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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

    Customise the results list


    The results list has a default format.

    You can customise how the list looks after you have performed a search, without having to sign in.
    Once signed in, you can make the changes permanent via Preferences > Search preferences.

    More on setting your search preferences

    Change the information displayed in the results list

    1. Click Customise shown information just above the first result.

    2. Screenshot showing how you can customise the shown information in a results list
    3. If you have already created some specific profiles (only for signed in users), you can choose one of them.

      Otherwise, the standard profile is selected automatically.

    4. Choose the information you want to display by selecting the corresponding check boxes. This information will also be added to the results when you print, save or export them.
      Some information cannot be removed from the selection, including titles and CELEX numbers.
    5. Click Apply at the bottom of the window. Your changes will NOT be saved if you click outside the window and return to the results list.

    The settings saved in the Customise shown information dialogue box apply to your entire session. This includes the number of results per page, the metadata to be displayed and the possibility to highlight the searched terms in the results list.

    If you have performed an expert search, more options are available in this dialogue box: sorting and ordering options, opening the Expert search result page in a new window, zoom functionality (number of words).

    Sort search results – ‘Sort by’

    You can select your sort criteria in the Sort by menu. By default, search results are sorted in descending order of relevance.

    Available sort criteria:

    • Relevant: Documents are sorted according to their relevance, mostly from a legal perspective. They are divided into three groups. A document belonging to the first group is displayed before those from the second and third groups. There are additional rules. The ultimate aim is to meet most user expectations.
      • Group 1 includes regulations, directives and decisions in force adopted by the Council (and) or the European Parliament or Commission; complete texts of Treaties from 2012.
      • Group 2 includes legislation, international agreements, preparatory acts, EU case-law, European Free Trade Association documents and complete texts of Treaties not included in group 1.
      • Group 3 comprises corrigenda and all the other documents not included in groups 1 and 2.

      The list of documents in each group may be subject to periodic revision.

    • Document title: Documents are sorted according to their titles in alphabetical order.
    • Document identifier: Documents are sorted according to their CELEX identifier. More on CELEX
    • Document date: Documents are sorted according to document date – usually the dates present in the title.

    You can specify if you want the above criteria to be applied in descending or ascending order.

    If several results match your query, they are listed in ascending order using the CELEX number – the document with the smallest CELEX number comes first.

    The available sort criteria vary with the type of search (quick, advanced or expert) and the collection you selected in the advanced search.

    If you are signed in, you can modify the default settings under Search preferences in your account.

    More on setting your search preferences and on registering.