This tool helps you to do the tedious work of setting configuration and creating layers for the REST API
go-starter help
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Usage: go-starter [OPTIONS]
-f string
starter configuration file (default "starter.yaml")
show help message
go-starter new Generate configuration file
go-starter Run the application
go-starter -f=configuration.yaml[default: starter.yaml] Specify a custom configuration file
go-starter new
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2024/01/18 16:46:54 Success generate starter.yaml
is a go-starter configuration:
version: "1"
package: your-name-app
database: database
database support :
- mysql
- mongodb
- postgres
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layer 'cmd' created successfully.
layer 'api' created successfully.
layer 'db/migrations' created successfully.
layer 'internals/config' created successfully.
layer 'internals/delivery/http' created successfully.
layer 'internals/delivery/messaging' created successfully.
layer 'internals/gateway' created successfully.
layer 'internals/models' created successfully.
layer 'internals/repository' created successfully.
layer 'internals/usecase' created successfully.
layer 'internals/helpers' created successfully.
layer 'tests' created successfully.
Structure reference
├── api
├── cmd
│ └── main.go
├── db
│ └── migrations
├── docker-compose.yaml
├── go.mod
├── internals
│ ├── config
│ │ ├── mysql.go ## filename following the database
│ │ └── viper.go
│ ├── delivery
│ │ ├── http
│ │ └── messaging
│ ├── gateway
│ ├── helpers
│ │ └── error.go
│ ├── models
│ ├── repository
│ └── usecase
├── starter.yaml
└── tests
This tool adopt
mongo client
Database support:
Database | Support |
MySQL | ✅ |
PostgreSQL | ✅ |
MongoDB | ✅ |
go install
see older version here version
After generating the template, enter the folder that has been generated by go-starter
, and then add dependencies using the following command.
go mod tidy
This command will download and install the required dependencies for your project
After success install dependencies, run app with command :
go run cmd/main.go