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NuGetizer Principles

Mikayla Hutchinson edited this page Sep 21, 2016 · 1 revision

The following principles guide the NuGetizer design:

1. It should be easy to create a package from any library project. When packaging an individual project, no additional packaging projects should be necessary.

2. Creating a package that contains multiple platform-optimized implementations (such as "bait and switch" packages) should be as easy as File->New Project. This is an extremely important use case and must be first class.

3. It should be easy to add platform-specific implementations to a cross-platform package. Developers who start out creating a simple package from a netstandard project must be able to add platform-specific variants without recreating the project.

4. It should not normally be necessary for a developer to specify or override which files are included in a package, but they must be able to do so.

5. Platform-specific targets should be able to inform and override the packaging behavior to handle files specific to that platform. The Common targets should not assume all platforms work the same.

6. Projects and packages should be as interchangeable as possible. Referencing a project should be equivalent to referencing the package that it would create.


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