocmar'o nightmare (niqtmar'o)
〔 "kocmar" -substantive / "kocma" -substantive -head / "kocm" -substantive -collection 〕
koŝmaro (kocmar'o)
kolegar'o team (team'o)
〔 "kolegar" -substantive / "kolega" -substantive -head / "koleg" -substantive -collection / "kol" -substantive -collection -extreme 〕
kolegaro (kolegar'o)
kolorar'o colour (colur'o)
〔 "kolorar" -substantive / "kolora" -substantive -head / "kolor" -substantive -collection / "kolo" -substantive -collection -head / "kol" -substantive -collection -value 〕
koloraro (kolorar'o)
komandantar'o command (comand'o)
〔 "komandantar" -substantive / "komandanta" -substantive -head / "komandant" -substantive -collection 〕
komandantaro (komandantar'o)
komentar'o commentary (comentar'o)
〔 "komentar" -substantive / "komenta" -substantive -head / "koment" -substantive -collection 〕
komentaro (komentar'o)
komisar'o commissioner (comisioner'o)
〔 "komisar" -substantive / "komisa" -substantive -head / "komis" -substantive -collection / "kom" -substantive -collection -associate 〕
komisaro (komisar'o)
komisiitar'o commission (comision'o)
〔 "komisiitar" -substantive / "komisiita" -substantive -head / "komisiit" -substantive -collection / "komisi" -substantive -collection -done 〕
komisiitaro (komisitar'o)
kompar'o comparison (compar'o)
〔 "kompar" -substantive / "kompa" -substantive -head / "komp" -substantive -collection 〕
komparo (kompar'o)
komputilar'o system (system'o)
〔 "komputilar" -substantive / "komputila" -substantive -head / "komputil" -substantive -collection / "komput" -substantive -collection -tool / "komp" -substantive -collection -tool -likely 〕
komputilaro (komputilar'o)
komutilar'o switchboard (switcboar'o)
〔 "komutilar" -substantive / "komutila" -substantive -head / "komutil" -substantive -collection / "komut" -substantive -collection -tool / "kom" -substantive -collection -tool -likely 〕
komutilaro (komutilar'o)
konatar'o circle (konatar'o)
〔 "konatar" -substantive / "konata" -substantive -head / "konat" -substantive -collection / "kon" -substantive -collection -happening 〕
konataro (konatar'o)
konkursar'o series (ser'o)
〔 "konkursar" -substantive / "konkursa" -substantive -head / "konkurs" -substantive -collection 〕
konkursaro (konkursar'o)
konsilanar'o council (cuncil'o)
〔 "konsilanar" -substantive / "konsilana" -substantive -head / "konsilan" -substantive -collection / "konsil" -substantive -collection -member / "kons" -substantive -collection -member -tool 〕
konsilanaro (konsilanar'o)
konsilantar'o council (cuncil'o)
〔 "konsilantar" -substantive / "konsilanta" -substantive -head / "konsilant" -substantive -collection 〕
konsilantaro (konsilantar'o)
konstruajar'o complex (konstruajar'o)
〔 "konstruajar" -substantive / "konstruaja" -substantive -head / "konstruaj" -substantive -collection / "konstru" -substantive -collection -substance 〕
konstruaĵaro (konstruajar'o)
konstruajar'o compound (konstruajar'o) konstruaĵaro (konstruajar'o)
kontramark'o pass (pas'o)
〔 "kontramark" -substantive 〕
kontramarko (kontramark'o)
kontrawstar'o objection (objection'o)
〔 "kontrawstar" -substantive / "kontrawsta" -substantive -head / "kontrawst" -substantive -collection 〕
kontraŭstaro (kontrawstar'o)
kontrawstar'o opposition (oposition'o) kontraŭstaro (kontrawstar'o)
kontrolistar'o watchdog (watcdog'o)
〔 "kontrolistar" -substantive / "kontrolista" -substantive -head / "kontrolist" -substantive -collection 〕
kontrolistaro (kontrolistar'o)
koordinatar'o coordinate (cur'o)
〔 "koordinatar" -substantive / "koordinata" -substantive -head / "koordinat" -substantive -collection / "koordin" -substantive -collection -happening / "koord" -substantive -collection -happening -grammatical_feminine 〕
koordinataro (kordinatar'o)
korsar'o pirate (pir'o)
〔 "korsar" -substantive / "korsa" -substantive -head / "kors" -substantive -collection 〕
korsaro (korsar'o)
kreajar'o creation (creation'o)
〔 "kreajar" -substantive / "kreaja" -substantive -head / "kreaj" -substantive -collection / "kre" -substantive -collection -substance 〕
kreaĵaro (kreajar'o)
kredar'o creed (cred'o)
〔 "kredar" -substantive / "kreda" -substantive -head / "kred" -substantive -collection 〕
kredaro (kredar'o)
kreitar'o creation (creation'o)
〔 "kreitar" -substantive / "kreita" -substantive -head / "kreit" -substantive -collection / "kre" -substantive -collection -done 〕
kreitaro (kreitar'o)
krimular'o underworld (underwor'o)
〔 "krimular" -substantive / "krimula" -substantive -head / "krimul" -substantive -collection / "krim" -substantive -collection -person 〕
krimularo (krimular'o)
kromsoftvar'o plugin (plugin'o)
〔 "kromsoftvar" -substantive / "kromsoftva" -substantive -head / besides- "softva" -substantive -head / "kromsoftv" -substantive -collection / besides- "softv" -substantive -collection / besides- "softvar" -substantive / besides- "softva" -substantive -head / besides- "softv" -substantive -collection 〕
kromsoftvaro (kromsoftvar'o)
kromtcar'o sidecar (sidecar'o)
〔 "kromtcar" -substantive / "kromtca" -substantive -head / besides- "tca" -substantive -head / "kromtc" -substantive -collection / besides- "tcar" -substantive / besides- "tca" -substantive -head 〕
kromĉaro (kromtcar'o)
kuirart'o cuisine (cuisin'o)
〔 "kuirart" -substantive / "kuir" -substantive -art / "kui" -substantive -art -head / "ku" -substantive -art -opportunity 〕
kuirarto (kuirart'o)
kuirilar'o battery (bater'o)
〔 "kuirilar" -substantive / "kuirila" -substantive -head / "kuiril" -substantive -collection / "kuir" -substantive -collection -tool / "kui" -substantive -collection -tool -head / "ku" -substantive -collection -tool -opportunity 〕
kuirilaro (kuirilar'o)
kunfratar'o fellowship (felowcip'o)
〔 "kunfratar" -substantive / "kunfrata" -substantive -head / with- "frata" -substantive -head / "kunfrat" -substantive -collection / "kunfr" -substantive -collection -happening / "kunf" -substantive -collection -happening -head / with- "frat" -substantive -collection / with- "fratar" -substantive / with- "frata" -substantive -head / with- "frat" -substantive -collection 〕
kunfrataro (kunfratar'o)
kunular'o bunch (kunular'o)
〔 "kunular" -substantive / "kunula" -substantive -head / with- "ula" -substantive -head / "kunul" -substantive -collection / "kun" -substantive -collection -person / with- "ul" -substantive -collection / with- "ular" -substantive / with- "ula" -substantive -head / with- "ul" -substantive -collection 〕
kunularo (kunular'o)
kunular'o crony (kunular'o) kunularo (kunular'o)
kunvenintar'o assembly (kunvenintar'o)
〔 "kunvenintar" -substantive / "kunveninta" -substantive -head / with- "veninta" -substantive -head / with- come- "inta" -substantive -head / with- come- not_on_the_outside- "ta" -substantive -head / "kunvenint" -substantive -collection / with- "venint" -substantive -collection / with- come- "int" -substantive -collection / with- "venintar" -substantive / with- "veninta" -substantive -head / with- come- "inta" -substantive -head / with- come- not_on_the_outside- "ta" -substantive -head / with- "venint" -substantive -collection / with- come- "int" -substantive -collection / with- come- "intar" -substantive / with- come- "inta" -substantive -head / with- come- not_on_the_outside- "ta" -substantive -head / with- come- "int" -substantive -collection / with- come- not_on_the_outside- "tar" -substantive / with- come- not_on_the_outside- "ta" -substantive -head 〕
kunvenintaro (kunvenintar'o)
kuratsart'o medicine (medicin'o)
〔 "kuratsart" -substantive / "kurats" -substantive -art 〕
kuracarto (kuracart'o)
kursar'o curriculum (cur'o)
〔 "kursar" -substantive / "kursa" -substantive -head / "kurs" -substantive -collection 〕
kursaro (kursar'o)
kvar'o quartet (kvar'o)
〔 four--substantive 〕 〔 "kvar" -substantive / "kva" -substantive -head 〕
kvaro (kvar'o)
kvart'o quart (quart'o)
〔 "kvart" -substantive 〕
kvarto (kvart'o)
laborantar'o workforce (workfor'o)
〔 "laborantar" -substantive / "laboranta" -substantive -head / "laborant" -substantive -collection 〕
laborantaro (laborantar'o)
laboristar'o staff (staf'o)
〔 "laboristar" -substantive / "laborista" -substantive -head / "laborist" -substantive -collection 〕
laboristaro (laboristar'o)
lard'o bacon (bacon'o)
〔 "lard" -substantive 〕
lardo (lard'o)
lardj'o beam (beam'o)
〔 "lardj" -substantive 〕
larĝo (lardj'o)
lardj'o width (wid'o) larĝo (lardj'o)
larm'o tear (tear'o)
〔 "larm" -substantive 〕
larmo (larm'o)
larv'o larva (larv'o)
〔 "larv" -substantive 〕
larvo (larv'o)
larv'o maggot (magot'o) larvo (larv'o)
ledjar'o law (law'o)
〔 "ledjar" -substantive / "ledja" -substantive -head / "ledj" -substantive -collection 〕
leĝaro (ledjar'o)
legajar'o reading (legajar'o)
〔 "legajar" -substantive / "legaja" -substantive -head / "legaj" -substantive -collection / "leg" -substantive -collection -substance 〕
legaĵaro (legajar'o)
legantar'o audience (audienc'o)
〔 "legantar" -substantive / "leganta" -substantive -head / "legant" -substantive -collection 〕
legantaro (legantar'o)
legantar'o readership (reader'o) legantaro (legantar'o)
legendar'o lore (legendar'o)
〔 "legendar" -substantive / "legenda" -substantive -head / "legend" -substantive -collection / "leg" -substantive -collection -important 〕
legendaro (legendar'o)
legosignar'o bookmark (bukmar'o)
〔 "legosignar" -substantive / "legosigna" -substantive -head / "legosign" -substantive -collection 〕
legosignaro (legosignar'o)
leopard'o leopard (leopard'o)
〔 "leopard" -substantive 〕
leopardo (leopard'o)
lernoyar'o grade (grade'o)
〔 "lernoyar" -substantive / "lernoya" -substantive -head / "lernoy" -substantive -collection 〕
lernojaro (lernojar'o)
letsionar'o course (cur'o)
〔 "letsionar" -substantive / "letsiona" -substantive -head / "letsion" -substantive -collection / "letsi" -substantive -collection -part 〕
lecionaro (lecionar'o)
levtcar'o forklift (for'o)
〔 "levtcar" -substantive / "levtca" -substantive -head / "levtc" -substantive -collection 〕
levĉaro (levtcar'o)
librar'o collection (colection'o)
〔 "librar" -substantive / "libra" -substantive -head / third_person- "bra" -substantive -head / "libr" -substantive -collection / "lib" -substantive -collection -head / third_person- "brar" -substantive / third_person- "bra" -substantive -head 〕
libraro (librar'o)
lobiistar'o lobby (loby'o)
〔 "lobiistar" -substantive / "lobiista" -substantive -head / "lobiist" -substantive -collection 〕
lobiistaro (lobistar'o)
locantar'o population (population'o)
〔 "locantar" -substantive / "locanta" -substantive -head / "locant" -substantive -collection 〕
loŝantaro (locantar'o)
lodjantar'o people (peopl'o)
〔 "lodjantar" -substantive / "lodjanta" -substantive -head / "lodjant" -substantive -collection 〕
loĝantaro (lodjantar'o)
lodjantar'o population (population'o) loĝantaro (lodjantar'o)
lombard'o obstinacy (obstinacy'o)
〔 "lombard" -substantive 〕
lombardo (lombard'o)
ludantar'o squad (squad'o)
〔 "ludantar" -substantive / "ludanta" -substantive -head / "ludant" -substantive -collection 〕
ludantaro (ludantar'o)
macinar'o machinery (matciner'o)
〔 "macinar" -substantive / "macina" -substantive -head / "macin" -substantive -collection / "mac" -substantive -collection -grammatical_feminine 〕
maŝinaro (macinar'o)
malbar'o clearance (malbar'o)
〔 "malbar" -substantive / "malba" -substantive -head / opposite_of- "ba" -substantive -head / "malb" -substantive -collection / opposite_of- "bar" -substantive / opposite_of- "ba" -substantive -head 〕
malbaro (malbar'o)
malbonfart'o malaise (malais'o)
