Xiaomi Inc.
- nanjing
- https://bugcrowd.com/m4ra7h0n
- @xjj45801093
Keyhacks is a repository which shows quick ways in which API keys leaked by a bug bounty program can be checked to see if they're valid.
Deserialization payload generator for a variety of .NET formatters
Takes a URL and checks the system for the tilde enum vuln and then find the files.
A recursive internet scanner for hackers.
latest version of scanners for IIS short filename (8.3) disclosure vulnerability
A BurpSuite plugin to scan for ASP.NET cookieless session support
A malicious LDAP server for JNDI injection attacks
Exploiting CVE-2021-44228 in VMWare Horizon for remote code execution and more.
Small Tool written based on chaos from projectdiscovery.io
This repository contains a number of insecure self-hosted applications that allows interested security engineers to test vulnerabilities found by Portswigger Research team.
Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
Fetch many paths for many hosts - without killing the hosts
gitGraber: monitor GitHub to search and find sensitive data in real time for different online services such as: Google, Amazon, Paypal, Github, Mailgun, Facebook, Twitter, Heroku, Stripe...
A script to set up a quick Ubuntu 17.10 x64 box with tools I use.
Generates permutations, alterations and mutations of subdomains and then resolves them
A Chrome Extension to track postMessage usage (url, domain and stack) both by logging using CORS and also visually as an extension-icon
Reconnaissance tool for GitHub organizations
List of Awesome Asset Discovery Resources
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