I'm Nico Acosta ᵍᵐ
- 📗 teaching assistant @ Programming Paradigms course @ UTN.BA
- 💻 dev
- Ξ web3 builder
- 🎧 dj
- 🎹 musician
- 🌍 building stuff
- Viajando con Gigantes: Capítulo 2: De cajas mágicas a smart contracts
- Curso Intro a Solidity (Solow) - Alamacenamiento EVM y Solidity
- PoH v2 Development
- TWINESIS TwinnyTwin's Genesis NFT collection. Dynamic metadata
- ETH and ERC20 Splitter. Split ETH or ERC20 tokens received to two addresses in certain percentages (for NFT royalties)
- VIOLET Jadyn Violet's Genesis NFT collection.
- Ultra Violet Experience on-chain raffle
- Newtro Drops. Newtro Arts airdrops collection.
Other Solidity repos:
- Simple Curve Automatic Market Maker decentralized exchange based on Uniswap V1
- @exactly-finance's Senior Solidity Engineer chanllenge
- @Proof-Of-Humanity Social media human Sybil-resistant verification (WIP)
- @martriay's tournamnent NTF idea
- Admins contract for access control
- POAP Voting contract to vote among a certain event attendees. Mints an NFT to the winners.
- Zoe ponzi scheme parody
Contact me via Telegram.