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A combinator library for generating markup


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Low Maintenance Warning

This library is in low maintenance mode, which means the author is currently only responding to pull requests and breaking compiler updates. If you want to take over maintainership of this library, please feel free to open an issue about it.


A simple combinator library for generating HTML in PureScript, heavily inspired by Haskell's BlazeHtml.


Write HTML elements as functions, with the ! combinator to add attributes, and do notation to add child elements:

doc = html ! lang "en" $ do
  h1 $ text "My HTML Document"
  p $ do
    text "This is my HTML document. It is "
    em $ text "very"
    text " nice. "
    a ! href "more.html" $ text "There is more."

You can render lists of items inside the do notation using traverse_ or for_:

import Data.Foldable (for_, traverse_)

items = ["fear", "surprise", "ruthless efficiency"]

item i = li $ text i

bulletList = ul $ do
  for_ items item
  -- or traverse_ item items

(Note that the Data.Foldable versions of traverse_ and for_ can blow the stack if you have a lot of items (just short of 10k items will do it), but because Markup has a MonadRec instance, you can use the implementations from purescript-safely if you're worried about this.)

Use the #! combinator to attach event handlers:

import Effect.Class.Console (log)

doc = div ! className "not-a-form" $ do
  button #! on "click" (\event → log "boom!") $ text "boom"

You can render the markup to a string:

import Text.Smolder.Renderer.String (render)

doc = html ! lang "en" $ do
  body $ do
    h1 $ text "Hello Joe"

docAsString = render doc
-- "<html lang=\"en\"><body><h1>Hello Joe</h1></body></html>"

There are other renderers available, such as a renderer for DOM nodes.


The type of the markup is Markup e, where the e is the type of the event handler, which is only important when you want to render your markup. For rendering to the DOM, this would have to be EventListener (dom :: DOM | eff). The string renderer accepts any type for e, as it ignores event handlers altogether.

Markup e is a type alias for Free (MarkupM e) Unit, a free monad over markup nodes, but you don't need to worry about free monads at all. Unless you're writing your own renderer, you should just use Markup e in your own code.


Copyright 2015 Bodil Stokke

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see