GalaxySim is a simple repository to simulate large numbers of galaxies in parallel using GALFIT. The code in the repository makes use of GALFIT and Python's multiprocessing library.
This repository was used in the work pertaining to the following paper:- "Galaxy Morphology Network (GaMorNet): A Convolutional Neural Network used to study morphology and quenching in ∼100,000 SDSS and ∼20,000 CANDELS galaxies" , Ghosh et. al. If you use this code for any published work, please cite the above paper and include a link to this GitHub repository
This code is being made available under a GNU General Public License v3.0. Please see the file called LICENSE in the repository for more details.
Galaxy Sim is written in Python and the primary pre-requisite is GALFIT. Instllation instructions for GALFIT can be found here.
Other than GALFIT, Galaxy Sim depends on the following Python libraries:- numpy, tqdm (if you want a progress bar), pickle, multiprocessing