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Workload Identity - Trust Based Authentication

GEP-26: Workload Identity - Trust Based Authentication

Table of Contents


Gardener issues and distributes JSON Web Tokens that can be used for authentication with external services. Gardener also exposes metadata documents in an OIDC compatible way, if needed, in the public internet. This allows Gardener users to establish trust towards Gardener through their service providers leveraging identity federation and parts of the OIDC protocol. By employing the JWTs and the trust federation, static credentials are no longer needed for authentication with the service provider, i.e. they can be replaced by tokens issued by Gardener which will be recognized by the external entity because trust was established beforehand. For example, machine controller manager will no longer require static credentials to create virtual machines in the cloud provider account of the Gardener user.

Cloud services, like AWS, Azure, Alicloud, GCP and others, support identity federation with identity providers external to them via trust configuration using the OIDC protocol. This way, the remotely running workloads can use JWTs issued from the external identity provider to authenticate with the cloud service, hence no static credentials like service keys are used. More details for the cloud providers, can be found at their documentation:


Gardener is using variety of external services to create different resources needed for the lifecycle of a shoot or seed cluster, resources like virtual machines, volumes, object storage, load balancers, DNS records, etc. Each request to create, update or delete such resource needs to be authenticated with some kind of credentials. Sometimes the resources reside in different cloud accounts and credentials with mixed ownership are used, for example when Gardener Operator and Gardener User are different entities, Gardener Users brings their own credentials for their account and let Gardener use them on their behalf to create resources. These credentials usually have long lifetime (and are often non-expiring), they are reused in different scenarios by various tools, occasionally granted with broader permissions, stored in different locations. Such handling poses various security risks.

The static long-lived credentials can be replaced with short-lived auto-rotated JWTs issued and used only by Gardener, never leaving the Gardener environment except for representing Gardener workloads before an external entity, eliminating the security burden to manage and store static credentials. Static credentials can expire or get accidentally invalidated, which will cause reconciliation flows to fail preventing delivery of updates, fixes, and improvements. This risk is better to be managed in an automated way by Gardener itself.

The JSON Web Tokens are ephemeral and not stored anywhere by the issuer, a feature that Gardener can benefit of as well because it will not have to store the credentials of Gardener users.


  • Manage shoot clusters without credentials provided by the user.
  • Replace static credentials for gardener system components, e.g. DNS and backup controllers.
  • Rotate credentials regularly. Rotating the token signing keys will effectively invalidate all previously issued tokens.
  • Offload Gardener users from the burden to store and manage static credentials for their accounts.


  • Register Gardener as trusted identity in the shoot clusters.
  • The tokens to be usable for authentication with the Gardener API.
  • Compatibility with gardenctl integration with cloud provider CLIs. JSON Web Tokens will not be drop-in replacement of the static credentials, therefore gardenctl and other tools will have to adapt to the JWTs as infrastructure credentials.
  • OIDC compliance - just as Kubernetes, Gardener goal is not to have full OIDC compliance, but to implement the bare minimum for OIDC compatible trust federation.


In short, Gardener API server will generate JWTs on request by gardenlet. Gardenlet will ensure that the tokens can be consumed conveniently by the various components in the seed clusters. For example, it will write them into secrets. Service provider extensions will be responsible for making adjustments so that the token is consumable by the service SDK. For shoot clusters, it would be natural that the cloudprovider secret is reused as storage target for the token.

Gardenlet will take care to refresh the token regularly and on time so that the target storage always contains a valid token. As an example a token can be refreshed when it reaches 80% of its lifetime. Of course it will all depend on the validity duration of such tokens. This is why these parameters will be configurable.

The OIDC metadata discovery documents will be served in such network segment, e.g. public internet, so that service providers can be configured to trust Gardener as an OIDC compatible token issuer.

API Changes

A new resource WorkloadIdentity in API Group will be implemented. It will specify different characteristics of the JWT, like the value for the aud claim.

Similarly to providerConfig in other Gardener APIs, WorkloadIdentity resource will feature a providerConfig field that will be of byte array type allowing service provider specific configurations. Usually, the clients for services supporting identity federation need additional information about the cloud account and the federated identity in order to successfully use the JWT. This information is known to the cloud account owners and they will provide it via this providerConfig field, for example when AWS is the external service the AWS IAM Role ARN will be set in the providerConfig field.

