👋 Hi, i am Michael Gerdemann. I am a Lead Software Engineer at avency. I have experience in the development of websites, web applications and apps based on PHP and Flutter/Dart, among others. I run my own Mastodon instance dizl.de and have programmed the app Gerdelicious with a few of my recipes. Every now and then I publish a post on my blog gerdemann.me.
- 💻 I'm currently working on: What you need for a home server
- 🔭 I’m currently learning: The secrets of Kubernetes
- 🤔 What I want to learn next: How do I integrate more tests into my projects
- 📫 How to reach me: hello@${myLastname}.me
- 😄 Pronouns: he/his
- 🥖 Fun fact: I love baking bread and cakes
- My preferred IDE is PhpStorm
- I work on a MacBook
- I use Brave as my browser most of the time
- I love composer for my PHP applications
- For hosting my applications I use Docker