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cyberpunk 2077 what dose it really mean to you?

for me personally.. I find it as a world with out morals where sin is everywhere and morals are slim.. V is always putting his wants in front of morals to stay alive... I find it as more as warning what would happen if the we explore new technology with out morals.. as someone who has played over 250 hours into the game exploring all the endings.. I realized all of them are about the people in his life more than his life... and johnny is right next to him.. I found the the ending where V looses all his cyber enchantments is the best because he has to return as common person as most of the peoples in the world.. even jackies girlfriend normal as you are.. what do you think??
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Freedom. And a lot of different things to do officially and unofficially and a mixture thereof.


Freedom. And a lot of different things to do officially and unofficially and a mixture thereof.
What kind of freedom?? V wasn't able to make his own choices till the end of the game.. I'm really curious?
What kind of freedom?? V wasn't able to make his own choices till the end of the game.. I'm really curious?
The freedom to do anything in the game. Doing gigs, solving issues, shooting, talking, driving, walking, swimming, running, climbing, customizing your character, buying new threads, wearing all kinds of different threads, need I say more?

Using mods you can instantly eliminate all those barriers that kept you from all the good stuff that was cut and then some. That kind of freedom.
Cyberpunk 2077 to me, is a story of a dystopia. A world where no matter how hard you try, the Corpos will always win.

V explores the limits of technology with cyberware enhancements to become a killing machine, the capabilities of experimental tech such as the Relic and even explores Cyberspace and the power of AI's within it (With help from Alt).

Even with all these tools, the power still resides with the leaders of corporations. Showing that money and influence can best even the most advanced technology.

Night City can provide a place to make a name for yourself, you can become a Legend that's talked about for decades to come. But in the end, you're just a well known corpse. While corporations continue to gain more power than you can ever hope to have, where even the government pales in comparison to what corporations are capable of.

Cyberpunk 2077 highlights that in such a future, the best you can hope for is to simply survive and find someone special you can spend your life with. Where being invisible is better than attracting attention, so that you and people you care about don't get harmed by any number of unscrupulous and hostile groups.
Sex, sex, sex, nipples, EVERYWHERE. Me likes!

Sure, there's plenty of injustice as befits a high tech low life dystopia but it has the redeeming quality stated above.
What does Cyberpunk 2077 really mean to me?

Man... I've been asking myself that question since back in May when I finally got through my first base game run, as well as Phantom Liberty. With utmost honesty, I don't know or have a direct clean cut answer to that question just yet. Nearly 700 hours in (now on my second play through, this time as male V) and my thoughts keep evolving into something else.

The game cuts deeply into me through its many visceral challenges and quests. After some time, a part of me actually felt like I lived in Night City. Like it was a real place. I think my brain was convinced it was real. There were mornings I'd wake up and I'd hear the US Cracks song "Pon Pon Shit" play in my head. Normally, I'd do anything to shut out this sort of stuff. But I welcomed it. I was very aware I was getting into it maybe a little too deep. Then I'd wonder about it all day. I had never experienced anything like this with the many games I've played before. Some came close, but not like this one.

This one really spoke to me in a language I could understand... But still, I can't find the words to describe what it is in a nut shell. Every time I think about this game, my mind turns into a 100 foot wall chalked full of Post-It Notes with varying ideas, feelings and opinions.

Every major quest line had something that felt very real. Very deep and it gave me an opportunity to be myself and see the consequences of my choices. Even if the game itself didn't craft a literal consequence, my head actually did and it blended so perfectly with the game itself.

I would compare my experience with this game with some of my experiences reading certain novels of suspense and drama in the past. My mind would go in circles about it for days and cross over into my reality, where I'd wonder about myself as a person.
What is life? Why are we here? What does all this even mean?

These questions come up for me when I play Cyberpunk 2077. I think that's one of the main reasons why I am so enamored of it.
Now lets talk about the visual representation of Cyberpunk 2077.... I mean I've seen games with amazing graphics. But Cyberpunk 2077 is on a totally different level of amazing, even now 3.5 years later.

I'm an artist by trade and have been in the business of comic books and trading cards for well over 16 years. I LOVE details.
This game is ALL details. So much eye candy everywhere. It's incredible and it helps convince me that this world really does exist inside my computer. It's always exciting to jump in, even if I have nothing to do than to walk around, drive, explore, get into scuffles with other goons..
It's something else.

The music.
I used to be more critical of some of the tunes I heard on the radio. But now.. I listen to everything it has to offer and they began to grow on me. Usually found them befitting of certain moods I was in at that particular moment. I have favorites, but I hate non.
The game's sound score is also beautifully done. Especially for Phantom Liberty.

There's so much to say but I'll leave it at this. Cyberpunk 2077 is a very special game that encompasses many human ideologies within its core human nature and the challenges they bring that each of us will tackle in our own way, possibly having more profound results in our minds.

