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Boxting is an electronic voting application.

Getting Started

Before running the app, you need to decrypt files locally. Run the following commands:

cd android
gpg --output --decrypt && jar xvf && mv google-services.json app/

You will be prompted for the boxting passphrase.

To start development, run the following command:

dart run build_runner watch -d


Dependency Version Purpose
flutter sdk Flutter SDK
equatable 2.0.5 State management
flutter_hooks 0.20.5 State management
hooks_riverpod 2.5.1 State management
riverpod_annotation 2.3.5 State management
provider ^6.1.2 State management
modal_bottom_sheet ^3.0.0 UI
lottie ^3.1.2 UI
cupertino_icons ^1.0.8 UI
fl_chart ^0.68.0 UI
flutter_datetime_picker_plus ^2.2.0 UI
dio ^5.4.3+1 Network
retrofit 4.1.0 Network
json_annotation ^4.9.0 Network
connectivity_plus ^6.0.3 Network
flutter_html 3.0.0-beta.2 Network
hive 2.2.3 Local storage/auth
hive_flutter 1.1.0 Local storage/auth
flutter_secure_storage ^9.2.2 Local storage/auth
local_auth ^2.2.0 Local storage/auth
package_info_plus ^8.0.0 Local storage/auth
intl ^0.19.0 Local storage/auth
get_it ^7.7.0 DI
firebase_core ^3.0.0 Firebase
firebase_remote_config ^5.0.0 Firebase
introduction_screen ^3.1.14 Other
quickalert ^1.1.0 Other
go_router ^14.1.4 Other

Dev Dependencies

Dev Dependency Version Purpose
flutter_test sdk Testing
flutter_launcher_icons 0.13.1 Launcher icon
json_serializable ^6.8.0 Code generation
build_runner ^2.1.11 Code generation
retrofit_generator 8.1.0 Code generation
riverpod_generator 2.4.0 Code generation
custom_lint 0.6.4 Code generation
riverpod_lint 2.3.10 Code generation
mockito 5.4.4 Testing
monarch ^3.0.0 Testing
state_notifier_test ^0.0.9 Testing