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Eliminación del recubrimiento de plástico del Soft Touch

Qué necesitas

  1. Eliminación del recubrimiento de plástico del Soft Touch, Limpia con isopropanol: paso 1, imagen 1 de 3 Eliminación del recubrimiento de plástico del Soft Touch, Limpia con isopropanol: paso 1, imagen 2 de 3 Eliminación del recubrimiento de plástico del Soft Touch, Limpia con isopropanol: paso 1, imagen 3 de 3
    • Aplica generosamente alcohol directamente sobre la sustancia pegajosa.

    • Deja que se disuelva durante unos segundos.

    • Frota hasta que esté limpio.


Cubre o envuelve con vinilo el plástico brillante a tu gusto. Algunas ideas incluyen pintura de goma (plastidip) o flocado.

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Miembro Desde 09/10/22

163 Reputación

1 Guía escrita

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Isopropanol is commonly called isopropyl alcohol. It's found in pharmacies as "rubbing alcohol". Also sold in most hardware stores. Typically sold in strengths of 70% or 91%. The rest is water.

Isopropyl alcohol evaporates fairly quickly. The higher percentage of alcohol the faster the mixture will evaporate.

To deal with the evaporation, either work on a small area at a time, or wet the sticky part and wrap it in plastic wrap to allow the isopropyl alcohol to work for a time. Use a bit of paper towel to hold the alcohol where you want it.

You may want something to scrape off the goo rather than just trying to rub it off. iFixit has a soft plastic "iFixit Opening Tool" which will work, and may be safer for the underlying plastic than, say, a plastic paint scraper. The link has others options too, like the Spudger and Opening Picks.

Get some "Goop" or other hand cleaner too. (Goop might also help remove the sticky paint. Haven't yet tried that.)

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