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Last active September 29, 2020 13:33
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Install UnrealIRCd on Uberspace 7

Setting up UnrealIRCd on Uberspace 7

Map a domain you'll be using for the server

You'll be getting a LetsEncrypt SSL cert in the process.

uberspace web domain add

Get some free ports

I think needed 3, for http, https and websockets

uberspace port add

Set web backend

I'm not sure whether I needed to set for the websocket port, or all three.

uberspace web backend set --http --port 47363

Download the source for UnrealIRCd

Using wget, extract archive after.

wget --trust-server-names
tar xzvf unrealircd-5.0.6.tar.gz
cd unrealircd-5.0.6

Some configuration. All three steps in order. Make sure you let the wizard generate the SSL certs for you. I have no idea how to do that manually afterwards.

make install

ONLY IF YOU DID NOT CREATE THE SSL CERTS! I missed the certs the first time and instead symlinked my LetsEncrypt certs, but this is bad for actual IRC servers I believe. Use with caution.

cd ~/unrealircd/conf/tls
ln -s ~/etc/certificates/ ./server.cert.pem
ln -s ~/etc/certificates/ ./server.key.pem

Copy example config file to make a new one

cd ~/unrealircd
cp conf/examples/example.conf conf/unrealircd.conf

Walk through the config file

Use as a guide.

Generate cloak keys (add to line 451+ of unrealircd.conf)

./unrealircd gencloak

Load the websocket module

Add websocket module to unrealircd.conf I added it to the very end of the file.

loadmodule "websocket";

Set an email as kline address in line 461 of unrealircd.conf

Change unrealircd.conf as per Set the ports you opened and note the path to your LetsEncrypt certs in the listen blocks.

listen {
	ip *;
	port 47361;
	options {
		websocket {
			type text;

listen {
	ip *;
	port 47362;
	options { tls; };
	tls-options {
		certificate "../../etc/certificates/";
		key "../../etc/certificates/";

/* Websockets with WSS */
listen {
	ip *;
	port 47363;
	options {
		websocket {
			type text;
	tls-options {
		certificate "../../etc/certificates/";
		key "../../etc/certificates/";
		options { no-client-certificate; };

Start the server

./unrealircd start should show:

Configuration loaded.
Initializing TLS..
Dynamic configuration initialized.. booting IRCd.
UnrealIRCd is now listening on the following addresses/ports:
IPv4: *:47363(SSL/TLS), *:47362(SSL/TLS), *:47361(SSL/TLS), *:43180
IPv6: *:47363(SSL/TLS), *:47362(SSL/TLS), *:47361(SSL/TLS), *:43180
UnrealIRCd started.

Keep it running

Add server restart to crontab (crontab -e)

*/5 * * * * /home/yourusername/unrealircd/unrealircd croncheck
@reboot /home/yourusername/unrealircd/unrealircd croncheck

When config is changed

If the server is running and you changed the config, you need to rehash! (Some settings require a full restart, with stop and start, such as server name changes)

./unrealircd rehash


Is this needed?

set {
    ssl {
        sts-policy {
            port 47362;
            duration 5m; /* you can always increase this later */
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