Thank you for taking time & part to consider contributing your ideas, features, teachings, and more with us here at Perkedel.
You can help us build better by contributing your stuffs with us. Before we get started however, please observe carefully & obey these rules below.
- Biological age must be above mature age (Standard rule of work ethics). Your age must be above the mature age of your being, e.g. Homo Sapiens / Human is 18 years old.
- If the file came from a contributor under the mature age, the file can only be contained here and cannot be uploaded. We will wait until the contributor has grown past their mature age of their being.
- In event of an accident upload, the Props / Avatars / Worlds cannot be made public until the contributor has grown past their mature age of their being.
- Must have readiness of lewd works at least High Distinction (Standard rule of Perkedel Technologies HR).
- Must have readiness of Horrors & Gore works at least Distinction.
- Example gore works such as Mortal Kombat series.
- Must have readiness of Scat works at least Pass.
- Example scat works such as fart jokes
- Be mindful for the rant contributions!
- Man! XYZ is expensive!! let's harrass them! ❌. This is obviously a hate speech.
- Man! XYZ is expensive!! let me sparsdat that for you. ❌. Telling other gamers to pirate the assets because it cost $0 explicitly & wide-mouthedly is too extreme & also still insulting. You should keep such will of action to yourself & your family 😉.
- Let me sparsdat everything for you.
⚠️ . However, you can & still allowed to will to pirate stuffs for gamers, as long as you do not mention specific who or which offending individual or organization. Keep in mind though, you may expose yourself to Federal's watch list (to be hunted or simply being blocked by paywallists, which latter usually often a worse disaster especially if their store comes with anti-archival & DRMs), therefore it's still advisable that you keep such will of action to yourself & your family 😉. - Man! XYZ is expensive!! let's build the rip off! ✅. Building a knock-off know it or not, seems like a normal business practice, that help caters more gamers for those who unable to fathom high price of a product, or to disagree of original's decisions, etc etc.
- Additionally, you may either buy or pirate the assets to research & reverse engineer the product. Remember, do not blatantly copy the code nor the pixelings! If you'd like to trace the pixel or the code, be sure to mostly use the painter-weasel-fruits back and forth technique instead of overlaying.
- You may include rant regarding the file license, costs, and patent rights rules, at any level & granularity possible, as long as you do not impose any life threats to any beholding owner of those assets & patents. Life threats cannot be the goal of this campaign. There is always a better way 😉.
- Paid and Sparsdated (pirated) assets must be git ignored (X0p1r4t3's Campaign against Federals).
- You must keep ONLY what you have added upon these assets. Do not delete e,g, the components, because it will also delete all the values in it. Replacement container will hold the values for editing purpose.
- Perkedel Technologies & affiliates shall be waived from any DMCA harrassments if one or some of the contributor(s) found involving sparsdated assets or even just a patent infringing assets. We have disallowed any contributor to include neither paid nor pirated assets in this repository, and we have told our contributors to use painter-weasel-fruits technique most of the time.
- For contributors that somehow disallowed to have any account on any git platoform, you may hire an agent on your behalf. On behalf contributions must fully state the original contributor names / username, as well as the contact list (link in bio) as available as there is.
- Contributors who would like to involve paid assets pays those all themselves, or sparsdat it themselves. Or pays and then sparsdat them, give across family or the organization.
- Avoid sharing those assets outside your family or organization to prevent Federal from declaring DMCA.
- All Assets must allow public World / Props / Avatar upload without microtransaction required. Once download, gamers must be allowed to public their uploads no exception, without having to purchase nor agree to additional restrictions.
- ALL SAUCE URLS MUST BE LISTED IN THE SAUCE LIST AT THE README FILE!!! Do not & never miss any of them. All gamers shall have all of the knowledge about where did the gamer acquired those files. i.e. Please credit the link where did you download the
!!! - No malicious codes or any security exploits allowed! You are not allowed to disrupt neither our service nor ChilloutVR service with any unexpected exploits. You must report any security hole to the respective channels.
Edit this repository.
Submit a problem or feature request.
NOTE: if your Issue regards about the whole ChilloutVR or the CCK itself, be sure to submit them to instead.
Documentation for Whole JOELwindows7 Unity Package is coming soon. In the meantime, you make regularly checkout our Action to inspect this .unitypackage
our CI has packaged fresh, every commit.
To get started with standalone ChilloutVR Unity Project installing our whole package, ensure that you have installed the following packages beforehand:
- (CORE) CVR Content Creation Kit
- (CORE) (Unity Package Manager) TextMesh Pro along with its examples.
- Orels 1. Install the UPM packages in following order:
- a
- b
- c
- DomNomNomVR AudioLink. Then add original llealloo's assets
- Install the DomNomVR's
- Install original llealloo's
BUT, only the extra new FBX files!! Make sure to have added: Circle. - c
- Install the DomNomVR's
- aa
- aa
- aa
- aa
- aa
- aa
- aa
- aa
- etc.
After it's all done, head over to the (release?), download & import to your project.
I had ever been involved with KannaProtect / Anti-Rip either or both as a user or a contributor (specifically improving it). Am I still eligible?
Perkedel will not reject any gamers who had been involved with any form of Digital Resctriction Managed Asset system (which are in a way that improved such system). By agreeing the rule above, obeying the rule, and begin submitting to us, you have done your redemption 😉. Additionally, part of your NOTORIOUS.txt
file (if exists) in our Kolmorotzzet folder may be voided e.g., once you have Open Sourced everything you've made since the beginning, and did other redemption things.
Cancel Culture by standard here in Perkedel Technologies is forbidden, as much as possible.