- Netherlands
An ESLint plugin to disable the use of the pipe operator
A withdrawn proposal for standardizing some useful, popular helper functions into JavaScript’s Function object.
A reactive programming library for JavaScript
A proposal for adding a useful pipe operator to JavaScript.
Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP v2) support for Java
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
Feature-rich lightweight WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol) Javascript implementation
A C# implementation of WAMP (The Web Application Messaging Protocol)
The Web Application Messaging Protocol
A port of the original RedmineClient to use the REST API of Redmine
Redmine .net api. Mirroring http://redmine-net-api.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Api + own contributions
A mirror of the redmine-desktop-client hosted in svn in google code.
Jopie64 / TortoiseGit-1
Forked from TortoiseGit/TortoiseGitWindows Explorer Extension to Operate Git
Jopie64 / boost-svn
Forked from jonstewart/boost-svnLive mirror of https://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/. Updating approx. every two hours.
Trying to build a quicker gitsvn. Based on libgit2 and the SVN api
A coroutine implementation using the Windows Fiber API
Windows Explorer Extension to Operate Git; Mirror of official repository https://tortoisegit.org/sourcecode
A cross-platform, linkable library implementation of Git that you can use in your application.