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Ghent City Heating Vision 2024

Ghent, Belgium

The City of Ghent has adopted a fossil-free heating strategy focused on heat pumps and low-temperature district heating for new developments. Prioritising affordability and social housing, the city supports home renovations and heat pump installation to ensure an inclusive, sustainable transition.
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heating and cooling

The City of Ghent in Belgium has recently adopted a fossil-free heating strategy, focusing on individual heat pumps and small-scale, low-temperature district heating networks. The latter is primarily intended for new building developments or areas with existing large apartment buildings. Contrary to earlier expectations and for economic reasons, industrial residual heat from the harbour area will mainly be exchanged between companies and is not expected to be developed for residential homes at this time. 

Making homes heat pump ready 

Due to the focus on low-temperature heating, it is essential to make homes heat pump ready and sufficiently insulated to keep renovation costs low. For individual homes, the city has established a one-stop shop for renovations, assisting citizens in switching to fossil-free heating when their current systems need replacement. Additionally, installing an individual heat pump is a no-regret measure, as it allows for a future connection to a heating network. 

An inclusive and smooth transition 

Ghent’s vision outlines principles and preconditions for the transition, including affordability, a collective approach, speed, and room for initiative. By focusing on renovating and developing social housing and retrofitting large apartment buildings, the city aims to ensure a smooth transition for at least the most vulnerable 20% of its population. 

Main challenges to detoxify heat: 

  • Regional and federal legislation:
    •  No phase-out date for the existing fossil gas network 
    • The high ratio of electricity to fossil gas prices, obstructing heat pump adoption  
  • Grid capacity  
  • The cost of home renovation 
  • Lack of qualified personnel  

Next steps: 

  1. Start with large apartment buildings, social housing and  
  2. Support early adopters 
  3. Continue the development of small scale heating networks in new developments 
  4. Define policies for heat extraction in public spaces, noise reduction of heat pumps,… 
  5. Refocus the one-stop-shop approach for renovation of houses in line with the new heat vision 
  6. Expend human and financial capacity in the city administration to draft up and execute neighbourhood action plans 

Where is Ghent in its heat strategy ?

Ghent heat map


Ghent Heat Detox

Ghent heat detox

Heat Key Figures

  • Emissions related to heating: (300.000 tons CO2 – excl industry and tertiary sector)
  • Km of DHC currently: 33,5 km 
  • Km of DHC planned:  4 km 
  • Percentage of renewables in heating system: 10% (estimation)
  • Currently, there are 112,000 gas connections in the city, for homes, commercial buildings and for industry 

Covenant's Figures

  • Signatory to the Covenant of Mayors since: 2009  
  • Emission reduction ambitions:  

Overall CO2 emission reduction target: -40% in 2030

% GHG emissions reductions by 2050: climate neutrality

City Awards

  • Winner of the 2018 Transformative Action Award 
  • Finalist for Green Capital Award 2019 and 2020 
  • Winner of the 2019 UN Global Climate Action prize 
  • Winner of the 2021 Eurocities Award 
  • Finalist of the 2024 EUSEW Award 

Financing your heat strategy

Note: There will be a new local government in 2025, all budgets for the period 2025-2030 will be known in September 2025 

The current budget of our one-stop-shop for renovations is around €4.2 M/y and has been expanded over the past 7 years. The budget for the one-stop-shop consists of a combination of city budget, and regional and European resources. The city budget counts for €1,3 M, regional Flemish government budgets for the energy loans (€ 2,5M). An ELENA project funded by EIB and started in April 2021 is serving for 5 FTE  (€400.000). 

The current budget for specific energy measures in social housing is €800.000/y (city budget). 

The city facilitate (small) heat networks based on renewables with consultancy (€100.000/y city budget). 

Related links

Heat vision: