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back door

Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.
Composé de back et de door.

Locution nominale

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Singulier Pluriel
back door
back doors

back door \bæk.dɔr\

  1. (Architecture) Entrée secondaire à l’arrière d’un bâtiment ou d’un appartement, généralement éloignée de la rue.
  2. Moyen d’accès, souvent secret et non protégé, à quelque chose.
    • US pickup trucks, such as Dodge RAMs, are not required to comply with all EU safety and environmental standards as they are imported through a back-door channel called “Individual Vehicle Approval”. — (Sales of dangerous US pickup trucks up 20% in Europe, ETSC, 5 July 2024)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
    • Despite this, tens of thousands of the biggest vehicles have flooded the continent through a back-door channel. Imported cars can be registered through an “individual vehicle approval” that subjects them to less scrutiny than the “type approvals” that most cars undergo. Approval authorities in member states, which are responsible for checking vehicles before they reach the market, have some room to deviate from EU rules in individual cases if they impose alternative requirements. — (Ajit Niranjan, Tesla Cybertruck ‘too big and sharp’ for European roads, say campaigners, The Guardian, Tue 8 Oct 2024 12.00 CEST)
      En dépit de cela, des dizaines de milliers des plus lourds véhicules ont innondé le continent en passant par le canal d'une porte-dérobée.
  3. (Sécurité informatique) Moyen secret d’accès à un programme ou à un système ; porte dérobée.
  4. (Vulgaire) Anus.


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