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Tags: microsoft/MixedReality-UXTools-Unreal



Toggle v0.12.1-5.0's commit message
Merged PR 1483: Remaining fixes / updates for UXT on UE5

# Summary
* Fix assert hit when grabbing objects in the manipulator scene
    * Calling `Spawn Sound at Location` now causes a new `AudioComponent` to be added to the parent actor, which causes the component array to be updated while we are iterating it to dispatch UXT events
* Fixed Z-fighing on some of the tooltips in the TooltipExample scene
* Re-saved `BP_NearMenuBase`, `BP_ToggleFeaturesPanel`, `BP_ToggleFeaturesPanelWithTrackedGeom` and all of the example levels to mostly mitigate the unresponsive home button issue
    * Not completely fixed, I can now only get it to repro in the ManipulatorExample scene after a PC reboot
    * I tried re-creating everything in the ToggleFeaturesPanel hierarchy but saw the same issue, I think it's an engine bug around blueprint inheritance and child actor components
    * Not a major issue as it only repros occasionally in PIE/Remoting. I have been unable to get it to occur on device
* Updated the nuspecs to UE5

Related work items: #1568, #2362


Toggle v0.12.1's commit message
Merged PR 939: Updated ADO warning/error mark up in validatedocs.ps1

Related work items: #1018


Toggle v0.12.0's commit message
Merged PR 783: Added AR session crash to known issues

Added AR session crash to known issues

Related work items: #1018


Toggle v0.11.0's commit message
Merged PR 659: Polish pass on release notes

Changes include:
- Rephrased a few items.
- Added a few animated gifs.
- Added full list of changes.

Related work items: #864


Toggle v0.10.0's commit message
Merged PR 592: Updated readme with latest features

Added new features introduced in 0.10 and did a bit of general cleanup.

Related work items: #582


Toggle v0.9.0's commit message
Merged PR 468: Added back 0.8.x to the docs version array

Related work items: #430


Toggle v0.8.0's commit message