Lege is a rule-based morphological analyzer for the Italian language written in Common Lisp. The algorithms for the analysis and the generation of surface word forms are based on phonological and morphological rules of the Italian language. Particular attention has been given to the verbs, for which rules have been extracted from the famous A.L e G. Lepschy, La lingua italiana.
Main Author: Matteo Grella
- Marco Nicola
- Daniel Christen
- exec start_lege.sh
- enjoy :)
(analyze "Lei suona il piano e lui la tromba")
p,wrd,parola 0,0,lei 0,1,suona 0,2,il 0,3,piano 0,4,e 0,5,lui 0,6,la 0,7,tromba 0,8,.
p-cnt,wrd-cnt,te,cnt,cnt-next,cat,id,mdv,tmp,prs,num,gen,aux,tran,sem,lex,forma 1,0,-1,0,1,510,8,-1,-1,3,1,2,-1,-1,-1,lei,lei 1,0,-1,0,1,511,4,-1,-1,3,1,2,-1,-1,-1,lei,lei 1,1,1,1,2,100,8525,1,1,3,1,0,3,3,0,suonare,suona 1,1,1,1,2,100,8525,7,1,2,1,0,3,3,0,suonare,suona 1,2,-1,2,3,613,1,-1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,il,il 1,3,-1,3,4,200,43878,-1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,0,pianoforte,piano 1,3,-1,3,4,400,43873,-1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,0,piano,piano 1,3,-1,3,4,200,43873,-1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,0,piano,piano 1,3,1,3,4,100,4923,1,1,3,2,0,2,1,0,piare,piano 1,3,1,3,4,100,4915,1,1,1,1,0,2,2,0,pianare,piano 1,4,-1,4,5,711,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,e,e 1,5,-1,5,6,510,5,-1,-1,3,1,1,-1,-1,-1,lui,lui 1,5,-1,5,6,511,3,-1,-1,3,1,1,-1,-1,-1,lui,lui 1,6,-1,6,7,200,32426,-1,-1,-1,3,1,-1,-1,0,la,la 1,6,-1,6,7,613,2,-1,-1,-1,1,2,-1,-1,-1,la,la 1,6,-1,6,7,512,10,-1,-1,3,1,2,-1,-1,-1,la,la 1,7,-1,7,-1,200,61345,-1,-1,-1,1,2,-1,-1,0,tromba,tromba 1,7,1,7,-1,100,8919,1,1,3,1,0,2,3,0,trombare,tromba 1,7,1,7,-1,100,8919,7,1,2,1,0,2,3,0,trombare,tromba
(strnum "quarantadue")
(strnum 42)
(get-verbo "programmo")
((:CAT 100 :ID 5157 :LEX "programmare" :MDV 1 :TMP 1 :PRS 1 :NUM 1 :GEN 0 :FORMA "programmo" :TRAN 2 :AUX 2 :SEM 0))
(an-verbo "chiamala")
((:V ((:CAT 100 :ID 1382 :LEX "chiamare" :MDV 7 :TMP 1 :PRS 2 :NUM 1 :GEN 0 :FORMA "chiama" :TRAN 2 :AUX 2 :SEM 0)) :P ((:FORMA "la" :LEX "la" :CAT 512 :ID 10 :PRS 3 :NUM 1 :GEN 2 :FSC (1 2 3)))))
(get-lemma "infermiere")
((:CAT 490 :ID 29930 :LEX "infermiere" :NUM 1 :GEN 1 :FORMA "infermiere" :SEM 0) (:CAT 490 :ID 29930 :LEX "infermiere" :NUM 2 :GEN 2 :FORMA "infermiere" :SEM 0) (:CAT 200 :ID 29930 :LEX "infermiere" :NUM 1 :GEN 1 :FORMA "infermiere" :SEM 0) (:CAT 200 :ID 29930 :LEX "infermiere" :NUM 2 :GEN 2 :FORMA "infermiere" :SEM 0))
(gen-lemma 29930 200 1 2)
((:CAT 200 :NUM 2 :GEN 1 :FORMA "infermieri" :SEM 0))
(an-clclass "della")
((:FORMA "della" :LEX "della" :CAT 612 :ID 2 :NUM 1 :GEN 2 :FSC (1 3) :NEW-LABEL ("ART" "PART")) (:FORMA "della" :LEX "della" :LEX-COMPOSITE "di+la" :CAT 810 :ID 2 :CAT1 800 :ID1 1 :CAT2 613 :ID2 2))
Create all conjugated variants of a particular verb (if verb doesn't exist it ask some information to user)
(mconiuga "amare")
("amo" ((:lex "amare" :cat VERB :mdv IND :tmp PRESENT :prs 1 :num SING :gen _ :gcase _ :dgr _))) ("ami" ((:lex "amare" :cat VERB :mdv IND :tmp PRESENT :prs 2 :num SING :gen _ :gcase _ :dgr _))) ("ama" ((:lex "amare" :cat VERB :mdv IND :tmp PRESENT :prs 3 :num SING :gen _ :gcase _ :dgr _))) ("amiamo" ((:lex "amare" :cat VERB :mdv IND :tmp PRESENT :prs 1 :num PL :gen _ :gcase _ :dgr _))) ("amate" ((:lex "amare" :cat VERB :mdv IND :tmp PRESENT :prs 2 :num PL :gen _ :gcase _ :dgr _))) ("amano" ((:lex "amare" :cat VERB :mdv IND :tmp PRESENT :prs 3 :num PL :gen _ :gcase _ :dgr _))) ("aman" ((:lex "amare" :cat VERB :mdv IND :tmp PRESENT :prs 3 :num PL :gen _ :gcase _ :dgr _))) ("amerò" ((:lex "amare" :cat VERB :mdv IND :tmp FUTURE :prs 1 :num SING :gen _ :gcase _ :dgr _))) ("amerai" ((:lex "amare" :cat VERB :mdv IND :tmp FUTURE :prs 2 :num SING :gen _ :gcase _ :dgr _))) ("amerà" ((:lex "amare" :cat VERB :mdv IND :tmp FUTURE :prs 3 :num SING :gen _ :gcase _ :dgr _))) ("ameremo" ((:lex "amare" :cat VERB :mdv IND :tmp FUTURE :prs 1 :num PL :gen _ :gcase _ :dgr _))) ("amerete" ((:lex "amare" :cat VERB :mdv IND :tmp FUTURE :prs 2 :num PL :gen _ :gcase _ :dgr _))) ("ameranno" ((:lex "amare" :cat VERB :mdv IND :tmp FUTURE :prs 3 :num PL :gen _ :gcase _ :dgr _))) ("ameran" ((:lex "amare" :cat VERB :mdv IND :tmp FUTURE :prs 3 :num PL :gen _ :gcase _ :dgr _))) ("amavo" ((:lex "amare" :cat VERB :mdv IND :tmp IMPERFECT :prs 1 :num SING :gen _ :gcase _ :dgr _))) ...
Christen D., Grammatica computazionale della lingua italiana: un modello. Rapporto sul progetto di ricerca (1990-1999)
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