This package enables users to run arbitrary Tensorflow Decision Forests models on the web that are converted using tfjs-converter. Users can load a TFDF model from a URL, use TFJS tensors to set the model's input data, run inference, and get the output back in TFJS tensors. Under the hood, the TFDF C++ runtime is packaged in a set of WASM modules.
To use this package, you will need a TFJS backend installed.
You will also need to import @tensorflow/tfjs-core
manipulating tensors, and @tensorflow/tfjs-converter
for loading models.
// Import @tensorflow/tfjs-core
import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs-core';
// Adds the CPU backend.
import '@tensorflow/tfjs-backend-cpu';
// Import @tensorflow/tfjs-converter
import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs-converter';
// Import @tensorflow/tfjs-tfdf.
import * as tfdf from '@tensorflow/tfjs-tfdf';
<!-- Import @tensorflow/tfjs-core -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Adds the CPU backend -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Import @tensorflow/tfjs-converter -->
<script src=""></script>
Import @tensorflow/tfjs-tfdf
Note that we need to explicitly load dist/tf-tfdf.min.js so that it can
locate WASM module files from their default location (dist/).
<script src=""></script>
By default, it will try to load the WASM modules from the same location where
the package or your own script is served. Use setLocateFile
to set your own
location. See src/tfdf_web_api_client.d.ts
for more details.
// `base` is the URL to the main javascript file's directory.
// To return the default URL of the file use `${base}${path}`.
tfdf.setLocateFile((path, base) => {
return `https://your-server/.../${path}`;
const tfdfModel = await tfdf.loadTFDFModel('url/to/your/model.json');
// Prepare input tensors.
const input = tf.tensor1d(['test', 'strings']);
// Run inference and get output tensors.
const outputTensor = await tfdfModel.executeAsync(input);
$ yarn
$ yarn build
$ yarn test
$ yarn build-npm