A fullstack project management application built using the PERN (PostgreSQL, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack. It serves as a centralized platform for effective collaboration and project organization, developed as a project for SFU CMPT 372 Spring 2024 by Group 24.
For instructions on setting up a development environment and getting started with CollabHub, please refer to CONTRIBUTING.md.
- Implemented a secure, session-based authentication system, and integrated with third-party authentication provider using OAuth 2.0
- Developed complex, role-based user interfaces and managed user permissions by introducing an administrative dashboard that allows for comprehensive management of users and projects.
Implemented CRUD operations using Express.js and Sequelize as the ORM for PostgreSQL to manage data.
Tasks within projects can be moved between lists (To Do, In Progress, Done) via a React-based drag-and-drop interface or a dropdown menu.
- Implemented role-based access control within projects, with roles such as Owner, Editor, and Viewer, each having different levels of privileges, from full project management to view-only access.
- Integrated Socket.IO, a WebSocket library, to facilitate real-time, bidirectional communication between users for enhanced collaboration.
- Leveraged Google Cloud Storage, a cloud-based storage, for file sharing and uploading within projects, with a built-in React-based file previewer supporting various file types.
- Enhanced user experience by implementing a robust search functionality that allows users to search for project-related entities, users, and other projects. This search functionality uses Sequelize's operators for case-insensitive and multi-field matching, providing efficient and flexible search options to users.
- The application is deployed on a virtual machine instance using the Compute Engine service provided by Google Cloud Platform. The PostgreSQL database is hosted on Google Cloud SQL, and file storage is handled using a Google Cloud Storage bucket.
- Easily sign up, log in, or use Google Sign In to access the platform.
- Administrators can manage users and projects, including viewing total users/projects, managing user roles, and more.
- Get started by creating a project or joining others'.
- Project customizations:
- Adjust project descriptions
- Add members
- Assign roles
- Attach files
- Manage project membership
- Projects have three distinct roles each with tailored permissions:
- Owner: full control of the project
- Editor: interact with the project (e.g., create tasks, upload files, etc.) but not allowed to change more critical information like project details and members’ roles
- Viewer: view projects and comment on tasks
- Seamlessly manage tasks across "To Do," "In Progress," or "Done" sections.
- Features:
- Modify descriptions
- Set due dates
- Assign users and files
- Establish priority levels
- Add comments
- View and manage chats with ease using the chat icon located at the top right corner.
- Chat options:
- Create new chats
- Manage participants
- Edit chat names
- Change chat membership
- Upload files to a project and attach them to tasks to keep track of them more easily.
- Built-in file previewer with support for various file types.
- Efficiently search for project-related entities such as members, files, and tasks within projects.
- Explore users and projects outside of current project contexts.