〔 "malbonfart" -substantive / "malbonf" -substantive -art / opposite_of- "bonf" -substantive -art / opposite_of- "bonfart" -substantive / opposite_of- "bonf" -substantive -art / opposite_of- good- "fart" -substantive 〕
malbonfarto (malbonfart'o)
malcpar'o waste (wast'o)
〔 "malcpar" -substantive / "malcpa" -substantive -head / opposite_of- "cpa" -substantive -head / "malcp" -substantive -collection / opposite_of- "cpar" -substantive / opposite_of- "cpa" -substantive -head 〕
malŝparo (malcpar'o)
malfar'o destruction (malfar'o)
〔 "malfar" -substantive / "malfa" -substantive -head / opposite_of- "fa" -substantive -head / "malf" -substantive -collection / opposite_of- "far" -substantive / opposite_of- "fa" -substantive -head 〕
malfaro (malfar'o)
malvarm'o cold (cold'o)
〔 "malvarm" -substantive / opposite_of- "varm" -substantive 〕
malvarmo (malvarm'o)
malvarm'o coldness (cold'o)
mandjilar'o setting (mandjilar'o)
〔 "mandjilar" -substantive / "mandjila" -substantive -head / "mandjil" -substantive -collection / "mandj" -substantive -collection -tool 〕
manĝilaro (mandjilar'o)
mansard'o attic (atic'o)
〔 "mansard" -substantive 〕
mansardo (mansard'o)
mansard'o garret (garet'o) mansardo (mansard'o)
mar'o sea (mar'o)
〔 "mar" -substantive / "ma" -substantive -head 〕
maro (mar'o)
marc'o march (martc'o)
〔 "marc" -substantive 〕
marŝo (marc'o)
marc'o walk (walk'o) marŝo (marc'o)
marcantar'o column (column'o)
〔 "marcantar" -substantive / "marcanta" -substantive -head / "marcant" -substantive -collection 〕
marŝantaro (marcantar'o)
mark'o brand (brand'o)
〔 "mark" -substantive 〕
marko (mark'o)
mark'o mark (mark'o) marko (mark'o)
martc'o marsh (marc'o)
〔 "martc" -substantive 〕
marĉo (martc'o)
meblar'o furniture (furnitur'o)
〔 "meblar" -substantive / "mebla" -substantive -head / "mebl" -substantive -collection 〕
meblaro (meblar'o)
meblar'o trousseau (truseau'o) meblaro (meblar'o)
membrar'o member (member'o)
〔 "membrar" -substantive / "membra" -substantive -head / "membr" -substantive -collection / "memb" -substantive -collection -head 〕
membraro (membrar'o)
memuar'o paper (paper'o)
〔 "memuar" -substantive / "memua" -substantive -head / "memu" -substantive -collection 〕
memuaro (memuar'o)
mesadjar'o thread (xread'o)
〔 "mesadjar" -substantive / "mesadja" -substantive -head / "mesadj" -substantive -collection / "mes" -substantive -collection -entering 〕
mesaĝaro (mesadjar'o)
metodar'o methodology (metodar'o)
〔 "metodar" -substantive / "metoda" -substantive -head / "metod" -substantive -collection / "met" -substantive -collection -previous_generation 〕
metodaro (metodar'o)
miliard'o billion (bilion'o)
〔 "miliard" -substantive / first_person- "liard" -substantive / first_person- third_person- "ard" -substantive / 1/1000- "ard" -substantive 〕
miliardo (miliard'o)
miliard'o milliard (miliard'o) miliardo (miliard'o)
militistar'o military (militistar'o)
〔 "militistar" -substantive / "militista" -substantive -head / first_person- "litista" -substantive -head / first_person- third_person- "tista" -substantive -head / first_person- third_person- that- "sta" -substantive -head / 1/1000- "tista" -substantive -head / 1/1000- that- "sta" -substantive -head / "militist" -substantive -collection / first_person- "litist" -substantive -collection / first_person- third_person- "tist" -substantive -collection / 1/1000- "tist" -substantive -collection / first_person- "litistar" -substantive / first_person- "litista" -substantive -head / first_person- third_person- "tista" -substantive -head / first_person- third_person- that- "sta" -substantive -head / first_person- "litist" -substantive -collection / first_person- third_person- "tist" -substantive -collection / first_person- third_person- "tistar" -substantive / first_person- third_person- "tista" -substantive -head / first_person- third_person- that- "sta" -substantive -head / first_person- third_person- "tist" -substantive -collection / first_person- third_person- that- "star" -substantive / first_person- third_person- that- "sta" -substantive -head / 1/1000- "tistar" -substantive / 1/1000- "tista" -substantive -head / 1/1000- that- "sta" -substantive -head / 1/1000- "tist" -substantive -collection / 1/1000- that- "star" -substantive / 1/1000- that- "sta" -substantive -head 〕
militistaro (militistar'o)
ministrar'o cabinet (cabinet'o)
〔 "ministrar" -substantive / "ministra" -substantive -head / first_person- "nistra" -substantive -head / "ministr" -substantive -collection / "min" -substantive -collection -has_lead / "minist" -substantive -collection -head / first_person- "nist" -substantive -collection -head / first_person- "nistr" -substantive -collection / first_person- "nist" -substantive -collection -head / first_person- "nistrar" -substantive / first_person- "nistra" -substantive -head / first_person- "nistr" -substantive -collection / first_person- "nist" -substantive -collection -head 〕
ministraro (ministrar'o)
minkarb'o coal (coal'o)
〔 "minkarb" -substantive / first_person- "nkarb" -substantive 〕
minkarbo (minkarb'o)
misfar'o fault (misfar'o)
〔 "misfar" -substantive / "misfa" -substantive -head / first_person- "sfa" -substantive -head / incorrect- "fa" -substantive -head / "misf" -substantive -collection / first_person- "sfar" -substantive / first_person- "sfa" -substantive -head / incorrect- "far" -substantive / incorrect- "fa" -substantive -head 〕
misfaro (misfar'o)
monark'o monarch (monartc'o)
〔 "monark" -substantive 〕
monarko (monark'o)
montar'o mountain (muntain'o)
〔 "montar" -substantive / "monta" -substantive -head / "mont" -substantive -collection 〕
montaro (montar'o)
mortar'o mortar (mortar'o)
〔 "mortar" -substantive / "morta" -substantive -head / "mort" -substantive -collection 〕
mortaro (mortar'o)
mortintar'o toll (tol'o)
〔 "mortintar" -substantive / "mortinta" -substantive -head / "mortint" -substantive -collection 〕
mortintaro (mortintar'o)
movilar'o mechanism (metcanism'o)
〔 "movilar" -substantive / "movila" -substantive -head / "movil" -substantive -collection / "mov" -substantive -collection -tool 〕
movilaro (movilar'o)
muar'o appearance (apear'o)
〔 "muar" -substantive / "mua" -substantive -head / "mu" -substantive -collection 〕
muaro (muar'o)
muskolar'o musculature (musculatur'o)
〔 "muskolar" -substantive / "muskola" -substantive -head / "muskol" -substantive -collection / "musk" -substantive -collection -compared_to 〕
muskolaro (muskolar'o)
mustard'o mustard (mustard'o)
〔 "mustard" -substantive 〕
mustardo (mustard'o)
muzikistar'o band (band'o)
〔 "muzikistar" -substantive / "muzikista" -substantive -head / "muzikist" -substantive -collection 〕
muzikistaro (muzikistar'o)
naybar'o neighbour (neiqbur'o)
〔 "naybar" -substantive / "nayba" -substantive -head / "nayb" -substantive -collection 〕
najbaro (najbar'o)
negarb'o a thing which is not a tree.
〔 negative- "arb" -substantive 〕 〔 "negarb" -substantive / no,_not- "garb" -substantive 〕
nektar'o nectar (nektar'o)
〔 "nektar" -substantive / "nekta" -substantive -head / no,_not- "kta" -substantive -head / neither- "ta" -substantive -head / "nekt" -substantive -collection / no,_not- "ktar" -substantive / no,_not- "kta" -substantive -head / neither- "tar" -substantive / neither- "ta" -substantive -head 〕
nektaro (nektar'o)
nobelar'o nobility (nobility'o)
〔 "nobelar" -substantive / "nobela" -substantive -head / "nobel" -substantive -collection / "nob" -substantive -collection -method 〕
nobelaro (nobelar'o)
nomar'o directory (director'o)
〔 "nomar" -substantive / "noma" -substantive -head / "nom" -substantive -collection 〕
nomaro (nomar'o)
numerar'o directory (director'o)
〔 "numerar" -substantive / "numera" -substantive -head / "numer" -substantive -collection / "nume" -substantive -collection -head / "num" -substantive -collection -element 〕
numeraro (numerar'o)
nutrovar'o foodstuff (fudstuf'o)
〔 "nutrovar" -substantive / "nutrova" -substantive -head / "nutrov" -substantive -collection / "nutr" -substantive -collection -ready / "nut" -substantive -collection -ready -head 〕
nutrovaro (nutrovar'o)
ofitsistar'o staff (staf'o)
〔 "ofitsistar" -substantive / "ofitsista" -substantive -head / "ofitsist" -substantive -collection 〕
oficistaro (oficistar'o)
okupatar'o staff (okupatar'o)
〔 eight- "upatar" -substantive / eight- "upata" -substantive -head / eight- "upat" -substantive -collection / eight- "up" -substantive -collection -happening 〕 〔 "okupatar" -substantive / "okupata" -substantive -head / "okupat" -substantive -collection / "okup" -substantive -collection -happening / "ok" -substantive -collection -happening -kit 〕
okupataro (okupatar'o)
oligark'o oligarch (oligartc'o)
〔 "oligark" -substantive 〕
oligarko (oligark'o)
omar'o lobster (lobster'o)
〔 "omar" -substantive / "oma" -substantive -head / "om" -substantive -collection 〕
omaro (omar'o)
oniarbar'o wood (wud'o)
〔 one- "iarbar" -substantive / one- "iarba" -substantive -head / one- "iarb" -substantive -collection 〕 〔 pronominal_one- "arbar" -substantive / pronominal_one- "arba" -substantive -head / pronominal_one- "arb" -substantive -collection 〕 〔 "oniarbar" -substantive / "oniarba" -substantive -head / "oniarb" -substantive -collection 〕
arbaro (arbar'o)
pactatar'o herd (her'o)
〔 "pactatar" -substantive / "pactata" -substantive -head / "pactat" -substantive -collection / "pact" -substantive -collection -happening 〕
paŝtataro (pactatar'o)
padjar'o site (sit'o)
〔 "padjar" -substantive / "padja" -substantive -head / "padj" -substantive -collection 〕
paĝaro (padjar'o)
pafark'o bow (bow'o)
〔 "pafark" -substantive 〕
pafarko (pafark'o)
palisar'o fence (fenc'o)
〔 "palisar" -substantive / "palisa" -substantive -head / "palis" -substantive -collection / "pal" -substantive -collection -associate 〕
palisaro (palisar'o)
palisar'o palisade (palisad'o) palisaro (palisar'o)
par'o couple (par'o)
〔 "par" -substantive / "pa" -substantive -head 〕
paro (par'o)
par'o pair (par'o) paro (par'o)
parentsar'o kindred (kindr'o)
〔 "parentsar" -substantive / "parentsa" -substantive -head / "parents" -substantive -collection 〕
parencaro (parencar'o)
parentsar'o relation (relation'o) parencaro (parencar'o)
park'o park (park'o)
〔 "park" -substantive 〕
parko (park'o)
part'o part (part'o)
〔 "part" -substantive 〕
parto (part'o)
part'o portion (port'o) parto (part'o)
partiar'o series (ser'o)
〔 "partiar" -substantive / "partia" -substantive -head / "parti" -substantive -collection 〕
partiaro (partiar'o)
pastrar'o clergy (cler'o)
〔 "pastrar" -substantive / "pastra" -substantive -head / "pastr" -substantive -collection / "past" -substantive -collection -head 〕
pastraro (pastrar'o)
patriark'o patriarch (patriartc'o)
〔 "patriark" -substantive 〕
patriarko (patriark'o)
pentofar'o expiation (expiation'o)
〔 "pentofar" -substantive / "pentofa" -substantive -head / "pentof" -substantive -collection / "pent" -substantive -collection -change_from 〕
pentofaro (pentofar'o)
pentofar'o penance (penanc'o) pentofaro (pentofar'o)
pentrart'o painting (paint'o)
〔 "pentrart" -substantive / "pentr" -substantive -art / "pent" -substantive -art -head 〕
pentrarto (pentrart'o)
personar'o personnel (personar'o)
〔 "personar" -substantive / "persona" -substantive -head / with- "sona" -substantive -head / "person" -substantive -collection / "pers" -substantive -collection -part / with- "son" -substantive -collection / with- "sonar" -substantive / with- "sona" -substantive -head / with- "son" -substantive -collection 〕
