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Generate a color palette from a UIImage.

Other color palette generators will only give you a list of the dominant colors in an image. Vibrant does much more.

Now I know what you're thinking: "But Bryce, colors from an image! That's what I want! That's why I'm on your repository in the first place!"

Well I've got news for you: swift-vibrant (or node-vibrant, if you use JavaScript. No affiliation but that's what this project is based off of) will not only give you the dominant colors in an image, oh no. It will also give you a fully featured palette. What's the difference you might ask?

It provides:

  • A Vibrant Color (Duh)
  • A Muted Color
  • A Dark Vibrant Color
  • A Dark Muted Color
  • A Light Vibrant Color
  • A Light Muted Color

As well as 2 different text colors for each of the above that look good on the color they're designed for.

Don't believe me? There's a 100% money back guarantee! (Just kidding, it's MIT licensed aka free for your use).


swift-vibrant is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'swift-vibrant'


import swiftVibrant

let image = UIImage(named: "name_of_image")

// Calling from a background thread
Vibrant.from(image).getPalette({ palette in 
    // do stuff with your palette
// Calling in main thread
/// do stuff with your palette here

// Using constructor
let v = Vibrant(image, Vibrant.Options)
v.getPalette({ palette in 
    // do stuff with your palette



Main class of swift-vibrant.

Vibrant.from(src: UIImage): Builder

Make a Builder for an image. Returns a Builder instance.

constructor(src: UIImage, opts: Vibrant.Options)

Name Description
image Your UIImage instance
opts Options (optional)
public struct Options {
       var colorCount: Int = 64
       var quality: Int = 5
       var quantizer: Quantizer.quantizer
       var generator: Generator.generator
       var maxDimension: CGFloat?
       var filters: [Filter]
Field Default Description
colorCount 64 amount of colors in initial palette from which the swatches will be generated
quality 5 Scale down factor used in downsampling stage. 1 means no downsampling. If maxDimension is set, this value will not be used.
quantizer Quantizer.defaultQuantizer A Quantizer function
generator Generator.defaultGenerator An Generator function
maxDimension nil The max size of the image's longer side used in downsampling stage. This field will override quality.
filters [] An array of Filter
public typealias quantizer = (_ pixels: [UInt8], _ options: Vibrant.Options)->[Swatch]
public typealias generator = (_ swatches: [Swatch])->Palette

Returns true if the color is to be kept.

public class Filter {
    public typealias filterFunction = (_ red: UInt8, _ green: UInt8, _ blue: UInt8, _ alpha: UInt8)->Bool
    var f: filterFunction

getPalette(cb: (Palette)->Void)

Name Description
cb callback function.


Helper class for change configurations and create a Vibrant instance. Methods of a Builder instance can be chained like:

  // ...

quality(q: Int): Builder

Sets opts.quality to q. Returns this Builder instance.

maxColorCount(n: Int): Builder

Sets opts.colorCount to n. Returns this Builder instance.

maxDimension(d: Int): Builder

Sets opts.maxDimension to d. Returns this Builder instance.

addFilter(f: Filter): Builder

Adds a filter function. Returns this Builder instance.

removeFilter(f: Filter): Builder

Removes a filter function. Returns this Builder instance.

clearFilters(): Builder

Clear all filters. Returns this Builder instance.

useQuantizer(quantizer: Quantizer.quantizer): Builder

Specifies which Quantizer implementation class to use. Returns this Builder instance.

useGenerator(generator: Generator.generator): Builder

Sets opts.generator to generator. Returns this Builder instance.

build(): Vibrant

Builds and returns a Vibrant instance as configured.

getPalette(cb: (Palette)->Void)

Builds a Vibrant instance as configured and calls its getPalette method on a background thread. Calls cb on main thread.


Builds a Vibrant instance as configured and calls its getPalette method on the main thread.


Represents a color swatch generated from an image's palette.


public typealias Vec3<T> = (T, T, T)


public typealias RGB = (r: UInt8, g: UInt8, b: UInt8)


public typealias HSL = (r: Double, g: Double, b: Double)


public typealias HSL = (r: Double, g: Double, b: Double)


public typealias HSL = (r: Double, g: Double, b: Double)

constructor(rgb: RGB, population: Int)

Internal use.

Name Description
rgb [r, g, b]
population Population of the color in an image

hsl: HSL

getPopulation(): Int

rgb: RGB

hex: String

Returns a hexadecimal value of the swatch

getTitleTextColor(): UIColor

Returns an appropriate color to use for any 'title' text which is displayed over this Swatch's color.

getBodyTextColor(): UIColor

Returns an appropriate color to use for any 'body' text which is displayed over this Swatch's color.


Utility methods. Internal usage.

hexToRgb(hex: string): RGB

rgbToHex(r: UInt8, g: UInt8, b: UInt8): String

hslToRgb(h: Double, s: Double, l: Double): RGB

rgbToHsl(r: UInt8, g: UInt8, b: UInt8): HSL

xyzToRgb(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double): RGB

rgbToXyz(r: UInt8, g: UInt8, b: UInt8): XYZ

xyzToCIELab(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double): LAB

rgbToCIELab(l: UInt8, a: UInt8, b: UInt8): LAB

deltaE94(lab1: Double, lab2: Double): Double

Computes CIE delta E 1994 diff between lab1 and lab2. The 2 colors are in CIE-Lab color space. Used in tests to compare 2 colors' perceptual similarity.

rgbDiff(rgb1: RGB, rgb2: RGB): Double

Compute CIE delta E 1994 diff between rgb1 and rgb2.

hexDiff(hex1: String, hex2: String): Double

Compute CIE delta E 1994 diff between hex1 and hex2.

getColorDiffStatus(d: Double): String

Gets a string to describe the meaning of the color diff. Used in tests.

Delta E Perception Returns
<= 1.0 Not perceptible by human eyes. "Perfect"
1 - 2 Perceptible through close observation. "Close"
2 - 10 Perceptible at a glance. "Good"
11 - 49 Colors are more similar than opposite "Similar"
50 - 100 Colors are exact opposite Wrong


  • This library uses code from ColorThiefSwift, mostly borrowing from their implementation of the modified median cut quantization (MMCQ) algorithm
  • A majority of the rest was adapted from node-vibrant


Bryce Dougherty:


Kazuki Ohara: ColorThiefSwift

Jari Zwarts: node-vibrant


swiftVibrant is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Extract prominent colors from an image.







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