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Sparql Editor


Built on CodeMirror 6

Version License: MIT NPM Publish Status


  • 🏳‍🌈 Syntax Highlighting
  • 📔 History Tracking
  • 💢 Linting
  • 🔎 Search Functionality
  • 🔽 Tooltips

📚 Documentation


The SPARQL Editor is stable and actively used in the sparql-browser-extension. It returns a CodeMirror 6 EditorView instance, enabling you to manipulate the editor as detailed in the CodeMirror documentation.


This editor instance leverages CodeMirror 6 with sensible defaults and enhanced features. It utilizes the codemirror-lang-sparql parser for syntax highlighting, while linting is facilitated by the SPARQL.js library.

Getting Started

npm i sparql-editor

  import { createSparqlEditor } from "sparql-editor"
  const domElement = document.getElementById("editor")

  const editor = createSparqlEditor({
    parent: domElement,
    onChange: onChange,
    value: "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"

  function onChange(value, codemirrorViewInstance) {


Argument Description default required
parent html dom element to attach editor to / required
onChange function that gets called whenever editor value changes /
value Initial value of editor
const defaultDoc = `PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
?sub ?pred ?obj .
} LIMIT 10`

Extending the editor

Currently there is no easy way for adding extentions to the editor, this will hopefully be added soon. Until then, the best direction to take is forking this project, installing or deleting extensions and updating the index.ts file accordingly.

Development guide

  • clone this repo
  • cd into it
  • run npm install
  • run npm run dev

In the test folder there is a index.html file. Your editor probably has an extension that can easily serve this file (html) for you. In case you are using VSCode, we recommend the Live Server Extension.

📍 Roadmap

[x] Tooltip functionality
[] Linting by codemirror-lang-sparql
[] Autocomplete functionality
[] Extensible extensions


This project is MIT licensed.