personaro (personar'o)
personar'o staff (personar'o) personaro (personar'o)
petard'o cracker (craker'o)
〔 "petard" -substantive 〕
petardo (petard'o)
petformular'o application (aplication'o)
〔 "petformular" -substantive / "petformula" -substantive -head / "petformul" -substantive -collection / "petform" -substantive -collection -person 〕
petformularo (petformular'o)
piltcard'o sardine (sard'o)
〔 "piltcard" -substantive 〕
pilĉardo (piltcard'o)
pinarbar'o forest (for'o)
〔 "pinarbar" -substantive / "pinarba" -substantive -head / "pinarb" -substantive -collection 〕
pinarbaro (pinarbar'o)
pleypart'o majority (majorit'o)
〔 "pleypart" -substantive / "pleyp" -substantive -art / most- "part" -substantive 〕
plejparto (plejpart'o)
plumar'o plumage (plumar'o)
〔 "plumar" -substantive / "pluma" -substantive -head / additional- "ma" -substantive -head / "plum" -substantive -collection / additional- "mar" -substantive / additional- "ma" -substantive -head 〕
plumaro (plumar'o)
poctkart'o postcard (post'o)
〔 "poctkart" -substantive / "poctk" -substantive -art / at_the_rate_of- "ctkart" -substantive 〕
poŝtkarto (poctkart'o)
poctmark'o stamp (stamp'o)
〔 "poctmark" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- "ctmark" -substantive 〕
poŝtmarko (poctmark'o)
poemart'o poetry (poet'o)
〔 "poemart" -substantive / "poem" -substantive -art / "po" -substantive -art -tendency / at_the_rate_of- "em" -substantive -art / at_the_rate_of- "emart" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- "em" -substantive -art 〕
poezio (poezi'o)
poentar'o score (poentar'o)
〔 "poentar" -substantive / "poenta" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- "enta" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- in- "ta" -substantive -head / "poent" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- "ent" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- "entar" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- "enta" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- in- "ta" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- "ent" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- in- "tar" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- in- "ta" -substantive -head 〕
poentaro (poentar'o)
poentokart'o scorecard (scorecard'o)
〔 "poentokart" -substantive / "poentok" -substantive -art / "poent" -substantive -art -false / at_the_rate_of- "ent" -substantive -art -false / at_the_rate_of- "entok" -substantive -art / at_the_rate_of- "ent" -substantive -art -false / at_the_rate_of- in- "tok" -substantive -art / at_the_rate_of- "entokart" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- "entok" -substantive -art / at_the_rate_of- "ent" -substantive -art -false / at_the_rate_of- in- "tok" -substantive -art / at_the_rate_of- in- "tokart" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- in- "tok" -substantive -art 〕
poentokarto (poentokart'o)
politikar'o program (politikar'o)
〔 "politikar" -substantive / "politika" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- "litika" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tika" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- third_person- that- "ka" -substantive -head / "politik" -substantive -collection / "polit" -substantive -collection -reminiscent_of / "pol" -substantive -collection -reminiscent_of -done / at_the_rate_of- "lit" -substantive -collection -reminiscent_of / at_the_rate_of- "litik" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- "lit" -substantive -collection -reminiscent_of / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tik" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- "litikar" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- "litika" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tika" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- third_person- that- "ka" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- "litik" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- "lit" -substantive -collection -reminiscent_of / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tik" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tikar" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tika" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- third_person- that- "ka" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tik" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- third_person- that- "kar" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- third_person- that- "ka" -substantive -head 〕
politikaro (politikar'o)
politsistar'o force (for'o)
〔 "politsistar" -substantive / "politsista" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- "litsista" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tsista" -substantive -head / "politsist" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- "litsist" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tsist" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- "litsistar" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- "litsista" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tsista" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- "litsist" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tsist" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tsistar" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tsista" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tsist" -substantive -collection 〕
policistaro (policistar'o)
politskomisar'o inspector (inspector'o)
〔 "politskomisar" -substantive / "politskomisa" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- "litskomisa" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tskomisa" -substantive -head / "politskomis" -substantive -collection / "politskom" -substantive -collection -associate / "politsk" -substantive -collection -associate -degree / at_the_rate_of- "litsk" -substantive -collection -associate -degree / at_the_rate_of- "litskom" -substantive -collection -associate / at_the_rate_of- "litsk" -substantive -collection -associate -degree / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tskom" -substantive -collection -associate / at_the_rate_of- "litskomis" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- "litskom" -substantive -collection -associate / at_the_rate_of- "litsk" -substantive -collection -associate -degree / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tskom" -substantive -collection -associate / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tskomis" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tskom" -substantive -collection -associate / at_the_rate_of- "litskomisar" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- "litskomisa" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tskomisa" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- "litskomis" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- "litskom" -substantive -collection -associate / at_the_rate_of- "litsk" -substantive -collection -associate -degree / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tskom" -substantive -collection -associate / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tskomis" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tskom" -substantive -collection -associate / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tskomisar" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tskomisa" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tskomis" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- third_person- "tskom" -substantive -collection -associate 〕
polickomisaro (polickomisar'o)
ponard'o dagger (dager'o)
〔 "ponard" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- "nard" -substantive 〕
ponardo (ponard'o)
ponard'o knife (knif'o) ponardo (ponard'o)
posteular'o posterity (poster'o)
〔 "posteular" -substantive / "posteula" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- "steula" -substantive -head / after- "eula" -substantive -head / "posteul" -substantive -collection / "poste" -substantive -collection -person / at_the_rate_of- "ste" -substantive -collection -person / after- "e" -substantive -collection -person / at_the_rate_of- "steul" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- "ste" -substantive -collection -person / after- "eul" -substantive -collection / after- "e" -substantive -collection -person / at_the_rate_of- "steular" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- "steula" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- "steul" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- "ste" -substantive -collection -person / after- "eular" -substantive / after- "eula" -substantive -head / after- "eul" -substantive -collection / after- "e" -substantive -collection -person 〕
posteularo (posteular'o)
postular'o requirement (postular'o)
〔 "postular" -substantive / "postula" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- "stula" -substantive -head / after- "ula" -substantive -head / "postul" -substantive -collection / "post" -substantive -collection -person / at_the_rate_of- "stul" -substantive -collection / after- "ul" -substantive -collection / at_the_rate_of- "stular" -substantive / at_the_rate_of- "stula" -substantive -head / at_the_rate_of- "stul" -substantive -collection / after- "ular" -substantive / after- "ula" -substantive -head / after- "ul" -substantive -collection 〕
postularo (postular'o)
praarbar'o rain forest
〔 "praarbar" -substantive / "praarba" -substantive -head / ancestral- "arba" -substantive -head / "praarb" -substantive -collection / ancestral- "arb" -substantive -collection / ancestral- "arbar" -substantive / ancestral- "arba" -substantive -head / ancestral- "arb" -substantive -collection 〕
praarbaro (prarbar'o)
praular'o ancestry (praular'o)
〔 "praular" -substantive / "praula" -substantive -head / ancestral- "ula" -substantive -head / "praul" -substantive -collection / "pra" -substantive -collection -person / ancestral- "ul" -substantive -collection / ancestral- "ular" -substantive / ancestral- "ula" -substantive -head / ancestral- "ul" -substantive -collection 〕
praularo (praular'o)
predjantar'o worshipper (worciper'o)
〔 "predjantar" -substantive / "predjanta" -substantive -head / "predjant" -substantive -collection 〕
preĝantaro (predjantar'o)
predjeyanar'o congregation (congr'o)
〔 "predjeyanar" -substantive / "predjeyana" -substantive -head / "predjeyan" -substantive -collection / "predjey" -substantive -collection -member / "predj" -substantive -collection -member -place 〕
preĝejanaro (predjejanar'o)
prepar'o predilection (predilection'o)
〔 "prepar" -substantive / "prepa" -substantive -head / "prep" -substantive -collection 〕
preparo (prepar'o)
prepar'o preparation (prep'o) preparo (prepar'o)
pres-art'o printing (print'o)
〔 "pres-art" -substantive / "pres-" -substantive -art 〕
pres-arto (pres-art'o)
presliterar'o font (font'o)
〔 "presliterar" -substantive / "preslitera" -substantive -head / "presliter" -substantive -collection / "preslite" -substantive -collection -head / "presli" -substantive -collection -relational / "preslit" -substantive -collection -element / "presl" -substantive -collection -element -done 〕
presliteraro (presliterar'o)
prezar'o price (price'o)
〔 "prezar" -substantive / "preza" -substantive -head / "prez" -substantive -collection 〕
prezaro (prezar'o)
prezentantar'o lineup (lineup'o)
〔 "prezentantar" -substantive / "prezentanta" -substantive -head / "prezentant" -substantive -collection 〕
prezentantaro (prezentantar'o)
printsipar'o tenet (tenet'o)
〔 "printsipar" -substantive / "printsipa" -substantive -head / about- "ntsipa" -substantive -head / "printsip" -substantive -collection / "prints" -substantive -collection -structure / about- "ntsip" -substantive -collection / about- "ntsipar" -substantive / about- "ntsipa" -substantive -head / about- "ntsip" -substantive -collection 〕
principaro (principar'o)
prioritatar'o agenda (prioritatar'o)
〔 "prioritatar" -substantive / "prioritata" -substantive -head / about- "oritata" -substantive -head / "prioritat" -substantive -collection / "priorit" -substantive -collection -happening / "prior" -substantive -collection -happening -done / "prio" -substantive -collection -happening -done -head / about- "o" -substantive -collection -happening -done -head / "pri" -substantive -collection -happening -done -value / about- "or" -substantive -collection -happening -done / about- "o" -substantive -collection -happening -done -head / about- "orit" -substantive -collection -happening / about- "or" -substantive -collection -happening -done / about- "o" -substantive -collection -happening -done -head / about- "oritat" -substantive -collection / about- "orit" -substantive -collection -happening / about- "or" -substantive -collection -happening -done / about- "o" -substantive -collection -happening -done -head / about- "oritatar" -substantive / about- "oritata" -substantive -head / about- "oritat" -substantive -collection / about- "orit" -substantive -collection -happening / about- "or" -substantive -collection -happening -done / about- "o" -substantive -collection -happening -done -head 〕
prioritataro (prioritatar'o)
pririgard'o survey (survey'o)
〔 "pririgard" -substantive / about- "rigard" -substantive 〕
pririgardo (pririgard'o)
produktar'o range (rang'o)
〔 "produktar" -substantive / "produkta" -substantive -head / on_account_of- "dukta" -substantive -head / "produkt" -substantive -collection / on_account_of- "dukt" -substantive -collection / on_account_of- "duktar" -substantive / on_account_of- "dukta" -substantive -head / on_account_of- "dukt" -substantive -collection 〕
produktaro (produktar'o)
programar'o programming (programar'o)
〔 "programar" -substantive / "programa" -substantive -head / on_account_of- "grama" -substantive -head / on_account_of- canceled- "ma" -substantive -head / "program" -substantive -collection / "progr" -substantive -collection -time / "prog" -substantive -collection -time -head / on_account_of- "gram" -substantive -collection / on_account_of- "gramar" -substantive / on_account_of- "grama" -substantive -head / on_account_of- canceled- "ma" -substantive -head / on_account_of- "gram" -substantive -collection / on_account_of- canceled- "mar" -substantive / on_account_of- canceled- "ma" -substantive -head 〕
programaro (programar'o)
proletar'o proletariat (proletar'o)
〔 "proletar" -substantive / "proleta" -substantive -head / on_account_of- "leta" -substantive -head / "prolet" -substantive -collection / "prol" -substantive -collection -diminutive / on_account_of- "let" -substantive -collection / on_account_of- "letar" -substantive / on_account_of- "leta" -substantive -head / on_account_of- "let" -substantive -collection 〕
proletaro (proletar'o)
proletar'o worker (worker'o) proletaro (proletar'o)
proponar'o package (proponar'o)
〔 "proponar" -substantive / "propona" -substantive -head / on_account_of- "pona" -substantive -head / on_account_of- at_the_rate_of- "na" -substantive -head / "propon" -substantive -collection / "prop" -substantive -collection -part / on_account_of- "pon" -substantive -collection / on_account_of- "ponar" -substantive / on_account_of- "pona" -substantive -head / on_account_of- at_the_rate_of- "na" -substantive -head / on_account_of- "pon" -substantive -collection / on_account_of- at_the_rate_of- "nar" -substantive / on_account_of- at_the_rate_of- "na" -substantive -head 〕
proponaro (proponar'o)
provizar'o stockpile (provizar'o)
〔 "provizar" -substantive / "proviza" -substantive -head / on_account_of- "viza" -substantive -head / on_account_of- second_person- "za" -substantive -head / "proviz" -substantive -collection / "prov" -substantive -collection -cause / on_account_of- "viz" -substantive -collection / on_account_of- "vizar" -substantive / on_account_of- "viza" -substantive -head / on_account_of- second_person- "za" -substantive -head / on_account_of- "viz" -substantive -collection / on_account_of- second_person- "zar" -substantive / on_account_of- second_person- "za" -substantive -head 〕
provizaro (provizar'o)
pulbazar'o trace (trace'o)
〔 "pulbazar" -substantive / "pulbaza" -substantive -head / "pulbaz" -substantive -collection / "pulb" -substantive -collection -mechanism 〕
pulbazaro (pulbazar'o)
radar'o radar (radar'o)
〔 "radar" -substantive / "rada" -substantive -head / "rad" -substantive -collection 〕
radaro (radar'o)
radetar'o mechanism (metcanism'o)
〔 "radetar" -substantive / "radeta" -substantive -head / "radet" -substantive -collection / "rad" -substantive -collection -diminutive 〕
radetaro (radetar'o)
rangar'o ranking (ranking'o)
〔 "rangar" -substantive / "ranga" -substantive -head / "rang" -substantive -collection 〕
rangaro (rangar'o)
raydart'o riding (raydart'o)
〔 "raydart" -substantive / "rayd" -substantive -art 〕
rajdarto (raydart'o)
regilar'o console (consol'o)
〔 "regilar" -substantive / "regila" -substantive -head / "regil" -substantive -collection / "reg" -substantive -collection -tool 〕
regilaro (regilar'o)
registar'o government (gover'o)
〔 "registar" -substantive / "regista" -substantive -head / "regist" -substantive -collection 〕
registaro (registar'o)
regular'o regulation (regulation'o)
〔 "regular" -substantive / "regula" -substantive -head / "regul" -substantive -collection / "reg" -substantive -collection -person 〕
regularo (regular'o)
rempar'o rampart (rampar'o)
〔 "rempar" -substantive / "rempa" -substantive -head / "remp" -substantive -collection 〕
remparo (rempar'o)
repertuar'o repertoire (repertoir'o)
〔 "repertuar" -substantive / "repertua" -substantive -head / "repertu" -substantive -collection 〕
repertuaro (repertuar'o)
reservistar'o reserve (reser'o)
〔 "reservistar" -substantive / "reservista" -substantive -head / "reservist" -substantive -collection 〕
reservistaro (reservistar'o)
respondantar'o panel (panel'o)
〔 "respondantar" -substantive / "respondanta" -substantive -head / "respondant" -substantive -collection 〕
respondantaro (respondantar'o)
retpadjar'o website (websit'o)
〔 "retpadjar" -substantive / "retpadja" -substantive -head / "retpadj" -substantive -collection / "retp" -substantive -collection -entering 〕
retpaĝaro (retpadjar'o)
retseptar'o recipe (recip'o)
〔 "retseptar" -substantive / "retsepta" -substantive -head / "retsept" -substantive -collection 〕
receptaro (receptar'o)
rezistantar'o resistance (resistanc'o)
〔 "rezistantar" -substantive / "rezistanta" -substantive -head / "rezistant" -substantive -collection 〕
rezistantaro (rezistantar'o)
rigard'o gaze (gaz'o)
〔 "rigard" -substantive 〕
rigardo (rigard'o)
rigard'o look (luk'o) rigardo (rigard'o)
rimark'o comment (coment'o)
〔 "rimark" -substantive 〕
rimarko (rimark'o)
rimark'o observation (observation'o) rimarko (rimark'o)
rimark'o remark (remark'o) rimarko (rimark'o)
rimedar'o package (pakag'o)
〔 "rimedar" -substantive / "rimeda" -substantive -head / "rimed" -substantive -collection / "rim" -substantive -collection -repetition 〕
rimedaro (rimedar'o)
rimenar'o strapping (straping'o)
〔 "rimenar" -substantive / "rimena" -substantive -head / "rimen" -substantive -collection / "rim" -substantive -collection -goal 〕
rimenaro (rimenar'o)
ripar'o repair (repair'o)
〔 "ripar" -substantive / "ripa" -substantive -head / "rip" -substantive -collection 〕
riparo (ripar'o)
risortar'o suspension (suspension'o)
〔 "risortar" -substantive / "risorta" -substantive -head / "risort" -substantive -collection 〕
risortaro (risortar'o)
rolantar'o cast (cast'o)
〔 "rolantar" -substantive / "rolanta" -substantive -head / "rolant" -substantive -collection 〕
rolantaro (rolantar'o)
rolular'o cast (cast'o)
〔 "rolular" -substantive / "rolula" -substantive -head / "rolul" -substantive -collection / "rol" -substantive -collection -person 〕
rolularo (rolular'o)
rosmar'o walrus (walr'o)
〔 "rosmar" -substantive / "rosma" -substantive -head / "rosm" -substantive -collection 〕
rosmaro (rosmar'o)
rulctupar'o escalator (escalator'o)
〔 "rulctupar" -substantive / "rulctupa" -substantive -head / "rulctup" -substantive -collection / "rulct" -substantive -collection -kit 〕
rulŝtuparo (rulctupar'o)
safar'o safari (safar'o)
〔 "safar" -substantive / "safa" -substantive -head / "saf" -substantive -collection 〕
safaro (safar'o)
sekvantar'o following (folowing'o)
〔 "sekvantar" -substantive / "sekvanta" -substantive -head / "sekvant" -substantive -collection 〕
sekvantaro (sekvantar'o)
senditar'o embassy (senditar'o)
〔 "senditar" -substantive / "sendita" -substantive -head / without- "dita" -substantive -head / "sendit" -substantive -collection / "send" -substantive -collection -done / without- "dit" -substantive -collection / without- "ditar" -substantive / without- "dita" -substantive -head / without- "dit" -substantive -collection 〕
senditaro (senditar'o)
separ'o separation (separ'o)
〔 seven- "ar" -substantive / seven- "a" -substantive -head 〕 〔 "separ" -substantive / "sepa" -substantive -head / "sep" -substantive -collection 〕
separo (separ'o)
sigelmark'o sticker (stik'o)
〔 "sigelmark" -substantive / reflexive- "gelmark" -substantive 〕
sigelmarko (sigelmark'o)
signar'o notation (notation'o)
〔 "signar" -substantive / "signa" -substantive -head / reflexive- "gna" -substantive -head / "sign" -substantive -collection / reflexive- "gnar" -substantive / reflexive- "gna" -substantive -head 〕
signaro (signar'o)
simbolar'o notation (notation'o)
〔 "simbolar" -substantive / "simbola" -substantive -head / reflexive- "mbola" -substantive -head / "simbol" -substantive -collection / "simb" -substantive -collection -compared_to / reflexive- "mbol" -substantive -collection / reflexive- "mbolar" -substantive / reflexive- "mbola" -substantive -head / reflexive- "mbol" -substantive -collection 〕
simbolaro (simbolar'o)
sindeklar'o declaration (declar'o)
〔 "sindeklar" -substantive / "sindekla" -substantive -head / reflexive- "ndekla" -substantive -head / "sindekl" -substantive -collection / reflexive- "ndekl" -substantive -collection / reflexive- "ndeklar" -substantive / reflexive- "ndekla" -substantive -head / reflexive- "ndekl" -substantive -collection 〕
sindeklaro (sindeklar'o)
singular'o singular (singular'o)
〔 "singular" -substantive / "singula" -substantive -head / reflexive- "ngula" -substantive -head / "singul" -substantive -collection / "sing" -substantive -collection -person / reflexive- "ngul" -substantive -collection / reflexive- "ngular" -substantive / reflexive- "ngula" -substantive -head / reflexive- "ngul" -substantive -collection 〕
singularo (singular'o)
sinprepar'o training (training'o)
〔 "sinprepar" -substantive / "sinprepa" -substantive -head / reflexive- "nprepa" -substantive -head / "sinprep" -substantive -collection / "sinpr" -substantive -collection -demonstration / "sinp" -substantive -collection -demonstration -head / reflexive- "nprep" -substantive -collection / reflexive- "nprepar" -substantive / reflexive- "nprepa" -substantive -head / reflexive- "nprep" -substantive -collection 〕
sinpreparo (sinprepar'o)
skarp'o sling (sling'o)
〔 "skarp" -substantive 〕
skarpo (skarp'o)
skarp'o stole (stol'o) skarpo (skarp'o)
skulptart'o sculpture (sculpt'o)
〔 "skulptart" -substantive / "skulpt" -substantive -art 〕
skulptarto (skulptart'o)
slipar'o file (fil'o)
〔 "slipar" -substantive / "slipa" -substantive -head / "slip" -substantive -collection 〕
sliparo (slipar'o)
softvar'o software (softwar'o)
〔 "softvar" -substantive / "softva" -substantive -head / "softv" -substantive -collection 〕
softvaro (softvar'o)
soldatar'o troop (trup'o)
〔 "soldatar" -substantive / "soldata" -substantive -head / "soldat" -substantive -collection / "sold" -substantive -collection -happening 〕
soldataro (soldatar'o)
solidar'o solidarity (solidar'o)
〔 "solidar" -substantive / "solida" -substantive -head / "solid" -substantive -collection / "sol" -substantive -collection -next_generation 〕
sonar'o sonar (sonar'o)
〔 "sonar" -substantive / "sona" -substantive -head / "son" -substantive -collection 〕
sonaro (sonar'o)
sonar'o sound (sonar'o) sonaro (sonar'o)
sortcart'o witchcraft (witcraft'o)
〔 "sortcart" -substantive / "sortc" -substantive -art 〕
sorĉarto (sortcart'o)
spark'o spark (spark'o)
〔 "spark" -substantive 〕
sparko (spark'o)
spektantar'o audience (audienc'o)
〔 "spektantar" -substantive / "spektanta" -substantive -head / "spektant" -substantive -collection 〕
spektantaro (spektantar'o)
spertular'o panel (panel'o)
〔 "spertular" -substantive / "spertula" -substantive -head / "spertul" -substantive -collection / "spert" -substantive -collection -person 〕
spertularo (spertular'o)
spetsajar'o range (rang'o)
〔 "spetsajar" -substantive / "spetsaja" -substantive -head / "spetsaj" -substantive -collection / "spets" -substantive -collection -substance 〕
specaĵaro (specajar'o)
spetsimenar'o sampler (sampler'o)
〔 "spetsimenar" -substantive / "spetsimena" -substantive -head / "spetsimen" -substantive -collection / "spetsim" -substantive -collection -goal / "spets" -substantive -collection -goal -idea 〕
specimenaro (specimenar'o)
spionar'o intelligence (inteligenc'o)
〔 "spionar" -substantive / "spiona" -substantive -head / "spion" -substantive -collection / "spi" -substantive -collection -part 〕
spionaro (spionar'o)
spitsar'o spice (spic'o)
〔 "spitsar" -substantive / "spitsa" -substantive -head / "spits" -substantive -collection 〕
spicaro (spicar'o)
standard'o flag (flag'o)
〔 "standard" -substantive 〕
standardo (standard'o)
standard'o standard (standard'o) standardo (standard'o)
start'o start (start'o)
〔 "start" -substantive 〕
starto (start'o)
stevard'o attendant (atend'o)
〔 "stevard" -substantive 〕
stevardo (stevard'o)
stsenar'o scenario (scenar'o)
〔 "stsenar" -substantive / "stsena" -substantive -head / "stsen" -substantive -collection 〕
scenaro (scenar'o)
stsenar'o screenplay (screnplay'o) scenaro (scenar'o)
stsenar'o script (script'o) scenaro (scenar'o)
superbazar'o hypermarket (hypermar'o)
〔 "superbazar" -substantive / "superbaza" -substantive -head / above- "baza" -substantive -head / "superbaz" -substantive -collection / "superb" -substantive -collection -mechanism / above- "baz" -substantive -collection / above- "bazar" -substantive / above- "baza" -substantive -head / above- "baz" -substantive -collection 〕
superbazaro (superbazar'o)
superbazar'o supermarket (supermar'o) superbazaro (superbazar'o)
supercardj'o baggage (bagag'o)
〔 "supercardj" -substantive / above- "cardj" -substantive 〕
superŝarĝo (supercardj'o)
superrigard'o overview (overview'o)
〔 "superrigard" -substantive / above- "rigard" -substantive 〕
superrigardo (superigard'o)
svarm'o anteater (anteater'o)
〔 "svarm" -substantive 〕
svarmo (svarm'o)
svarm'o crowd (crowd'o) svarmo (svarm'o)
svarm'o swarm (swarm'o) svarmo (svarm'o)
taksar'o price (price'o)
〔 "taksar" -substantive / "taksa" -substantive -head / "taks" -substantive -collection 〕
taksaro (taksar'o)
talar'o robe (rob'o)
〔 "talar" -substantive / "tala" -substantive -head / "tal" -substantive -collection 〕
talaro (talar'o)
tar'o weight (tar'o)
〔 "tar" -substantive / "ta" -substantive -head 〕
taro (tar'o)
tatar'o tartar (tartar'o)
〔 "tatar" -substantive / "tata" -substantive -head / "tat" -substantive -collection 〕
tataro (tatar'o)
tavolar'o layer (layer'o)
〔 "tavolar" -substantive / "tavola" -substantive -head / "tavol" -substantive -collection / "tav" -substantive -collection -compared_to 〕
tavolaro (tavolar'o)
tcambrar'o apartment (apar'o)
〔 "tcambrar" -substantive / "tcambra" -substantive -head / "tcambr" -substantive -collection / "tcamb" -substantive -collection -head 〕
ĉambraro (tcambrar'o)
tcar'o cart (car'o)
〔 "tcar" -substantive / "tca" -substantive -head 〕
ĉaro (tcar'o)
tcar'o truck (truk'o) ĉaro (tcar'o)
tcar'o waggon (wagon'o) ĉaro (tcar'o)
tcar'o wagon (wagon'o) ĉaro (tcar'o)
tcarm'o charm (tcarm'o)
〔 "tcarm" -substantive 〕
ĉarmo (tcarm'o)
tcart'o charter (tcart'o)
〔 "tcart" -substantive 〕
ĉarto (tcart'o)
tceestantar'o audience (audienc'o)
〔 "tceestantar" -substantive / "tceestanta" -substantive -head / at- "estanta" -substantive -head / "tceestant" -substantive -collection / at- "estant" -substantive -collection / at- "estantar" -substantive / at- "estanta" -substantive -head / at- "estant" -substantive -collection 〕
ĉeestantaro (tcestantar'o)
tcefpart'o body (body'o)
〔 "tcefpart" -substantive / "tcefp" -substantive -art / at- "fpart" -substantive 〕
ĉefparto (tcefpart'o)
tcekar'o chequebook (tcekar'o)
〔 "tcekar" -substantive / "tceka" -substantive -head / at- "ka" -substantive -head / "tcek" -substantive -collection / at- "kar" -substantive / at- "ka" -substantive -head 〕
ĉekaro (tcekar'o)
tcielark'o rainbow (rainbow'o)
〔 "tcielark" -substantive 〕
ĉielarko (tcielark'o)
tcirkawrigard'o survey (survey'o)
〔 "tcirkawrigard" -substantive / around- "awrigard" -substantive 〕
ĉirkaŭrigardo (tcirkawrigard'o)
teamanar'o contingent (contingent'o)
〔 "teamanar" -substantive / "teamana" -substantive -head / "teaman" -substantive -collection / "team" -substantive -collection -member / "te" -substantive -collection -member -time 〕
teamanaro (teamanar'o)
tekstar'o corpus (cor'o)
〔 "tekstar" -substantive / "teksta" -substantive -head / "tekst" -substantive -collection 〕
tekstaro (tekstar'o)
telerbretar'o dresser (dreser'o)
〔 "telerbretar" -substantive / "telerbreta" -substantive -head / "telerbret" -substantive -collection / "telerbr" -substantive -collection -diminutive / "telerb" -substantive -collection -diminutive -head 〕
telerbretaro (telerbretar'o)
telerbretar'o sideboard (sideboar'o) telerbretaro (telerbretar'o)
teminar'o terminology (ter'o)
〔 "teminar" -substantive / "temina" -substantive -head / "temin" -substantive -collection / "tem" -substantive -collection -grammatical_feminine 〕
teminaro (teminar'o)
tendar'o camp (camp'o)
〔 "tendar" -substantive / "tenda" -substantive -head / "tend" -substantive -collection 〕
tendaro (tendar'o)
terkarb'o coal (coal'o)
〔 "terkarb" -substantive 〕
terkarbo (terkarb'o)
terminar'o glossary (glosar'o)
〔 "terminar" -substantive / "termina" -substantive -head / "termin" -substantive -collection / "term" -substantive -collection -grammatical_feminine 〕
terminaro (terminar'o)
tibikarn'o calf (calf'o)
〔 "tibikarn" -substantive / that- "bikarn" -substantive 〕
tibikarno (tibikarn'o)
tipar'o font (tipar'o)
〔 "tipar" -substantive / "tipa" -substantive -head / that- "pa" -substantive -head / "tip" -substantive -collection / that- "par" -substantive / that- "pa" -substantive -head 〕
tiparo (tipar'o)
tonelar'o tonnage (tonag'o)
〔 "tonelar" -substantive / "tonela" -substantive -head / "tonel" -substantive -collection / "ton" -substantive -collection -method 〕
tonelaro (tonelar'o)
transcardj'o transhipment (trancipment'o)
〔 "transcardj" -substantive / through- "nscardj" -substantive / across- "cardj" -substantive 〕
transŝarĝo (transcardj'o)
trarigard'o review (review'o)
〔 "trarigard" -substantive / through- "rigard" -substantive 〕
trarigardo (trarigard'o)
traytar'o profile (profile'o)
〔 "traytar" -substantive / "trayta" -substantive -head / through- "yta" -substantive -head / "trayt" -substantive -collection / through- "ytar" -substantive / through- "yta" -substantive -head 〕
trajtaro (trajtar'o)
trentcar'o trailer (trailer'o)
〔 "trentcar" -substantive / "trentca" -substantive -head / very- "ntca" -substantive -head / "trentc" -substantive -collection / very- "ntcar" -substantive / very- "ntca" -substantive -head 〕
trenĉaro (trentcar'o)
trotuar'o footpath (futpax'o)
〔 "trotuar" -substantive / "trotua" -substantive -head / excessive- "tua" -substantive -head / "trotu" -substantive -collection / excessive- "tu" -substantive -collection / excessive- "tuar" -substantive / excessive- "tua" -substantive -head / excessive- "tu" -substantive -collection 〕
trotuaro (trotuar'o)
trotuar'o pavement (pavement'o) trotuaro (trotuar'o)
trotuar'o sidewalk (sidewalk'o) trotuaro (trotuar'o)
trotuar'o walkway (walkway'o) trotuaro (trotuar'o)
tsar'o tsar (tsar'o)
〔 "tsar" -substantive / "tsa" -substantive -head 〕
caro (car'o)
tseremoniar'o ritual (ritual'o)
〔 "tseremoniar" -substantive / "tseremonia" -substantive -head / "tseremoni" -substantive -collection 〕
ceremoniaro (ceremoniar'o)
tsidar'o mitre (mitr'o)
〔 "tsidar" -substantive / "tsida" -substantive -head / "tsid" -substantive -collection 〕
cidaro (cidar'o)
tsigar'o cigar (cigar'o)
〔 "tsigar" -substantive / "tsiga" -substantive -head / "tsig" -substantive -collection 〕
cigaro (cigar'o)
tsirkulantar'o traffic (trafic'o)
〔 "tsirkulantar" -substantive / "tsirkulanta" -substantive -head / "tsirkulant" -substantive -collection 〕
cirkulantaro (cirkulantar'o)
tsivitanar'o citizenry (citizenr'o)
〔 "tsivitanar" -substantive / "tsivitana" -substantive -head / "tsivitan" -substantive -collection / "tsivit" -substantive -collection -member / "tsiv" -substantive -collection -member -done 〕
civitanaro (civitanar'o)
tubar'o pipe (pip'o)
〔 "tubar" -substantive / "tuba" -substantive -head / "tub" -substantive -collection 〕
tubaro (tubar'o)
tumultantar'o mob (mob'o)
〔 "tumultantar" -substantive / "tumultanta" -substantive -head / "tumultant" -substantive -collection 〕
tumultantaro (tumultantar'o)
tunar'o tonnage (tonag'o)
〔 "tunar" -substantive / "tuna" -substantive -head / "tun" -substantive -collection 〕
tunaro (tunar'o)
umar'o stuff (stuf'o)
〔 "umar" -substantive / "uma" -substantive -head / "um" -substantive -collection 〕
umaro (umar'o)
urbestrar'o municipality (municipality'o)
〔 "urbestrar" -substantive / "urbestra" -substantive -head / "urbestr" -substantive -collection / "urb" -substantive -collection -leader / "urbest" -substantive -collection -head 〕
urbestraro (urbestrar'o)
vagabondar'o homeless (homeles'o)
〔 "vagabondar" -substantive / "vagabonda" -substantive -head / "vagabond" -substantive -collection / "vagab" -substantive -collection -promising 〕
vagabondaro (vagabondar'o)
vagonar'o train (train'o)
〔 "vagonar" -substantive / "vagona" -substantive -head / "vagon" -substantive -collection / "vag" -substantive -collection -part 〕
vagonaro (vagonar'o)
vagular'o homeless (homeles'o)
〔 "vagular" -substantive / "vagula" -substantive -head / "vagul" -substantive -collection / "vag" -substantive -collection -person 〕
vagularo (vagular'o)
var'o genre (var'o)
〔 "var" -substantive / "va" -substantive -head 〕
varo (var'o)
var'o product (var'o) varo (var'o)
