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A cross-platform GUI for youtube-dl made in Electron and node.js
tldraw / make-real
Forked from SawyerHood/draw-a-uiDraw a ui and make it real
trholding / llama2.c
Forked from karpathy/llama2.cLlama 2 Everywhere (L2E)
refcell / run-wild
Forked from m1guelpf/browser-agentAugment GPT-4 Environment Access
MacOS system extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications. Soundflower works on macOS Catalina.
nicofff / teleport
Forked from gravitational/teleportCertificate authority and access plane for SSH, Kubernetes, web applications, and databases
timvisee / send
Forked from mozilla/send📬 Simple, private file sharing. Mirror of
matagus / goodreads-box
Forked from mdluo/goodreads-box📚 Update a pinned gist to show your currently reading books and progress on Goodreads
turnerlabs / fargate
Forked from awslabs/fargatecliDeploy serverless containers to the cloud from your command line
subspacecommunity / subspace
Forked from subspacecloud/subspaceA fork of the simple WireGuard VPN server GUI community maintained
ezdapps / backend
Forked from AplaProject/go-aplaA blockchain platform with a simplified programming language. 85% of all tokens will be distributed for free among GitHub users.
fgsfdsfgs / dhewm3
Forked from dhewm/dhewm3Nintendo Switch port of dhewm 3
pascoej / hekate
Forked from CTCaer/hekateNintendo Switch Bootloader - CTCaer mod
SuperOkazaki / fusee-launcher
Forked from Smeat/fusee-launchermacOS launcher for Fusée Gelée
DheerendraRathor / ffprobe3
Forked from ManiacTwister/ffprobeA Python 3 wrapper around the ffprobe command for extracting meta data from media files.
xoreaxeaxeax / movfuscator
Forked from Battelle/movfuscatorThe single instruction C compiler
Media-Management no Grappelli
johanhaleby / bash-templater
Forked from lavoiesl/bash-templaterVery simple templating system that replace {{VAR}} by $VAR environment value, supports defines
RabbitMQ peer discovery and cluster formation plugin, supports RabbitMQ 3.6.x
deslum / pyrabbit2
Forked from bkjones/pyrabbitModule to communicate the RabbitMQ HTTP Management API
elzr / vim-json
Forked from leshill/vim-jsonA better JSON for Vim: distinct highlighting of keywords vs values, JSON-specific (non-JS) warnings, quote concealing. Pathogen-friendly.
winlinvip / srs
Forked from ossrs/srsPlease use
Python wrapper for the Cloudflare Client API v4
akamai / boomerang
Forked from bluesmoon/boomerangEnd user oriented web performance testing and beaconing
codefirst / aquaskk
Forked from t-suwa/aquaskkAn input method without morphological analysis.
slatedocs / slate
Forked from ringcentral/slateBeautiful static documentation for your API