paragoo is a static site generator, written in Python. It takes a simple yaml file with the structure of the site, the source Markdown/HTML content files and the Jinja2 based templates and builds a directory structure with the final website.
Assuming you already are inside a virtualenv:
pip install paragoo
Create a new virtualenv (if you are not already in one) and install the necessary packages:
git clone
cd paragoo
mkvirtualenv paragoo # or whatever project you are working on
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run python
to get help. Typically, a command line looks
like this:
python generate_site -s /path/to/site_config -t /path/to/site_templates -o /path/to/output_dir
A more involved command including a Secure CoPy to a remote server can look like this:
python generate_site --clean -s ../ -t ../ -o /tmp/aqs --clean; scp -pqr /tmp/aqs/* vps01:/srv/ or: python generate_site --clean --cachebuster -s ../../../website/ -t ../paragoo-theme-material/build/material-grey --pathprefix page --makerooturi -o /srv/
To see what commands are available, run paragoo with --help
python --help or: python generate_site --help
Some pre-made templates to go with paragoo: paragoo material theme.
The name is derived from παράγω, which is Greek for ‘generate’, ‘produce’.
See the Changelog.