The goal of this project is to implement in Python a random forest for classification, regression and outlier detection. The focus, however, is on two aspects:
- object-oriented design, according to OO principles and patterns
- good programming practices: logging, comments and coding style
This project was the practicum of the Object Oriented Programming course of the Matemàtiques Computacionals i Anàlisi de Dades (Mad-CAD) degree at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2021-22.
- Python 3.x
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
Follows scikit-learn style
rf = RandomForestClassifier(
max_depth, # of each decision tree
min_size, # of a node to make it a leave
ratio_sample, # to get the size of the dataset when looking for the best split
n_trees, # number of trees in the forest
n_features, # number of features (randomly selected) to consider when looking for the best split
criterion # either Gini or Entropy
), ytrain)
ypred = rf.predict(Xtest)
# and same for regression
rf = RandomForestRegressor(...)
(put here your final design)
This is team work with Pere Garriga and Genis Soler.