The value of the sub claim of the OIDC token will be computed by Gardener, it will have the following format<workloadidentity-namespace-name>:<workloadidentity-name>:<workloadidentity-uuid>. A validation must ensure that the WorkloadIdentity name and namespace name do not exceed certain limit. This restrictions is required as per the OIDC Specification the sub claim cannot exceed 255 ASCII chars length. Gardener API server will write the value of the sub claim in the status.sub field to make it explicit, otherwise Gardener users will have to deduce it themselves which could turn out to be error prone.

kind: WorkloadIdentity
  name: banana-testing
  namespace: garden-local
  uid: 12b580fe-1f74-4195-852b-e1a74b03496a # generated by the API server.
  audiences: # Required field.
  - team-foo
  targetSystem: # Required field.
    type: aws # Required field.
    providerConfig: # Optional field of type *runtime.RawExtension, extensions can make it mandatory via admission webhooks.
      kind: WorkloadIdentityConfig
      iamRoleARN: arn:aws:iam::112233445566:role/gardener-dev

JWTs will be available when the clients send create requests on the WorkloadIdentity/token subresource. As the clients will be providing various custom information that will be used for the generation of the JWT, yet another resource TokenRequest in the API group will be used, similar to TokenRequest from API. It is envisioned this resource to contain just metadata for the context where the JWT is being used, e.g. shoot or backup entry identifier. Gardener API server must verify the provided metadata and it can enhance the JWT with additional information derived from the context, for example with information for the project and the seed of the shoot cluster. Gardener API can also add global information like a garden cluster identity. TokenRequest will feature optional field expirationSeconds that will allow clients to specify for how long the issued workload identity token to be valid. This duration will be ensured to be between certain limits of minimal and maximal validity, in order to avoid frequent token renewals as well as tokens with too long validity. If the expirationSeconds field is not set, a default duration of 3600 seconds will be applied.

TokenRequest resources will never be persisted in the storage layer, the generated token will be written in the .status.token field and returned to the client as response. The expiration timestamp of the token will be also available in the status via the .status.expirationTimestamp field.

kind: TokenRequest
  contextObject: # Optional field, various metadata about context of use of the token
    kind: Shoot
    name: foo
    namespace: garden-local
    uid: 54d09554-6a68-4f46-a23a-e3592385d820
  expirationSeconds: 600 # Optional field, gardener will set default value of 3600 seconds for token duration if the field is unset.
  token: eyJhbGciOiJ....OkBBrVWA # The generated OIDC token
  expirationTimestamp: 2024-02-09T16:35:02Z

Shoot API Related Changes

Currently, shoot clusters set the infrastructure credentials via an intermediate resource named SecretBinding which is referring to the actual Kubernetes secret that contains the static credentials. If SecretBinding is extended to refer WorkloadIdentity as infrastructure credentials, from user experience point of view SecretBinding is not the best name for such resource, because it is no longer limited to referring only secrets as its name implies. Therefore, a new resource named CredentialsBinding in the API group will be implemented. It will have all features of SecretBinding, but on top of that will be extended to refer to WorkloadIdentity resources via .credentialsRef field of type ObjectReference.

In a nutshell, the changes introduced compared to SecretBinding are:

  • CredentialsBinding.credentialsRef field will be mutable. It will refer to a WorkloadIdentity or Secret resource by its name and namespace. If the namespace is unset, the namespace of the CredentialsBinding will be used.
  • quotas and provider fields have the semantic as their respective counterparts in the SecretBinding API. providers will be made mandatory field also via the API specification.
  • On update of the credentialsRef when WorkloadIdentity is the credentials provider, extension admission controller should ensure that both the old and the new WorkloadIdentity are for the same cloud provider account, if such validation is possible for the given extension.
kind: CredentialsBinding
  name: my-credentials
  namespace: garden-local
  type: aws # {aws,azure,gcp,...}
  apiVersion: # or "v1", when secret is being used
  kind: WorkloadIdentity # or "Secret", when secret is being used
  name: my-provider-account
  # namespace: "...", allow reference across namespaces
quotas: []
# - name: quota-1
# # namespace: garden-quotas

Shoot API will be extended with new field .spec.credentialsBindingName whose value will be the name of a CredentialsBinding resource from the namespace of the shoot resource. The shoot field .spec.secretBindingName and the SecretBinding API will be deprecated in favour of CredentialsBinding, and eventually removed in a future version of Gardener. A static validation will ensure exactly one of the fields .spec.secretBindingName and .spec.credentialsBindingName is set. secretBindingName will be made mutable to allow already existing shoot clusters to migrate to credentials binding. Shoots will be able to use workload identity as infrastructure credentials only via the CredentialsBinding resource.

Features associated with the SecretBinding like the shoot quotas will be extended to also cover clusters using WorkloadIdentity for authentication.

While the infrastructure credentials for the shoot cluster are the main driver behind this GEP, various extensions can benefit of this feature as well. For this purpose, a new optional field named workloadIdentity will be introduced in shoot.spec.extensions, it will refer to workload identity by name assuming the workloadIdentity resource is in the namespace of the shoot. The seed CRD will be also extended to reflect that the extension is using workload identity letting extension controllers know when a JWT or other kind of credentials are used.

Similar approach can be taken to provide alternative to shoot.spec.dns.providers.secretName, e.g. a new field workloadIdentity will extended the shoot.spec.dns.providers.

    - type: some-extension
        name: foo
    - type: some-dns-provider
        name: bar

Seed API Related Changes

Wherever the Seed API is referring to secrets, it will be extended to refer to workload identities, as of now these are the fields spec.backup. and spec.dns.provider and they will have new field workloadIdentityRef holding the name and the namespace of a workload identity resource. The respective secretRef fields will be made optional and validation will ensure only one of secretRef and workloadIdentityRef is used at a time.

kind: Seed
  name: seed
      name: backup-workloadidentity
      namespace: garden
        name: ingress-workloadidentity
        namespace: garden

Gardener as OIDC Token Issuer

A new component, positively the metadata server from GEP-24, will be used to publish the public OIDC metadata discovery documents /.well-known/openid-configuration and jwks_uri. This component will be only provided with access to the public keys or any other public information, it will not hold or have access to any private information related to token generation and signing. To support key rotation, it will serve also the older set of public keys so that already issued but still valid and not expired tokens can be used for identity federation with external services.

On key rotation, the new key pair might need to be published but not used to sign the tokens, this is needed to ensure enough time for the external services to discover the new public key. This rotation strategy could be useful for external services that do not automatically rediscover the OIDC issuer metadata when the token is signed with still unknown to them key. The major infrastructure providers do not document publicly how often they are running OIDC rediscovery, but a hands-on experience shows that some are doing it immediately, while others need several minutes. As workload identity is not limited only to the major infrastructure providers, therefore the duration of this period will be configurable and it would be recommended to be at least one day long.

The Kubernetes API server extended by the Gardener API server is already issuing JWTs for the Kubernetes service accounts. To completely separate workload identity JWTs from service accounts JWTs, Gardener API will accept an issuer URL parameter whose value should not be the same as the issuer of the Kubernetes service accounts. The workload identity issuer url should not be among the accepted issuers of the Kubernetes API server. Other configuration options for the Gardener API server will be the private key used to sign the tokens, the minimal and maximal durations for each token. The private key also should not be shared with the Kubernetes API server. When gardener-operator is used to manage the Garden cluster, it will be also responsible for the Workload Identity token signing key rotation, a strategy similar to the one for the Kubernetes Service Account token signing key rotation will be used.

When Gardener API server is using own issuer and signing keys, the service account token authenticator of the Kubernetes API server will reject the workload identity JWTs because:

  • the issuer of the tokens is not accepted
  • the tokens are not signed by trusted key
  • workload identity JWTs are not referring to any Kubernetes service account
  • Gardener API will not serve the purpose of authentication or authorization webhook, it will also not implement any authentication or authorization based on the workload identity JWTs, it will just generate and sign them.

Gardener API server will use the global configurations, WorkloadIdentity and TokenRequest specifications to issue JSON Web Tokens. Later, if a use case is identified, it could feature custom claims in the claim namespace that contain additional information about the context of use of the token, e.g. metadata about the shoot, seed, project, garden, etc.

