Movie Rater is a complete web application with both FrontEnd and BackEnd, that allows people to watch movie trailers and leave a review on the movie they just watched, and also login and register feature.
The project was created with:
- Front-end: React, Router-dom, Boostrap, Material-UI
- Backend: Java, SpringBoot
- Database: MongoDB
- Deployment: Render, Firebase
You can Try it Here MovieRater
The user can start by registering on the website
After registering you will be redirected to the login page
Once logged in you will be redirected to the home page
Where you can watch the films and watch the trailer
Or click on the review button to leave a review of the film with a comment
And at the end you can log out at the top right of the header.
- CSS3
- Javascript ES6
- Java
- React
- Node.js
- React-Router
- Axios for the API requests
- Bootstrap as a CSS framework I have opted for
- Material-UI
- Intellij IDE
- SpringBoot
- MongoDB
- Render for the deployment of the backend server
- Firebase for the deployment of the frontend
First of all, you need Node.js, and JDK installed.
If you don't have it, you can download it here:
git clone
First of all you need to deploy the back end, although to make it work you should have a database already working. I used MongoDB, if you use the same one, you have to create a .env file in the src/main/resource directory with the data entered, I created a .env.example file to have an example of how you should configure it. However, if you don't want to do it yourself, you can simply start the JAR file in the target directory inside the MovieServer folder.
Once the server is started, you just need to start the client side in this way, installing the dependencies first:
npm install
Once installed, create an env file. inside the root directory with exactly this inside:
However, keep in mind that the server is started on port 8080, this could change if you have opted for changes
npm start
and go to http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
Elsewhere, you can simply try it here: MovieRater
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