A downloadable game

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Another programming exercise using the 8BP library to handle sprites.

In Bar War, the player will enter the character launched in 1983 by Bally Midway where he must serve beer to eager and thirsty customers, collect empty pitchers and accept tips.

The number of serving bars may vary from level to level. The length of each bar will also change.

When a customer enters the establishment, he or she will move to the position where the tap is located to enjoy a fresh pitcher.

If the customer gets a beer, he will leave the establishment happy but he may prefer to stay and enjoy the drink and then order another one. In that case, that person will return the empty glass and you will be in charge of picking it up, otherwise the crockery will break and you will lose a life.

Occasionally, a customer is benevolent and will leave you a tip. Take advantage of the occasion and go and pick it up. As compensation, we offer a good entertainment show and we will gain a life.

If the customer reaches the end of the bar and has not been served, you will lose a life.


Always QAOP :-)

Q/A: Change bar. If you are in the upper toolbar you can go directly to the lower toolbar and the same case from the opposite bar.

O/P: Run to pick up empty pitchers or collect tips.

Space: Throw beer


In the next level you will see that you increase the speed of the customers and the number of them simultaneously.


Give preference to the shortest bars. That's where the customer will reach the tap first. If he hasn't been served, you will lose a life.

(In this version there is no bonus round between levels)

Sprites from the original version have been rescued. Programmed in C language.

No time has been invested in the graphics and much less in the scenery. I have tried to give preference to the game engine and make it work on the amstrad cpc. Test passed!

We hope you like it!

* Acknowledgements

SDCC Compiler


ConvImgCPC by Demoniak(Ludovic Deplanque)

PacoVespa for his invaluable help during testing

Siyei Er for their technical support


Otro ejercicio de programación utilizando la librería 8BP para manejar sprites.

En Bar War, el jugador se adentrará en el personaje lanzado en 1983 por  Bally Midway donde deberá servir cerveza a los clientes ansiosos y sedientos, recoger las jarras vacías y aceptar las propinas.

El número de barras de servicio puede variar en cada nivel. También cambiará la longitud de cada barra.

Cuando un cliente entra en el establecimiento, se irá acercando a la posición donde se encuentra el grifo para poder disfrutar de una jarra fresca.

Si el cliente obtiene una cerveza saldrá contento del establecimiento pero quizás prefiera quedarse a disfrutar del trago para luego pedir otra. En ese caso, devuelve el vaso vacío y tienes que recogerlo de lo contrario se romperá la vajilla y perderemos una vida

De vez en cuando, algún cliente es benévolo y te dejará propina. Aprovecha la ocasión y ve a recogerla. Como compensación, ofrecemos un buen espectáculo de entretenimiento y ganaremos una vida.

Si el cliente llega al final de la barra y no ha sido servido, perderás una vida.


Q/A: Cambiar de barra. Estado en la barra superior puedes ir directamente a la barra inferior.

O/P: Correr para recoger jarras vacías o recoger propinas

Espacio: Lanzar cerveza


En el siguiente nivel verás que se incrementa la velocidad de los clientes y el número de ellos simultaneos


Da preferencia a las barras más cortas. Es donde antes llegará el cliente al grifo. Si no ha sido servido, perderás una vida

(En esta versión no hay bonus round de juego entre niveles)

Gráficos de versión cpc

No se ha invertido tiempo en los gráficos y mucho menos en el decorado. Se ha pretendido darle preferencia al motor del juego y conseguir que funcione en el amstrad cpc. Prueba superada!

Esperamos que os guste!

* Agradecimientos *


ConvImgCPC by Demoniak(Ludovic Deplanque)

PacoVespa por su inestimable ayuda durante el testing

Siyei Er, por sus consejos, ayuda técnicas y correcciones

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

barwar 1.0.dsk 199 kB


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Greetings fitosoft,

we hope you are doing great. I am Areeba (aka Titania) from the BrewOtaku-Team, we are launching BrewOtaku #002 - The Homebrew Gaming Magazine soon.

We loved your work and we have mentioned "Bar War” in it. Kindly share your contact details so we can share it with you. You are anyhow free to share this on your social media channels or homepage.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards


(1 edit)

Nice conversion! Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 03:01:39. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. 🙂


I have seen the review of Bar War. At the beginning it is a bit difficult, but when you've been playing for a while, it becomes more fun. Thank you very much for spreading my little creation, mate. Regards. fito

Yes, that's right. The awkwardness was mainly due to the apparent lack of joystick support, but once you get used to the keyboard layout it actually works quite well. 🙂

Good conversion!

You don't stop, fito

It would be good to see some example of using double buffering with the library,  to see how it turns out, it consumes memory

Every time I try to do something more complex, but as I don't have a good programming base, I quickly eat the available memory. thanks toni!

Nice game!

simple for entertainment. thanks.

very good

thanks mate.