A sample payload of a token will look like:

    "aud": [
    "exp": 1707315742,
    "iat": 1707312142,
    "nbf": 1707312142,
    "iss": "",
    "sub": "<workloadidentity-namespace>:<workloadidentity-name>:<workloadidentity-uid>",
    "": {
        "workloadIdentity": {
            "name": "<workloadidentity-name>",
            "namespace": "<workloadidentity-namespace>",
            "uid": "<workloadidentity-uid>",
        "shoot": {
            "name": "<shoot-name>",
            "namespace": "<shoot-namespace>",
            "uid": "<shoot-uid>",
        "project": {
            "name": "<project-name>",
            "uid": "<project-uid>",
        "seed": {
            "name": "<seed-name>",
            "uid": "<seed-uid>",

Distribution of Workload Identity Tokens

Gardenlet will request tokens as per the global configurations and renew them regularly. It is expected gardenlet to not specify duration for the tokens using the default token duration, but this can be changed later based on the actual needs. It will be responsible to provide information for the specific usage of the token, e.g. shoot name, namespace and UID, via the TokenRequest API. gardenlet will be the only Gardener component authorized to create and refresh workload identity tokens. Seed Authorizer will be extended to allow gardenlets to request workload identity tokens only for WorkloadIdentity that they are responsible for.

As the tokens will usually have lifetime shorter than the period between two reconciliations, it is essential that the token creation and management are decoupled from the current control loops of gardenlet and implemented by a dedicated controller, also running as part of the gardenlet. Forced renewal of the tokens will be performed when the resource referring WorkloadIdentitys is annotated with The annotation is deliberately not set on the WorkloadIdentity because single WorkloadIdentity can be used by multiple shoots potentially running on different seeds, i.e. multiple controllers would be responsible to react on the annotation which is usually fine, but all of them would have to negotiate when the operation is completed and the annotation to be removed.

Kubernetes Secrets will be the resource holding the JWT, the provider config, and metadata about the used workload identity. The JWT will be stored under the token data key, while the provider config will use the config data key. The name and namespace of the used WorkloadIdentity will be stored in the annotations and respectively. The annotation, if present, will hold reference to the object using the workload identity, the value will be JSON document and have the format {"apiVersion":"...","kind":"...","name":"...","namespace":"...","uid":"..."}. It will be the source for the spec.contextObject field of the TokenRequest. To let the controller(s) easily select or distinguish these secrets, they will be labeled with workload-identity-token-requestor. The secrets will be also labeled with<WorkloadIdentity.spec.targetSystem.type> so that the extensions can easily select them and make adjustments via admission webhooks, e.g. transform the service provider config and the token into canonical form usable by the respective service provider SDK.

A sample secret bearing workload identity token will look like:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  config: YXBpVmV...bmZpZw==
  token: eyJhbGciOiJ....OkBBrVWA
  credentialsFile: | # Field injected by extension admission webhook, key name is controller by the extension
  name: cloudprovider
  namespace: shoot--local--foo
  annotations: garden-local banana-testing '{"apiVersion":"","kind":"Shoot","name":"foo","namespace":"garden-local","uid":"54d09554-6a68-4f46-a23a-e3592385d820"}'
  labels: workload-identity-token-requestor aws # {aws,azure,gcp,...}
type: Opaque

The secret cloudprovider that now holds the static credentials will be reused to store the token and the provider config when the shoot is using workload identity as infrastructure credentials. For each extension using workload identity, the secret will be named workloadidentity-extension-<extension-type>, and for dns providers workloadidentity-dns-<dns-provider-type>.

The reconciliation flow for a component using workload identity tokens will look like this:

  1. A gardenlet controller creates/updates a secret resource in the seed with the above mentioned annotations and labels based on the configuration of the WorkloadIdentity and resource using it. The workload identity provider config is also written into the secret at this step.
  2. Optionally, extension webhook intercepts the CREATE or UPDATE request for the secret and makes extension specific adjustment to the secret.
  3. The dedicated controller watches these secrets and receives event to reconcile it. The controller reads the current token from the secret and if it does not exist or is due for rotation, a new token is requested via TokenRequest on the respective WorkloadIdentity/token subresource. The controller writes the returned token into the secret.
  4. Optionally, extension webhook intercepts the UPDATE request for the secret and makes extension specific adjustment to the secret.
  5. The secret is requeued for reconciliation again when the token will be suitable for renewal.
  6. Secret is mounted as volume to the pods that requires credentials to interact with the external service. Optionally, extension webhooks can change mount paths, mount additional keys from the secret, set environment variables, etc.

Just for completeness, here is how the flow will look like for cloud controller manager when AWS shoot cluster is using workload identity:

  1. The shoot controller from gardenlet creates the cloudprovider secret in the shoot namespace in the seed with the above described labels and annotations, also writing the workload identity providerConfig into the secret under the config key.
  2. gardener-extension-provider-aws webhook intercepts the create request and injects credentialsFile data key which value is derived from the content of the config key. credentialsFile content is AWS profile config file containing the ARN of the IAM role to be assumed and path to the web identity token file.
  3. The gardenlet controller dedicated to manage the tokens, reconciles the secret. A token is issued and written into the token key of the secret.
  4. The gardener-extension-provider-aws webhook is triggered again and the same adjustments are made.
  5. The controlplane controller from gardener-extension-provider-aws deploys the cloud-controller-manager with the required adjustments, e.g. mount the token key from the cloudprovider secret on path /var/run/workload-identity/aws/token and set the environment variables AWS_ROLE_ARN=arn:aws:iam::112233445566:role/gardener-dev, and AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE=/var/run/workload-identity/aws/token, or use other options to configure the AWS SDK like AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE environment variable having the value of the credentialsFile key from the secret.

Use cases

  • Replaces static infrastructure credentials for shoot clusters running on AWS, Azure, Alibaba and GCP.
  • Replaces static credentials used by backup controllers to interact with object storage service on AWS, Azure, Alibaba and GCP.
  • Replaces static credentials used by dns controllers to interact with DNSaaS on AWS, Azure, Alibaba and GCP.
  • Replaces static credentials used by certificate controllers to interact with CERTaaS providers.
  • Others, for example Alertmanager receivers.
  • Image pull secrets for private images.



It should be possible to run SPIRE server in the Gardener landscape, presumably in the runtime cluster, and SPIRE agents on each seed clusters.

However, this would come with decent overhead:

  • Bootstrapping the system and managing the credentials for different agents will need to be automated.
  • The solution could easily lock-in to the SPIFFE/SPIRE as identity issuer and make it hard to change the implementation, if needed.
  • It is a 3rd party solution not so similar to Kubernetes that needs to be learned, operated and maintained.
  • Limited flexibility to inject Gardener own data in the tokens. Eventually could be achieved with custom plugins.
  • A standalone API endpoint that need to be properly operated, also all agents will need to be bootstrapped securely.
  • SPIRE agents associate the identities with the nodes where the workload is running, but in Gardener we are more interested in the Seeds and the workload itself, not the nodes. With custom plugins it should be possible to make it fit the Gardener case.
  • SPIRE server needs a database to store various information about the cluster, operating additional stateful component will require certain investment.
  • Seems to be not so friendly when the server and agents are running in different clusters, especially on different clouds, as node attestation done by the server needs somehow to evaluate the nodes with the cloud providers. With custom plugins it should be possible to make it fit Gardener case.

Kubernetes Service Account Tokens From Garden Cluster

Using a dedicated resource instead of the ServiceAccount from k8s core API is preferred because of several reasons:

  • Requesting a workload identity token should be accessible only by workloads running in the Gardener environment, i.e. they should not be exported and used by other tools, services, application, etc. Gardener users are already granted with access to create tokens for ServiceAccounts in their project namespace and this cannot be restricted without introducing breaking changes.
  • To ensure that workload identity tokens cannot be used for authentication with the Gardener API. WorkloadIdentity is designed to provide authentication with external services and not with Gardener API.

Kubernetes Service Account Tokens From Seed Cluster

A Gardener landscape is highly dynamic and seed clusters are added and removed regularly. Also, shoot clusters are migrated between different seeds on demand. Managing trust configuration toward multiple seeds (tens or even hundreds of seeds), is cumbersome work, especially when the ones responsible for the trust configurations are not responsible for the seeds.