Nyarlathotep (named after a deity in the Cthulhu Mythos) is a esoteric language created by User:CosmoConsole in 2015, and has received a large amount of inspiration from Malbolge. Similarly to the aforementioned language, it is designed to be as difficult to program in as possible.
The memory consists of 6 436 343 (23 ^ 5) cells of 5 duodecatrits (base-23), giving them the range of 0 - 6 436 342 (inclusive). When initializing, the code is placed as ASCII directly in the memory and the rest is filled by adding the two previous cells together modulo 6 436 343.
There are four registers in use:
- X acts as the accumulator and is used in a few instructions.
- C is the code pointer, starting at 0.
- R0 is a value that starts as 0.
- R1 is also a value that starts as 0.
Internal variables
- L stores the last instruction, and starts as 0.
The interpreter does this every cycle:
Set B to the data in memory at C. 'Decrypt' B. Set A to CRC32 ( CRC32(L) + B * 39 + C ) mod 64. Set L to B. Interpret A as an instruction. C is set to (C + 1) % 6436343. R0 is set to (R0 + 1) % 6436343. Rotate R0 one duodecatrit to the left. (2J8FM (795454) => J8FM2 (5422758)) R1 is set to (R0 + R1) % 6436343. Repeat until program hits a stop instruction.
The decryption goes as follows.
Set B to B mod 256. If the character represented in ASCII by B is in the decryption table: Set B to the index of that character. Else: Update C, R0, R1, but don't update L and continue with the next cell in the memory (NOP).
Decryption table
index in hexadecimal
Index: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F Char : N M 0 b v C 4 V w ; n x U q 6 S Index: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F Char : Z 5 P J i Q L y R z B d E K h f Index: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F Char : m A g e s l 8 = Y u r D W 7 k o Index: 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F Char : 1 j H G a O p I T c 9 3 X t F 2 NM0bvC4Vw;nxUq6S Z5PJiQLyRzBdEKhf mAgesl8=YurDW7ko 1jHGaOpITc93XtF2 NM0bvC4Vw;nxUq6SZ5PJiQLyRzBdEKhfmAgesl8=YurDW7ko1jHGaOpITc93XtF2
As per to A above:
Description | Pseudocode | Letter |
0 | Outputs the value of X modulo 256 as EBCDIC.
0 |
5 | Do nothing. | NOP
1 |
8 | Take one character from standard input and store the ASCII character code to X .
X = (INPUT%256)
2 |
11 | Stop the program execution. | STOP
3 |
17 | Rotate current data at R0 one duodecatrit to the right and store to X as well. | X = [R0] = ROT_RIGHT([R0])
4 |
19 | Rotate current data at R1 one duodecatrit to the left and store to X as well. | X = [R1] = ROT_LEFT([R1])
5 |
26 | Copy the value of R1 to C. | C = R1
6 |
34 | Copy the value of R0 to X. | X = R0
7 |
39 | Perform the 'mine operation' on R0 and X, store result to X only. | X = R0 ¤ X = MINE(R0,X)
8 |
41 | Perform the 'mine operation' on data in memory at R0 and X, store result to X and [R0]. | X = [R0] = [R0] ¤ X = MINE([R0],X)
9 |
45 | Copy the value of R0 to R1. | R1 = R0
" |
47 | Copy the value of R1 to R0. | R0 = R1
; |
52 | Copy the value of memory at R1 to R0. | R0 = [R1]
( |
54 | Copy the value of memory at R0 to R1. | R1 = [R0]
) |
60 | Reserved for future expansion. | (NOP)
= |
Rest of the numbers run a random instruction.
Mine operator
# 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLM 0 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLM 1 1032547698BADCFEHGJILKL 2 23016745AB89EFCDIJGHMLK 3 32107654BA98FEDCJIHGHIJ 4 45670123CDEF89ABCDEFIJI 5 54761032DCFE98BADCFEJIH 6 67452301EFCDAB89EFCDEFG 7 76543210FEDCBA98FEDCFGF 8 89ABCDEF0123456789ABGFE 9 98BADCFE1032547698BABCD A AB89EFCD23016745AB89CDC B BA98FEDC32107654BA98DCB C CDEF89AB45670123456789A D DCFE98BA5476103254769A9 E EFCDAB89674523016745A98 F FEDCBA98765432107654567 G GHIJCDEF89AB45670123676 H HGJIDCFE98BA54761032765 I IJGHEFCDAB8967452301234 J JIHGFEDCBA9876543210343 K KLMHIJEFGBCD89A56723032 L LKLIJIFGFCDC9A967634301 M MLKJIHGFEDCBA9876543210
For every duodecatrit in both numbers. (The operation is commutative)
Example programs
There aren't any yet.
External resources
- Reference Python 3 implementation (from the Wayback Machine; retrieved on 2 December 2016)