var'o ware (var'o) varo (var'o)
varar'o inventory (varar'o)
〔 "varar" -substantive / "vara" -substantive -head / "var" -substantive -collection / "va" -substantive -collection -head 〕
vararo (varar'o)
varb'o enlistment (enlistment'o)
〔 "varb" -substantive 〕
varbo (varb'o)
varb'o promotion (promotion'o) varbo (varb'o)
varb'o recruitment (recruit'o) varbo (varb'o)
varm'o heat (heat'o)
〔 "varm" -substantive 〕
varmo (varm'o)
varm'o hotness (hot'o)
varm'o warmth (warm'o) varmo (varm'o)
varmark'o label (label'o)
〔 "varmark" -substantive 〕
varmarko (varmark'o)
varmark'o trademark (trademark'o) varmarko (varmark'o)
vazar'o dish (dic'o)
〔 "vazar" -substantive / "vaza" -substantive -head / "vaz" -substantive -collection 〕
vazaro (vazar'o)
vegetajar'o flora (flor'o)
〔 "vegetajar" -substantive / "vegetaja" -substantive -head / "vegetaj" -substantive -collection / "veget" -substantive -collection -substance / "veg" -substantive -collection -substance -diminutive 〕
vegetaĵaro (vegetajar'o)
vegetajar'o vegetation (vegetation'o) vegetaĵaro (vegetajar'o)
verkar'o writing (writing'o)
〔 "verkar" -substantive / "verka" -substantive -head / "verk" -substantive -collection 〕
verkaro (verkar'o)
versar'o verse (ver'o)
〔 "versar" -substantive / "versa" -substantive -head / "vers" -substantive -collection 〕
versaro (versar'o)
vestar'o wardrobe (wardr'o)
〔 "vestar" -substantive / "vesta" -substantive -head / "vest" -substantive -collection 〕
vestaro (vestar'o)
veterinar'o vet (veterinar'o)
〔 "veterinar" -substantive / "veterina" -substantive -head / "veterin" -substantive -collection / "veter" -substantive -collection -grammatical_feminine / "vete" -substantive -collection -grammatical_feminine -head / "ve" -substantive -collection -grammatical_feminine -relational / "vet" -substantive -collection -grammatical_feminine -element 〕
veterinaro (veterinar'o)
veterinar'o veterinarian (veterinar'o) veterinaro (veterinar'o)
veturilar'o fleet (veturilar'o)
〔 "veturilar" -substantive / "veturila" -substantive -head / "veturil" -substantive -collection / "vetur" -substantive -collection -tool / "vetu" -substantive -collection -tool -head / "vet" -substantive -collection -tool -cost 〕
veturilaro (veturilar'o)
veynar'o grain (grain'o)
〔 "veynar" -substantive / "veyna" -substantive -head / "veyn" -substantive -collection 〕
vejnaro (vejnar'o)
vinyar'o vintage (vintag'o)
〔 "vinyar" -substantive / "vinya" -substantive -head / second_person- "nya" -substantive -head / "viny" -substantive -collection / second_person- "nyar" -substantive / second_person- "nya" -substantive -head 〕
vinjaro (vinjar'o)
vinyetar'o notation (notation'o)
〔 "vinyetar" -substantive / "vinyeta" -substantive -head / second_person- "nyeta" -substantive -head / "vinyet" -substantive -collection / "viny" -substantive -collection -diminutive / second_person- "nyet" -substantive -collection / second_person- "nyetar" -substantive / second_person- "nyeta" -substantive -head / second_person- "nyet" -substantive -collection 〕
vinjetaro (vinjetar'o)
voltar'o voltage (voltag'o)
〔 "voltar" -substantive / "volta" -substantive -head / "volt" -substantive -collection 〕
voltaro (voltar'o)
vortar'o dictionary (vortar'o)
〔 "vortar" -substantive / "vorta" -substantive -head / "vort" -substantive -collection 〕
vortaro (vortar'o)
votcdonantar'o electorate (elector'o)
〔 "votcdonantar" -substantive / "votcdonanta" -substantive -head / "votcdonant" -substantive -collection 〕
voĉdonantaro (votcdonantar'o)
votcdonar'o vote (vot'o)
〔 "votcdonar" -substantive / "votcdona" -substantive -head / "votcdon" -substantive -collection / "votcd" -substantive -collection -part 〕
voĉdonaro (votcdonar'o)
voybar'o roadblock (roadblok'o)
〔 "voybar" -substantive / "voyba" -substantive -head / "voyb" -substantive -collection 〕
vojbaro (vojbar'o)
yaguar'o jaguar (jaguar'o)
〔 "yaguar" -substantive / "yagua" -substantive -head / "yagu" -substantive -collection 〕
jaguaro (jaguar'o)
yar'o year (yar'o)
〔 "yar" -substantive / "ya" -substantive -head 〕
jaro (yar'o)
yard'o yard (yard'o)
〔 "yard" -substantive 〕
jardo (jard'o)
yudjantar'o panel (panel'o)
〔 "yudjantar" -substantive / "yudjanta" -substantive -head / "yudjant" -substantive -collection 〕
juĝantaro (judjantar'o)
yudjistar'o judge (judg'o)
〔 "yudjistar" -substantive / "yudjista" -substantive -head / "yudjist" -substantive -collection 〕
juĝistaro (judjistar'o)
yudjistar'o judiciary (judiciar'o) juĝistaro (judjistar'o)
yuglandarb'o walnut (walnut'o)
〔 "yuglandarb" -substantive 〕
juglandarbo (juglandarb'o)
yunular'o youth (yux'o)
〔 "yunular" -substantive / "yunula" -substantive -head / "yunul" -substantive -collection / "yun" -substantive -collection -person 〕
junularo (junular'o)
yuvelar'o jewel (jewel'o)
〔 "yuvelar" -substantive / "yuvela" -substantive -head / "yuvel" -substantive -collection / "yuv" -substantive -collection -method 〕
juvelaro (juvelar'o)
yuvelart'o jewellery (jewelery'o)
〔 "yuvelart" -substantive / "yuvel" -substantive -art / "yuv" -substantive -art -method 〕
juvelarto (juvelart'o)
zielark'o rainbow (rainbow'o)
〔 every- "elark" -substantive / every- out_of- "ark" -substantive 〕 〔 "zielark" -substantive 〕
ĉielarko (tcielark'o)
zoopark'o zoo (zu'o)
〔 "zoopark" -substantive 〕
zooparko (zopark'o)
zorgatar'o charge (tcar'o)
〔 "zorgatar" -substantive / "zorgata" -substantive -head / "zorgat" -substantive -collection / "zorg" -substantive -collection -happening 〕
zorgataro (zorgatar'o)
ar'u should group
〔 "ar" -suggestive / "a" -suggestive -head 〕
aru (ar'u)
bar'u should bar (bar'u)
〔 "bar" -suggestive / "ba" -suggestive -head 〕
cardj'u should load
〔 "cardj" -suggestive 〕
cpar'u should save
〔 "cpar" -suggestive / "cpa" -suggestive -head 〕
deklar'u should declare (deklar'u)
〔 ten- "lar" -suggestive / ten- "la" -suggestive -head 〕 〔 "deklar" -suggestive / "dekla" -suggestive -head / of- "kla" -suggestive -head / "dekl" -suggestive -collection / of- "klar" -suggestive / of- "kla" -suggestive -head 〕
prepar'u ought to prepare
〔 "prepar" -suggestive / "prepa" -suggestive -head / "prep" -suggestive -collection 〕
prepar'u should prepare
rigard'u ought to look
〔 "rigard" -suggestive 〕
rigard'u ought to regard
rigard'u should look
rigard'u should regard
rimark'u ought to note
〔 "rimark" -suggestive 〕
rimark'u should note
ripar'u ought to fix
〔 "ripar" -suggestive / "ripa" -suggestive -head / "rip" -suggestive -collection 〕
ripar'u ought to repair
ripar'u should fix
ripar'u should repair
star'u ought to stand (star'u)
〔 "star" -suggestive / "sta" -suggestive -head 〕
star'u should stand (star'u) (star'u)
start'u ought to start
〔 "start" -suggestive 〕
start'u should start
varb'u ought to recruit
〔 "varb" -suggestive 〕
varb'u ought to solicit
varb'u should recruit
varb'u should solicit
vart'u ought to babysit
〔 "vart" -suggestive 〕
vart'u ought to nurse
vart'u should babysit
vart'u should nurse
tcar'aj because (becaus'aj)
〔 "tcar" -conjunction / "tca" -conjunction -head 〕 〔 "tcar" -connective adjective / "tca" -connective adjective -head 〕
ĉar (tcar'aj)
kvar'ic about four (kvar'ic)
〔 four--approximative 〕 〔 "kvar" -approximative / "kva" -approximative -head 〕
kvar'om four (kvar'om)
〔 four--abstract substantive 〕 〔 four--quantitative 〕 〔 "kvar" -quantitative / "kva" -quantitative -head 〕 〔 "kvar" -abstract substantive / "kva" -abstract substantive -head 〕
yar'ow a year (yar'ow)
〔 "yar" -singular substantive / "ya" -singular substantive -head 〕
jaro (yar'ow)
yar'oy years (yar'oy)
〔 "yar" -plural substantive / "ya" -plural substantive -head 〕
jaroj (yar'oy)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, German, Lithuanian, Spanish, Esperanto.

Esper' English German Lithuanian Spanish Esperanto
cud' cardj' should load debe cargar
cud' cpar' should save debe ahorrar
cud' deklar' should declare debe declarar
cud' prepar' should prepare debe preparar
cud' rimark' should note debe notar
cud' star' should stand debe parar
cud' start' should start debe iniciar
cud' varb' should recruit debe reclutar
cud' varb' should solicit debe solicitar
cud' vart' should babysit debe cuidar a los niños
dev' cardj' must load debe cargar
dev' cpar' must save debe ahorrar
dev' deklar' must declare debe declarar
dev' prepar' must prepare debe preparar
dev' rimark' must note debe notar
dev' star' must stand debe parar
dev' start' must start debe iniciar
dev' varb' must recruit debe reclutar
dev' varb' must solicit debe solicitar
dev' vart' must babysit debe cuidar a los niños
alarm'a alarming (alarm'a) alarmante (alarm'a) alarma (alarm'a)
amar'a sour (sur'a) amargo (amar'a) amara (amar'a)
apart'a particular (part'a) especial (especial'a) aparta (apart'a)
ar'a grouped (grup'a) establecer (establecer'a) ara (ar'a)
ar'a set (set'a) establecer (establecer'a)
ard'a ardent (ard'a) ardiente (ard'a)
arkt'a arctic (arct'a) arktisch (arkt'a) arktinis (arkt'a) arkta (arkt'a)
arm'a charming (arm'a) encantador (encantador'a)
art'a artistic (art'a) artístico (art'a) arta (art'a)
avangard'a avant-garde (avant-gard'a) avant-garde (avant-gard'a)
avar'a greedy (gred'a) codicioso (codici'a)
avar'a skimpy (skimpy'a) ahorradores (ahorador'a)
barbar'a barbarian (barbar'a) bárbaro (barbar'a)
eksterordinar'a extraordinary (eksterordinar'a) (eksterordinar'a) (eksterordinar'a) extraordinario (eksterordinar'a) eksterordinara (eksterordinar'a)
hazard'a random (rand'a) azar (azar'a) hazarda (hazard'a)
hektar'a hectare (hectar'a) hectárea (hectar'a)
kar'a dear (kar'a) (kar'a) (kar'a) querido (kar'a) kara (kar'a)
klar'a clear (clear'a) klar (klar'a) claro (clar'a) klara (klar'a)
kompar'a comparative (compar'a) comparativo (compar'a) kompara (kompar'a)
kvar'a fourth (kvar'a) (kvar'a) (kvar'a) cuarto (kvar'a) kvara (kvar'a)
lapidar'a lapidary (lapidar'a) lapidario (lapidar'a) lapidara (lapidar'a)
lardj'a wide (wid'a) ancho (antc'a) larĝa (lardj'a)
mar'a marine (mar'a) (mar'a) (mar'a) marina (mar'a) mara (mar'a)
naybar'a neighboring (neiqbor'a) vecinos (vecin'a)
ordinar'a ordinary (ordinar'a) ordinär (ordinar'a) (ordinar'a) ordinario (ordinar'a) ordinara (ordinar'a)
part'a partial (part'a) parcial (parcial'a) parta (part'a)
poemart'a poetic (poet'a) poético (poet'a)
popular'a popular (popular'a) populär (popular'a) populiarus (populiar'a) populares (popular'a) populara (popular'a)
prepar'a preparatory (prep'a) preparatorio (prepar'a) prepara (prepar'a)
solidar'a many as one solidarisch (solidar'a) solidarus (solidar'a) solidara (solidar'a)
solidar'a solidarity (solidar'a) solidaridad (solidar'a)
standard'a standard (standard'a) estándar (estand'a)
submar'a submarine (submar'a) (submar'a) (submar'a) submarino (submar'a) submara (submar'a)
tcarm'a charming (tcarm'a) encantador (encant'a) ĉarma (tcarm'a)
varm'a warm (warm'a) warm (warm'a) caliente (calient'a) varma (varm'a)
vegetar'a vegetarian (vegetar'a) vegetariano (vegetar'a) vegetara (vegetar'a)
vulgar'a vulgar (vulgar'a) vulgär (vulgar'a) vulgar (vulgar'a) vulgara (vulgar'a)
〔 "yanuar" -adjective / "yanua" -adjective -head / "yanu" -adjective -collection 〕
januára (hanuar'a)
yar'a annual (yar'a) (yar'a) (yar'a) anual (yar'a) (yar'a)
alarm'e alarmingly (alarm'e) alarmante (alarm'e)
amar'e bitterly (biter'e) amargamente (amar'e) amare (amar'e)
apart'e particularly (part'e) particularmente (particularment'e)
ar'e grouply (grup'e) son (son'e) are (ar'e)
art'e artisticly (art'e) artísticamente (art'e)
barbar'e barbarously (barbar'e) bárbaramente (barbar'e)
