bilibili: 手势跟踪机械手 rust+esp32
在编译之前,请先阅读The Rust on ESP Book配置编译环境。
# to build the web frontend
cd shou-web
yarn && yarn build
# then mv the output "index.html" to "/shou/static/", it's already put in the right place
# to build the esp-rust part
# before build, you may modify the wifi ssid and password to your own
cd shou
. ~/
cargo run --release
# then in the output (serial) ,there will be info which gives esp's static ip
# open the ip directly, you will see a simple frontend to control the hand
# to run the detect and sync part
# before this part, you may modify the url to your own ip from last part
cd shou-detect
pip install -r requirements.txt