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===In early geology===
[[File:Blue lias cliffs at Lyme Regis.jpg|thumb|right|[[Stratum|Strata]] of "Secondary rock", [[Lyme Regis]]]]
[[File:Cole Thomas TheCole - Subsiding of the Waters of the Deluge 1829- Smithsonian.jpg|thumb|right|The Deluge subsides, thought in early geology to be responsible for the formation of sediments, with only traces of the antediluvian world. [[Thomas Cole]], 1829]]
Early scientific attempts at reconstructing the [[history of the Earth]] were founded on the biblical narrative and thus used the term ''antediluvian'' to refer to a period understood to be essentially similar to the biblical one.<ref name="Rudwick">[[Martin J. S. Rudwick|Rudwick, M. J. S]] (1992): ''Scenes from Deep Time: Early Pictorial Representations of the Prehistoric World'', [[University of Chicago Press]], 280 pages. [ Excerpt] from Google Books</ref> Early scientific interpretation of the biblical narrative divided the antediluvian into sub-periods based on the [[Genesis creation narrative#The six days of Creation: Genesis 1:3-2:3|six days of Creation]]: