(formerly known as django-salmonella) A raw_id_fields widget replacement that handles display of an object's string value on change and can be overridden via a template.
Create Dash components using TypeScript
Chrome extension to return youtube dislikes
Django-more-admin-filters is a collection of django admin filters with a focus on filters using dropdown widgets, multiple choice filters and filters working with annotated attributes.
Caching and invalidation have never been so easy
Simple in use location model and form field with MapInput widget for picking some location. Uses mapbox gl js, flexible map provider API. Fully compatible with bootstrap framework. Can be used with…
Customizable Django admin color themes
Helps working with singletons - things like global settings that you want to edit from the admin site.
django-debug-toolbar in WebKit DevTools. Works fine with background Ajax requests and non-HTML responses.
django CMS Layouter is a plugin for Django CMS which aims to provide a grid system for authors and editors with a high ease of use and comprehensibility.
Seamless integration between Django REST framework and Datatables.
Basic automation & scheduling for VLC media player. [Currently not actively maintained].
Humane command line arguments parser. Now with maintenance, typehints, and complete test coverage.
Arduino code to get your STEMI hexapod walking and dancing!
Celery with a filesystem message broker
Raspberry Pi - Hotspot (Access Point and WiFi Client/Station)
Decorators @condition, @last_modified and @etag for Django Rest Framework
Allow foreign key attributes in list_display with '__'
Universal pan and zoom library (DOM, SVG, Custom)
The one and only django app to receive & send mail with templates and multiple configurations.
Generic drag-and-drop ordering for objects in the Django admin interface
Django Middleware that can automatically remove trailing URL slashes and 301 redirect to the non-slash-terminated URL.
PlatformIO IDE for Atom: The next generation integrated development environment for IoT