A python discord bot that uses the MarketWatch API wrapper for interacting with the games section of MarketWatch.
- Allow users to get the current price of a stock and a graph of that stocks highest prices for the past 5./leaderboard
- Allows users to get a leaderboard of the top 20 players in the MarketWatch.com game.- Allows users to be ping when NYSE and NASDAQ opens and closes.
- Periodically sends the current leaderboard of the MarketWatch.com game.
TOKEN = ""
- put in your discord bot token, you can get yours here: https://discord.com/developers/applications.marketwatch = MarketWatch("email", "password")
- put in your Marketwatch.com information to log into your Marketwatch.com account.game_name = ""
- put in the Marketwatch.com game that the bot will watch and get all it's data from.console =
- discord console channel id, where the bot sends all the errors and sends a message when it turns on.leaderboard =
- discord leaderboard channel id, where the current leaderboard is sent periodically.server_id =
- the main discord server where all the channels are.NYSE
- discord channel id where your "open" and "close" roles are pinged when NYSE and NASDAQ opens and closes.open_role =
discord role id which is pinged when NYSE and NASDAQ opens.close_role =
discord role id which is pinged when NYSE and NASDAQ closes.OWNER =
- put in your discord user id here.
- queries the yahoo finance database for it's company stock name, for example: "Apple" --> "AAPL".main.py
- defines the discord bot, the roles and channels it uses, handles the front and backend.sine_wave.jpg
- an example of the output file when you search for the price with/price
- Discord bot.datetime
- time handiling.pytz
- Timezones.asyncio
- discord bot reconnection loop.time
- discord bot reconnection loop timeout.marketwatch
- Marketwatch api wrapper you can download here: https://github.com/kevindong/MarketWatch_API.datetime
- defines when the @task.loop() runs.matplotlib.pyplot
- Matplotlib for ploting stock prices on a graph.yfinanc
- Yahoo finance for getting market data.requests
- allows you to query the yahoo finance database. You can find more info on the MarketWatch API wrapper here: https://github.com/kevindong/MarketWatch_API.