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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Bureau of Land

The Bureau of Land protects human health and the environment by regulating the transfer, storage, and disposal of waste and by overseeing the cleanup of contaminated properties. The Bureau of Land permitting programs regulate a wide range of waste related activities, including those involving municipal waste, landscape waste, composted material, construction and demolition debris, potentially infectious medical waste, and hazardous waste.

The Bureau of Land provides direct financial and administrative support for the collection and disposal of hard-to-manage wastes such as household hazardous waste and unwanted medications. Where possible and appropriate, we support diverting materials from disposal facilities and towards re-use and recycling - including programs that address hard-to-recycle materials such as used tires and consumer electronics. The Illinois EPA regularly inspects facilities to ensure compliance with applicable standards and operating requirements. For property that has become contaminated.

The Bureau of Land oversees cleanup to ensure it is protective of human health and the environment and provides for the safe re-use of the property.  Whether a Bureau program is aimed at preventing contamination or the reduction or elimination of existing contamination, everyone in the Bureau of Land has the same goal of protecting people and the environment from threats posed by environmental contaminants.


  • Amendments to Special Waste Transportation Rules. The Illinois Pollution Control Board adopted amendments to regulatory requirements applicable to the transportation of three types of special waste: hazardous waste; pollution control waste; and, industrial process waste. Effective July 20, 2020, entities that transport non-hazardous special waste are no longer required to use uniform hazardous waste manifests or U.S. EPA's electronic manifest system. These special wastes may be transported accompanied by a manifest that captures the information included on the form developed by Illinois EPA. These forms may be printed directly from Illinois EPA's website or from a third-party printer. Shipments of hazardous waste must still be accompanied by a uniform hazardous waste manifest or documentation required to utilize U.S. EPA's electronic manifest system.
  • Potentially Infectious Medical Waste (PIMW) Regulations. On December 3, 2020, the Illinois Pollution Control Board ("Board") issued a final opinion and order amending its regulations on handling PIMW. Specifically, the Board amended its definition of "Class 4 etiologic agent", which bears on the definition of PIMW. The amendments add four viral agents to the "Class 4 etiologic agent" definition: Guanarito Virus; Sabia; Ebola Virus; and, Equine Morbillivirus. The adopted rules took effect on December 3, 2020. The rulemaking is captioned, Amendments to Definition of "Class 4 etiologic agent", 35 Ill. Adm. Code 1420.102, docket R2020-017.

  • Approval of the Pharmaceutical Rule. In September 2020, the Illinois Pollution Control Board adopted U.S EPA's RCRA Subpart P amendments, which changed the standards applicable to healthcare facilities and reverse distributors that generate or handle hazardous waste pharmaceuticals. Transporters that handle hazardous waste pharmaceuticals are subject to the existing standards applicable to transporting hazardous waste. The amendments only govern hazardous waste pharmaceuticals, so entities that generate or handle non-hazardous pharmaceuticals are not impacted by this rule. Resources for entities that generate or manage hazardous waste pharmaceuticals are available from U.S. EPA here
  • Aerosol Cans as Universal Waste. Effective September 3, 2020, aerosol cans are added to the list of Universal Waste. An "aerosol can" is defined as a non-refillable receptacle containing a gas that is compressed, liquified, or dissolved under pressure, the sole purpose of which is to expel a liquid, paste, or powder, and fitted with a self-closing release device allowing the gas to eject the contents. 
  • Generator Re-notification Requirements. A Small Quantity Generator (SQG) must re-notify U.S. EPA starting in 2021 and every 4 years thereafter using U.S. EPA Form 8700-12. The SQG must submit this re-notification by September 1 of each year in which re-notification is required. The first re-notification is due by September 21, 2021. SQGs that notify between September 1, 2017 and September 1, 2021 will not have to re-notify prior to that date. A Large Quantity Generator (LQG) must re-notify U.S. EPA by March 1 of each even-numbered year using U.S. EPA Form 8700-12. A LQG may submit this re-notification as part of its annual report, required by Section 722.141 (722.118(d)(2)). 

Bureau of Land


Kyle Rominger - Chief

Jacki Cooperider - Deputy Bureau Chief of Division of Land Pollution Control

Chris Hill - Deputy Bureau Chief of Division of Remediation Management


Paul Eisenbrandt - Field Operations Section Manager

Sunil Suthar - Materials Management and Compliance Section Manager 

Paul Lake - Federal Site Remediation Section Manager

Jeron Schultz - Remedial Projects Management Section Manager

Joshua Rhoades - Permit Section Manager

Mohammed Rahman - Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Section Manager

Jerry Willman - Office of Site Evaluation Manager 


BOL Contact:  217-524-3300  or