const { CloudAdapter, ConversationState, MemoryStorage, UserState, ConfigurationBotFrameworkAuthentication } = require('botbuilder'); class MyBotFrameworkAuthentication extends ConfigurationBotFrameworkAuthentication { /** * Authenticate Bot Framework Protocol requests to Skills. * * @param authHeader The http auth header received in the skill request. * @returns {Promise} A [ClaimsIdentity](xref:botframework-connector.ClaimsIdentity). */ authenticateChannelRequest(authHeader) { const result = super.authenticateChannelRequest(authHeader); return result; } /** * Validate Bot Framework Protocol requests. * * @param activity The inbound Activity. * @param authHeader The HTTP auth header. * @returns {Promise} An [AuthenticateRequestResult](xref:botframework-connector.AuthenticateRequestResult). */ authenticateRequest(activity, authHeader) { return super.authenticateRequest(activity,authHeader).then(function(data){ const claimIdentity = data.claimsIdentity; return data; } ); } } module.exports.MyBotFrameworkAuthentication = MyBotFrameworkAuthentication;