A C# library for LoRaLoRaAlliance connectivity for Semtech SX127X/HopeRF RFMRFM9X equipped shields on Windows 10 IoT Core Raspbery PI devices.
The repo has the source code for the series of blog posts written as I built this library
- ShieldSPI
- RegisterRead
- RegisterScan
- RegisterReadAndWrite
- TransmitBasic
- ReceiveBasic
- ReceiveInterrupt
- TransmitInterrupt
- ReceiveTransmitInterrupt
- RefactorRegisterManager
- EnumAndMasks
- ReceiveTransmitEvents
- ReceiveFifo
Rfm9xLoRaDeviceClient Rfm9XLoRaDevice
There are also projects for each of the shields
There is also a parallel development project for NetMF which is documented here
My main use case for the Library is a telemetery field gateway uploading data from a number of remote devices.
Shield from Dragino
Shield from ElectronicTricks
Shield from Elecrow
Shield from M2M
RPIZero Shield from Uputronics
RPIPlus Shield from Uputronics
LoRa Radio Bonnet from Adafruit
The code has been stress/soak tested with a number of clients
Most of my testing has been at 915MHz but I have some 433MHz devices on order.