ECE3-POSTPROC is a suite of post-processing tools for EC-Earth 3. It includes HIRESCLIM2, ECMEAN and AMWG. The last two require the output from the first one. Other tools are available but have not been clean up or tested.
The code has been ported on cca (ECMWF) and rhino (KNMI). See the Porting instructions below to include other machines.
You first need to get the code:
git clone
The general idea is that you pass the experiment name (EXP) and the years to process (typically a range, say, YEAR1 YEAR2) as input to the scripts on the command line.
For this to work as intended, locations of the post-processing code, of the EC-Earth base rundir and of the model data, must be known. They are unlikely to change and set as environment variables, but can be overwritten at the command line if needed. In your shell rc file (bash.rc or similar):
export ECE3_POSTPROC_TOPDIR=<dir where this file is> export ECE3_POSTPROC_RUNDIR=<top dir where your ecearth runs are located -see your config-run.xml> export ECE3_POSTPROC_DATADIR=<dir where your ecearth data are located -see your config-run.xml> export ECE3_POSTPROC_MACHINE=<name of your (HPC) machine>
The ”name of your (HPC) machine” is used to retrieve the machine configuration. Look for:
./conf/conf_hiresclim_<name of your (HPC) machine>.sh
If it is not present, you need to port the code. See the Porting section below.
Optionally, you can also set your HPC account:
export ECE3_POSTPROC_ACCOUNT=<HPC account>
If not set, your default account is used to submit job to HPC. At ECMWF, this is the 1st one in the list you get with the command (on ecgate only): “account -l $USER”
You may want to overwrite the location of the rundir (where to find the EC-Earth output to process), because the output is not from one of your runs or you moved the data around. Or you want to temporarily change the HPC account you used. It is recommended not to change the default settings, although you can. Instead, use the command line options that let you do temporary changes. Particularly important, the ECE3_POSTPROC_RUNDIR should remain writable for you, since you will write processed output there when processing data from an other user (whose output dir is probably not writable for you).
Finally, the code relies on $SCRATCH and $USER being defined. If not, define one. A lot of temporary data files, job scripts and their log are being written on the $SCRATCH. The $USER is used in few job manager commands (SLURM or PBS), and should already be defined.
- the NEMO variables name expected by HIRESCLIM2 can be different
than those output by EC-Earth3. If needed, change the variable
name from EC-Earth in ‘/hiresclim2/script/’ below:
# NEMO variables as currently named in EC-Earth output
- Each tool has some specifics settings. If the code has already
been ported to your machine, you should not have to change
anything there. They define the needed executable/lib (cdo, nco,
netcdf,…), location of auxiliary data, and of final results.
For reference, the machine configurations are:
"./conf/conf_hiresclim_<your-machine>.sh" "./conf/conf_ecmean_<your-machine>.sh" "./conf/conf_amwg_<your-machine>.sh"
cd ${ECE3_POSTPROC_TOPDIR}/script ./ [-a account] [-r rundir] [-m] [-c] EXP YEAR1 YEAR2 YREF
This will create a set of netcdf files with monthly (default) averages of variables of interest. The files are found in the ${ECE3_POSTPROC_RUNDIR}/EXP/post directory.
For more information about the script options, just call
./ -h
If you specify an alternate “rundir” for input, the new data will still be in your ${ECE3_POSTPROC_RUNDIR}/EXP/post (directory tree created as needed).
Upon success, ${ECE3_POSTPROC_RUNDIR}/EXP/post/postcheck_EXP_YYYY.txt files are created with some basic information. By repeating the command with the -c option, these files are printed. In case of problem or for more detailed information, you can look at the submitted scripts and logs, which are in your $SCRATCH/tmp_ecearth3
There are few hardcoded options (if you want daily or 6h output on top of the monthly one, or the nemo_extra output). In “./”, check the “hardcoded options” section.
./ [-a account] [-r rundir] [-c] EXP YEAR1 YEAR2
The options are the same as for hiresclim2. For details, call
./ -h
Output table with Performance Indices and mean global fluxes are found in:
and one line summary is found:
${OUDIR}/globtable_cs.txt ${OUDIR}/globtable.txt ${OUDIR}/gregory.txt
The default output directory ${OUTDIR} can be changed in the
You can quickly check for success by executing the command again with -c option. It will print the summary line from globtable.txt and gregory.txt files, if they exist. For more insight, have a look at the submitted scripts and logs, which are in $SCRATCH/tmp_ecearth3
Note that the computation of the PI fails, the code still goes through. This lets you compute global means, but requires that you check for error in the log file.
- add platform templates in the script/platform directory (adapt
existing ones to your job scheduler)
script/platform/hc_<your-machine>.tmpl script/platform/header_<your-machine>.tmpl
The job scheduler command to submit job is set in the configuration scripts.
- add a configuration script for each tools:
conf/conf_hiresclim_<your-machine>.sh conf/conf_timeseries_<your-machine>.sh conf/conf_ecmean_<your-machine>.sh conf/conf_amwg_<your-machine>.sh
TODO: combine those into one file, since there is a lot of overlap.
- You must install nco, netcdf, python, cdo, and cdftools if missing.
- For CDFTOOLS you cannot use the light one that ships with barakuda.
- If the netCDF4 python module is not available, you cannot build
the 3D relative humidity. Set in your
- Some EC-Earth experiments put the water flux output from NEMO in
the SBC files instead of the grid_T files. Then you need
export use_SBC=1
in your ./conf/conf_hiresclim_<your-machine>.sh config.
This is needed only if the output files of NEMO are per processes. In which case you need to do something along these lines:
cd <EC-EARTH-DIR>/sources/nemo-3.6/TOOLS/REBUILD_NEMO/ <F90-COMPILER> rebuild_nemo.f90 -o ../rebuild_nemo.exe -I<PATH-TO-NETCDF-INSTALLATION>/include -L<PATH-TO-NETCDF-INSTALLATION>/lib -lnetcdf -lnetcdff
Copied from a suite of post-processing tools from Jost (it/ccjh) on Monday, March 27, 2017. This project is a quick attempt at cleaning up the tools suite and making it easier to port.
Modified to work with default ecearth-3 output tree. Removed the possibility to run somebody else code (just clone it!) but can still processed output from another user (as long as it is readable and follows the default EC-Earth output tree/format). Bug fix in ECmean. Improved the performance of HIRECLIM2 with parallelization over the years. Can process monthly legged runs now. Catch all errors with “set -e” everywhere (except the PI indices). Try to be smarter in dealing with and cleaning temporary dirs, using mktemp.