eksterordinar'e extraordinarily (eksterordinar'e) (eksterordinar'e) (eksterordinar'e) extraordinariamente (eksterordinar'e) eksterordinare (eksterordinar'e)
erar'e erroneously (er'e) erróneamente (er'e) erare (erar'e)
kar'e dearly (kar'e) (kar'e) (kar'e) caro (kar'e) (kar'e)
klar'e clearly (clear'e) claramente (clar'e) klare (klar'e)
kvar'e fourthly (kvar'e) (kvar'e) (kvar'e) en cuarto lugar (kvar'e) (kvar'e)
lardj'e widely (wid'e) ampliamente (ampliament'e) larĝe (lardj'e)
ordinar'e normally (ordinar'e) (ordinar'e) (ordinar'e) normalmente (ordinar'e) (ordinar'e)
part'e partially (part'e) parcialmente (parcial'e) parte (part'e)
poemart'e poetically (poet'e) poéticamente (poet'e)
popular'e popularly (popular'e) en popularidad
prepar'e in preparation en preparación
prepar'e preparedly (prep'e) preparadamente (prepar'e)
solidar'e in solidarity en solidaridad
tcarm'e gracefully (gracefuly'e) gracia (graci'e)
yar'e yearly (yar'e) (yar'e) (yar'e) años (yar'e) jare (yar'e)
alarm'i to alert (alert'i) alerta (alert'i)
ark'i to arch (artc'i) arco (arc'i)
avar'i to covet (covet'i) codiciar (codici'i)
bar'i to bar (bar'i) (bar'i) (bar'i) bar (bar'i) bari (bar'i)
bombard'i to bombard (bomb'i) bombardieren (bombard'i) bombarduoti (bombard'i) bomba (bomb'i) bombardi (bombard'i)
cardj'i to load (load'i) carga (carg'i)
cpar'i to save (sav'i) sparen (spar'i) ahorrar (ahorar'i) ŝpari (cpar'i)
cud'ax cardj'i should load debe cargar
cud'ax cpar'i should save debe ahorrar
cud'ax deklar'i should declare debe declarar
cud'ax prepar'i should prepare debe preparar
cud'ax rimark'i should note debe notar
cud'ax star'i should stand debe parar
cud'ax start'i should start debe iniciar
cud'ax varb'i should recruit debe reclutar
cud'ax varb'i should solicit debe solicitar
cud'ax vart'i should babysit debe cuidar a los niños
deklar'i to declare (deklar'i) deklarieren (deklar'i) deklaruoti (deklar'i) declarar (deklar'i) deklari (deklar'i)
dev'ax cardj'i must load debe cargar
dev'ax cpar'i must save debe ahorrar
dev'ax deklar'i must declare debe declarar
dev'ax prepar'i must prepare debe preparar
dev'ax rimark'i must note debe notar
dev'ax star'i must stand debe parar
dev'ax start'i must start debe iniciar
dev'ax varb'i must recruit debe reclutar
dev'ax varb'i must solicit debe solicitar
dev'ax vart'i must babysit debe cuidar a los niños
erar'i to wrong (wrong'i) estar en eror
far'i to do (far'i) (far'i) (far'i) hacer (far'i) fari (far'i)
far'i to fare (far'i) (far'i) (far'i) hacer (far'i) fari (far'i)
far'i to make (far'i) (far'i) (far'i) hacer (far'i) fari (far'i)
fart'i to fare (far'i) tarifa (tarif'i) farti (fart'i)
flar'i to smell (smel'i) olor (olor'i) flari (flar'i)
gard'i to guard (guard'i) mantener (mantener'i) gardi (gard'i)
garn'i to garnish (garn'i) adornar (adorn'i) garni (garn'i)
hard'i to harden (hard'i) härten (harten'i) endurecer (end'i) hardi (hard'i)
inventar'i to inventory (inventar'i) (inventar'i) (inventar'i) hacer inventario (inventar'i) (inventar'i)
knar'i to call (cal'i) knarren (knar'i) knari (knar'i)
kompar'i to compare (compar'i) comparar (compar'i) kompari (kompar'i)
marc'i to walk (walk'i) caminar (caminar'i) marŝi (marc'i)
mark'i to mark (mark'i) marca (marc'i) marki (mark'i)
park'i to park (park'i) parque (park'i) parki (park'i)
prepar'i to prepare (prep'i) preparar (prepar'i) prepari (prepar'i)
prepar'i to prepare a preparar (prepar'i) prepari (prepar'i)
rigard'i view (view'i) vistar (vist'i)
rimark'i to note (not'i) notar (not'i)
rimark'i to notice (not'i) aviso (avis'i) rimarki (rimark'i)
ripar'i to repair (repair'i) reparieren (reparier'i) reparación (repar'i) ripari (ripar'i)
separ'i to separate (separ'i) separieren (separ'i) (separ'i) separado (separ'i) separi (separ'i)
star'i to stand (star'i) (star'i) (star'i) pie (star'i) stari (star'i)
star'i to stand (star'i) (star'i) (star'i) parar (star'i) (star'i)
start'i to start (start'i) iniciar (inici'i)
start'i to start (start'i) inicio (inici'i) starti (start'i)
varb'i to recruit (recruit'i) werben (werb'i) recluta (reclut'i) varbi (varb'i)
varb'i to recruit (recruit'i) reclutar (reclut'i)
varb'i to solicit (solicit'i) solicitar (solicitar'i) varbi (varb'i)
vart'i to babysit (babysit'i) cuidar a los niños
vart'i to care (car'i) warten (wart'i) atención (at'i) varti (vart'i)
alarm'o alarm (alarm'o) Alarm (alarm'o) aliarmas (aliarm'o) alarma (alarm'o) alarmo (alarm'o)
altar'o altar (altar'o) Altar (altar'o) altorius (altar'o) altar (altar'o) altaro (altar'o)
amar'o bitterness (biter'o) amargura (amar'o) amaro (amar'o)
ar'o a bunch (buntc'o) establecer (establecer'o) aro (ar'o)
ar'o array (ar'o) establecer (establecer'o) aro (ar'o)
ar'o group (grup'o) establecer (establecer'o) aro (ar'o)
ar'o set (set'o) establecer (establecer'o) aro (ar'o)
arb'o tree (tre'o) árbol (arb'o) arbo (arb'o)
ark'o arc (arc'o) arco (arc'o) arko (ark'o)
art'o art (art'o) arte (art'o) arto (art'o)
avangard'o vanguard (vanguard'o) vanguardia (vangward'o) avangardo (avangard'o)
avar'o greed (gred'o) codicia (codici'o)
bar'o barrier (bar'o) (bar'o) (bar'o) barrera (bar'o) baro (bar'o)
barb'o beard (beard'o) barba (barb'o) barbo (barb'o)
bombard'o bombardment (bomb'o) bombardeo (bomb'o) bombardo (bombard'o)
bulvard'o boulevard (bulevard'o) Boulevard (boulevard'o) bulvaras (bulvaras'o) boulevard (boulevard'o) bulvardo (bulvard'o)
cardj'o load (load'o) carga (carg'o) ŝarĝo (cardj'o)
cark'o shark (cark'o) tiburón (tiburon'o) ŝarko (cark'o)
deklar'o statement (deklar'o) (deklar'o) (deklar'o) declaración (deklar'o) deklaro (deklar'o)
dolar'o dollar (dolar'o) Dollar (dolar'o) doleris (dolar'o) dólar (dolar'o) dolaro (dolar'o)
erar'o error (er'o) error (er'o) eraro (erar'o)
fanfar'o fanfare (fanfar'o) fanfarria (fanfar'o) fanfaro (fanfar'o)
farb'o paint (paint'o) Farbe (farb'o) pintura (pintur'o) farbo (farb'o)
fars'o farce (farc'o) farsas (farsas'o) farsa (fars'o) farso (fars'o)
garb'o sheaf (ceaf'o) Garbe (garb'o) gavilla (gavily'o) garbo (garb'o)
gitar'o guitar (guitar'o) Gitarre (gitar'o) gitara (gitar'o) guitarra (gitar'o) gitaro (gitar'o)
har'o hair (har'o) Haar (har'o) (har'o) pelo (har'o) haro (har'o)
harp'o harp (harp'o) arpa (arp'o) harpo (harp'o)
hektar'o hectare (hectar'o) Hektar (hektar'o) hektaras (hektar'o) hectárea (hectar'o) hektaro (hektar'o)
horar'o schedule (cedul'o) horario (horar'o) horaro (horar'o)
inventar'o inventory (inventar'o) Inventar (inventar'o) inventorius (inventar'o) inventario (inventar'o) inventaro (inventar'o)
kalendar'o calendar (calendar'o) Kalender (kalender'o) kalendorius (kalendor'o) calendario (calendar'o) kalendaro (kalendar'o)
karb'o coal (coal'o) carbón (carb'o) karbo (karb'o)
karp'o carp (carp'o) Karpfen (karp'o) karpis (karp'o) carpa (carp'o) karpo (karp'o)
kart'o card (card'o) Karte (kart'o) korta (kort'o) tarjeta (tarhet'o) karto (kart'o)
kompar'o comparison (compar'o) comparación (compar'o) komparo (kompar'o)
lardj'o width (wid'o) ancho (antc'o) larĝo (lardj'o)
larm'o tear (tear'o) arrancar (arancar'o) larmo (larm'o)
larv'o larva (larv'o) Larve (larv'o) larva (larv'o) larvo (larv'o)
mar'o sea (mar'o) Meer (mar'o) marios (mar'o) mar (mar'o) maro (mar'o)
marc'o march (martc'o) Marsch (marsc'o) maršas (marsas'o) marŝo (marc'o)
marc'o walk (walk'o) caminar (caminar'o) marŝo (marc'o)
mark'o mark (mark'o) Marke (mark'o) marke (mark'o) marca (marc'o) marko (mark'o)
martc'o marsh (marc'o) Marsch (marsc'o) marĉo (martc'o)
miliard'o milliard (miliard'o) Milliarde (miliard'o) milijardas (milijard'o) millones (milyones'o) miliardo (miliard'o)
mustard'o mustard (mustard'o) mostaza (mostaz'o) mustardo (mustard'o)
naybar'o neighbour (neiqbur'o) Nachbar (nachbar'o) vecino (vecin'o) najbaro (najbar'o)
oligark'o oligarch (oligartc'o) Oligarch (oligarch'o) oligarchas (oligarchas'o) oligarca (oligarc'o) oligarko (oligark'o)
omar'o lobster (lobster'o) Hummer (humer'o) omaras (omar'o) langosta (langost'o) omaro (omar'o)
par'o pair (par'o) Paar (par'o) pora (par'o) pareja (par'o) paro (par'o)
park'o park (park'o) Park (park'o) parkas (park'o) parque (park'o) parko (park'o)
part'o part (part'o) parte (part'o) parto (part'o)
poctkart'o postcard (post'o) Postkarte (postkart'o) postal (post'o) poŝtkarto (poctkart'o)
poctmark'o stamp (stamp'o) Postmarke (postmark'o) poŝtmarko (poctmark'o)
poemart'o poetry (poet'o) Poesie (poesi'o) poezija (poezij'o) poesía (poesi'o) poezio (poezi'o)
ponard'o knife (knif'o) cuchillo (cutcily'o) ponardo (ponard'o)
prepar'o preparation (prep'o) preparación (prepar'o) preparo (prepar'o)
repertuar'o repertoire (repertoir'o) Repertoire (repertoir'o) repertuaras (repertuar'o) repertorio (repertor'o) repertuaro (repertuar'o)
rimark'o remark (remark'o) observación (observacion'o) rimarko (rimark'o)
ripar'o repair (repair'o) reparación (repar'o) riparo (ripar'o)
rosmar'o walrus (walr'o) morsa (mor'o) rosmaro (rosmar'o)
separ'o separation (separ'o) (separ'o) (separ'o) separación (separ'o) separo (separ'o)
solidar'o solidarity (solidar'o) solidaridad (solidar'o)
spark'o spark (spark'o) chispa (tcisp'o) sparko (spark'o)
standard'o standard (standard'o) Standarte (stand'o) estándar (estand'o) standardo (standard'o)
start'o start (start'o) inicio (inici'o) starto (start'o)
svarm'o swarm (swarm'o) Schwarm (schwarm'o) enjambre (enham'o) svarmo (svarm'o)
tcar'o cart (car'o) compra (compr'o) ĉaro (tcar'o)
tcarm'o charm (tcarm'o) encanto (encant'o) ĉarmo (tcarm'o)
trotuar'o sidewalk (sidewalk'o) Trottoir (trotoir'o) acera (acer'o) trotuaro (trotuar'o)
tsar'o tsar (tsar'o) Zar (zar'o) caras (car'o) zar (zar'o) caro (car'o)
tsigar'o cigar (cigar'o) cigaras (cigar'o) cigarro (cigar'o) cigaro (cigar'o)
var'o ware (var'o) Ware (var'o) (var'o) género (var'o) varo (var'o)
varm'o heat (heat'o) calor (calor'o) varmo (varm'o)
yar'o year (yar'o) Jahr (yar'o) (yar'o) año (yar'o) jaro (yar'o)
zielark'o rainbow (rainbow'o) arco iris ĉielarko (tcielark'o)
cardj'u should load debe cargar
cpar'u should save debe ahorrar
deklar'u should declare (deklar'u) (deklar'u) (deklar'u) debe declarar (deklar'u) (deklar'u)
prepar'u ought to prepare debe preparar
prepar'u should prepare debe preparar
rimark'u ought to note debe notar
rimark'u should note debe notar
star'u ought to stand (star'u) (star'u) (star'u) debe parar (star'u) (star'u)
star'u should stand (star'u) (star'u) (star'u) debe parar (star'u) (star'u)
start'u ought to start debe iniciar
start'u should start debe iniciar
varb'u ought to recruit debe reclutar
varb'u ought to solicit debe solicitar
varb'u should recruit debe reclutar
varb'u should solicit debe solicitar
vart'u ought to babysit debe cuidar a los niños
vart'u should babysit debe cuidar a los niños
kvar'ic about four (kvar'ic) (kvar'ic) (kvar'ic) unos cuatro (kvar'ic) (kvar'ic)
〔 "yanuar" -plural substantive / "yanua" -plural substantive -head / "yanu" -plural substantive -collection 〕
eneros (ener'oy)
yar'ow a year (yar'ow) (yar'ow) (yar'ow) un año (yar'ow) jaro (yar'ow)
yar'oy years (yar'oy) (yar'oy) (yar'oy) años (yar'oy) jaroj (yar'oy)
〔 "yanuar" -accusative_plural substantive / "yanua" -accusative_plural substantive -head / "yanu" -accusative_plural substantive -collection 〕
eneros (ener'oyn)
〔 "yanuar" -nominative_plural substantive / "yanua" -nominative_plural substantive -head / "yanu" -nominative_plural substantive -collection 〕
eneros (ener'oyz)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, French, Latin, Polish, Esperanto.

