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BotApp must be deployed prior to AzureBot.

Command line:

az login
az deployment group create --resource-group <group-name> --template-file <template-file> --parameters @<parameters-file>

Parameters for template-BotApp-with-rg.json:

  • appServiceName: (required) The Name of the Bot App Service.
  • (Pick an existing App Service Plan or create a new App Service Plan.)
    • existingAppServicePlanName: The name of the App Service Plan.
    • existingAppServicePlanLocation: The location of the App Service Plan.
    • newAppServicePlanName: The name of the App Service Plan.
    • newAppServicePlanLocation: The location of the App Service Plan.
    • newAppServicePlanSku: The SKU of the App Service Plan. Defaults to Standard values.
  • appType: Type of Bot Authentication. set as MicrosoftAppType in the Web App's Application Settings. Allowed values are: MultiTenant(default), SingleTenant, UserAssignedMSI.
  • appId: (required) Active Directory App ID or User-Assigned Managed Identity Client ID, set as MicrosoftAppId in the Web App's Application Settings.
  • appSecret: (required for MultiTenant and SingleTenant) Active Directory App Password, set as MicrosoftAppPassword in the Web App's Application Settings.
  • UMSIName: (required for UserAssignedMSI) The User-Assigned Managed Identity Resource used for the Bot's Authentication.
  • UMSIResourceGroupName: (required for UserAssignedMSI) The User-Assigned Managed Identity Resource Group used for the Bot's Authentication.
  • tenantId: The Azure AD Tenant ID to use as part of the Bot's Authentication. Only used for SingleTenant and UserAssignedMSI app types. Defaults to Subscription Tenant ID.

More info:

Parameters for template-AzureBot-with-rg.json:

  • azureBotId: (required) The globally unique and immutable bot ID.
  • azureBotSku: The pricing tier of the Bot Service Registration. Allowed values are: F0, S1(default).
  • azureBotRegion: Specifies the location of the new AzureBot. Allowed values are: global(default), westeurope.
  • botEndpoint: Use to handle client messages, Such as https://<botappServiceName>
  • appType: Type of Bot Authentication. set as MicrosoftAppType in the Web App's Application Settings. Allowed values are: MultiTenant(default), SingleTenant, UserAssignedMSI.
  • appId: (required) Active Directory App ID or User-Assigned Managed Identity Client ID, set as MicrosoftAppId in the Web App's Application Settings.
  • UMSIName: (required for UserAssignedMSI) The User-Assigned Managed Identity Resource used for the Bot's Authentication.
  • UMSIResourceGroupName: (required for UserAssignedMSI) The User-Assigned Managed Identity Resource Group used for the Bot's Authentication.
  • tenantId: The Azure AD Tenant ID to use as part of the Bot's Authentication. Only used for SingleTenant and UserAssignedMSI app types. Defaults to Subscription Tenant ID.

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