SpaceX data bot |
Clone this repository on your machine and change to its root directory:
$ git clone
$ cd Ark
Create a .env
on the root and add the TOKEN you get from discord developers protal:
Initialize a python virtual environment (advanced):
$ mkvirtualenv ark
$ workon ark
Install requriements through Makefile:
$ (ark) make install
If you are running Windows install requirements with pip
> pip install -r requirements/development.txt
Run the bot with:
$ make run
or on windows:
> python3
First of all make sure you have docker installed on your machine:
$ docker --version
Docker version 20.10.2, build 2291f61
If you dont have docker installed go to Docker website and find out how to install a distribution for your operating system.
Create a file named ark_env
in ark/environment/
and add yout bot token
Install docker-compose
$ pip install docker-compose
$ docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d