Esper' English French Latin Polish Esperanto
tcar' because (becaus') car (car') ĉar (tcar')
amar'a bitter (biter'a) amer (amer'a) amarus (amar'a) amara (amar'a)
arkt'a arctic (arct'a) arctique (arct'a) arkta (arkt'a)
avar'a miserly (miser'a) avare (avar'a) avarus (avar'a) avara (avar'a)
eksterordinar'a extraordinary (eksterordinar'a) extraordinaire (eksterordinar'a) extraordinarius (eksterordinar'a) (eksterordinar'a) eksterordinara (eksterordinar'a)
kar'a dear (kar'a) (kar'a) carus (kar'a) (kar'a) kara (kar'a)
klar'a clear (clear'a) clair (clair'a) clarus (clar'a) klara (klar'a)
kvar'a fourth (kvar'a) (kvar'a) quartus (kvar'a) (kvar'a) kvara (kvar'a)
lapidar'a lapidary (lapidar'a) lapidaire (lapidair'a) lapidara (lapidar'a)
lardj'a large (larg'a) large (larg'a) largus (largus'a) larĝa (lardj'a)
ordinar'a ordinary (ordinar'a) ordinaire (ordinar'a) ordinarius (ordinar'a) (ordinar'a) ordinara (ordinar'a)
popular'a popular (popular'a) populaire (populair'a) popularis (popular'a) popularny (popular'a) populara (popular'a)
vulgar'a vulgar (vulgar'a) vulgaire (vulgair'a) vulgaris (vulgar'a) vulgara (vulgar'a)
apart'e apart (part'e) á part aparte (apart'e)
avar'e miserly (miser'e) avare (avar'e)
bar'i to bar (bar'i) barrer (bar'i) (bar'i) (bar'i) bari (bar'i)
bombard'i to bombard (bomb'i) bombarder (bombard'i) bombardować (bombard'i) bombardi (bombard'i)
cardj'i to charge (tcarg'i) charger (charger'i) ŝarĝi (cardj'i)
deklar'i to declare (deklar'i) déclarer (deklar'i) declarare (deklar'i) deklarować (deklar'i) deklari (deklar'i)
erar'i to err (er'i) errare (erar'i) erari (erar'i)
far'i to do (far'i) faire (far'i) (far'i) (far'i) fari (far'i)
far'i to fare (far'i) faire (far'i) (far'i) (far'i) fari (far'i)
far'i to make (far'i) faire (far'i) (far'i) (far'i) fari (far'i)
fartc'i stuff (stuf'i) farcir (farc'i) farcire (farc'i) farĉi (fartc'i)
flar'i to smell (smel'i) flairer (flairer'i) flari (flar'i)
gard'i to guard (guard'i) garder (gard'i) gardi (gard'i)
garn'i to garnish (garn'i) garnir (garn'i) garni (garn'i)
kompar'i to compare (compar'i) comparer (comparer'i) comparare (comparar'i) kompari (kompar'i)
prepar'i to prepare (prep'i) préparer (preparer'i) preparare (preparar'i) prepari (prepar'i)
rigard'i to regard (regard'i) régarder (regard'i) rigardi (rigard'i)
rimark'i to remark (remark'i) rémarquer (remarquer'i) rimarki (rimark'i)
ripar'i to repair (repair'i) réparer (reparer'i) reparare (reparar'i) ripari (ripar'i)
separ'i to separate (separ'i) séparer (separ'i) separare (separ'i) (separ'i) separi (separ'i)
star'i to stand (star'i) (star'i) stare (star'i) (star'i) stari (star'i)
alarm'o alarm (alarm'o) alarme (alarm'o) alarm (alarm'o) alarmo (alarm'o)
altar'o altar (altar'o) (altar'o) altaria (altar'o) oltarz (altar'o) altaro (altar'o)
arb'o tree (tre'o) arbre (arb'o) arbo (arb'o)
ark'o arc (arc'o) arc (arc'o) arcus (arcus'o) arko (ark'o)
art'o art (art'o) art (art'o) arto (art'o)
avangard'o vanguard (vanguard'o) avant-garde (avant-gard'o) avangardo (avangard'o)
bar'o bar (bar'o) barre (bar'o) (bar'o) (bar'o) baro (bar'o)
barb'o beard (beard'o) barbe (barb'o) barba (barb'o) barbo (barb'o)
bulvard'o boulevard (bulevard'o) boulevard (boulevard'o) bulwar (bulwar'o) bulvardo (bulvard'o)
dolar'o dollar (dolar'o) dollar (dolar'o) (dolar'o) dolar (dolar'o) dolaro (dolar'o)
fanfar'o fanfare (fanfar'o) fanfare (fanfar'o) fanfaro (fanfar'o)
farb'o paint (paint'o) farba (farb'o) farbo (farb'o)
fars'o farce (farc'o) farce (farc'o) farso (fars'o)
gitar'o guitar (guitar'o) guitare (guitar'o) gitara (gitar'o) gitaro (gitar'o)
harp'o harp (harp'o) harpe (harp'o) harpo (harp'o)
hektar'o hectare (hectar'o) hectare (hectar'o) hektaro (hektar'o)
horar'o schedule (cedul'o) horaire (horair'o) horaro (horar'o)
inventar'o inventory (inventar'o) inventaire (inventar'o) (inventar'o) inwentarz (inventar'o) inventaro (inventar'o)
kalendar'o calendar (calendar'o) kalendarz (kalendar'o) kalendaro (kalendar'o)
karb'o coal (coal'o) carbo (carb'o) karbo (karb'o)
karp'o carp (carp'o) carpe (carp'o) karp (karp'o) karpo (karp'o)
kart'o card (card'o) carte (cart'o) karta (kart'o) karto (kart'o)
larm'o tear (tear'o) larme (larm'o) larmo (larm'o)
larv'o larva (larv'o) larve (larv'o) larva (larv'o) larvo (larv'o)
mar'o sea (mar'o) mer (mar'o) mare (mar'o) (mar'o) maro (mar'o)
marc'o march (martc'o) marche (marc'o) marsz (marsz'o) marŝo (marc'o)
mark'o mark (mark'o) marque (marqu'o) marka (mark'o) marko (mark'o)
miliard'o milliard (miliard'o) miliard (miliard'o) miliardo (miliard'o)
mustard'o mustard (mustard'o) musztarda (musztard'o) mustardo (mustard'o)
omar'o lobster (lobster'o) homard (homar'o) omaro (omar'o)
par'o pair (par'o) paire (par'o) par (par'o) para (par'o) paro (par'o)
park'o park (park'o) parque (parqu'o) park (park'o) parko (park'o)
part'o part (part'o) part (part'o) parto (part'o)
poctkart'o postcard (post'o) cartolina postale poŝtkarto (poctkart'o)
poemart'o poetry (poet'o) poèsie (poesi'o) poesia (poesi'o) poezja (poezj'o) poezio (poezi'o)
ponard'o knife (knif'o) poignard (poignard'o) ponardo (ponard'o)
repertuar'o repertoire (repertoir'o) répertoire (repertoir'o) repertuaro (repertuar'o)
rosmar'o walrus (walr'o) rosmarus (rosmar'o) rosmaro (rosmar'o)
standard'o standard (standard'o) sztandar (sztand'o) standardo (standard'o)
tcar'o cart (car'o) char (char'o) ĉaro (tcar'o)
tcarm'o charm (tcarm'o) charme (charm'o) ĉarmo (tcarm'o)
trotuar'o sidewalk (sidewalk'o) trottoir (trotoir'o) trotuaro (trotuar'o)
tsar'o tsar (tsar'o) tsar (tsar'o) caro (car'o)
tsigar'o cigar (cigar'o) cigare (cigar'o) cygaro (cygar'o) cigaro (cigar'o)
zielark'o rainbow (rainbow'o) arc-en-ciel (arc-en-ciel'o) ĉielarko (tcielark'o)
Click column headers to sort word list by language.

Esper', English, Italian, Russian, Yiddish, Esperanto.

Esper' English Italian Russian Yiddish Esperanto
amar'a bitter (biter'a) amaro (amar'a) amara (amar'a)
arkt'a arctic (arct'a) aрктичeскый (arktyit'a) arkta (arkt'a)
avar'a miserly (miser'a) avaro (avar'a) avara (avar'a)
kar'a dear (kar'a) caro (kar'a) (kar'a) (kar'a) kara (kar'a)
klar'a clear (clear'a) klor (klor'a) klara (klar'a)
kvar'a fourth (kvar'a) quarto (kvar'a) (kvar'a) (kvar'a) kvara (kvar'a)
lapidar'a lapidary (lapidar'a) lapidario (lapidar'a) lapidara (lapidar'a)
lardj'a large (larg'a) largo (larg'a) larĝa (lardj'a)
ordinar'a ordinary (ordinar'a) ordinario (ordinar'a) (ordinar'a) (ordinar'a) ordinara (ordinar'a)
popular'a popular (popular'a) popolare (popolar'a) пoпyлярный (рoрylryrnyer'a) populara (popular'a)
solidar'a many as one solidario (solidar'a) сoлидарный (solyidarnyer'a) solidara (solidar'a)
varm'a warm (warm'a) varem (varem'a) varma (varm'a)
vulgar'a vulgar (vulgar'a) volgare (volgar'a) vulgara (vulgar'a)
apart'e apart (part'e) a parte aparte (apart'e)
bombard'i to bombard (bomb'i) bombardare (bombard'i) бoмбaрдировать (bombard'i) bombardi (bombard'i)
cpar'i to save (sav'i) shporn (shpor'i) ŝpari (cpar'i)
deklar'i to declare (deklar'i) dichiarare (deklar'i) дeкларировать (deklar'i) (deklar'i) deklari (deklar'i)
erar'i to err (er'i) errare (erar'i) erari (erar'i)
far'i to do (far'i) fare (far'i) (far'i) (far'i) fari (far'i)
far'i to fare (far'i) fare (far'i) (far'i) (far'i) fari (far'i)
far'i to make (far'i) fare (far'i) (far'i) (far'i) fari (far'i)
fartc'i stuff (stuf'i) farcire (farc'i) farĉi (fartc'i)
kompar'i to compare (compar'i) comparare (comparar'i) kompari (kompar'i)
prepar'i to prepare (prep'i) preparare (preparar'i) prepari (prepar'i)
rigard'i to regard (regard'i) riguardare (riguard'i) rigardi (rigard'i)
ripar'i to repair (repair'i) riparare (riparar'i) ripari (ripar'i)
separ'i to separate (separ'i) separare (separ'i) (separ'i) (separ'i) separi (separ'i)
star'i to stand (star'i) stare (star'i) (star'i) (star'i) stari (star'i)
alarm'o alarm (alarm'o) allarme (alarm'o) alarmo (alarm'o)
altar'o altar (altar'o) altare (altar'o) aлтaрь (altar'o) (altar'o) altaro (altar'o)
ark'o arc (arc'o) arco (arc'o) arko (ark'o)
art'o art (art'o) arte (art'o) arto (art'o)
avangard'o vanguard (vanguard'o) avanguardia (avanguard'o) avangardo (avangard'o)
bar'o bar (bar'o) barra (bar'o) (bar'o) (bar'o) baro (bar'o)
barb'o beard (beard'o) barba (barb'o) barbo (barb'o)
bulvard'o boulevard (bulevard'o) бyльвaр (bylvar'o) bulvardo (bulvard'o)
dolar'o dollar (dolar'o) dollaro (dolar'o) доллар (dolar'o) (dolar'o) dolaro (dolar'o)
fanfar'o fanfare (fanfar'o) fanfara (fanfar'o) fanfaro (fanfar'o)
farb'o paint (paint'o) farb (farb'o) farbo (farb'o)
fars'o farce (farc'o) фарс (fars'o) farso (fars'o)
gitar'o guitar (guitar'o) гитaрa (gyitar'o) gitaro (gitar'o)
har'o hair (har'o) (har'o) (har'o) hor (har'o) haro (har'o)
inventar'o inventory (inventar'o) inventario (inventar'o) инвентaрь (inventar'o) (inventar'o) inventaro (inventar'o)
kalendar'o calendar (calendar'o) calendario (calendar'o) калeндaрь (kalendar'o) kalendaro (kalendar'o)
karb'o coal (coal'o) carbone (carb'o) karbo (karb'o)
karp'o carp (carp'o) carpione (carp'o) кaрп (karр'o) karpo (karp'o)
kart'o card (card'o) carta (cart'o) картa (kart'o) kort (kort'o) karto (kart'o)
larv'o larva (larv'o) larva (larv'o) larvo (larv'o)
mar'o sea (mar'o) mare (mar'o) мoрe (mar'o) (mar'o) maro (mar'o)
marc'o march (martc'o) marcia (marc'o) мaрш (marс'o) marŝo (marc'o)
mark'o mark (mark'o) marca (marc'o) мaркa (mark'o) marko (mark'o)
miliard'o milliard (miliard'o) miliardo (miliard'o) миллиaрд (myilyiard'o) miliardo (miliard'o)
mustard'o mustard (mustard'o) mostarda (mostard'o) mustardo (mustard'o)
oligark'o oligarch (oligartc'o) oлигaрx (olyigarx'o) oligarko (oligark'o)
omar'o lobster (lobster'o) oмaр (omar'o) omaro (omar'o)
par'o pair (par'o) (par'o) пaрa (par'o) por (par'o) paro (par'o)
park'o park (park'o) parco (parc'o) пaрк (рark'o) parko (park'o)
part'o part (part'o) parte (part'o) parto (part'o)
poctkart'o postcard (post'o) postkort (postkort'o) poŝtkarto (poctkart'o)
poctmark'o stamp (stamp'o) пoчтoвaя мaркa postmarke (postmark'o) poŝtmarko (poctmark'o)
poemart'o poetry (poet'o) poesia (poesi'o) пoэзия (рoezyiry'o) poezio (poezi'o)
repertuar'o repertoire (repertoir'o) рeпeртyaр (reрertyar'o) repertuaro (repertuar'o)
standard'o standard (standard'o) stendardo (stendard'o) standardo (standard'o)
trotuar'o sidewalk (sidewalk'o) трoтyaр (trotyar'o) trotuaro (trotuar'o)
tsar'o tsar (tsar'o) zar (zar'o) цaрь (tsar'o) caro (car'o)
yar'o year (yar'o) (yar'o) (yar'o) jor (yar'o) jaro (yar'o)