I thank everyone at CDPR for pouring so much love into this title, sincerely.
The ride was amazing and i don't intend to stop getting back in line for another go. :sleep:
It's a dark and decadent world in which humanity, morals and human life don't mean a thing, in which the mega corps own everything and are impossible to defeat. The point is not to win against the system, nor even escaping it, is to survive it as long as you can and once Night City takes you out to be able to say that you have LIVED before you've died, and I find it an incredibly original concept and unique setting because of it.
I'm not going to talk about Cyberpunk 2077 specific but more about the genre Cyberpunk. I've been a fan of sci-fi my entire life and i've watched a lot of documentaries about technology, i've read a lot of stuff about researches, scientists and much more. I even grow up with technology, I was one of the first persons that I know with internet, back in '95/'96 when social media, YouTube, Facebook and much more didn't even existed. Even online gaming was only played by a handful of people. There wasn't millions and millions of gamers online.

I can even remember a world without smarthphones and i'm only 36 years old. I love technology but I can also see the danger in it. Especially how I witnessed what internet has become and the psychological effect on the human being.

And at this moment, if we continue like this, I don't have any good hopes for the future and that humanity is slowly drowning in technology and that we are slowly losing our humanity.

You can already see it happening, isolation, addiction, social anxiety, alienation, stereotype, lack of empathy, polarization are common issue's that we face right now due technology. Not only that, but also the authority that tech companies generate nowadays. Instead of having a conversation at a busstation with random people, we want to spend our time on a little device in our hands that creates a digital world for us which is purely a illusion, filled with fake people who try to show off their perfect life to strangers for attention while a lot of that sh*t isn't true. And the tech companies are just harvesting all the information they can get from you.

And it won't stop here, imagine Google investing millions of dollars in a research for a medicine to slow down aging. A company that started as a search engine becomes a medical powerhouse. Elon musk with Neuralink and so fort.

This is where Cyberpunk genre comes in. This sub genre of sci-fi has never been so relevant as today. It's the most relevant sci-fi genre at this moment. I'm not saying that Cyberpunk genre is a 1:1 copy of our future, but it has many aspects that can become our future, I do even a step above it, many aspects in the Cyberpunk genre, we already see in our own world.

We already live in a Cyberpunk world, but it's not so f*cked up yet. I can talk for hours about this subject and what Cyberpunk really is for me and the similarities between our world and a Cyberpunk world.

But all I can say is, this genre has never been so relevant as today. And it's scary how Cyberpunk keeps people philosophizing about the future. Not only Cyberpunk 2077 is special to me, but also other works like Ghost in the Shell, Blade Runner and even books like Do sheep's dream of electric sheeps and Neuromancer. And it's even crazy how a book that is writing in 1968 feels more relevant than a lot of other works that got recently released. Ghost in the Shell was in 1995 far ahead of it's time and we are still scratching our head and philosophizing about it.

I also want to write my own Cyberpunk story, how easily humans can lose their humanity to technology. I also started to read thesis from professors and scientists, I've started to teach myself about psychology like mind and behaviour, human consciousness, art of manipulation, and much more stuff, just to write my own Cyberpunk story.

How deeper I go, how more f*cked up stuff I start to see in our own world that I also see in the Cyberpunk genre and many times I already have the feeling that we are already living in a Cyberpunk world.
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200 HOURS OF ESCAPE! I am not really a gamer I am more of a SiFi / fantasy virtual reality aficionado. Half my playing time is spent poking my nose into EVERY corner of the universe the DEV made. I ALWAYS LOOK UP to appreciate what the 3D modelers did making ceilings! When I was a child in the 80's I did not like any of the arcade games except for ONE game:

The game "Battlezone" (1980), developed by Atari, is often credited as the first commercially successful 3D game. It used wireframe vector graphics to simulate a tank battle environment.

I knew even then that was the future of games. And one day instead of a tank it would be a character with gun in their hand.
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I don't know, it seems to me that this is some kind of experiment on users ))
Nihilistic dialog, death threats, constant violence and guile, weird game support, lots of internet PR, and endless bugs! :p
Cyberpunk means a lot to me. However, I can't even consciously quite put or structure it in detail.
I guess it's trying to be someone in a world where you matter less individually, on average, than in any prior point in time in history. It's finding your way and relative happiness. It's overcoming struggles. Struggles many people of today can only see in fiction but barely face in reality, or if so, at a way diminished or reduced pace or intensity than what would be more common in Cyberpunk, both in general and in Cyberpunk 2077.

It's both exciting to just dip in emotionally and on an immersion level, but it's just as well a good thing for pondering actual politics or the future of some technology and policy - something that also defines cyberpunk as a genre, a sort of "society critique".

I personally always found it somewhat endearing to play any sort of lawman in dystopian "mean city streets", a bit like Judge Dredd.
The game itself: a bad story with really fun game play.

The concept: existence is a discardable commodity. Everything is on a timeline from "going to be discarded" to "has been discarded". Trash piles outside the city have literally become mountains. People are just a collection of modifiable and replaceable parts with no emergence. They are exactly the sum of their parts, nothing more. They are fuel to be consumed in somebody else's grand design. What is truth and what is lie are determined by whichever party has the better technology or larger bank account, or the backdoor connections to build a surveillance and reprogramming facility in a politician's penthouse. Even the individual's soul is the corporate machine's for the taking, whenever it wishes to do so.

It's an overpowering dystopia.
Well, Cyberpunk2077 has become a game where I can feel at home. If I want to relax and find solace, solitude and serenity, I take some gigs in Night City or Dogtown.
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