typeit infers Python types from a sample JSON/YAML data, and provides you with the tools for serialising and parsing it. It also provides you with smart constructors for arbitrarily nested data structures. The library works superb on Python 3.7 and above.
Start using it by generating types for your JSON payloads:
$ echo '{"first-name": "Hello", "initial": null, "last_name": "World"}' | typeit gen
The snipped above produces output similar to this:
from typing import Any, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence
from typeit import TypeConstructor
class Main(NamedTuple):
first_name: str
initial: Optional[Any]
last_name: str
overrides = {
Main.first_name: 'first-name',
mk_main, serialize_main = TypeConstructor & overrides ^ Main
Use these functions to construct and serialize your payloads:
payload = {"first-name": "Hello", "initial": None, "last_name": "World"}
data = mk_main(payload)
assert isinstance(data, Main)
assert serialize_main(data) == payload
Documentation is hosted on ReadTheDocs: https://typeit.readthedocs.io/en/develop/
Run existing test suite with
$ make test