- Brno, Czech Republic
- romandobias.net
- in/dobias-roman
Collection of various Mafia modding tools and resources
A modern port of Turbo Vision 2.0, the classical framework for text-based user interfaces. Now cross-platform and with Unicode support.
🌈 React for interactive command-line apps
QTA - A web-based wanna-be function quantizer for artist.
A curated list of resources such as tools and datasets useful for the processing of Slovak language
nanoflann: a C++11 header-only library for Nearest Neighbor (NN) search with KD-trees
A bespoke sample compression codec for 64k intros
Mafia mod with completely new example scene.
Easily hook shell scripts into Vim autocmd events.
Convert C++ header files to PlantUML
3D GPUs Strange Attractors and Hypercomplex Fractals explorer - up to 256 Million particles in RealTime
Render a ShaderToy script directly to a video file. (added FrameBuffers support)
Easy-to-add enhancements for any C/C++ CMake project. Including AFL fuzzing, code-coverage, Thread/Address/Leak/Address/Undefined sanitizer instrumentation, compilation of GLSL shaders and more.
A curated list of awesome OpenGL libraries, debuggers and resources.
Free and Open Source Reverse Engineering Platform powered by rizin
A tool to create animated graph visualizations, based on graphviz.
Blender addon with Mafia 4ds format support.
heavily vectorized c++17 compile time string encryption.